MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 777 Sunrise and Moonshine (1)

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  Chapter 777 Sunrise and Moon Moon (1)

  A bright moon hangs on the branches, and the peaceful night is broken by the sound of heavy locomotive engines.

  The man is wearing a black coat and a heavy helmet, only revealing a pair of beautiful and extremely bright eyes, while the girl behind him is wearing a gray pleated skirt, a white shirt, also wearing a helmet, and her long hair is dancing in the wind.

  There are several locomotives chasing after each other, trying to overtake them, but unfortunately they were pulled away from the beginning to the end.

  In the end, they were the first to reach the top of the mountain, and the people who had been waiting at the top of the mountain saw them cheering non-stop.

   "Young Master Mu! Young Master Mu! Young Master Mu!"

  Xie Yumu took off his helmet, threw it to them casually, turned around and wrapped Mo Jiayue's slender waist with one hand, and hugged him down easily.

  Mo Jiayue took off his helmet, his exquisite facial features were full of joy, "We won, brother Yumu, we won."

   "Yeah, we won!"

  Xie Yumu didn't expect to win.

   Probably because the atmosphere around her was too exciting, he lost his mind and reached out to hug her up.

  Mo Jiayue hugged him without any hesitation, and jumped up happily.

  Everyone is still applauding and cheering for them, "Mu Shaojiayue, you guys are too awesome!"

  The two people whose names were being read suddenly realized and quickly let go of each other.

  The evening wind is cool, but when it blows over the cheeks, it feels hot.

   Mo Jiayue felt a strange feeling in her heart that she had never seen before. When she turned her head to look at Xie Yumu, it happened that Xie Yumu was also looking at her.

  The eyes of the two people briefly met in midair for a second, and then moved away tacitly.

  Xie Yumu perfunctory friends' congratulations, wondering: It's not like I haven't hugged this girl before! What happened tonight? !

   It feels weird, something is not quite right.

  In order to celebrate Xie Yumu winning the racing championship tonight, everyone decided to go to the bar to have fun.

   Thinking that Mo Jiayue was only a month away from turning eighteen, and minors cannot go to bars, so Xie Yumu went to KTV instead.

   "Order whatever you want tonight, I'll treat you." As soon as he entered the box, Xie Yumu said generously.

   "Thank you, Young Master Mu, for being generous."

   There are 20 people in a group, and it is a bit extreme to ask for the largest box. Fortunately, everyone plays together on weekdays, and they don't mind being crowded.

  The waiter brought colorful wine and fruit plates.

   Mo Jiayue reached out to grab a blue glass, but her fingertip just touched the wine glass.

  The wine glass was taken away.

  Looked up to meet Xie Yumu's lazy and playful eyes, "I want to drink secretly again, and if A Suina knows about it, don't fight me hard."

   Mo Jiayue curled her lips, "I will be an adult in a month, so it doesn't matter if I have a drink."

   "No." Xie Yumu said in a non-negotiable tone: "It's only a day away. If you dare to steal a sip, I'll call my godfather. You and Uncle Fu secretly learned racing."

   "..." Mo Jiayue completely gave up the idea of ​​stealing a drink, leaned back, and hummed softly, "If you don't drink, don't drink! You still treat yourself as a primary school student, making small reports!"

  Everyone in Mo City knows that Mo Shenbai raises his daughter as a little princess, teaching piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

  Mo Jiayue did not disappoint Mo Shenbai either, she is excellent in every aspect, and is the favorite "other people's child" of the elders.

  But Mo Shenbai didn't know that Mo Jiayue had been learning racing car fights with Fu Jianchen, drinking and shaking dice behind his back.

  In the circle, he is a bully who is as famous as Xie Yumu, but no one dares to poke Mo Shenbai in front of him.

   Xie Yumu doesn't care what Mo Jiayue looks like in Fu Jianchen, but he can't let her drink when he is here, or let the godmother know that he is to blame.

   "Drink juice, you really want to drink it, I'll accompany you to drink enough on your birthday, it's okay if you don't get drunk."

  Mo Jiayue took the juice reluctantly.

  Someone in the private room held a microphone and howled ghostly, while the rest suggested playing games because they were not interested in singing.

  Play the simplest card-drawing ratio, and the smallest one is also asked by the biggest one. If you don’t want to answer, you have to choose a big adventure.

  Mejiayue is lucky, and the cards she gets every time are in the middle, which is very safe.

  Xie Yumu won the championship tonight, but the luck of the game was not good, and he got the lowest card in several rounds.

   When asked if there is a girl he likes, he answered no.

   When asked what kind of girl he likes, he said that she is human.

   When asked what was the first **** and who was the object of it?

  Xie Yumu couldn't hold back the swearing: "Fuck! Can you ask something normal? My Yueyue is not yet an adult, if she pollutes her, I'll kill you!"

"It's not normal to play games normally! Besides, Jiayue rounding is also an adult, you can listen to it, right!" The questioner was very upset when he lost to Xie Yumu tonight, so of course he had to take advantage of this time to punish him and intentionally The question was thrown to Mo Jiayue.

   Mo Jiayue was suddenly named, and she lazily raised her eyelids to look at Xie Yumu. Normally, she would definitely look at him, but...

  She has studied physiology, and she is also very curious about when and who he was with for the first time.

   "Don't worry, my classmates have fallen in love with each other five or six times. They know everything they should know and what they shouldn't."

   Xie Yumu secretly scolded her for being a little heartless, so she didn't let her drink. As for joining forces with outsiders to see her embarrassment?

   "I choose big adventure."

  Everyone showed playful smiles, "Young Master Mu, is this question so difficult to answer?"

   A trace of disappointment flashed in Mo Jiayue's eyes, she thought she could know what kind of girl he liked!

  Xie Yumu glanced at them, "Stop talking nonsense, I choose a big adventure, do you want to play or not? If not, I'll let the water go."

   "Play, play!" Shen Kuo, who was holding a big joke card, rolled his eyes and thought about it, "You pick a person on the spot to kiss with tongue for ten seconds, male or female."

   "Fuck." Xie Yumu cursed again, "Shen Kuo, do you want to be beaten!"

  Shen Kuo smiled maliciously, "Young Master Mu, you can't afford it, can you?"

   "I can't afford to play?" Xie Yumu snorted coldly, "You were still wearing crotch pants when I came out to play."

   "Then you pick one quickly."

   There were quite a few girls at the scene, some had boyfriends, some were single, but all of them looked shyly and expectantly at Xie Yumu.

  His appearance followed Xie Tingxi's, handsome and refined, but his brows were rebellious and unruly. Many girls secretly liked him in their hearts.

   There are quite a few people chasing after him, but unfortunately the young master has high eyes. Except for playing with Jiayue, the other girls are all respectful and insensitive.

  Mo Jiayue's hand holding the cup tightened silently, curious and inexplicably apprehensive.

  Who will he choose to kiss?

  Xie Yumu looked at the people in the box, and couldn't help rubbing his brows, this group of crooked melons and cracked dates really couldn't talk.

  It is even more impossible for a man. He is afraid that he will not be able to eat for a month when he returns home.

   There is also a long beautiful one.

  As soon as Xie Yumu's eyes fell on Mo Jiayue's face, a chill came down his spine, and he quickly dismissed the idea.

  If the godfather and Asuna kid find out, they will definitely break their dog legs.

   "Young Master Mu, don't be in a daze, choose quickly..."

  (end of this chapter)