MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 766 Huaiwangting West (5)

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  Chapter 766 Huai Wangting West (5)

   Xie Yumu was called to the study by Xie Tingxi when he came back from kindergarten.

The father and son had a secret conversation in the study for about half an hour. Qu Huai'an didn't know the details, but Xie Yumu ran downstairs quickly when he came out of the study. When he was about to pounce on Qu Huai'an, he thought of some sudden Hold on.

  A pair of piercing eyes stared at her belly full of novelty, "Aunt Qu, do you really have a baby?"

   Qu Huaian nodded, and asked him carefully, "Will you like it?"

   "I like it." Xie Yumu replied straightforwardly, "I have wanted a younger brother for a long time, so that I can bully him every day, oh no, play with him every day."

   Qu Huaian couldn't help laughing, "Then if it was a younger sister, would you bully her too?"

   "Of course not." Xie Yumu sat down beside her, stared at her stomach and said, "I will definitely protect her well. If anyone dares to bully her, I won't beat him to death!"

   Raise your little fist to demonstrate.

  Qu Huaian hugged him into his arms, "Mumu, thank you..."

  Thank you for accepting this child.

Xie Yumu shyly pushed her away, "Oh, don't be so nasty! If the old man Xie's illegitimate child is outside, I will definitely strangle to death, but Aunt Qu's baby can only be bullied by me, and I will never let others Bullying."

   Qu Huai'an smiled gently, "Okay, I'll just bully you alone."

  Xie Tingxi stood on the stairs and watched the two people talking and laughing in the living room, his thin lips curled up involuntarily.


   Qu Huai’an’s pregnancy was very hard. At the third month, the pregnancy reaction was severe. She vomited everything she ate and drank.

  The whole person did not gain weight but lost a lot of weight.

  Xie Tingxi felt distressed every time she saw her morning sickness, and once couldn't help but hugged her and said, "Forget it, don't give birth."

  Anyway, there is already Mumu, he doesn't need her to work so hard to give birth.

  Qu Huaian vomited with tears in his eyes, and said firmly, "I want to give birth."

   "Not worth it." Not worth it for anything.

  She suffered too much before, and Xie Tingxi really didn't want her to suffer any more.

Qu Huaian put his big palm on his lower abdomen, "Our child is conceived here, and our blood is flowing in it. When he is born, we and Mumu will grow up with him. One day we will grow up with him. Old, leaving this world, he is Mumu's only relative, how could it not be worth it?"

  Xie Tingxi couldn't hold back her, so he could only put the company affairs aside and stay with her every day in Luoyunju.

  For this reason, Secretary Cao and Su Lanxu did not lose their hair.

  Xie Yumu saw how uncomfortable she was, so he stopped being naughty, and told her about the embarrassing things about the children in the kindergarten every day when he came home.

  Qu Huai'an would open his eyebrows and laugh every time.

  Seeing such a scene, Xie Tingxi felt better.

Mo Shenbai and Xu Youyou have a son and a daughter now, and they are living in the place where Xu Youyou grew up. When they heard the good news, they specially sent a basket of vegetables grown by Mo Shenbai himself, as well as the chickens they raised. Duck and a plate of goose eggs.

   Goose eggs are very unpalatable, but they have extremely high nutritional value and have the effect of clearing away fetal poison.

  Others find it hard to swallow, but the strange thing is that Qu Huai'an loves it so much, she eats one every day, and she eats the vegetables, chickens and ducks brought by Mo Shenbai, her morning sickness is not that serious.

  So Xie Tingxi asked the driver to gather cabbages in Mo Shenbai's vegetable garden every three days.

  The land in Mo Shen's cabbage garden was all empty, and his wife and children couldn't get enough to eat, so he couldn't resist calling Xie Tingxi to remind him that enough was enough.

  I am not a vegetable vendor, I only provide him with ingredients.

  Xie Tingxi said earnestly: "Shenbai, our friendship for so many years is not as good as those few catties of Chinese cabbage. Besides, under the special circumstances, An An only eats the vegetables you grow so that she won't suffer from morning sickness."

   Pregnant women are the biggest, what else can Mo Shenbai say, he can only give what he grows to Xie Tingxi's wife and children, and his wife and children eat other people's.

  Xie Tingxi is very generous. In order to thank Mo Shenbai for his dedication, he quickly introduced a big project to him.

  Mo Shenbai is now living a carefree life, the company affairs have long since been left to Xu Jialu.

   Xu Jialu, who hasn't hugged his wife for a month: "Thank you, thank you, you bastard!"

  Seven months later, Qu Huaian gave birth to a little princess in the hospital, and Xie Tingxi named her: Qu Yuxi.

  Xie Yumu likes his younger sister very much. She was born with fair skin, long eyelashes with distinct roots, and a small dimple at the corner of her mouth when she smiles.

  On weekdays, I have to go home to hug my younger sister after school, and if others want to hug Xixi, they have to get his consent.

  While caring for their daughter, Xie Tingxi and Qu Huai'an did not ignore Mumu. No matter what school activities were held, they both attended.

  Perhaps it was because Xie Tingxi took care of Qu Yuxi himself after his birth, so he could better understand the difficulty of taking care of children. He also regretted Mumu's absence in the few years after his birth, and didn't want to miss every important moment in his future life.

  Xie Yumu is not as sensitive and emotional as he is. He is careless and heartless, and has become a bully in Mocheng.

   Qu Huai'an joined the crew after Xixi's first birthday. Since the last movie was released, the box office was a hit and won many awards, so there were only a lot of scripts handed over.

  Even if everyone knows that she only makes movies, does not participate in any activities and does not cooperate with publicity, she is the strangest existence in the entertainment industry. Even some celebrities want to follow her path, but they all overturned in the end.

  On the Internet, some sunspots will say that she relies on her husband's financial ability, and her acting skills are like that, but fans will throw those awards on Heizi's face.

  These awards are all won with strength and acting skills. The most important thing is that the audience pays for her movies. The box office of billions is a real deal, and Xie Tingxi can't buy it.

   Qu Huai'an never cared about these public opinions. Her life focuses on only two things: acting and family.

   When Xie Yumu graduated from elementary school, Xie Tingxi and Qu Huaian took their daughter to attend his graduation ceremony.

  Because Qu Yuxi is so cute, she is very popular with her classmates, and they all want to take pictures with her. The female classmates are okay, but the male classmates were all kicked away by Xie Yumu.

   "Go away, don't try to take advantage of my sister."

  Qu Yuxi pulled his sleeve, and said in a milky voice: "Brother, don't be so fierce... Mom said it's wrong to hit someone."

  Xie Yumu, who has always been domineering and arrogant outside, had to bow his head in front of his sister at this moment, "Okay, brother, listen to you, don't hit anyone."

   Qu Yuxi was so happy that he slapped him on the cheek, "Brother is the best."

   Qu Huai'an and Xie Tingxi watched this scene, and both laughed at the same time.

   "Their brother and sister relationship is really good."

  Xixi's birth not only did not make the relationship between Mumu and them grow, but brought them closer.

  Xie Tingxi took her hand and walked to the side of the road, "What I have experienced, Mu Mu will never experience again, and what you have experienced, Xixi will not experience either."

  Their children will have a happy childhood and heal their unfortunate childhood.

Qu Huaian looked at the young and energetic classmates all around, and suddenly remembered that when she graduated from elementary school, her parents didn't come, but her elder brother who was in school skipped class and came to give her the first brand new schoolbag in her life .

  He said, "You will be a junior high school student in the future, and you must study hard in the future, use knowledge to change your destiny, and create your own future."

  The sun was as bright and warm that day as it is today.

   "What are you thinking?" Xie Tingxi saw that she was wandering, and pulled her out of her thoughts.

   Qu Huai'an came back to his senses, looked at the man who pulled him out of the abyss, and smiled slightly, "It's nothing, it's just that there is a sentence I wanted to tell you a long time ago."


"I love you…"


   This is the end of Huaiwang Tingxi's episode. Tomorrow, I will write a small episode about my little aunt and Mr. Kang, and it will be a bit messy. Anyway, it will end at the end of the month, so I am going to sprinkle flowers for me~ See you tomorrow.

  PS: Remember to vote for me if you have a monthly pass.

  (end of this chapter)