MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 785 Late back to the present (4)

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  Chapter 785 Late Return to View Today (4)

  Going home today, I took a shower and changed out of my school uniform. I sat by the bed in casual home clothes, staring at the wind chimes hanging by the window.

  Mo Zhiyun knocked on the door and came in, saw her hair dripping, went to the closet and took a clean towel, and wiped the water from her hair while thinking about her words.

  Some things were originally intended to be hidden from her for the rest of her life, but now that they have been exposed, she should have a good talk with Jinjin.

   Lu Heyun also agrees with this point.

   "Actually, I already knew."

   Before Mo Zhiyun could organize his words, Jinjin suddenly spoke.


  She looked up, "I already knew that I was not born to you and Dad."

  Mo Zhiyun was beating his heart, "How do you know?"

   "I don't look like you and dad at all, and I'm not as smart as my sister." She bit her lower lip, with disappointment in her pure eyes, "Even if you don't say it, someone will."

  No one dared to speak those gossips in front of her, but it didn't mean she really couldn't hear them at all.

  Mo Zhiyun's heart clenched, and he stroked her long hair with his fingertips, "I'm sorry, we didn't hide you on purpose. It's just..."

  The voice froze, not knowing what to say.

  Jijin didn't blame her, but instead took the initiative to hold her hand, "Mom, I'm not angry. I know you and Dad love me very much, and I love you too, but what happened today was so sudden that my mind was in a mess."

  She never thought that they would appear in her life, she thought they would never want her.

Mo Zhiyun sat down beside her and held her hand, "Today, no matter what happens, you have to remember, my father and sister, I love you very much, you will always be our daughter, yes Unchanging sister. You just have to remember that."

  Mo Jinjin nodded, "I know."

   "Don't think about anything, get a good night's sleep." Mo Zhiyun comforted her, "My father and I will settle the rest, and no one will harass you again."

   "Okay." Mo Jinjin obediently closed his eyes to rest.

  Mo Zhiyun sat by the bed for a while, then got up and left the room.

   Originally closed his eyes and opened them without a trace of sleepiness. He turned his head and looked out the window, tears falling down uncontrollably.

   After all, she is a teenage girl. It is a lie that she does not feel wronged or uncomfortable when encountering such a thing.

  Just to prevent Mo Zhiyun from worrying, he deliberately pretended to be fine.

   Not long after, the door that was originally closed was pushed open.

   Jin Jin immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

   After a while, the mattress suddenly sank, followed by a persistent voice, "Stop pretending, I know you're not asleep, and you're still crying secretly."

  Jinjin opened his eyes and saw his younger sister's delicate facial features, and sniffed, "Why didn't you come back from class?"

   "Classes are too boring, I have already learned those." Unyielding lay down beside her.

   I am depressed today, "Did you come to provoke me on purpose?"

   Shrugged innocently, "I'm just telling the truth."

   "Hmph...I hate you Versailles people."

  Buyu did not refute, but stared at her, and suddenly asked: "Will you go with them?"

   Jinjin was stunned for a moment, "Do you want me to go with them?"

  Unchanged his brows, his already resembling Lu Heyun became even colder, "If you dare to go with them, I'll hack their accounts and transfer all their money away. They can't afford you, so you're coming back."

  The corners of Jinjin's mouth twitched slightly, and she knocked on the head, "How many times have I told you, don't do whatever you want just because you are a genius, black accounts are against the law."

  Persisted indifferently, "I don't care. I don't want you to go."

  My heart trembled, "Why?"

"what why?"

   "Why don't you want me to go?" She asked curiously, "If I go, you can enjoy the love of your parents alone, and everything in the house is yours."

   "You are my older sister, my parents will love me whether you are here or not." Buyu answered very frankly, without any twitch, "And I love you too, I don't want to be separated from you."

   Buyu was happy in his heart, but he said with distaste: "Lu Buyu, you are so nasty."

   "My mother said, you must express what you think in your heart, otherwise how will the person you love know."

   Probably focused on learning computers, and his unswerving brain circuits are very straight, straighter than straight men.

   Jin Jin smiled, but did not speak.

   Unswervingly asked, "Say it quickly, you won't go with them, you won't leave this house."

   "Well, I won't go with them." After a pause, he asked again: "But what if I go abroad to study?"

   Isn’t that like leaving home.

   "Going abroad is different, it doesn't count as leaving home." Hearing her answer, Buyu loosened his frowning brows.

   "Why doesn't it count?"

   "I can't tell. Going abroad is just going abroad to study, and you will come back after reading. If you go with them, you will abandon us."

  Buyu bit his lips and said: "Besides, I can study abroad at any time. I don't care which school you go to."

  Jinjin: "..."

  That's why people on Versailles are the most annoying.

  Unchanged got into her bed and squeezed her to sleep together like a child.

  Jinjin put his arms around her shoulders, and patted her on the head lightly, "Thank you, Buchang."

  I was still very sad at first, but now I am not so sad.

  Buyu yawned, "You're welcome, who made you my sister."

  She quickly fell asleep, but today she couldn't sleep.

  The sky outside the window dimmed little by little, and the room was dark when the lights came on.

  The phone next to the bed lights up.

   Jin Jin glanced at the incoming call, his eyes darkened, he put the phone back where it was and didn't answer it.

  She didn't know how to face Ah Sui brother, let alone how to tell him all this.

  The next day, Jinjin went to class as usual. No one in the school talked about it, but most people looked at her with probing and strange eyes.

   Mo Zhiyun came to pick her up from school on Friday, and discussed with her on the way.

  Her biological father wanted to see her, and Mo Zhiyun respected the child's wishes.

  She went to see her if she wanted to, and if she didn't want to see her, Mo Zhiyun naturally had a way to send him away.

  I thought about it all night today, but I still agreed to meet that man the next day.

  The meeting place was arranged by Mo Zhiyun, and it was she who personally sent Jinjin there.

  When the man saw her, his face was full of hospitality, "Today, I am Fu Rui, and I am your real father."

  Jin Jin looked at the wrinkles on his face across a table, and his fat belly was about to draw three layers of swimming rings on the table.

   And the hospitality in his muddy eyes made her even more disgusted.

   "Why did you come to me suddenly?"

  Fu Rui smiled and said, "Silly boy, you are my own daughter, what else do I need if I come to you? I just miss you. Back then, your mother sent you away without even saying hello. I..."

   Before he finished speaking, Jin Jin stood up and said with a stern face, "It's fine if you don't say it, I have nothing to say to you."


See you tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)