MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 794 Looking Back Lately (13)

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  Chapter 794 Late Return to View Today (13)

  Xu Qianfan pretended not to see, and brought her a tissue, "I haven't started chasing her yet, so don't be so excited."

   "Xu! Qian! Fan!" Jin Jin blushed and gritted his teeth to warn him, "Don't make fun of me!"

  The brat loved to tease her since he was a child.

  Just as Xu Qianfan was about to speak, Xu Chi said coldly, "If you don't leave, students should be in a hurry."

  Xu Qianfan met his gaze, and could only swallow the words that came to his lips.

  From childhood, he was not even afraid of his own father, but he was afraid of Xu Chi, and he didn't know why.

   "Oh." He pursed his lips and looked at Jinjin with bright eyes, "I'll go to my classmate first, and I'll go to you to play on the weekend in two days."

  Jinjin waved his hand to tell him to leave quickly, so as not to say anything embarrassing himself again.

  Xu Qianfan got up and went to find his classmate. There were only the two of them left in the seat. Only now did he realize that they were very close, and he could even smell the cool perfume on his body.

   Moved to the side indiscriminately, pretending to be natural: "Brother Xu Chi, I'm fine, thank you."

  How could Xu Chi not be aware of her estrangement from him, and withdrew his stiff hand in mid-air, and said indifferently: "Qianfan likes to mess around, and he has caused headaches for my uncle in recent years. You don't have to take what he says seriously."

   "Well, I know." It's not like she doesn't know Qianfan's temperament.

  Xu Chi turned his head to look at her with complex and inquisitive eyes, his Adam's apple moved up and down, and finally said nothing.

  Jinjin looked at him blankly, "What's wrong?"

   "It's nothing." He withdrew his eyes, "I have an early meeting tomorrow and I have to go back, can I trouble you to take me back?"


   "I took a taxi." After he finished speaking, he added, "If you don't want to, forget it."

   "I'm not unwilling, I'll see you off, Brother Xu Chi."

  He has already talked about this, how can he still say that he will not give it away, it seems that he is so petty.

  Xu Chi got up, picked up his coat and left.

  Jinjin picked up his bag and followed behind him, "Don't you need to say hello to Brother Yumu, Sister Jiayue?"

   Tonight seems to be a way to catch up with yourself? ?

   "The two of them can't remember anything when they get together. Are you sure you want to go there?"

   Jinjin looked back at the bar, but couldn't find the two people at all, so he shook his head, "Forget it, let's go."

  Xu Chi skillfully found her SUV, opened the co-pilot's door, put on her seat belt, and then closed her eyes.

  Jinjin got in the car and put his handbag in the back seat, fastened his seat belt, started the car and drove out of the parking lot, only to realize that he didn't even know where he lived.

  Glancing sideways at the man in the co-pilot who closed his eyes and rested his mind, he forced himself to ask, "Brother Xu Chi, where do you live now?"

  Xu Chi slowly opened his eyes, probably because of drinking, his voice was a little hoarse, "Give me the phone."

  Jin Jin handed over the unlocked phone.

  Xu Chi held it in his hand and saw that her wallpaper was a graduation photo, his eyes darkened slightly, and he quickly found the navigation app to enter the address.

  The navigation began to broadcast, he put the phone into the wireless charging position, and closed his eyes again.

  Today I concentrated on driving, and kept driving according to the navigation route, and the result was that the more I drove, the more remote it became.

   Several times I wanted to ask him if the input was wrong, but when I turned my head and saw the man sleeping with his eyes closed, he swallowed the words silently.

  After driving for more than an hour, the car finally stopped in front of a small bungalow.

  Jinjin: "..."

  I feel like cursing.

  The moment the flame was turned off, the man opened his eyes and said softly, "It's here."

  Jin suppressed the anger and unhappiness in his heart, forced a smile on his face, "Brother Xu Chi, why did you move here?"

   This is the place where his grandmother used to live. Even if he lived here happily in his childhood, there is no need to move here directly.

  Xu Chi unbuttoned his seat belt, his cold face was stained with loneliness in the dim light, "The air here is good."

  Jinjin thinks this reason is either perfunctory or nonsense.

   Forget it, where he likes to live has nothing to do with him.

   "Brother Xu Chi, you should go to bed earlier."

  Xu Chi looked up at her, "It's too late, it's not safe for you to drive back as a girl, so you can stay here tonight."

   "No, I..."

  Before he finished speaking, Xu Chi took her car keys and got out of the car.

  Jinjin: "..."

   Why don't you feel unsafe when you ask me a girl to send you back! !


  The car keys were taken away, and she could only get out of the car with him with her mobile phone and bag if she didn't want to.

  Xu Chi opened the door, took out a pair of pink slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them in front of her, then turned and went to the kitchen.

  Jin Jin sat on the stool in the entrance and took off his shoes. When he looked up, the man had already come out of the kitchen, holding a bottle of foreign brand juice in his hand.

   "You still live in the original room, the sheets and quilts are clean, I'll get you clothes later."

   "Oh." Jinjin took the juice, got up and went upstairs, looking at the juice in his hand a little puzzled.

  She likes to drink this brand of fruit juice, but it is not available in China. How could he have it? Is it because he likes to drink it, so he specially asked someone to buy it back? ?

  The room she lives in is not the same as before. It used to be a minimalist style, but now it has been replaced with warm-toned curtains, and the bed sheets and duvet covers have also changed from cute patterns to solid colors.

   There is a pot of green plants in front of the window, and a dressing table is added at the head of the bed.

  The wardrobe has also been changed from the previous wooden cabinet to a glass cabinet, which looks more advanced.

   dong dong.

  The knock on the door brought her back from her thoughts, and when she turned around, she saw Xu Chi walking over with a set of clean pajamas.

   "This is the newly bought pajamas that Jiayue came to live in before. I haven't worn it yet, so you can make up for it."

  Xu Chi put his pajamas on the chair, "Disposable face towels, toothpaste and toothbrushes are available in the bathroom, you can find them yourself."

   "Thank you Brother Xu Chi, for troubling you." She was obviously the one who was troubled, but out of habit, she would feel that she was troubling him.

   "You're welcome, it's late, go to bed earlier." He said calmly.

   "Brother Xu Chi, good night."

"Good night."

  He turned around and walked to the door, and the moment he held the doorknob to close the door, he suddenly raised his head and called out, "Jinjin."

   "Huh?" Jin Jin raised his eyes to meet him.

"Welcome home."


  I had insomnia all night, and his words kept echoing in my mind: welcome home.

   What did he mean by welcome home?

   If returning home means going home, she has been back for a long time, if not...

   She has absolutely no idea what he means.

   When it was almost dawn, I rarely fell asleep, and dreamed about my childhood again.

  Little girls like to play house. At that time, Jiayue was the bride of Brother Yumu, and she was going to be the bride of Brother A Sui.

  The grown-ups would laugh and say that Brother Yumu and Sister Jiayue are really a natural couple, and this baby is definitely a relative, but they would laugh at her and say, "You are brothers and sisters, you can't be Ah Sui's bride."


See you tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)