MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 547 weird scene 1

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Under the guidance of the **** bear, Jiang Dao walked through the corridor and walked all the way to the second floor.

Along the way, he was stunned.

I saw the rooms made of bones, all firmly closed, and only from the window, I could see the dim light inside.

Vaguely there are figures one after another, sticking to the window, looking coldly outside.

"Senior, you said that most of the rooms on the first floor have been filled? I don't know who these guys are? Is it possible to take a boat from other places?"

Jiang Dao suddenly blinked and asked.

"Human bone warships can indeed be ridden in other places, but none of these guys are simple people. Most of them are monsters and evil spirits that are more than 100,000 years old.

The **** bear smiled, without any intention of concealing Jiang Dao, and said with a smile, "Countless years ago, a group of night watchmen and spirit removers once joined hands with the Tiandao Palace to seal a group of extremely terrifying monsters and evil spirits. Most of the evil spirits have now escaped, and in order to avoid the pursuit of the Tiandao Palace, they boarded the warship and went to the virtual world."

Jiang Dao was shocked.

"Have those evil spirits and monsters escaped their predicament?"

"Yes, just in the last few days."

The **** bear laughed.

"But why are there no signs outside, and I have never met them outside these days?"

Jiang Dao's brows furrowed tightly.

"That's because these guys are not sealed in the lower realm at all, they have always been sealed in a certain area of ​​the upper realm. It was also the night watchman, the spirit removal and the Tiandao Palace who joined forces to seal them, so they got out of trouble, They didn't enter the lower realm at all!"

The **** bear laughed.

"In the upper realm?"

Jiang Dao's heart became more and more surprised, and he said, "Except the spirit and the night watchman, actually have a hand with the Tiandao Palace?"

"Yes, but these are extremely hidden things, you must not talk about them everywhere."

The **** bear showed a narrow look, whispered in Jiang Dao's ear, then smiled again, and said, "Okay, Gang master Jiang, the second floor has arrived, this is the second floor Tianzi No. 1, please live in here!"

He pushed open a door and window.

I saw that the various facilities in the room were extremely complete, and an indescribable warmth emanated from here, which was completely different from the outside. The entire interior of the room was comparable to the top restaurants in the outside world.

Jiang Dao couldn't help but secretly wondered.

"Okay, thank you senior!"

"By the way, Gang Master Jiang, I'll remind you again, after entering the room, no matter what you hear, don't open the door or open the window. When I deliver things, the bell in the room will ring. If the bell doesn't ring, just do it. There must be a problem!"

The **** bear raised his finger to a bronze bell on the wall, and solemnly warned.

"Could there be another crisis here?"

Jiang Dao said suspiciously.

"Can't say, can't say!"

The **** bear shook his head again and again and said with a smile, "Sect Master Jiang, I won't disturb your rest."

He gently closed the door from the outside, then left the place, walked towards the outside world, and began to greet the new gods.

In the room, Jiang Dao's thoughts were confused.

Unexpectedly, the night watchman even fought with Tiandao Palace back then!

He had never heard of such a thing before.

For a long time, he thought that the two were born mortal enemies!

Also, the group of monsters and evil spirits who were sealed by them actually escaped.

"It's no wonder that the Palace Master of Heaven's Path sent things like Pioneer to deal with me last time. It's not that there is no one in the upper realm, but that the guys in the upper realm are shaking down those evil and fierce monsters!"

Jiang Dao secretly said.

But this time, an upper realm **** king actually entered the virtual world, why did he enter the virtual world?

For a time, Jiang Dao had various thoughts in his mind.

"You find a place to do it yourself, don't be cautious!"

Jiang Dao suddenly glanced at the four young children beside him and said.


"Master, please take a seat!"

The four young children laughed quickly.

"By the way, have you ever heard about this Resentment Inn?"

Jiang Dao moved in his heart and asked.

"This... never understood!"

"To be honest, this is the first time we have contacted the Resentment Inn. We have never contacted the Resentment Inn before."

The four children said.

Jiang Dao pondered in his heart, no longer asked any more questions, but sat cross-legged on the bed and began to close his eyes and rest.

About half a cup of tea passed.

The huge white-boned warship under him finally started to move, making a heavy sound, like a supreme giant reviving, and a deafening roar could be heard faintly.

The violent shaking sound can be clearly perceived even in the room.

"The warship is about to move!"

Jiang Dao's face moved slightly, and he opened his eyes.

He really wanted to open the window to see the scenery outside, but unfortunately the **** bear had repeatedly warned him not to open the window. For a while, Jiang Dao didn't dare to take the risk.

This bone warship is very strange.

If you open the window, maybe it can really trigger some unknown evil.

time passed.

Jiang Dao's five people have been honestly staying in the room, passing the time through practice.

I don't know how much time has passed outside.

All I know is that the **** bear brought food, drink and toiletries twice in a row.

Other than that, nothing abnormal happened again.

And just when Jiang Dao and others thought that nothing would happen, a few days later, the whole strange warship suddenly turned black and terrifying, and even the candles in the room suddenly swayed. , bright and extinguished, but suddenly extinguished.

The room instantly turned pitch black.

Can't see five fingers!


Jiang Dao opened his eyes for the first time, and the golden light flashed like two brilliant golden lamps.

"Ali Guligu..."

“Kabab Babaka...”

A burst of indistinct, strange voices came out directly from the corridor.

Dense, extremely noisy.

It's like there are countless people talking about it here.

The whole room became gloomy, and even the temperature began to drop.

More importantly, even Jiang Dao's Chiyang Demon Eye couldn't penetrate the door and wall.

This made him congeal, and he became fully alert.

Just like that, the scene in front of me lasted for an unknown amount of time.

The vague voices of discussion outside suddenly began to slowly dissipate.

Then it started to disappear.

The lights in the room that had been dimmed also turned on again.

And at the moment when the lights came on, Jiang Dao and the four young children's expressions changed and their pupils shrank.

I saw that in their room, I do not know when there were dozens of unfamiliar figures, all with pale faces, green eyes, and strange smiles on their faces.

"Hey hey hey..."

"court death!"

Jiang Dao suddenly burst into a drink, and he was about to burst out.


Suddenly, all the shadows disappeared.

As if it were all an illusion.

There is no more trace to follow.

Such a scene made Jiang Dao and the others' faces change again.


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