MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 761 no divorce

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  Chapter 761 No Divorce

   Xie Tingxi walked straight and firmly towards Qu Huai'an under the eyes of everyone and all the cameras.

   Qu Huai'an watched her walk towards him with eyes that didn't even blink, and his heart beat suddenly out of control.

   Xie Tingxi walked to her side and stopped, Fei's lips slightly hooked, and then looked at the group of reporters in the audience, and took out two red IDs from his suit pocket.

   "This is our marriage certificate. If you suspect it is fake, you can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to check."

  The agent looked at the bright red marriage certificate, opened his mouth wide enough to stuff a duck egg in surprise, and looked at Qu Huaian with puzzled eyes: Didn't you say divorce?

   Qu Huai'an didn't look at the agent or anyone, but stared blankly at the marriage certificate.

  No one knows the authenticity of the marriage certificate better than her.

  It was Xie Tingxi who filed for divorce at the beginning, signed the divorce agreement and left, thinking that he had sent someone to go through the divorce procedures long ago.

  As for the divorce certificate, she thought it was useless, so she never asked Xie Tingxi for it. Unexpectedly...

  From the beginning to the end, they are husband and wife and never divorced.

Xie Tingxi clarified in front of everyone, "At the beginning my wife severed ties with my parents, and I once paid them a lump sum to raise my wife, but he was addicted to gambling and owed a lot of debts, and now he blackmailed my wife and deliberately discredited her. , I have already contacted the lawyer, but no matter who spreads rumors to slander my wife, I will sue to the end!"

  His speech defending Qu Huaian in public was posted on the Internet, and immediately rushed to the trending searches.

   Netizens smashed to death while scolding Qu Huaian's parents for being inhumane.

  The domineering president fell in love with Cinderella and rescued her from her original family. Huh, what kind of redemption literature is this?

  As for investing in Qu Huaian's play, there is no need to clarify, he is happy to spend money on his wife, and whoever comes out to fart is just to prove who is a sour chicken.

  The press conference was extremely successful, and even stimulated the box office of the upcoming movie "The Ninth Day" to drop.

Netizens want to see if Qu Huai'an's acting skills are really that good, while fans are all over the place. My sister has suffered so much before, but now she is married to a wealthy family. When they go home and become rich wives, they can't look at her anymore.

   Qu Huai'an didn't know about all the disturbances on the Internet. He sat in the car returning to Luoyunju, looked sideways at the scenery outside the window, and lowered his head in deep thought.

   Xie Tingxi looked sideways at her calm face, rolled his Adam's apple a few times, but finally said nothing.

  Back to Luoyunju, Qu Huai'an received a call from the producer. He first expressed his concern, and then tentatively asked how her health was, and whether she could continue filming?

  The crew has finished filming the scenes in Mocheng, and now they are going to Lanzhou to film the final part, and it will be a loss every day to continue to stop work.

  Qu Huaian did not hesitate to agree to leave for Lanshi tomorrow.

  The producer breathed a sigh of relief, because he was afraid that his aunt would stop acting for a while, so how could he explain to the investors.

  Qu Huai'an hung up the phone and started to pack his things.

  Xie Tingxi, who just came back from the study, didn't know why, when he saw her suitcase, his face sank, and he stepped forward and clasped her slender wrist.

   "You can scold me and beat me when you are angry, but you can't just leave."

   Xie Tingxi expected that she would be angry, but she didn't expect her to get angry by packing up her things and leaving.

   Qu Huaian was stunned for a moment, "Did you misunderstand?"


   Xie Tingxi glanced at her suitcase, "Aren't you angry so you want to leave?"

   "The producer called me just now and asked me to go back and finish filming the unfinished scenes."

   Qu Huai'an looked up at him, his apricot eyes were clear and calm, completely lifeless.

   "You...are you really not angry so you left?"

   Qu Huai'an shook his head, "Stopping production will cost a lot. No matter what happens, we can talk about it after I finish filming this movie."

   Xie Tingxi's grip on her wrist was slowly released.

  Qu Huai'an continued to pack his things, glanced at the man standing beside him from the corner of his eye, paused, then raised his head and said, "Why are you here today?"

   It was originally agreed to let her handle it alone.

  Xie Tingxi's Adam's apple rolled, and his voice was a bit astringent, "Although I didn't kill your brother, he died because of me."

   And in order to protect herself, she concealed this in front of the public, so how could he let her stand alone in front of the camera and face interrogation by so many people.

   "It's not today's press conference, when are you going to tell me that we have never divorced?"

   Xie Tingxi took a deep breath and said his original plan.

   "When you finish filming this movie and take you on a trip."

  Remembering their agreement last time, Qu Huaian swallowed back the words, "Then let's talk about it later."

  She has to go back to the set tomorrow, and tonight she has to read the script and memorize the lines, so she has no time and energy to think about other things.

  Xie Tingxi couldn't figure out what she was thinking at the moment, so he could only agree first.

   Qu Huaian packed his suitcase and called his agent to pick him up.

  Hung up the phone and thought of something, and said to him, "If my dad finds you, don't worry about him. I'll talk to him later."

   "Don't worry, my money didn't come by strong winds and I won't let strong winds blow away."

  And he will not let Qu Zhengguo have a chance to appear in front of her again.

  Qu Huaian nodded slightly, "Then I'm leaving, explain to Mumu and me."

  Xie Tingxi nodded.

   Qu Huaian dragged the suitcase and walked a few steps, then stopped, turned around and came back to hug his waist.

   "I'm not mad at you, I just need a moment to think about it."

  She hugged his slender waist tightly, took a deep breath, "Xie Tingxi, thank you."

   After speaking, she didn't dare to look up to see his reaction, turned around and pulled the suitcase and left.

  Xie Tingxi stood there in a daze, looking at her receding figure, his thin lips curled slightly.


   Qu Huai'an returned to the crew, and the crew treated her the same as before, but they were more polite invisibly.

  During the filming in Lanshi, Qu Huai'an did not contact Xie Tingxi, not even once, and concentrated on finishing the final part of the film.

   As for the discussion about her on the Internet, it has long been forgotten because of whose relationship was exposed.

   And Qu Zhengguo never came to her.

  She didn't know that Xie Tingxi had asked the debt collection company to keep a close eye on Qu Zhengguo, and no matter what method was used, he must make him look like a rat crossing the street and dare not show up.

   On the day the movie was finished, Qu Huai'an met the person whom he always wanted to see but dared not meet.

  Lin Qingqian was wearing a suit skirt, standing in the crowd, talking and laughing dignifiedly and gracefully with the people around her.

   Every gesture is confident and bright.

  When Lin Qingqian met her eyes, he took the initiative to come over and say hello to her, "Hi, I'm Lin Qingqian."



See you tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)