MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 798 Looking Back Lately (17)

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  Chapter 798 Late Return to View Today (17)

"Well, it went well." She felt at ease when she mentioned work, and couldn't help but say a few more words, "Brother Yumu's funds have arrived, and he has been rushing to work on the project, and his suggestions are also very useful. It should be completed on time.”

   "You can call me anytime you need anything." Xu Chi looked at her sideways, "My number hasn't changed."

   Jinjin didn't know what he meant after that, so he nodded with a smile, "Oh yes, I will definitely come to you if there is anything."

  Xu Chi closed his eyes and pursed his thin lips, as if he was holding back something.

  She said this, but in fact, even if something happened, she would only go to others to find Xie Yumu, just like the investment in the Shanshui Town project, the first thing she thought of was Xie Yumu.

  Ji Jin didn't know what he was thinking in his mind, he just thought it was a polite remark, and he replied politely.

   Fortunately, I will be home soon, so I don’t have to suffer anymore.

   Unfastened his seat belt, thanked him with a smile, "Thank you for taking me back. Be careful on the way back."

  Xu Chi nodded, "Sorry for scaring you tonight, I will notify someone to tow the car, and I will also pay for the subsequent repair costs, you don't need to worry about it."

   "My car has insurance, I take insurance..."

  Before he finished speaking, he interrupted, "Jijin, please don't be so polite to me."

  He used "please", and the tone seemed to be asking.

  He didn't like how polite and perfunctory they had become.

  I can only swallow the words stuck in my throat today, "Okay, then I will trouble Brother Xu Chi."

  The frowning eased a little, and he told in a deep voice, "Go back and rest early."

  Jinjin nodded, got out of the car and walked into the house. After walking a few steps, he turned around and saw the Hummer still parked at the door.

  The light was dim, she couldn't see the person sitting in the car, but she knew he must be looking at her.

   Without hesitation, he strode into the house.

  Buyu stood in front of the French window and looked at the Hummer outside, "Brother Xu Chi sent you back."

   "Yes." Jinjin didn't deny it.

   "Where's your car?"

   "There was a little accident." She didn't want to explain so much, she just wanted to take a hot bath.

  Buyu followed behind her, "Why did Brother Xu Chi follow you?"

  Jinjin stopped her pace for an instant, and looked back at her, "You hacked into the road surveillance again? Lu Buyu, have you forgotten what your mother said again, you are not allowed to do anything illegal."

   "You didn't come back too late, I just stopped by to have a look." I didn't expect to see that scene.

   "If you do this again, I really want to tell mom." Jinjin warned her, mainly because she didn't want her to do something wrong.

  Buyu squinted his mouth, "Even my mother can't find any traces, as long as I refuse to admit it, my mother can't do anything about me."

  Jinjin: "..."

  Are all geniuses this arrogant?

  Bu Yi looked at her with his usual indifferent eyes, and asked curiously, "What's the matter with you and Brother Xu Chi?"

   "What's wrong?" Jinjin avoided her eyes and continued to walk upstairs.

Buyu followed behind her, "Since that man appeared and Brother Xu Chi came back, you seem to have changed. At that time, Brother Xu Chi found you many schools in country M, but in the end you chose to go to Australia. "

"During the years when you were studying in Australia, you didn't come back during the holidays, but Brother Xu Chi would come over every time, and he would stand by your door for a long time every time. Once I opened the door of your room to let him in and have a look, but when he See the unopened presents on the shelf and leave."

  Jinjin paused when he opened the door, and when he saw the neatly arranged gifts on the shelf, his heart suddenly jumped.

Unyielding continued to ask, "Those gifts were all from brother Xu Chi. In fact, he has been giving you gifts for Christmas, birthdays, and Chinese New Year in the past few years. There is no room on the shelf. I will put those gifts for you. It's in the cabinet in the cloakroom, if you want to take it apart, go and have a look."

  Jinjin turned to look at her, "Why did you tell me this all of a sudden?"

   "I don't know what happened between you and Brother Xu Chi, but I think he should be very sad that you are alienating him like this now."

   "You liked to cling to him since you were young. Even Sister Jiayue said that you are more like Brother Xu Chi's own sister than her."

   After Buyu finished speaking, he shook his head helplessly, as if he was very sorry.

   Jinjin lowered her eyes and said nothing. About what happened in the country that year, she didn't want to tell anyone, and she didn't want to mention it again. It was just that people asked her and Xu Chi what happened one after another, and her mind would inevitably be aroused.

  She thought she had done a good job, but in the eyes of others, she had alienated Xu Chi and failed Xu Chi's love for her for so many years.

   Was she really wrong?

  After sitting in the room for a while today, I still couldn't hold back and walked into the cloakroom. In the corner cabinet, I saw the gifts that Xu Chi had given me in recent years.

   There is a label on the outside of the beautiful wrapping paper, and it reads in strong and powerful handwriting: A Christmas gift for today.

  —Birthday gift for Jinjin.

  —New Year's gift for today.

  —Give today’s graduation gift, happy graduation.

  She looked at these gifts for a long time, and finally closed the cabinet door without opening any of them.

  Maybe apart from not liking me, he is really a good brother, and I shouldn't break his heart again because of the unrequited liking when I was young.

  The next day, Xu Chi's driver delivered a newest SUV, because she always had to go to Shanshui Town, and it was more convenient to drive an SUV.

  Jijin didn't refuse, took the car keys happily, and even took the initiative to call Xu Chi.

Xu Chi was surprised when she received her call, thinking that she was calling to refuse, and before she could say the reason she had prepared in advance, she heard a girl's crisp voice from the other end of the phone, "Brother Xu Chi, the car is waiting for you. Got it, thank you. I'll return it to you when my car is repaired."

  Xu Chi was silent for a moment, a little overwhelmed by her sudden change.

  Unable to hear his voice today, he called out in doubt, "Brother Xu Chi, Brother Xu Chi..."

  Xu Chi came back to his senses and parted his thin lips lightly, "You don't have to pay it back, it's my apology."

   "This is not very good." Jinjin hesitated, "This car seems to be very expensive."

   "It's not expensive, it's a partner of our company, and it's free." Xu Chi explained to her warmly, "If you don't open it, it's for Jiayue. I don't need it on weekdays."

   "Hmm..." Jin Jin hesitated for a moment before he refused, "Then when my project is completed and I get the bonus, I will return you a gift, but it may not be so valuable."

  She is just the person in charge of this project, even if the project is successful, she is not as generous as him.

   "It's up to you." Xu Chi silently curled the corner of his lower lip, "You can give me whatever you want."

   "Then let's settle this first, I won't disturb your work anymore, bye."


  Xu Chi waited for her to hang up, looking at the screen that hadn't turned off yet, with a long-lost smile in his eyes.

  Little girl, finally stopped avoiding him, and was unfamiliar and polite with him.


See you tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)