MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 545 Ferry to the underworld

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Jiang Dao took the brush, grabbed the booklet, and completely calmed down.

It seems that he only needs to follow the rules, and nothing will happen.

Just as he was about to write, he suddenly moved in his heart and wrote the first sentence on the booklet.

【I need a bottle of time and space holy water! 】

After he finished writing, he turned the booklet sideways and motioned for the white-haired old man to see it.

The white-haired old man's originally dull white eyes suddenly showed a strange color, and then a pair of eyes stared directly at Jiang Dao, Jiang Dao was directly horrified by the white-haired old man.

His heart was condensed, and his vigilance was raised.

Could it be that holy water in this space is really so rare that the Inn can't get it?

The reason why he needs the Holy Water of Time and Space is just to cultivate the space-devouring worm. Although he got the space-devouring worm left by the man in the red robe, it was just that the space-devouring worm was close to the strongest killer. He was injured by the killer and has yet to recover.

Only time-space holy water can make the space-devouring evil worm recover and grow!

When Jiang Dao was uneasy, suddenly, he remembered something, quickly flipped his palm, took out a thick pile of Yin money, and gave it to the white-haired old man.

The moment the white-haired old man saw Yin Qian, his originally white eyes instantly turned green, revealing a greedy light. He immediately took it with his palm, and after carefully counting it, he immediately nodded to Jiang Dao.

Jiang Dao suddenly let out a sigh of relief, and laughed a little in his heart.

I thought that the holy water of time and space was really so rare, which made the Inn of Resentment feel embarrassed. I didn't expect that it was the reason why I didn't pay.

He grabbed the brush again and continued to write on the booklet.

[I want to go to the virtual world once, how do I get there? 】

He turned the booklet towards the white-haired old man again, then took out a stack of yin money again, and placed it on the counter under the greedy eyes of the old man.

The old man immediately grabbed the yin money and quickly counted it. The originally five black and strange face directly squeezed out a strong smile, grabbed the brush, and immediately wrote it on the booklet.

[Ferrying to the underworld, there will be a boat tonight, are you willing to leave tonight? 】

Jiang Dao glanced at it and nodded immediately.

The white-haired old man smiled, and immediately took out a black bell and shook it gently.


A melodious and crisp sound spread out from the black bell in an instant, echoing throughout the inn.

next moment.

The fog was surging and the temperature plummeted, like an ice cellar suddenly opening.

Then a red sedan chair carried by four white paper stickers came from one side and stopped in front of the counter.

The white-haired old man grinned and directly signaled Jiang Dao to get on the sedan chair.

Jiang Dao showed a strange color.

There's still a sedan chair?

This inn is really good service!

[Then when will my time-space holy water arrive? 】

Jiang Do picked up the brush again and started writing quickly.

[After three days, there will be results! 】

The white-haired old man responded quickly.

Jiang Dao nodded immediately and walked directly towards the inside of the sedan chair.

It's a pity that his time is limited now, and he can't wait for a quarter of an hour, let alone three days.

Mr. Ming and the black scarecrow will repair their bodies at any time.

He must now take the risk and go to the virtual world.

After entering the sedan chair, Jiang Dao's face showed surprise again.

The whole sedan chair is surprisingly comfortable. Although it looks normal on the outside, it actually feels like sitting in the clouds when sitting up. It's soft.

The four Zhizhan people immediately lifted the sedan chair gently and walked towards the distance.

The faces of the four children changed slightly, and they rushed over quickly.

The fog was surging, and the four Zhi Zha people walked all the way, and a dark and gray passage slowly appeared in front of them. They carried Jiang Dao and entered the passage directly.

At the other end of the passage, the sound of rushing water began to be heard.

As if there is a vast ocean, the waves beat against the shore, making strange noises constantly.

Looking closely, it is indeed a black ocean, boundless, with no end in sight. The sky above the ocean is filled with a thick white fog, which is mighty and covers the sky and the sun.


On the shore of this black ocean, there is another group of figures.

Without exception, they are all gods, and they are all new gods, with as many as seventeen or eighteen.

These gods were waiting here quietly, and suddenly they sensed the surging fog behind them, and they looked back quickly, showing surprise.

I saw a red sedan chair being carried by four paper-pulling people, rushing all the way here.

"This is..."

"Who is so pompous?"

This group of gods showed surprise.

When they came, there was no sedan chair to send each other!

The four boys followed all the way, looking around, the more they looked, the more amazed they became.

Finally, the red sedan chair stopped.

The four paper-tie people slowly put down the sedan chair, gently opened the sedan curtain, and bowed gently toward the sedan chair.

Jiang Dao felt comfortable, and his burly and huge body immediately walked out of the sedan chair. UU reading

"Comfortable and really good value for money!"

Jiang Dao couldn't help but praise.

The four Zhizhangren raised their heads, squeezed a weird smile towards Jiang Dao, then got up again, carried the sedan chair, and prepared to leave.

"Wait, can I just wait here?"

Jiang Dao asked.

The four bearers immediately nodded and left quickly.

Jiang Dao suddenly understood and turned to look at the vast ocean.

The group of gods looked suspicious, and finally all recognized Jiang Dao.

"It's that Jiang Dao, and he has to go to the virtual world!"

"How can this guy come here!"

A group of gods were surprised.

"Sir, that's Jiang Dao, the guy who destroyed the bodies of General Yuan and General Feng!"

Suddenly, a new **** came to a figure sitting cross-legged and said in a low voice.


The figure had been facing away from everyone, eyes closed and crossed his knees, but suddenly his brows moved slightly, and he opened his eyes, "Jiang Dao?"

A golden eye suddenly appeared on the back of his head, like lightning, it looked directly at Jiang Dao, and in an instant, an aura of depression struck.

Jiang Dao was originally coming, but suddenly his face changed, and he felt a great crisis in an instant.

"God King!"

He raised his head suddenly.

The four young children were even more shocked and raised their heads in unison.

At this moment, they found the figure at the front, the figure sitting cross-legged with his back to the crowd.


The expressions of the four young children changed, and they were nervous.

Jiang Dao's expression darkened instantly.

I actually met the God King of the Upper Realm here!

Big trouble now!


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