MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 548 Enter the virtual world

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Jiang Dao's body instantly got up from the bed and jumped off the bed at once, his eyes were suspicious, and he looked at the whole room.

Just a scene, like an illusion.

Not even the slightest remaining breath could be felt.

"Did you just see something?"

Jiang Do asked.

"I saw a group of figures with pale faces, like dead people!"

The four young children said in surprise.

Even though they have been in the virtual world all the year round, they were shocked by the scene just now.

Because the gloomy atmosphere just now was so unusual.

Jiang Dao's face was slightly condensed, thinking of the previous warning from the **** bear, and finally suppressed it without going too far.

time passed.

Again I don't know how long has passed.

The low roar of the human bone ship began to fade away, becoming less rapid.

"The virtual world has arrived, and now all the crew are ready to disembark, come out quickly, and prepare to disembark!"

Suddenly, the cry of the **** bear sounded on the deck, clear and deafening.

At the same time, the old bell in Jiang Dao's room also began to ring violently, and the bell rang non-stop.

Jiang Dao opened his eyes again and got up from the bed.

"It's finally here, let's go, let's go out too!"

He glanced at the four young children and said.

The four young children immediately opened the door respectfully.

Jiang Dao stepped forward and walked directly to the deck on the first floor.

I saw the first floor area, footsteps sounded, people were confused, almost all the existences in the rooms came out, and soon the entire deck was filled.

They are male and female, old and young, with different appearances, some tall and burly, some short and thin, and some are like ribs, and even their skin is sallow.

A group of people were gloomy, with a pair of emerald green eyes looking around on the deck.

The previous group of new gods all had ugly faces and retreated to a corner to stand.

These guys all escaped from the upper realm, and they are the innate enemies.

If it is not on the battleship of bones at this moment, I am afraid that the two sides have already fought fiercely.

Jiang Dao, who was coming, flashed in his heart, and at a glance, he saw what was wrong here.

The two groups of people obviously have a secret aim.

However, this is exactly what he wants, because since then, the opponent's God King has no time to shoot at him.

Jiang Dao turned his eyes to the outside of the deck, and was secretly shocked.

The virtual world is indeed strange, with dark red in all directions, like blood stained.

An unspeakable demonic aura is surging here.

There were shadows in the distance, and it seemed that there were many blood-red mountains towering. On the mountains, there were many figures appearing and appearing. Those figures were not living people, they were all grievous souls who died tragically many years ago.

"Okay, the Bloody Mountain is here, get off the boat, all get off the boat!"

The **** bear shouted loudly.

The creatures on the deck sneered, and suddenly turned their heads, glanced at the many gods in the corner, and then flew towards the blood-red mountain in the distance.

The faces of the many gods in the corner sank and felt bad.

"Envoy, do we want to sit for a few more days and then go down at the next stop?"

The new **** king said.

"Next stop? You have to pay extra for the next stop!"

The **** bear frowned.


The new **** and **** king nodded, took out a stack of Yin money and handed it to the **** bear.

The **** bear immediately smiled, took the Yin money, and began to count it quickly.

"Envoy, can we also want to disembark at the next stop?"

Jiang Dao's eyes flashed and he couldn't help asking.

"Help Jiang goes down wherever he wants. By the way, I don't know where the gang leader Jiang is going. The shopkeeper has instructed him. As long as it's not too far away, let my old bear send the gang leader Jiang to the place."

The **** bear turned his head and smiled.

"Can it be delivered to the destination?"

Jiang Dao's eyes flashed.


The **** bear nodded.

"Then we are going to the Yin and Ming Sea, can we send it?"

Jiang Dao asked.

"Yin Minghai, of course, it is almost 100,000 miles away, not far or near!"

The **** bear patted his chest and laughed.

Jiang Dao suddenly let out a sigh of relief and said, "There is a messenger!"

"Sect Leader Jiang is so polite, you are our big customer!"

The **** bear hurriedly laughed.

A group of new gods on one side suddenly turned red, and looked at Jiang Dao with jealousy.

They really can't figure out where this Jiang Dao got so much money, and actually paid 400,000 at once!

They worked so hard to get thousands of yin money!

"By the way, Gang Master Jiang, it is much safer now that you enter the virtual world. You don't have to stay in the room anymore. As long as you don't leave the warship, everything else will be fine!"

The **** bear smiled and said, "I still have a few jars of old wine here. The shopkeeper asked me to give it to you. I was crossing the virtual barrier before, and I didn't take it out. Now I will move it for you immediately!"

He immediately walked towards the hall on the first floor happily.

The new **** on one side was even more envious.

Damn, there is still wine for him to drink!

Not long after, the **** bear walked over with five jars of old wine, put it on a table on the deck, smiled, and said, "Sect Master Jiang, please use it!"

"Thank you messenger!"

Jiang Dao nodded lightly, walked to the side chair and sat down.

The four boys hurriedly began to unpack the clay, took out a big bowl, and poured out a bowl of wine for Jiang Dao extremely seriously.

Jiang Dao sniffed hard, only to feel that it was completely different from the drink in the outside world, not unusually fragrant. After inhaling it into the abdomen, it actually made his blood and energy faintly agitated, and it seemed that it could increase the physical body.

Jiang Dao couldn't help showing his strangeness.

Suddenly, he glanced at the **** bear, and saw that the **** bear still hadn't left, but looked at him eagerly, his throat rolled, and he kept gulping down saliva.

Jiang Dao suddenly burst into laughter.

"Pour a bowl for the messenger too!"

The four boys immediately poured out a bowl of green wine again.

"Envoy, let's drink together."

Jiang Dao looked at the **** bear and smiled.

The **** bear kept wiping his mouth, oozing out transparent mucus, and said embarrassingly, "Sect Master Jiang, did you really invite me to drink? This is what the shopkeeper specially ordered me to leave for you to drink."

"I can't drink so much by myself, let's drink together!"

Jiang Dao smiled. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Okay, then my old bear is more respectful than obeying my life!"

The **** bear hurriedly laughed.

He walked over quickly, found a seat and sat down, picked up the wine bowl, and began to pour it into his mouth. He drank it dry in one breath, and his pores opened up, which made him feel very comfortable.

Jiang Dao also picked up the wine bowl and took a sip, only to feel a hot mass pouring directly into his throat from his abdomen, making his whole body's blood seem to be on fire.

"Good wine!"

Jiang Dao praised, "Unfortunately, there is no food and wine, and it is a big white!"

"Hey, there are vegetables and vegetables. There are Yin dragon fish in this Yin River. My old bear will catch one!"

The **** bear smiled, got up quickly, came to the side of the boat rail, stretched out a big hand, and grabbed a black monster that looked like a dragon instead of a dragon, like a fish but not a fish directly from the dark and eerie Yin River. Eight meters in size.

After being caught, the thing was still struggling violently.

The **** bear directly beat him to death, and then threw it on the deck, transformed into four paper stick people, and started to barbecue.

"This yin dragon fish is a specialty of the virtual world, and you can't eat it anywhere else. Gang Master Jiang, please try your first bite!"

The **** bear laughed.

Jiang Dao grabbed a dragon claw and put it in his mouth. He tasted it carefully, and his eyes lit up.

"This meat is fine and dense, and after eating it, it turns into a cold current. It seems to be inseparable from this wine and has a unique taste!"

Jiang Dao said.

"Hey, Gang Leader Jiang is right, this yin dragon fish belongs to yin, and Chiyang wine belongs to yang. The combination of the two is really a perfect match in the world!"

The **** bear laughed.

The many new gods on one side looked at it again with envy and cursed inwardly.


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