MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 795 Late back to the present (14)

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  Chapter 795 Late Return to View Today (14)

  When Jinjin opened his eyes, the window was already brightly lit, and when he got up, he felt a chill in the corners of his eyes.

  I reached out and touched it, and there were some wet tears.

   It's so strange, it happened when I was very young, I couldn't accept it when I was young, and cried, but now that she has grown up, she also accepts that Xu Chi doesn't like herself.

   Wash, change clothes and go downstairs.

  Xu Chi had already made breakfast and put it on the dining table. He was making coffee in the kitchen when he heard footsteps and looked back at her, "Do you want coffee?"

   "Drink, thank you." She walked to the table and sat down.

  Xu Chi came over with two cups of coffee, and put one in front of her, "Time is tight in the morning, can I have a sandwich?"

   "Okay, I'm used to eating only one sandwich for breakfast when I'm abroad."

   After breakfast, the two packed up and went out.

  Xu Chi saw that her complexion was not good, and asked as he walked towards the car, "Did you sleep well last night?"

   "Maybe it's because of changing the bed." I couldn't admit that it was because of his words that I tossed and turned all night.

   "I'll drive, you sleep in the car for a while."

  The car keys were taken away by him last night, and at this moment he sat in the driver's seat as a matter of course.

   Jinjin hesitated for a while, and opened the co-pilot's door.

  The two of them didn't speak during the journey, and Jinjin even closed his eyes to catch up on sleep after getting in the car.

   Originally, he wanted to use this to avoid facing Xu Chi and avoid embarrassment, but he fell asleep unconsciously.

   "Today, today..."

  The low voice kept whirling in her ears, she slowly opened her eyes, her apricot eyes were full of blankness, she looked at him, and subconsciously called out, "Brother A Sui..."

  Xu Chi's body froze obviously, and there was something surging in the black eyes staring at her, thick and fiery.

   Jinjin came to his senses, sat upright immediately, subconsciously looked out the window, and changed the subject in a panic, "It's here."

  Xu Chi let out a "hmm" and seemed to have regained his composure, "I'm rushing to work, can you lend me the car?"

   "Oh, yes!" She unbuckled her seatbelt, "Then go ahead and be careful on the road, goodbye."

  After speaking, she opened the car door and ran into the house as if fleeing for her life.

  Xu Chi said he was in a hurry, but Chi Chi didn't start the car. Instead, he looked sideways at the room where her back disappeared, with a look of desolation in his eyes.


   Jinjin ran all the way back to the room, and couldn't help rubbing his face while sitting on the beanbag sofa panting for breath.

   Probably because he was stunned from sleep, he had called him a title for so many years, although he hadn't called it for several years, but he still blurted out instinctively at that moment.

  He won't misunderstand, right?

   In fact, it’s okay to misunderstand, since he doesn’t like himself anyway.

  She was paralyzed on the beanbag sofa for a long time like a deflated ball, and finally got up to go to the bathroom to take a shower, and changed into home clothes.

  Didn't sleep well last night, her head hurt a bit, but she couldn't fall asleep, so she simply turned on the computer to work.

  First sent the plan to Xie Yumu, then answered the phone call from Shanshui Town, and kept busy until noon when the servant came to call her for dinner.

   In the afternoon, I took a taxi to Fuxie Group. Xie Yumu had already read her proposal and agreed to invest, but he also raised some opinions.

  Jijin thinks his proposals are very good, so write them down one by one, and let the company people discuss the rest.

  Xie Yumu asked her to have dinner with her at night, but she refused.

  She wants to go back to Shanshui Town, there are many things waiting for her to deal with.

   It's just that her car was driven away by Xu Chi, and it seemed that she had to ask Uncle Cangming to see her off.

  When Jinjin went downstairs to find a cafe to wait for Uncle Cangming, the red SUV stopped in front of her.

  Xu Chi got out of the car and walked towards her.

   "Brother Xu Chi, why are you here?" What happened in the morning still made her a little awkward, and the smile on her face was a little unnatural.

   "I wanted to call you, but it happened that Xie Yumu said that you would come to discuss cooperation in the afternoon, so I drove the car over."

   There was a smile on Jinjin's face, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart that Brother Yumu has such a big mouth, why did he tell Brother Xu Chi everything.

   "Where are you going next?" Xu Chi asked, "Do you want to go home? I'll see you off."

   "No, I'm planning to go back to Shanshui Town." Jinjin replied quickly, for fear that he would really send himself home after answering.

   "Now?" He frowned.

   "Well, there's a lot going on over there, and it's only on the scene that I feel at ease." The most important thing is not to face you.

   "Get in the car." He tilted his head, signaling her to get in the car.

  Jinjin: "??"

   "It's not safe for you, a girl, to drive so far. I'll drive you there."

   Let’s talk, he has already opened the car door and wants to get in the car.

   "Brother Xu Chi..."

  Ji Jin couldn't help calling him.

  Xu Chi looked up at her, "What's wrong?"

   "I know your company is very busy, and I have grown up, so you don't have to take care of me like this." She said calmly and seriously, "I can drive there alone."

  She has driven back and forth for countless times.

  Xu Chi's hand holding the car key silently tightened, and his eyes darkened a bit, "Do you not want me to take you there?"

   Jin Jin pursed his lips and fell silent.

   I really don't want to.

  They are brothers and sisters but not real brothers and sisters, no matter how much they pretend to be, and even if it is sister Jiayue, he will not take care of them so carefully.

  The orange light of the setting sun fell on the two of them, creating a weird and depressing atmosphere.

   I don't know how long it took, Xu Chibo opened his lips lightly, "Get in the car, I promise to send you to Shanshui Town and leave, and I won't take the initiative to appear in front of you in the future."

   "Brother Xu Chi, I didn't mean that..."

  Before he finished speaking, he had already gotten into the car and closed the door.

   Jin Jin stood in place for a while, and finally sat in the co-pilot.

   On the way to Shanshui Town, the whole journey was silent.

  Looking at the dim scenes outside the window today, my heart is like these scenes falling into the darkness little by little, into the cold lake water.

  She has tried so hard to be his sister, why can't she?

  He obviously doesn't like her, why should he treat her so well?

  Why can't we keep a distance, how about a pair of ordinary siblings?

  It was already night when we arrived in Shanshui Town. Although street lights were repaired on the side of the street, several of them were broken and no one repaired them. The light on the road was very dark.

  Xu Chi parked the car at the door of her residence, got out of the car and handed her the car keys, "Go to bed early."

   Turn around and leave after speaking.

  Holding the car keys, looking at his back, I still couldn't hold back and chased him for two steps, "Brother Xu Chi..."

  Xu Chi stopped and looked back at her.

   "It's too late, there is no car to go back here, or you can rest here for one night before going back."

   "No, the driver is already on his way."

  The moonlight was hazy, and his deep eyes were bottomless. He looked at her for a moment, then waved his hand, "Take care of yourself, go in."

  After speaking, he turned and left.


See you tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)