MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 790 Looking Back Lately (9)

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  Chapter 790 Late Return to View Today (9)

   There is no need to be hospitalized after the spinal fluid is pumped, but Lu Heyun and Mo Zhiyun are worried and insist on letting her stay in the hospital for a day.

  Jijin doesn't want them to worry, so he obediently obeys the arrangement.

  Back to the ward, Xiao Ziyan had been waiting in the room for an unknown how long, her eyes were red, obviously crying.

  Mo Zhiyun found an excuse to pull Lu Heyun out, leaving space for the two of them.

  Xiao Ziyan looked at her with distressed eyes and blamed himself, "Does it hurt?"

  Jinjin shook his head, "I took anesthesia, so I don't feel any pain."

   Even though she said this, Xiao Ziyan still felt sad, "Actually, you don't need to worry about him, you don't owe him anything, and he has no right to ask you to do anything."

   "Without him, there would be no me." Jinjin's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, casting a blue shadow in his eyes, "Repay him this time, and he won't come to harass us again in the future."

  Xiao Ziyan's eyes turned red, and she said guiltily, "I'm sorry..."

  She was not a good mother and did not protect her well.

  Hearing this, Jinjin raised her eyes and looked at her, "You don't need to apologize to me, my mother told me. I'm not angry with you, it's just that I've been used to having only one mother for so many years..."

  Mo Zhiyun told her that Xiao Ziyan met someone who was not kind, and at that time he was caught in the vortex of pain of losing his child. Their meeting was a two-way redemption. Xiao Ziyan was reluctant, but finally gave her to him.

   "I understand." When Xiao Ziyan handed her over to Mo Zhiyun, she never thought that she would recognize herself as a mother in the future.

   Zhiyun has been taking care of her these years, she only thinks that Zhiyun should be a mother.

   "Then can I call you Ziyan's mother?" Jinjin asked softly with timid eyes.

  Xiao Ziyan was taken aback, his pupils continued to dilate, and he asked incredulously, "You, what did you say?"

   "Can I call you Ziyan's mother?" She asked again, "I think it would be nice if one more person loves me in the future."

  Xiao Ziyan didn't say anything, he couldn't control his emotions and hugged her into his arms, his voice was painful.

  Jinjin froze for a few seconds, raised his arms to hug her, and comforted her, "Mother Ziyan, I will often visit you in the capital in the future, and you can also visit me."

  Xiao Ziyan burst into tears like rain.

   Zhiyun took good care of her and taught her well.

   Mo Zhiyun and Lu Heyun stood outside the door of the ward, and saw the scene in the ward through the window on the door. The two looked at each other for a second, and laughed tacitly.


  The day after Jinjin returned home, I received the news that Xu Chi was leaving.

  Xu Chi called her. Apart from caring about her body, he told her to study hard as always.

  Today is also as well-behaved as usual. He listened to what he said, but when he was about to hang up the phone, he said in a clear and crisp voice: "Brother Xu Chi, I won't go to the airport to see you off tomorrow, safe journey."

  Xu Chi on the other end of the phone caught his breath and let out a "hmm" pretending to be fine.

  She has always been called Brother A Sui, Brother Xu Chi is called Buyu and Xixi.

  Hang up the phone today, facing the textbook in front of me, I haven't read a line for a long time.

  The results of bone marrow matching came down quickly, and it turned out that they did not match.

   Fu Rui left Mocheng disappointed, but Xiao Ziyan was very happy.

  She hates Fu Rui, and she doesn't want Jin Jin to donate bone marrow to Fu Rui's son.

  Jinjin didn't feel anything about it. After sending Xiao Ziyan away, the phone rang. Seeing the flashing name, she hesitated for a moment, but finally didn't answer it.

  He didn't answer Xu Chi's call for a week, and he didn't call again. Even the WeChat chat stopped at his last sentence: You wait for me there, I'll be there soon after I get off the plane.

  Because I can't wait, I don't want to wait.

  Since then, Xu Chi hasn't come back, but every year, holidays or birthdays, Jinjin still receives gifts from him abroad.

   Such a gift, Jiayue Wuyi and the others will also have it.

  I haven’t opened the presents today, I just put them neatly in the cabinet.

  Before the college entrance examination, she received several offers from foreign universities.

  Lu Heyun and Mo Zhiyun fully supported her when they knew that she wanted to study abroad. Now that she has succeeded, they are naturally happy for her. It's just that when it comes to choosing a school, they thought she would be inclined to the city where she was late.

   Today I chose a university in Australia.

  Mo Zhiyun was quite surprised, "I thought you would choose M country, Xu Chi is there, if you go there, he can take care of you."

   It's been a long time since I heard this name, and I don't feel so sad when I hear this name again.

   Just thinking that the confession was rejected, there is no way to get along as naturally as before, it is better to stay far away.

  Before going to Australia, she decided to go to the capital to visit Xiao Ziyan, and also wanted to see the children in the orphanage.

  Xiao Ziyan was very happy for her arrival, and tidied up her room in advance, placing flowers and aromatherapy.

   Fearing that she would have to work hard all the way, he personally cooks and cooks a table of delicacies for her.

  Several seven or eight-year-old children were lying on the window, looking at her with pure eyes full of curiosity.

  Jinjin took out a few packs of candies from the suitcase and distributed them to them. The children smiled and said, "Thank you, beautiful sister." They happily ran away with the candies.

  Seeing this scene, Xiao Ziyan showed a relieved smile, "These children were abandoned when they were born, but they are usually very good. Two of them have gone to school and their grades are also very good."

  In the past, I just heard from my mother that she ran an orphanage and took care of many children. It was very hard work and great.

  Now seeing these children with my own eyes, I really understand how amazing she is.

   "Is there no one to adopt?" Jinjin walked back to the dining table and asked.

  Xiao Ziyan shook her head, "Healthy ones, younger ones are fine, and they leave when they meet some good adoptive families, but there are still many who are abandoned because of physical defects. It is impossible for normal families to adopt them."

   No one would want to adopt a sick child.

  Many of the staff or volunteers in the orphanage are orphans she once raised. Without them, the orphanage would not be able to survive.

   Jinjin took out two cards from the bag and handed them to her, "You take this."

  Xiao Ziyan froze and quickly waved his hands, "No, I can't ask for your money."

"One card is given to you by my mother, so that you can take it to see a doctor for the children." Jin Jin stuffed the card into her hand and explained: "The other card is half of my New Year's money for these years. I took it to buy some clothes for the children, the weather has turned cold, and I see that they are still wearing thin clothes, and they are easy to get sick."

  Xiao Ziyan's eyes were flushed, both sad and moved, "Jinjin, thank you, and thank your mother for me."

   "You can go to Mocheng to thank her in person. I won't go back to Mocheng, and I will leave the capital directly to study in Australia in two days."

  Xiao Ziyan knew that she was going to study in Australia, so no matter how busy she was these days, she made time to go out with her, eat delicious food in the capital, and bought a lot of medicines for her to bring.

  Late at night, Jinjin couldn’t sleep and walked out of the room, sitting on the swing by the door, looking up at the stars in the sky while shaking.

  I still remember that there were as many stars that night as this night, but she hasn't seen him for a long time, and there is no news about him.

  He is so good-looking and outstanding, maybe he has a girlfriend long ago.

  The phone vibrated suddenly, and when he saw the caller ID, his heart skipped a few beats unexpectedly.

  When he hesitated to answer the call, his body was faster than his brain, and he had already answered the phone.

  A man's deep and tense voice came from the other end of the phone, "Why?"


See you tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)