MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 786 Late back to the present (5)

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  Chapter 786 Late Return to View Today (5)

   Seeing that she was about to leave, Fu Rui hurriedly got up and grabbed her, "Don't go, don't go. I have something to do with you, something to do."

  Jinjin broke away from his hand, and sat down again with a stern face, "What's the matter, tell me."

  Fu Rui rubbed his hands together, his expression was a little tangled and apprehensive, and finally he bit the bullet after showing an impatient look today.

   "I also have a son, that is, your younger brother, who is sick. He needs bone marrow. The doctor said that the bone marrow matching between relatives will be easier to succeed, so..."

  Although Jinjin is not as smart as Jiayue and Xu Chi, he is not stupid. A biological father who has abandoned him for many years suddenly came to the door and wanted to recognize him. Naturally, he has a plan.

   It's just that even though he was mentally prepared, after listening to his words, Jinjin's hands and feet still turned cold.

   "So, you want me to donate bone marrow to your son."

   "He is also your younger brother." Fu Rui squeezed out a far-fetched smile, "You won't die, right?"

  Jinjin's long eyelashes trembled violently, and he raised his head to look at him, his clear eyes were full of coldness and alienation, "Why not? I don't have a younger brother, I only have a younger sister named Lu Buyu."

The smile on the man's face froze, and he changed to someone else immediately, and said in a gloomy voice, "Why are you so ignorant? I am your biological father, and my son is your biological brother. Are you related to Lu?" It doesn't matter if it's a dime, and it's impossible for him to share his family property with you in the future, do you understand?"

   Before he could speak today, an angry voice came from not far away, "Shut up!"

  Xiao Ziyan looked hurried and sullen, "Fu Rui, are you still human to say such things to a child."

  Fu Rui was even more angry when he saw her, "You still have the face to criticize me! If you hadn't given away your daughter back then, would she have been educated to be as cold-blooded as she is now?"

"You are shameless!" Xiao Ziyan was trembling with anger, "Back when you heard that I was pregnant, you ran away, and now you knew that you had a heart attack and you hid. If Zhiyun hadn't been for Zhiyun, you would still be standing here today saying that you have a heart attack. A daughter? What right do you have to scold Zhiyun and the others, and what right do you have to call yourself Jinjin's father? Are you worthy?"


Just as Fu Rui opened his mouth, Mo Zhiyun came over and interrupted him, "Mr. Fu, I only let you see her for the sake of being Jinjin's biological father, but that doesn't mean you can turn black and white! Jinjin is No one can take my daughter away!"

   "Bah!" Fu Rui spat, "She is obviously my daughter, why did you take my daughter away! You are not a hen that can't lay eggs..."

  Before he finished speaking, Jinjin couldn't bear it anymore, picked up the cup on the table, and poured it directly on Fu Rui's face.

  Fu Rui was splashed with lemonade all over his face, and even lemon slices were still attached to his forehead. His appearance was as funny as it could be.

   "You are not allowed to slander my mother." I have never been so angry after being scolded by him today, "If you dare to slander my mother again, I will ask Uncle Cangming to beat you to death!"

   After finishing speaking, he pulled Mo Zhiyun away angrily.

  Xiao Ziyan felt sour when she saw her defending Mo Zhiyun so much, but couldn't help being relieved.

  For so many years, Zhiyun has taken good care of her and educated her well. She is a good child who knows how to be grateful and loves her family.

   As for that kid...

Xiao Zi's face was indifferent, and his eyes were full of disgust, "Fu Rui, if you want to save your son, that's your business, but you don't want to procrastinate today! From the moment you choose not to want us, you are not qualified Be her father! You better stay away from her!"

  When I got home, I locked myself in the room today and didn't eat dinner.

  Mo Zhiyun and Lu Heyun knocked on the door in turn, but she didn't open it either. She just sent a message to Buyu, asking her to tell her parents that she wanted to be alone for a while.

  Buyu came out from the next room and conveyed her words to Mo Zhiyun and Lu Heyun.

  The two looked at each other and sighed in unison.

  Buyu knew that they were worried about her sister, so after thinking for a while, she went back to her room and found someone from her WeChat friends to call her.

   Jin Jin locked himself in the room and did nothing, but checked the Internet for diseases that require bone marrow donation.

  How does donating bone marrow affect you?

  She doesn't like Fu Rui as her biological father, or he doesn't deserve to be called father at all.

  But thinking of a child who is sick and may die, she still can't help feeling sympathy and compassion in her heart.

  However, thinking of their conversation in the restaurant, she felt that their life and death had nothing to do with her.

  Where was he when I was sick as a child?

  Now that his son is sick, he just ran over to find him.

  If it weren't for this, wouldn't he never think of himself in this life?

  The more she thought about it, the more sad she became, and she couldn't fall asleep. She got up and packed two pieces of clothes, took out her backpack, brought her mobile phone charger, left a note on the table, and left the house quietly.

  Late at night, there was silence everywhere, and there were only a few lights left in thousands of houses. The street lights stretched her slender figure very long, making her look even thinner and lonely.

  She walked along the asphalt road for a long time, but she couldn't think of where she could go. Her feet were sore from walking, and a place popped into her mind.

  She hails a taxi with her mobile phone, gets in the car and reports the address.

  The driver saw that she was young and was alone in the middle of the night, so he couldn't help but be concerned: "Isn't it because my classmate ran out so late because he had a fight with his parents, and he ran away from home?"

   "No." Jin Jin replied.

  The driver glanced at the rearview mirror again, and saw that she was looking out of the window with her face refusing to communicate, so she stopped talking.

   After sending people safely to their destination, they left.

   This place has not been lived in for a long time, and the air was filled with dust when the door was opened, causing her to sneeze three times in a row.

   Simply tidy up, turn off the phone, lie on the bed and fall asleep.

  It was already the next afternoon when she woke up, and her stomach was rumbling with hunger. She got up and went downstairs to search the kitchen, but found nothing.

   I had no choice but to take my wallet and go to the canteen to buy two barrels of instant noodles and two sticks of corn-flavored ham.

  The network cable here has long been stopped, and the phone is turned off. She doesn't want to turn it on, so she can only squat in the yard and count ants if she is bored.

   It took an entire afternoon to count, and when I came back to my senses, it was already sunset.

  The door of the courtyard was pushed open, and a familiar and handsome figure came into view.

  At one point, she thought she was hallucinating, so she reached out and rubbed her eyes, but she still saw Xu Chi standing there in a white T-shirt, black trousers, and carrying a black luggage bag in his hand.

   "Brother A Sui..."

  Xu Chi walked up to her with a bag and squatted down, raised his hand and rubbed her little head, "I won't answer the phone, I won't reply to the text messages, Mo Jinjin, do you want to be punished?"

  (end of this chapter)