MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 2332 event

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No matter where you are, you can only be regarded as the top powerhouse if you reach the golden immortal. No matter what kind of power, the golden immortal's existence has absolute respect. There is no existence and can ignore one. A golden fairy.

Only by reaching the golden immortal cultivation base can it be called a true power.

You must know that the two higher realms, Taiyi Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian, and Taiyi and Daluo, are actually modification of Jinxian. This can explain the strength and importance of this level.

And Ye Tian, ​​now finally stepped into this realm.

After his strength reached the Golden Immortal, coupled with the three years of being burned by the most violent high temperature in the deepest part of the magma ocean, Ye Tian's improvement this time can be described as a thousand miles in a day. He can completely rely on himself. The strength of this magma ocean is completely subdued and controlled, which is the best proof of strength.

"At the beginning, you said that the first of the two conditions that you want to fully recover your soul is now finally completed. Next, as long as you have a great beast, I will be able to fully recover your soul. Now!" Ye Tian said to Qin Zhen.

Among the top grade spirit stones in front of Ye Tian's chest, in a small gray space, Qin Zhen was sitting cross-legged with a little illusion.

Normally, there is no independent space in the top-grade spirit stone. This is what Qin Zhen allowed himself to have a simple place to open up by himself with the help of a little spiritual power in the top-grade spirit stone.

At this moment, Qin Zhen was slightly startled when he heard Ye Tian's words.

He was indeed a little surprised. The first thing Ye Tian said after he finally left the customs and reached the level of the Golden Immortal, the first thing was to restore his soul.

Immediately, a ribbon of grateful smile appeared on his face, he shook his head slightly, and was silent for a moment.

"Actually, I absorbed the power of the nine-day spirit fox. Even if the nine-day spirit fox is a great beast, I can already try to restore your soul power." Ye Tian's voice sounded again, inside the best spirit stone. Reverberating in the space.

"Ye Tian, ​​thank you very much," Qin Zhen said slowly.

"The two of us don't have to say such things," Ye Tian said.

"Well, indeed, you now have the conditions to resurrect me, but don't worry, you still have more important problems to solve." Qin Zhen said: "Although you have a strong determination that even I am admired by. , Over and over again to overcome the desire to break the boundary, forcibly compressing one's own cultivation level again and again, and strive not to let the rapid breakthrough speed affect your cultivation level."

"Even this time, absorbing the two spirit crystals of the Shadow Demon Fox and the Nine Sky Spirit Fox, you can actually break through to the late Golden Fairy stage, but you still suppressed it forcibly."

"These suppressions are indeed useful and very important. They make your state very solid without any vain, but the speed and span of your increase by absorbing other forces is still too large, and now it is still left in your body. There are some hidden dangers."

"Next, you must first remove these hidden dangers. Although these hidden dangers have no effect on you now, your previous compressions have made you absolutely outstanding at the level of the golden immortal, but if you do not solve this problem , It will definitely have an impact on your subsequent breakthroughs in Taiyi and even Da Luo." Qin Zhen said.

"I also felt something was wrong," Ye Tian nodded and said, "I just thought that this problem should be solved well, so I didn't care."

"After all, the frontier of Ten Thousand Beasts is unfamiliar to you. You don't have the experience of reaching the Golden Immortal, or even Taiyi or even Da Luo level here, so it is normal for this kind of problem to be ignored." Qin Zhen said.

"This question seems a bit tricky?" Ye Tian frowned and asked.

"It's really tricky, and I don't agree to solve it, but the solution is very simple and rude," Qin Zhen said: "Fighting, a lot of fighting."

Ye Tian understood Qin Zhen's intention at once.

In this way, the swallowing refining power quickly increased the cultivation base, although in the repeated compression, he successfully solved the problem of the vain cultivation base, and even the existence of the same level was stronger.

But his current strength, or cultivation base, lacked a perfect fit with him.

Even after refining, there is still a gap between what he absorbed from others and what he created himself.

This little difference was the kind of hidden danger that Ye Tian felt.

Ye Tian is now like a fat man who has eaten a lot of food. Although he has successfully increased his weight greatly, the weight is indeed his own, but it is all fat. It looks like a lot of fat. In fact, compared with It's a little weak, and it's not really strong.

Only fighting, long fighting.

A lot of fighting is like exercise, which can turn these fats into muscles that are really like steel.

"Then put aside the matter of improving the cultivation level first, and go for constant fighting and exercise," Ye Tian said in a deep voice, "Wait until this hidden danger is eliminated, and then find a way to restore your soul. "

After confirming these things, Ye Tiancai focused his attention on the fleet of ships in the distant sea.

At a glance, Ye Tian saw that Qu Zhengping was the most powerful presence on these ships. With a flash of stature, he landed directly on the deck of the ship and came to Qu Zhengping's face.

"Just now there was a whim during the practice, which caused a magma disaster, everyone was frightened," Ye Tian said with a fist.

"Senior, I'll wait," Qu Zhengping and the elder Han who was next to him hurriedly saluted with fear and earnestness, and said: "We interrupted Senior's practice here, and also troubled Senior to distract and save us. It is ours. mistaken."

Seeing that Qu Zhengping was like this, Ye Tian didn't say much. He knew that even if it was what he said, given the huge power gap between the two sides, the former would definitely not accept it.

"Looking at your fleet, there is a huge difference in strength, seems to be the whole sect?" Ye Tian changed the subject and asked.

"Yes, we are from Su Yuan Mansion in Dezhou, Chudi, Guangde, Leihuoguan, and I am the master of Leihuoguan." Qu Zhengping asked respectfully, "Dare to ask senior Gao's name or title? So that we can know who saved us."

"Ye Tian, ​​it's just a casual cultivator, and there is no title," Ye Tian said, paused, and then continued to ask: "In your fleet, there is a huge difference in strength. It looks like a beast. There are many spirit beasts in the vast sea, and there will be spirit beasts attacking at any time. You are very dangerous like this. Why are you here in such a state?"

"Senior should have been practicing in this Dongfu volcano. I don't know that in the last few years, a major event has happened on the mainland. The Dragon Clan has accumulated a huge amount of power and led the entire western and northern spirit beasts to attack the Liangjie Mountain. Liangjieshan was in a hurry, and the strong human race suffered heavy casualties." Qu Zhengping said.

"That's why you are invaded by spirit beasts, so you escaped?" Ye Tian asked, but after thinking about it, he felt that the possibility was too small: "It's just that Liangjieshan is located in the northwest, and you are separated by a long distance. , Unless the entire human race is destroyed, otherwise the situation on the Liangjie Mountain should not affect your Chudi." Ye Tian asked.

"It's not a beast disaster, but a man-made disaster that let us escape!" Qu Zhengping said indignantly.

"Back then, during the Qin and Chu battle, the cultivators of Xianchu were killed and wounded countless, almost completely slaughtered. We can say that we have an unshakable hatred with Xian Qin."

"But hate to hate, even people from the Chu area have to admire the Emperor Wu Tian who caused all this. After completing the reunification, he went to war in the south and the north, and has been leading the strong and the spirits on all sides. The beast fighting, the spirit beasts in the sea, the spirit beasts in the Shenjia Mountains, the spirit beasts in the Nanban Mountains, and the spirit beasts in the Shennong Mountains were all beaten by Emperor Wu Tian for thousands of years. Come out and make trouble."

"Everyone resents Emperor Wu Tian's rage and his belligerence, which brings us tremendous pressure, but from another perspective, it can be regarded as bringing peace to our human race from being invaded by spirit beasts for thousands of years."

"But after Emperor Wu Tian died because of her repairing walking, she became a goddess, and she was completely opposite to Emperor Wu Tian. In the past nine thousand years, she has never left her newly built Tai Chi Palace and is addicted to it. In practice and retreat, he is completely ignorant of external affairs."

"She inherited all the power created by Emperor Wu Tian, ​​but she was only eager to satisfy herself and ignored the outside world. It was okay at the beginning, but as time passed by, the power of the spirit beast slowly recovered. Naturally, the tranquility is gone forever."

"In the past few thousand years, the problem has existed. With the power of the spirit beasts exhausted, our human race has no existence like Emperor Wu Tian as a support. It can only be consumed step by step. Liangjieshan The speed of dying in battle with the monks in various world cities is getting faster and faster, and the number is increasing."

"But the spirit beasts are getting stronger day by day. In order to make up for this hole, Xian Qin mobilized more cultivators to fight between Jiecheng and Liangjieshan each and every time."

"This drastic change in Liangjieshan is a concentrated outbreak of the situation over thousands of years. Two years ago, an unprecedented number of spirit beasts suddenly launched an attack. Liangjieshan suffered heavy casualties. In just half a month Here, more than 70% of the monks in the city have been lost!"

"Even so, the Saint Empress still did not leave the customs, but sent three golden dragon scrolls in a row, ordering all sects from all parts of the human race to conquer all sects, and all casual cultivators to go to Liangjieshan to resist the spirit beasts." Qu Zhengping said.

"The Golden Dragon Scroll is the highest order in the Immortal Qin Dynasty. Seeing it is like seeing the immortal emperor's deity." Qin Zhen's voice suddenly sounded in his ear, explaining to Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian nodded to express understanding.

Here Qu Zhengping continued.

"In fact, if it is to fight with spirit beasts, it is indeed incumbent for the monks of my generation to do so, but in such a battle, we have no hope at all. Xian Qin is almost filling with human lives and using the lives of monks to delay the attack of spirit beasts. , Delay the time when Liangjieshan is completely destroyed!"

"We want to live, we don't want to die, everyone doesn't want to go, but there is no way. Xianqin advances to the next level in the order of the imperial city, the state, the city, and the city. Jieshan went into battle."

"In the beginning, only the monks who were forced to conquer the Void and those above the Void Rebirth, but as time passed, the deaths and injuries of Liangjieshan increased. Xianqin began to reduce the realm of the conquest monks to the gods, and to the Nascent Soul. It has fallen to the pill formation."

"The lowering of the level of participating monks has led to faster casualties. This vicious circle has come down. Now, even the monks in the foundation stage are within the scope of being recruited!"

"At this time, the Holy King Empress is still in retreat!"

"If there is hope for death, in fact it is nothing, but now we can only produce despair. Since it is meaningless to send death, why should we go!?"

"In addition to me, there were two other people who asked Leihuoguan, eleven people returned to the void, and countless gods, but in the previous enlistment, these people are gone forever. Now I was the only one left to ask, three renunciations, and thirteen transforming gods."

"The most recent survey a year ago directly included the foundation and everything on it!"

"This is to completely kill me. As a last resort, I had to take everyone with me and escaped and entered the vast sea to escape. In the process of fleeing, it seems like Elder Han was seriously injured and just recovered. Come here." Qu Zhengping pointed to Elder Han beside him.

"In order to avoid Immortal Qin, can I even choose to face the spirit beast?" Ye Tian said softly, sighing.

"In the face of spirit beasts, it is still possible to live, but in the face of the current Violent Qin, there is no doubt that we will die, and we have no choice," Qu Zhengping said in a deep voice.

"I understand you, it is not easy for you," Ye Tian said, "Then where do you plan to go next?"

"I don't know, let's float on this sea, if you can live one more day, it will be one day." Qu Zhengping said.

Ye Tianzheng wanted to say something, suddenly frowned slightly.

"Senior, although your strength is strong, it is better to avoid the Qin Qin people. Liangjie Mountain is now a bottomless pit for monks. Today, Liangjie Mountain has experienced the death of a strong immortal emperor. …" Qu Zhengping was talking. Before he finished speaking, he noticed Ye Tian's strangeness, so he stopped his mouth and looked over in confusion.

At this time, Ye Tian looked to the west.

A small black spot suddenly appeared in a place where the eyes were exhausted from the extreme distance.

After all, the small black dot was moving at an extremely fast speed. At the same time, it was getting bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a cloud of black.

A look of fear suddenly appeared on Qu Zhengping's face.

"Quickly, go quickly, and get out of here!" Elder Han who was next to him snarled in a low voice, "The people from Qin are here!"

For a while, the faces of the people on the nearby ships showed fear, as if a mouse had met a cat.

Ye Tian knew that they were not afraid of Xian Qin, but the tragic end that they would encounter after being caught by the people of Xian Qin.

Elder Han, including Elder Han and others, all started to adjust their power to urge the ship to escape, but Qu Zhengping remained motionless, a look of grief and despair appeared in his eyes.

"Senior, hurry up! If you are found by the people of Qin Qin, they will definitely send a stronger one to take you to Liangjie Mountain forcibly!" Qu Zhengping whispered to Ye Tian.

"What about you?" Ye Tian asked.

"We can't escape," Qu Zhengping showed a miserable wry smile, shaking his head lightly and said: "These immortal Qin powerhouses have clearly found our traces, and we people have no chance to escape again. But Senior, you can definitely escape without being spotted by the violent Qin, you go quickly."

Ye Tian was silent for a moment.

It has been a year since Qu Zhengping and these people entered the sea. They have not been discovered by the Xianqin people who tracked them. However, they suddenly caught up with them. Obviously, it was caused by Ye Tian when he left the customs. The violent eruption of Mount Fu attracted the attention of the people of Xianqin.

Of course, this matter must not be counted in Ye Tian's head. After all, Dongfu Volcano has been silent for half a year because of Ye Tian's reasons. Qu Zhengping and the others have been given half a year of ease and can be said to be sheltered by Ye Tian. They half a year.

As long as Ye Tian still wanted to see, what exactly the people like Xian Qin wanted to do, and after listening to Qu Zhengping's account of their experience and the current situation on the mainland, Ye Tian also had some doubts in his heart that he wanted to find Xian Qin. The person untied.

So Ye Tian did not leave, but stood beside Qu Zhengping, silently watching the fast approaching cloud.

Qu Zhengping was right. Since they were discovered by the people of Xianqin, they had no chance to escape. Not long after several ships had been traveling, they were overtaken by the dark clouds and stopped in front of them.

On the dark clouds, three people stood.

These three people are all true immortal cultivation bases, wearing the same style of black Taoist robes, standing on the dark clouds, looking condescendingly at the several ships below, their expressions are indifferent and cold.

The three true immortal cultivators, using Thunder and Fire to view the current strength of these people, it is indeed impossible to have any chance.

"Qu Zhengping, we finally meet again!" Among the three immortal Qin cultivators, the leading man with the highest cultivation level in the middle stage of the true immortal said coldly, and the remaining two were both from the early stage of true immortal cultivation. .

"Xing Yangshuo, this is your luck!" Qu Zhengping said, looking up at the leader.

"Hahahaha, I will blame you for the bad luck. It just happened to have a large-scale eruption of Dongfu Volcano. We don't want to see this movement!" Xing Yangshuo said: Okay, don't talk nonsense, this is your life. This time all of you, you must go to Liangjie Mountain for us! "

"All!?" Qu Zhengping's expression changed. He looked at the people on several ships, gritted his teeth and said: "This is good, we will go with you, but you promised me to let go of all the foundations and the foundations. The next person!"

"Hehe, how do you bow down to the Lord, this year is like a wandering dog, do you finally want to understand?" A man in the early stage of the real fairy sneered and said.

"Compared with such an unknown drifting and finally dying in the depths of the sea that no one knows, in Liangjie Mountain, at least standing up to death!" Qu Zhengping gritted his teeth.

But in fact, everyone in the field could see that Qu Zhengping suddenly changed his mind, completely trying to make the last effort to leave Leihuoguan with the last bit of incense.

"Enough! Qu Zhengping, you are not qualified to bargain with Xian Qin!" Xing Yangshuo groaned indifferently, his voice as if thunder exploded in the sky, causing a big wave on the sea below.

"If you took someone to Liangjie Mountain a year ago, there would be no such thing. Your escape made me be punished by the palace lord!" Xing Yangshuo's eyes were full of anger.

"Qu Zhengping, you want to be a hero, right? I don't want you to be! Since you like to be in the sea, you will give me your life here today!" Xing Yangshuo sneered and said, "Remember, this is The price of being punished by the palace owner for your harm!"

With that said, Xing Yangshuo stood at the end of the dark cloud and slammed towards Qu Zhengping. A huge shadow of the fist appeared in the air, like a falling meteorite, slamming down.

The shadow of this fist is huge. Not only Qu Zhengping, Elder Han, Ye Tian, ​​and even the bow of the ship are all covered by the shadow of the fist. When Xing Yangshuo shot, it was incomparable. Ruthless and ruthless.

In the face of the powerhouse in the middle of the real immortal, Qu Zhengping naturally has no ability to resist, let alone Elder Han and the others.

Qu Zhengping didn't want to wait for death, raised his hand to Jieyin, and the thick thunder and lightning from the sky snaked and flashed towards the fist shadow, but it was easily crushed by the fist shadow.

But at this moment, Ye Tian next to him waved his hand casually, and a clear light rose from Ye Tian's fingertips and flew towards the shadow of the fist.

The moment Qingguang and Quan Ying came into contact, this seemingly domineering Quan Ying suddenly turned into Yangchun Baixue, and it melted and collapsed in an instant.

"Senior Ye Tian!" Qu Zhengping looked at Ye Tian in surprise.

Ye Tian smiled and shook his head slightly, without saying much, looking up at the three immortal Qin monks on the dark clouds in the sky.

Seeing that Qu Zhengping was about to be killed on the spot, Xing Yangshuo's heart was filled with the pleasure of revenge, his expression was hideous and wanton, and there was a triumphant smile, but suddenly the unknown young man in white next to Qu Zhengping shot him, even directly The offense was resolved.