MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 788 Looking Back Lately (7)

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  Chapter 788 Late Return to View Today (7)

  Thinking that Xu Chi was in the next room, he slept soundly and soundly tonight, without dreams.

  The next day was a fine day, sunny and cloudless.

   In the morning, Xu Chi cooked porridge and took two small cucumbers. The two of them had breakfast, and today they proposed to go fishing.

  This weather is the most suitable for fishing.

  Xu Chi agreed, borrowed a fishing rod and bait from a neighbor, and walked towards the fish pond contracted by others with a small red bucket.

  Because people in the city like to fish, the owner of the contractor will also develop fishing for them, and the fee is based on the head.

  They walked to the fish pond and saw that several positions were occupied by people, leaving only one not-so-good position.

  Jinjin was a little worried, "Will we catch nothing here?"

   "No." Xu Chi sat down and began to check the fishing rod and make bait, while calmly and confidently said: "Trust me, I will definitely be able to cook you a whole fish feast in the end."

  Seeing that he is so determined today, his brows and eyes are raised, "Well, I believe you will be able to catch it."

  Xu Chi lived here with his parents when he was a child. At that time, Mo Shenbai would come to fish when he had nothing to do. He was by his side and learned it naturally. Later, he would accompany Mo Shenbai to fish every time.

  Although he hasn't fished for a long time, it doesn't affect him at all.

  Jijin was afraid of disturbing the fish, so he dared not speak from the beginning to the end. He sat quietly beside him, looked at the water surface, and looked at him.

   At most, it’s just picking the small yellow wild flowers next to it and playing with it.

  Xu Chi soon caught the first big fish, then the second, and the third...

  Those who came before him were still fruitless, so naturally they couldn't help running over to strike up a conversation with him.

  Xu Chi responded politely, but his attitude was very distant, and they returned to their seats in a very interesting manner.

   Before noon, Xu Chi took Jinjin back with a bucket.

  Jinjin was as excited as a child along the way, blowing his rainbow fart non-stop.

   "Brother A Sui, you are really amazing. You seem to know everything. Is there nothing in this world that you can't do?"

  Xu Chi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when she praised her, and complimented back, "You're great too."

  Jin Jin curled his lips, "Brother A Sui, your boasting is too hypocritical. I didn't do anything, so it's great!"

   "Every time I took Jiayue to fish together, she would start throwing stones into the water within three minutes of sitting down."

   When Xu Chi mentioned his twin sister, his eyebrows were full of helplessness, "You can sit without talking for a whole morning, which shows that you are very patient. A patient person will definitely do what he wants to do."

   "Is that so?" Jinjin looked at him with his little head tilted, as if he was thinking about something.

  Xu Chi nodded, put the bucket in the kitchen when he got home, returned the fishing rod to the neighbor, made a detour and went to the canteen, bought some snacks and brought them back to Jinjin.

  She opened it and saw that it was all children's favorite food, and smiled wryly: "Brother A Sui, I've grown up, why do you still buy these snacks that children only eat?"

   "Don't eat?" Xu Chi raised his eyebrows, "Then give it back to me."

   "Eat." Jinjin hurriedly put the snacks in his arms, brother Ah Sui bought them for him, how could he not eat them.

  Xu Chi let her eat snacks and play for a while, while he went to the kitchen to prepare the whole fish feast at noon.

  Eating snacks, looking at the busy back of the man in the kitchen, I couldn't resist turning on my phone and taking a photo.

  There are a lot of messages in the mobile phone, all of which are sent by Unyielding parents, and some of them are late.

"Where are you?"

  「You wait for me there, I will go there soon after I get off the plane.」

  The two short sentences made Jinjin's eyes warm. Did he come to look for him as soon as he got off the plane, and he didn't even go back to Lanyueju?

  The snacks in her hand were no longer fragrant, she walked to the kitchen door and apologized, "I'm sorry, brother A Sui..."

  Xu Chi, who was killing the fish, paused, looked back at the guilty little girl, without any blame, "I'll go back tomorrow, what do you want to eat or play tonight?"

  I thought about it today, and suddenly said: "Fireworks, Brother A Sui, I want to set off fireworks."

  Every Spring Festival they set off fireworks at Lanyueju, but during the Spring Festival this year, he was abroad, and they did not set off fireworks together.

   "I will go shopping in the afternoon, and we will set off fireworks together in the evening."

  The whole fish feast at noon lasted us all day. When taking a nap in the afternoon, Xu Chi went out under the sun.

  The canteen in the village didn’t have fireworks, so I had to go to the town to buy them. I went to several stores and finally bought a lot of fireworks of all kinds.

  Jijin didn’t want to damage the lawn in the yard, so the two of them walked a long distance with a big bag of fireworks each, and arrived at a dam, just as it was getting dark.

  Xu Chi first lit two big fireworks, and today, like before, made a wish to the fireworks in the night sky.

   This habit is still because when she was a child, Xu Chi lied to her that fireworks are shooting stars, and wishes made on fireworks will come true.

  At that time, Jinjin was young, he believed everything, but when he grew up, he knew that fireworks were not shooting stars, and he also knew that making wishes on shooting stars and fireworks would not come true, but she was used to it and couldn’t change it.

  After the big fireworks were set off, Xu Chi accompanied her to set off small fireworks, all kinds of shapes, beautiful but short-lived.

  Today is very happy, laughing all night.

   After the last firework was set off, Xu Chi looked at the embers and said, "Let's go, it's time to go back."

  Ji Jin stood still, "I'm so tired, I can't walk anymore. Brother A Sui, please carry me back."

  Xu Chi didn't hesitate too long and squatted down in front of her.

  Jinjin lay on his back, feeling his scorching body temperature and the strength of his arms through the fabric, and couldn't help blushing quietly.

   Fortunately, the moonlight is dim, so he can't see it.

  Xu Chi walked back steadily step by step with her on his back.

  Jin Jin lowered his head and spoke, breath passing by his ears like a spring breeze, "Brother A Sui, why are you being so nice to me?"

  I came back from abroad to accompany myself, cook for myself, and set off fireworks with me.

  From childhood to adulthood, he has done too much for himself.

  Xu Chi said calmly: "You are my sister just like Jiayue."

   "Just my sister?" she pressed.

  Xu Chi was silent, and when Jin Jin thought he would not answer, he said in a cold voice: "Otherwise?"

  The arc of the corner of Jinjin's mouth fell slowly. He knew it would be like this, but he still couldn't help but want to say it.

  Unswerving said, if you don't express it, the person you like will never know.

   "But I know that I am different from Buyu Jiayue, and you also know that I am not your sister."

  She couldn't help clenching her arms around his neck, "Actually, for a moment, I was glad that he came to me, so that I can no longer be named Mo and not be your sister..."

   "Today..." Xu Chi's voice tightened, "Stop talking."

  (end of this chapter)