MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 751 fake show

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  Chapter 751 Fake show for real

  The low voice was full of doting, almost drowning her.

  Qu Huaian thought that when he returned to Mo City, the two of them would be moving away, so he agreed in a moment of soft-heartedness.


   Just one **** of a time.

  Obviously 100 million times.

  Xie Tingxi made a fuss until the middle of the night, and Qu Huaian couldn't hold on until he was too tired to stop.

  Go to the bathroom to take a shower and change into crumpled clothes.

   Qu Huai'an's eyelids are heavy, but he still opened his eyes and looked at the man walking over, "You... are leaving?"

  Annoyance is nothing but annoyance, but when he thinks that he is going to leave, his heart feels a little bit more lost and reluctant.

  Xie Tingxi sat down by the bed, running his fingers through her dark hair, "There is a very important meeting in the morning, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

  Qu Huaian suppressed the reluctance in his heart, and said in a hoarse voice: "Then be careful on the road and pay attention to safety."

  Xie Tingxi nodded, "Call me if you need anything, no matter what time it is."

   Qu Huaian nodded obediently.

   "You can call me if you have nothing to do." Xie Tingxi was afraid that she would not understand, so he said more bluntly.

   After all, he is the one who sinks deeper and feels more insecure.

  Qu Huaian did not answer, but asked instead, "Then will you call me?"

  Xie Tingxi nodded without any hesitation, "Yes, I call every day. If you dare not answer, I will kill you immediately and deal with you."

   Qu Huaian was amused by him, and bent his lips, "How are you going to deal with me?"

  Xie Tingxi's eyes grew darker, and he said meaningfully: "What do you think?"

   Qu Huai'an felt his waist was getting more sore, and he didn't dare to do it again, and said softly: "You should go, safe journey."

   Xie Tingxi bent down and kissed her on the cheek, "I'm leaving."

   "Yes." Qu Huaian watched him get up, and his tall figure walked towards the door of the bedroom. When he saw him stop and look at himself, he smiled to reassure him.

  When the door was closed, the curvature of the corner of the mouth gradually faded away, and my heart felt empty in an instant.

  Qu Huai'an was very tired that night, but he didn't sleep well.

  Because Xie Tingxi hugged her to sleep every night during this time, suddenly without Xie Tingxi's arms, she was not used to it, and woke up several times, looking at the empty place around her, feeling sore.

  Xie Tingxi is also not used to it. He used to feel refreshed every day, but when he returned to Mocheng, he began to see things that were not pleasing to the eye. His subordinates would be stunned by his eyes even if they made a slight mistake.

  Su Lanxu and Secretary Cao’s WeChat account has people complaining every day, but they can’t do anything about it. In the end, Su Lanxu sent a WeChat message to Qu Huaian, asking if she had a quarrel with Mr. Xie.

   When Qu Huai'an saw the news, he was bewildered, and replied that Su Lanxu said no.

  Su Lanxu could probably guess something, and implicitly asked her to contact Mr. Xie more when she had time.

   Lest someone look like an abandoned husband all day long.

   Qu Huai'an understood what she meant, so he took the initiative to call Xie Tingxi that night.

  Xie Tingxi was still working overtime at the company, and was quite surprised to see the video call from Qu Huaian.

   "Why did you suddenly think of calling me a video?"

  On weekdays, Qu Huaian is unwilling to answer video calls. She can perform naturally in the camera, but in life, she becomes awkward and at a loss when facing the camera of a mobile phone, and she is not used to it.

  Seeing his back, Qu Huai'an asked concerned, "Still working overtime at the company so late?"

   "Yes." Xie Tingxi sighed, "If only you could stay here with me."

  Qu Huaian thought of the time when he was his assistant, the two of them went in and out together, and thought of the lounge in his office.

  I thought to myself, I must not go to his office now, otherwise he must be dishonest.

   "I'm doing an audition for the past few days. If there is no problem, I will join the group after a while."

   In a disguised form, she was telling him that she couldn't go to Mo City to accompany him.

   Fortunately, Xie Tingxi was already mentally prepared, so he didn't feel disappointed, and asked with concern, "TV or movie? Where is it filmed?"

   "Movies, Tongcheng, Lanshi, and Mocheng seem to be all featured." Qu Huai'an replied.

   Xie Tingxi raised his eyebrows, "Will you come to Mexico City to shoot?"

  Qu Huai'an nodded, "But I'm not sure when it will pass. I'll tell you in advance when it's confirmed."

   Xie Tingxi nodded, and then asked the most important question, "Is there any intimate scene?"

  He had read the first two scripts in advance, and the biggest measure was kissing. Of course, Qu Huai'an couldn't accept kissing with others, so when filming, he relied on borrowing seats and didn't actually kiss.

  Although he felt that Qu Huai'an would not be able to make intimate scenes, but just to be on the safe side, he still asked in person.

   Qu Huai'an has read the entire script, so he naturally knows the content of the script, "There are some intimate scenes, and I have to talk to the director about the details."

   Xie Tingxi's beautiful sword eyebrows suddenly frowned, "Don't tell me, you plan to take pictures yourself."

   The displeasure in his voice was undisguised.

   "I don't want to shoot, but the director really asked..."

   Before he finished speaking, Xie Tingxi had already scolded him in a cold voice, "Qu Huaian..."

  Qu Huaian was not frightened by his sullenness, and said with a smile: "The director asked for a loan, and I have to cooperate."

  Xie Tingxi's expression softened, and he warned her worriedly, "If you dare to take a picture, I'll take one for three days, and you can do it yourself."

  The blunt words made Qu Huaian's cheeks warm up, "You, why are you like this."

   "What's wrong with me?" Xie Tingxi leaned closer to the phone camera and looked at her, domineeringly said: "You are mine, only mine."

  Letting her out to film is already his bottom line. If he lets other men kiss her, he will go crazy.

   Qu Huai'an knew that this was caused by his man's possessiveness, so he didn't try frantically on the verge of death.

   "Don't worry, the director respects me, and we don't make such gimmicks in the movies we make."

  They are not making limited-edition films. Compared with those that rely on large-scale images to attract audiences, what is more important is the content of the story itself and the performance of the actors.

   "It's better to be like this." Xie Tingxi snorted softly, "Be good, keep a distance from the male lead, don't make fake plays for me, and make the fake come true."

  I heard that many actors will have love because of the play, and he will inevitably have this kind of worry.

   Qu Huaian lowered his head and smiled, "I don't even care about you, you care so much about me..."

   "What do I care about?" Xie Tingxi took it calmly, "You have lived in Luoyun for so long, have you seen me bring a woman back? When you were my assistant, did you see any woman I was having an affair with?"

   Qu Huaian shook his head, in terms of private life, Xie Tingxi is perfect and impeccable.

   Xie Ting Xifei raised her lips and looked a little proud, but her eyes gradually became strange.

  Qu Huaian was puzzled, "What's wrong with you?"

  Xie Tingxi stared at her without speaking.

  She felt more and more wrong, and when she lowered her head, she realized that the neckline of the bathrobe was opened at some point.

   After taking a shower, she only put on a bathrobe and didn't wear any clothes.


  Going out to do errands today, just one more. What I said at the end of the month is the end of the whole book. There will probably not be any new articles this year, so this month I'm going to ask for monthly tickets and all kinds of tickets.

  (end of this chapter)