MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 797 Looking Back Lately (16)

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  Chapter 797 Late Return to View Today (16)

   Mo Jiayue looked at her, eyes full of desire for (eight) knowledge (gua).

   "Ahem..." Jinjin coughed lightly, denying the quarrel, "There is no quarrel, you are thinking too much."

   "Really?" Mo Jiayue propped her chin with one hand, and said meaningfully: "But you used to like to chase after him and call him Brother A Sui, but now you just call him Brother Xu Chi."

   Facing Mo Jiayue's probing, Jinjin didn't know how to answer, and looked at the man sitting opposite him with pleading eyes.

  Xu Chi seemed to have received her call for help, and said calmly: "Why are you so gossip? If you have this thought, why don't you think about what the wedding still lacks."

   "Xie Yumu is in charge of the wedding, I have nothing to think about." Mo Jiayue's sly eyes flashed between them, "I just want to know what's wrong with you?"

  Xu Chi avoided her watching the excitement and ignored her, and said to Jinjin: "Eat, I'll take you back after eating."

  Those who wanted to refuse today, but were afraid that Mo Jiayue would bring the topic back, nodded and finished dinner quietly.

  After dinner, Jinjin bid farewell to Mo Jiayue, and Xie Yumu just happened to call, so she didn't see Jinjin off.

  Xu Chi sent her to the door, "Give me the car keys."

  Ji Jin did not accept his kindness, "Brother Xu Chi, I can just drive back by myself, thank you for taking me out."

   After finishing speaking, he got in the car, fastened his seat belt, lowered the window and said goodbye to him.

  Xu Chi frowned slightly, watching her car drive out slowly, then turned around and met Mo Jiayue who was leaning against the door with a look on her face.

   "You still said there was no quarrel?" He didn't let him take her home today.

  This kind of thing was absolutely impossible before.

  Xu Chi didn't answer, but stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the key."

   "What key?"

  Xu Chi: "Car keys."


   Mo Jiayue twitched the corner of her mouth slightly, but still handed him her car keys, "Drive carefully, this is the car Xie Yumu just gave me."

  Xu Chi sat in the car without looking back, and didn't listen to what she said.

   Xie Yumu's voice came from Mo Jiayue's cell phone, "Honey, who are you talking to?"

  Mo Jiayue said to the person on the other side of the phone, "I didn't talk to anyone, I just met a dead duck."


  Mejiayue did not explain, but shifted the topic to another place.


   On the way back, Jinjin turned on the stereo and drove while listening to music. Thinking of the picture of Xu Chi helping him zip, his ears felt hot.

  The low-pitched "offended" seemed to be still lingering in his ears, it was really a foul.

   Halfway through the drive, Jinjin turned into a wide road with few people. He accidentally glanced at the rearview mirror and found that the black Hummer behind him seemed to be following him.

  In the past, it was fine if there were too many people in the lane, but now that the lane is wide and there are few people, why doesn't he overtake?

   Could it be that he met a gangster?

  Jin Jinxin suddenly raised his throat, and many cases of children of rich people being kidnapped immediately appeared in his mind, or gangsters targeted single women and raped and killed them in the wild!

  I won't be so unlucky and really run into it.

  In order to confirm whether she was thinking too much, she started to slow down, but the Hummer behind her also slowed down.

  She sped up again, and the Hummer sped up, following behind.

   It's over.

  Jinjin's heart was cold in an instant, and he really met a gangster.

  The first thought in my mind is to call the police, but can the police catch up with the driving?

   Otherwise, you should drive home first, as long as you don't get caught up by him, he should not dare to follow you when you enter the villa area.

  She put her heart on the line, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the car quickly reached 120 yards.

  Xu Chi, who was following behind, saw her suddenly speeding up and seriously overspeeding, his brows were frowned, and his face was full of displeasure.

  What is she doing? Don't die?

  The next second, he accelerated and took out his mobile phone to call her, but he gave up on a second thought.

  She is driving, and it is dangerous to answer the phone at this time.

   While Xu Chi was worried, the SUV in front of him suddenly turned and slammed into the guardrail on the side of the road.

  Xu Chi's heart was about to stop suddenly, he got out of the car and ran over, "Today, today..."

  The hoarse voice was full of worry and uneasiness.

  Jin Jin unbuckled her seat belt, her legs were limp when she opened the door to get out of the car, and when she was about to fall to the ground, Xu Chi hugged her.

   "How are you? Where are you hurt?"

  The deep eyes stared nervously at every part of her.

  Looking at him today, and seeing the Hummer parked by the side of the road, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Brother Xu Chi, why is it you?"

   "I'm worried about you driving back alone, so I just..."

   There was a pause, as if he understood something, "You thought you were being followed?"

  Jinjin took a few deep breaths and felt that his legs were not so soft. He stood up and couldn't laugh or cry: "Brother Xu Chi, I have graduated from college, and I haven't just learned to drive. You really don't have to worry about me."

   "Sorry, I didn't know to scare you."

  The original intention was to protect her, but I didn't expect that it would cause her to have a car accident.

   "It's okay, I know you have good intentions." Jinjin didn't blame him, "It's just that you really don't have to do this. I'm an adult and I will protect myself."

  Xu Chi lowered his eyes in silence, and after a while he whispered: "Well, I know."

  She is no longer that little girl who needs to protect herself everywhere.

  The atmosphere became quiet for a while.

  Jinjin felt that his words seemed to have hurt him, so he changed the subject and said, "Well, it's getting late, you go back."

  Xu Chi glanced at the SUV that hit the railing, and then looked at her, "Are you really okay? Do you want to go to the hospital for an examination?"

  Shaking his head today, "No, I'm fine."

   "Then I'll take you back." Xu Chi's deep voice was full of strength that could not be refused, "You can't drive like this."

  He is not at ease either.

   Jinjin hesitated for a moment, feeling that his hands were shaking, and it was indeed not suitable for driving back.

  Xu Chi opened the co-pilot's door and helped her up.

  After getting in the car, seeing her pale face and slow reaction, she leaned over.

  Jinjin came back to his senses, held his breath for an instant, and opened his eyes wide to look at the infinitely magnified face in front of him.

  Xu Chi pulled out the safety belt and she fastened it and sat back down.

  The clear and pleasant breath left, and Jin Jin let out a breath slowly.

   It turned out to be just helping to fasten the seat belt.

  The carriage was quiet and the atmosphere was lukewarm. Xu Chi concentrated on driving, but now he glanced at the carriage and asked curiously, "Brother Xu Chi, why do you drive such a car?"

  He usually does not always take a car or a commercial vehicle.

   "This is Gayue's car."

  Jinjin said "oh" and stopped talking, and didn't know what to say.

  Xu Chi glanced at her from the corner of the eye, and rarely took the initiative to provoke the topic, "Is work going well recently?"


See you tomorrow

  (end of this chapter)