MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 764 Huaiwangting West (3)

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  Chapter 764 Huai Wangting West (3)

  The next day, Qu Huaian sent Xie Yumu to the kindergarten and then went to the hospital.

  The driver wanted to go up with her, but Qu Huaian refused. She went to register by herself and queued up to see the obstetrics and gynecology doctor.

  The doctor gave her a checklist and took a blood test. After waiting for half an hour, the doctor congratulated her happily when the results came out.

   Qu Huai'an confirmed that she was pregnant, but she didn't show any joy, but complicated and worried.

   "You don't want to keep this child?" The doctor has seen many people like her, "Should you get married?"

  Qu Huaian nodded, "I'm married."

   "So your husband doesn't want it?" the doctor asked again.

   Qu Huai'an shook his head, staring at Shan Zi in a daze.

  The doctor said earnestly: "Although you are still young, you should cherish it now that you have it. Some people want it but can't get it. Besides, abortion is very harmful to women. I suggest you go back and discuss it with your husband."

  As a doctor, she still hopes that women can cherish themselves.

   "Thank you, I will think about it."

   Qu Huaian got up and left the consultation room. When he walked to the waiting hall, he walked over and sat down, looking at the test sheet in his hand again.

  She didn't know how to tell Xie Tingxi, Xie Tingxi would definitely want to keep this child, but would Mumu agree?

  If he doesn't want to give birth to this child by himself, will the relationship between their father and son be worse because of this?

   While thinking about it, a woman in a mink coat suddenly sat down beside her. Her long hair was coiled up, her makeup was exquisite, and she exuded a faint scent of perfume.

  Qu Huaian noticed that she was looking at him, thought she was recognized, and subconsciously folded the test sheet in her hand. When she was about to leave, the woman asked, "Miss Qu, can I have a chat?"

   Qu Huai'an turned to look at her. Fortunately, there were not many people waiting at this moment, and no one noticed them.

"Who are you?"

  The woman stretched out her hand and introduced herself with a smile on her red lips, "Yu Qiu, Xie Tingxi's mother."

  Xie Tingxi's mother?

   Qu Huai'an was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook hands with her when he came back to his senses, "Hello..."

  Yu Qiu caught the tension flashing in her eyes, and said in a light voice: "Don't be nervous, I'm not here to break up the wicked mother-in-law who has a lover."

   Hearing this, Qu Huaian pulled his lower lip, "What do you want from me?"

   "I'm going to fly to Singapore soon, and I probably won't come back in the future. Before I leave, I just want to see the wife he chose." Yu Qiu stated his purpose straightforwardly.

  Qu Huaian didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while. From what she called Xie Tingxi, she could feel that their relationship was not good.

   "He shouldn't have mentioned me in front of you, right?" Yu Qiu knew from her reaction that Xie Tingxi probably hadn't mentioned himself.

   Qu Huaian nodded honestly.

"My family is not well-off. I have been wandering among all kinds of men since I was very young. I also played tricks with Xie Tingxi's father. I never thought that I would get pregnant, let alone give birth. Who knew that the medicine would expire and not be lost. He My father knew that he would give me a sum of money to let me give birth to the child..."

  Yu Qiu took out a cigarette from her bag, and when she was about to light it, Qu Huaian reminded her, "Smoking is not allowed in the hospital."

She put down the lighter, just put the cigarette under her nose and sniffed it, "I gave birth to him, and his father would give me money every month to raise him... But at that time, I was in a mess, how could I take care of him?" good him!"

   "I asked his father for a large sum of money, sent him back to Xie's house, and left Mocheng with the money."

  Thinking of the past, it would be a lie to say that there is no guilt at all, that is the child she conceived in October, but at that time, she was really too absurd and ignorant, and she didn’t know how to be a mother at all.

   "Xie's family is a place that eats people without spitting out their bones. His father's original spouse is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and his biological father even wanted to choose a qualified heir, allowing him to be suppressed and bullied..."

"I remember once he called me late at night, choked up and begged me to pick him up. He didn't want to die here. I refused him and hung up the phone... Later I went back to see him secretly and listened to the servants of Xie's family. Then I found out that Mrs. Xie wrongly accused him of stealing money that night, whipped him with a willow stick, the willow stick broke, and had his clothes ripped off...Let him be naked in front of everyone and humiliate him in various ways."

   Qu Huaian lowered his eyes and said nothing, and unconsciously pinched the paper with the hand holding the test sheet.

   "Why are you telling me this?"

Yu Qiu didn't answer, just smiled lightly, and turned his head to look at her, "I used to think that growing up in that environment, he would be like his father, full of calculations, indifferent, and would never talk to anyone in this life , but one day in the middle of the night he suddenly came to me, he said he fell in love with a girl and wanted to spend his life with her."

   Qu Huaian's eyes visibly trembled, obviously the girl he was talking about was referring to himself.

"For so many years, he never wanted to see me, and he didn't even bother to say one more word to me. He went to find me that day, bid farewell to me, and bid farewell to his past self. One can imagine how much he loves this girl. He How much I want to **** that girl well."

  Qu Huai'an's thick curled eyelashes drooped, like a butterfly's wings trembling slightly, biting her lips tightly, and remained silent for a long time.

Yu Qiu took a deep breath, "I have watched the TV series you acted in and the movies you acted in. I know that you are like him. You both have unhappy families and childhoods, so you should be together and spend the rest of your life healing the unfortunate childhood."

   Qu Huaian raised his eyes to look at her, his voice was somewhat cold and sharp, "Do you regret it?"

   Regret sending him to Xie's house, regret not being by his side when he needed you most.

Yu Qiu smiled lightly, and the smile was a little more desolate and lonely, "There is nothing to regret. I have a mother-child relationship with him, but I don't have a mother-child relationship. He has his way to go, and I have my way to go." Walk."

"That's not the case." Qu Huaian shook his head slowly, disapproving of her words: "You can have your own life, but this is not a reason for you to be irresponsible to the child, abandon him, or hurt him. We have no right to choose When did you come to this world, but you have... born but not raised, raised but not loved, you are not worthy to be called parents at all."

Facing her accusation, Yu Qiu didn't have any rebuttals, and accepted it calmly, "Maybe what you said is right, people like us are not qualified to be other people's mothers. I didn't do it, I hope you can... Show me what a good mother looks like."

   His eyes fell on the test sheet in her hand.

  Qu Huai's heart trembled, surprise and a trace of panic and guilt flashed across his almond eyes, and he quickly averted his gaze.

  (end of this chapter)