MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 763 Huaiwangting West (2)

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  Chapter 763 Huai Wangting West (2)

   After eating, the two sat in front of the living room window with wine glasses, watching the aurora outside the window, chatting while drinking.

   "Xie Tingxi, did you plan to pretend to be divorced from the beginning, let me go, and then find Mr. Wen and the director to let me enter the entertainment circle."

   Xie Tingxi's smile faded from the corner of his mouth, and he nodded without any concealment, "Yes."

  From the very beginning, he never thought about getting a divorce. He lied to her to sign the divorce agreement and asked her to leave Luoyunju just to let her go out and see the outside world.

  What she thought was a coincidence turned out to be someone else's intention for a long time.

   "You arranged for me to receive so many scripts?"

"This is not." Xie Tingxi took a sip of red wine and said in a low voice: "Except for the initial script, I asked the director to find you, and the other scripts were all written by Wen Shuli. Since he signed you, he naturally hopes that you can do something. score."

   There are his elements in this, but it is more because Wen Shuli approves of her, otherwise she would not have so many scripts to choose from.

  In fact, their eyesight is very accurate, she is indeed very suitable to be an actress, and she can enjoy acting.

   Qu Huai'an drank and was silent for a long time. He lowered his chin on his knees and looked at him with his head tilted. "Why? Is it worth it for you to spend so much time and energy on me?"

   "At that time, you lived like a walking dead, you didn't even love yourself, how could I make you fall in love with me?"

Xie Tingxi bent his lips and smiled helplessly, "I can only let you go out, let you see the world, and let you find your love. When you have love, you will have expectations for life, and you will love when you have expectations." Myself, the beginning of your loving yourself is my chance to make you fall in love with me."

   "If I still don't love will lose all your money on this investment." He is a businessman and should not make such an investment with a high risk factor.

   "Whether you win or lose in investing, if you really lose to you... I will admit it."

  He had already conceded defeat, from the moment he began to fall in love with her, it was impossible to win again in this life.

  Xie Tingxi took out two things from his pocket, one was the divorce agreement she signed when she left Xie's house, and the other was an exquisite diamond necklace.

   "Originally, I wanted you to choose. If you think I cheated you, this divorce agreement still counts, and I can let you go."

  Xie Tingxi opened the folded agreement, bowed his head and smiled wryly, "But I regret it. An An, I don't want to let you go. Even if it's a marriage that's only in name, as long as I can tie you up, I want it."

  He directly tore the agreement to shreds, waved his hand for a while, and the paper scraps all over the sky seemed to be floating and falling slowly.

   Qu Huaian looked up at the shattered divorce agreement, then at Xie Tingxi, put down his wine glass, and stretched out his hand in front of him.

   "Xie Tingxi, I am willing to stay by your side."

   Xie Tingxi held her right hand, put the diamond ring firmly on her ring finger, bowed her head and kissed her fingertip affectionately.

   Qu Huai'an's fair cheeks were blushed, and he felt that there was a fire on the fingertips kissed by his lips, which burned all the way into the bottom of her heart along the blood, melting those cold, flowing like a stream in spring.

   Xie Tingxi raised his head and kissed her red lips again, gentle and forceful.

  I don’t know when the snowflakes started to fall outside the window, but the spring inside the house has just begun.


   Xie Tingxi and Qu Huai'an lived in Iceland for more than a month. During the period, the agent called Qu Huai'an to go back to attend the awards ceremony. She didn't go back and said that she would not appear in public except for filming.

  This also means that she will not participate in variety shows, evening parties, interviews, endorsements, or even awards ceremonies.

  Although the manager is uncomfortable bringing such an ancestor, she has nothing to say who makes the ancestor's backing strong and is not afraid of offending the conference.

   At most, it’s just being scolded by fans.

  Xie Tingxi took Qu Huaian back to China, and went directly back to Mocheng, where he settled in Luoyunju.

  Because it was almost the end of the new year, Qu Huai'an temporarily put aside his plan to read the script, and concentrated on being with Mumu.

   It's just that after she came back, her mental state was not very good, she was prone to sleepiness, and she often felt hungry.

  At first, she thought it was caused by Xie Tingxi's incontinence, but she didn't have her period for two months, and she had a vague feeling in her heart.

  When sending Mumu to the interest class, she went to a nearby pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test stick, and tested it in the restroom of the mall.

   Noticeable two red lines.

She is pregnant.

   Qu Huaian sat on the toilet, holding the pregnancy test stick, feeling complicated and worried.

  It must be that night in the living room in Iceland, the two of them had a drink and fell in love, and they were in the mood to find a condom when they were in the mood.

   I didn't expect that I didn't wear a condom that time, but I got it.

  After Xie Yumu finished his interest class, Qu Huaian took him back to Luoyunju.

   On the way, Xie Yumu happily told her how good he was in taekwondo class today.

   Qu Huai'an is absent-minded and rarely talks.

  Xie Yumu asked with concern, "Aunt Qu, are you feeling unwell?"

  Qu Huaian shook his head, "No."

  Paused, then asked, "Mumu, what would you do if your father really had an illegitimate child?"

   "Ah!" Xie Yumu was surprised first, and then said indignantly: "Of course I strangle him to death. Old man Xie's inheritance is mine. Of course, Aunt Qu, don't worry, I will share it with you."

  Qu Huai'an's heart sank, and he quietly put his hand on his stomach, forcing a smile on his face.

  When Xie Tingxi came back at night, Qu Huai'an had already laid down.

  While taking off his clothes, he asked with concern, "The butler said you didn't eat anything tonight, did you have a bad appetite, or did Mama Kang's food not suit your taste?"

   Qu Huaian looked up at his handsome appearance, imagining what their child would look like.

  Will the boys be like him, like Mumu, and the daughter like me?

  The words rolled in his throat for a long time, but he still couldn't speak, "It's nothing, maybe he came back from Iceland, and he's not used to it yet."

   Xie Tingxi went to the bed and sat down, staring at her cheek carefully, "It seems to be thinner, or you should go to the hospital, you don't look very good recently."

   "Then I'll go to the hospital tomorrow." Qu Huai'an followed his words, and she couldn't hide from him that she was going to the hospital.

   "Then I will accompany you."

   "No, haven't you been very busy recently?" Qu Huaian panicked, fearing that if he went with her, she would not be able to hide her pregnancy.

   "I can do it myself, you can go to work, I will go to you for lunch after seeing the doctor."

  Xie Tingxi is really busy recently, even if he wants to take time to accompany her to the hospital, he has to wait until the morning meeting is over.

   "Okay, then I'll take a shower, and go to bed first if you're sleepy."

  He lowered his head and kissed her on the cheek, got up and went to the bathroom.

   Qu Huaian looked at his back, feeling sour in his heart, even the tip of his nose was sour.

  The hand under the quilt caressed the flat belly, and the fingertips were full of reluctance.


See you tomorrow. This episode is almost over, and then I will write about my aunt and Mumu, Ah Sui's episode, it is really coming to an end, I am really reluctant...

  (end of this chapter)