MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 546 white bone boat

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In an eerie dark space.

The endless black ocean is surging, sending out bursts of low roars.

The atmosphere at this moment is very delicate.

become extremely quiet.

The group of gods all had ugly faces, and looked towards Jiang Dao from a distance.

As for the Divine King, he was motionless, with golden eyes on the back of his head, with a bewitching ray of light, blinking and staring at Jiang Dao.

After a while, the golden eyes quickly closed again and disappeared.

"You can't do it here, just wait, it seems that he is also going to the virtual world, and he will settle accounts with him when he is on the boat!"

The God King's tone was indifferent.

"Yes, my lord!"

The new gods around him responded one after another, so they had to look away.

Jiang Dao originally planned to retreat immediately, but suddenly his brows wrinkled, and he found that the **** king didn't make a move, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart.

"Didn't do it? Can't we do it here?"

Such thoughts could not help but emerge in his mind.

Just when he hesitated in his heart, he continued to wait and see here.

In the rich black sea, suddenly there was a surging and vast breath, a white ship made of countless human bones, riding the wind and waves, sailing from the rich black sea.

The sails were filled with thick blood, thick and huge, making a rumbling sound.

Everyone looked moved and looked at the huge white bone ship.

"Hehe, who is Gang Leader Jiang?"

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter from the big ship of bones, extremely hearty, echoing in this area.

But it was a burly guy with thick black hair all over his body. He stood there with a simple and honest smile, like a huge black bear standing upright, shouting to everyone.

Jiang Dao's face was startled, and he responded immediately.

"The next is Jiang Dao, who is the senior? Why do you recognize the next?"

"Oh, are you Gang Leader Jiang?"

The **** bear looked over, smiled, and said, "The shopkeeper's instructions, Gang Master Jiang is an honored guest of our Resentment Inn, I can't neglect Gang Master Jiang if you want the old bear, and now I also ask Gang Master Jiang to get up quickly. ferry!"

Jiang Dao was secretly shocked.

How could the shopkeeper be so polite to him?

He didn't do anything this time.

Could it be because of Saintess Yaoyao?

But even so, the shopkeeper can't be so kind to him?

Jiang Dao hesitated in his heart, glanced at the **** king, then looked at the **** bear, and said, "Senior, I suddenly don't want to board the ship. Now I have a lot of enemies here, in case I board the ship. After that, these enemies attacked me, but it was very difficult to resist, so after thinking about it, I still didn't log in!"

"The enemy?"

The **** bear looked surprised, then he laughed dumbly, patted his chest, and said, "Don't worry, Gang Leader Jiang, you are a guest of our Resentment Inn. With my old bear here, absolutely no one can hurt you, old man. Bear promises to deliver you to your destination intact!"

"Envoy, this is not fair. Why did he become your honored guest, aren't we? We also handed in a lot of money!"

Suddenly, a new **** spoke in anger.

"That is, why are they treated differently!"

The other new gods also shouted.

"What are you shouting about, can you compare with other people's Gang Leader Jiang?"

The **** bear looked unhappy, he was rude, he reprimanded directly, and shouted, "The gang leader Jiang gave out 400,000 yin money at one time, which is equivalent to the income of our inn for more than three years. How much did you give? You dare to talk to Jiang. Compared to the gang master? What a joke, you are not worthy to carry shoes for others! A poor bastard!"


A group of new gods showed their horror.

Four hundred thousand yin money!

Where did Jiang Dao get so much yin money?

Even Jiang Dao was taken aback.

I go!

He said why he came in this time to complain so kindly to him, and it was a sedan chair and a VIP. It turned out that he had given so much money before!

A full four hundred thousand!

Jiang Dao couldn't help but change his face.

The money was given to him by the Holy Maiden Yaoyao. He didn't expect such a large amount. He hadn't checked it carefully before, but fortunately, he still had a lot of money on him, so he had to save some money for this stuff in the future.

After all, there are still many places where you can use the Resentment Inn in the future.

"Sect Master Jiang, you can rest assured. From now on, you will be our special VIP. As long as you come to the boat, Lao Xiong promises to deliver you comfortably and safely to your destination. Now, please invite Gang Master Jiang to board the boat. !"

The **** bear smiled again and looked at Jiang Dao.

The four young children beside Jiang Dao were also secretly shocked.

It is difficult for ordinary masters to get even a single piece of yin money, but this Jiang Dao is actually 400,000 yin money with a flick of his hand!

No wonder he said before that he wasn't worried about money, he was already prepared.

"Master, do you want to board the ship?"

A young child asked.

Jiang Dao's heart quickly rolled over, and after thinking for a while, he whispered, "Board!"

It can be seen from the **** king who didn't do anything just now that these new gods are still very afraid of the inn.

I believe this **** bear said that if you can keep yourself safe, you will be able to keep yourself safe.

And it's useless for him to retreat now. Once Mr. Ming has repaired his body, he will never let himself go.

He immediately led the four young children beside him to the huge building ship with white bones.

"Sir, what should I do?"

A new **** has an ugly face, UU reading www. whispered in front of that god-king.

"Don't worry, you can't do it on the boat, there will always be a chance. When you reach the virtual world, I don't believe that this Jiang Dao can still be with this black bear."

The **** king spoke coldly and got up from the ground.

"Yes, my lord!"

The new **** beside him nodded immediately.

They also started walking towards the huge bone ship.

"Wait, don't be in a hurry to get on the boat, you can get on the boat after Jiang Gang has selected a room!"

The **** bear suddenly stopped everyone and spoke coldly.


A group of new gods were furious.

"Sect Master Jiang, ignore them, choose your room first!"

The **** bear smiled and looked at Jiang Dao.

Jiang Dao took the four young children along the stairs, all the way to the top of the boat.

As soon as he stepped onto the board, his expression changed slightly.

I saw that the entire ship board was gloomy, there were skeletons everywhere, and there were many dried black bloodstains on the ground. A faint smell of carrion filled the air here.

"Sect Master Jiang, although this big ship doesn't look very beautiful, it is the only thing that can ferry the virtual world. Please don't dislike it. By the way, after you have selected a room, don't go out again, no matter in the room. Don't pay attention to what you hear. I will send you all the food and accommodation. Another point is that there are already many distinguished guests on the ship. Most of the rooms on the first floor are full. You are the best choice now. Second floor, the room on the second floor is bigger and more spacious!”

The **** bear smiled sweetly.

"Okay, thank you senior!"

Jiang Dao nodded lightly.

Money can make a ghost run!

No matter where this sentence is, it really works!


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