MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 2337 Wall of the gods

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This is the space passage leading to Liangjie Mountain. Around this space passage, there are two profound immortal powerhouses standing by, hanging cross-legged on both sides of the space passage with their eyes closed.

"Well, after you enter, you will be able to reach the front line of Liangjie Mountain in seven days. I wish you all the best." The monk who led the two flying boats clasped his fists and said.

"It's hard work," Qu Zhengping replied.

Immediately, he controlled the two flying boats and flew straight into the space channel.

The flying boat entered the space channel, as if sinking into the water, ripples appeared on the surrounding twisted space, and then healed on its own.

In the eyes of Ye Tian and Qu Zhengping who entered the space channel, it was like entering the internal space of a horizontal tornado. The surrounding space was filled with countless spatial fluctuations, which looked very chaotic, but they were all extremely chaotic. Regularly and quickly rotate in the same direction.

These spatial fluctuations are filled with countless different colors, which look colorful and colorful, and also have a feeling of fantasy and beauty.

The two flying boats flew forward quickly in this space channel one after the other.

In the past two years, the flight time from Gaoyangzhou in the southeast of the Chu area to Liangjie Mountain in the northwest has been determined by groping. It will be seven days. After seven days, it will be possible to arrive.

In the past few days, Ye Tian has been practicing in retreat, recovering all the last internal injuries caused by previous battles.

Somewhere in Feizhou's room, Ye Tian opened his eyes lightly, and let out a faint breath, his eyes were filled with light, his face was ruddy, and he felt refreshed, and he felt that his state was already at its peak.

At this moment, Ye Tian felt that the speed of Feizhou had suddenly slowed down.

Although there is no change between day and night in the space channel, Ye Tian must have a certain measure of time in his heart.

It has been more than six days since entering the space channel, and about half an hour, it will be seven full days.

And now the speed of the flying boat suddenly slowed down, that should indicate that it was almost there.

In a flash, Ye Tian arrived on the front deck of the flying boat. Qu Zhengping, Elder Han and others had been controlling the flying of the flying boat, and they were also on the deck at this time.

Looking ahead, there are still those colorful spatial fluctuations, and the flying boat is still flying in the space channel.

But not far in front, in a space channel that had always had nothing except space fluctuations, two medium-sized flying boats appeared, and they were mooring firmly in the space channel.

On the deck of the flying boat, there are countless monks wearing heavy black armors. These people have long auras and strong strength, and they exude a tangy cold killing intent and **** aura.

At this time, these people were staring at the two flying boats of Leihuoguan, and Tianshou made a slow gesture to stop.

It was precisely because of seeing these people that Qu Zhengping controlled Feizhou to greatly reduce his speed.

"The exit is right ahead, slow down!" These people said in a deep voice when the two flying boats slowly approached the flying boat parked in front.

While talking, he made a pass gesture again, and didn't mean to block it.

Sure enough, after passing through here, after a quarter of an hour, the space channel came to an end, and a translucent door lay across the front.

The flying boat passed this door, flew out of the space channel all at once, and came into the real world.

Like the end of the space passage, the exit on this side is also a flat square, but the scale of the square is much larger than that in Gaoyangzhou City.

As soon as I walked out of the space channel and came to the square, I felt a strong difference.

The sky is gray, like a heavy and boundless mountain pressing on people's heads, making people breathless, and countless gusts in the sky whistling and whimpering.

The air was filled with a cold and solemn sensation that made people feel as if the blood would freeze, and there was a strong smell of blood between the breaths.

In front of the square, there were countless buildings, which stretched forward in a dense dense array. After reaching ten thousand meters away, they were suddenly blocked by an indomitable wall.

The wall is black all over, and it looks like the end of the world, standing silently and thickly, as if it is infinitely high and infinitely heavy.

It must be an exaggeration to say that it is infinite. Of course, this wall is covered, thousands of feet high. Looking up, it almost occupies half of the sky, giving people an unparalleled sense of oppression.

In the middle of the upper part of the wall, there is a huge gate tower as large as a mountain, covering the sky, like a giant suppressing the entire world, standing at the top of the wall.

After the wall extended to the two sides for a distance of about ten thousand feet, it was deeply stuck on two huge mountains. The two mountains are huge and can't see the end at a glance.

But even at such a distance, Ye Tian still vaguely felt a powerful spatial fluctuation from the mountain that seemed to extend to the end of the world, and that spatial fluctuation seemed to completely complete both worlds. It was cut apart and divided into the front and the back of the mountain.

Obviously, this mountain should be the space barrier that the Dao ancestor used to force his life to form, completely separating the human domain from the beast domain.

Only the position of the tall wall in front is a real gap.

Across that far distance, you can still see that there are countless figures flying around on the wall, and every figure exudes a powerful aura.

And the most spectacular thing is to count the city wall itself, a giant city wall thousands of feet high and tens of thousands of feet long. Only by seeing it in front of it can you know how shocking such a miracle is. People are in awe and agitated.

"This wall was built after the first gap appeared at that time, and I led thousands of soldiers of Xianqin to build it. It took a hundred years to level up three mountains before they were piled up." At this time, Qin Zhen said in a voice. Ye Tian's ear sounded, and said with a sigh.

"In order to build this wall, the human monks were also killed and injured extremely badly. Countless monks fell. At that time, to commemorate these people who fell because of the construction of this wall, I named this wall the Wall of the Gods."

"The walls of the gods are the most important component of the defense line of Liangjieshan." Qin Zhen said.

Just as Ye Tian and Qu Zhengping were on the square looking at the towering walls of the gods in the distance, several figures quickly flew over.

"You guys, are you new here?" The person who came here was wearing a black armor, stained with blood, a slightly exhausted look on his face, and a **** breath on his body. After flying over from a distance, he looked up and down Ye Tian and the others and asked.

"Yes, we are from Suyuan Mansion in Taizhou, Chudi, Guangxi," Qu Zhengping said in a salute to this man with a fist.

"Okay, since you have come to Liangjie Mountain, let's not talk about the Chu land, everyone is from the Xianqin, everyone is a human race," this person shook his head and said, "You people are pretty good. , There is no one under Yuan Ying, so let’s go with me first."

"Where to go?" Qu Zhengping asked.

"Of course it's on the battlefield, otherwise what are you doing?" The man raised his eyebrows and said, "My name is Yan Tianyu. From now on, I will be your captain, and all actions are under my command."

"My name is Qu Zheng..." Qu Zhengping was about to introduce himself, but was interrupted by Yan Tianyu.

"You don't need to tell me what your names are, after you can live to ten days, tell me what your names are," Yan Tianyu said calmly.

"Put away your flying boat, don't take this thing out here again, those flying spirit beasts are most accustomed to the more bulky flying boat, if you use the flying boat to move, it will only become a living target for the spirit beast to attack," Yan Tianyu said.

Upon hearing this, Qu Zhengping hurriedly put away the flying boat.

Then, under the leadership of Yan Tianyu, everyone flew straight to the wall of the gods in the distance.

In the air, besides the current team of Ye Tian and the others, there are still many people who flew towards the wall of the gods under the leadership of people like Yan Tianyu.

After half the payment, everyone finally came to the wall of the gods, a location close to the mountain, which was already regarded as the edge of the wall of the gods.

Looking at the walls of the gods from a distance, it is already huge and huge. When people really stand on the walls of the gods, when compared with each other, they can deeply understand their own insignificance and realize this. The walls of the gods are huge.

This wall of the gods looks like a wall, but in fact it is completely a big horrible mountain. Ye Tian and others flew up from the front of the wall of the gods, stood on the top of the wall and looked down. The earth stretched to the distance, and the shadow formed by the huge mountain of the gods' walls cast a huge shadow on the earth that seemed to be thousands of miles long.

Turning around and looking forward, I felt like I was on a floating ground. The huge smooth floor tiles under my feet stretched to the end in all directions.

On the top of the city wall, countless monks with powerful auras came and went, flying around, huge magical instruments and many buildings with various functions.

Just the top of the city wall is like a huge city.

"You have good luck. The spirit beasts just attacked once in the last two days. According to the law, there should be no fighting in these two days. You must be able to live a few more days," Yan Tianyu said: "There are a lot of unlucky ones who have just arrived. When I was fighting, I joined the battle in a bewildered manner, and died immediately, becoming an injustice under the wall of the gods."

Qu Zhengping didn't answer the conversation, and focused on the surrounding environment.

The scale of the top of this city wall is completely a huge city, but it is very different from the normal city. The air here is covered with a strong feeling of depression, which makes people spontaneously a little overwhelmed. Angry.

This feeling actually existed when I just walked out of the space channel and came to the square at the beginning, but at this time, it was even stronger on the city wall.

"Well, you are here for the time being to repair and wait. According to the normal situation, the spirit beast will attack in two days. You should prepare well and play in two days." Yan Tianyu said.

While talking, Yan Tianyu pointed to the open space in front of him and said.

He didn't care at all, and sat down on the front seat cross-legged, closing his eyes and entering the state of spiritual practice.

Suddenly, Qu Zhengping was a little surprised. For a while, he looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

When I just arrived, I was still digesting the visual shock that the scenery of Liangjieshan brought to people, and I was brought here in a daze. There were no decent things, let alone what I imagined would be immortal artifacts, pill. , There is not even a normal shelter, just a piece of empty space.

Although they knew that Liangjieshan was in a bad fighting situation, the people of Qu Zhengping had expected it, but the situation after the real arrival still made them inevitably produce huge errors in their hearts.

The hesitation of Qu Zhengping made Yan Tianyu open his eyes.

"Why, you immortals who were respected and superior before, do you dislike such a simple environment now?" Yan Tianyu frowned slightly and asked in a cold voice.

"No, it's just that it was a bit sudden. It feels like these are coming too fast, and everyone hasn't slowly adapted and accepted it," Qu Zhengping said with a smile, and while speaking, he sat down not far from Yan Tianyu. .

Elder Han and the others also sat down one after another.

Ye Tian didn't care about these things either. As early as when Yan Tianyu had just sat down, he was the first to find a corner to sit cross-legged and close his eyes and adjust his breath.

"Don't worry, you will definitely accept this place faster than you think," Yan Tianyu said lightly: "Because what you can't accept will die at the beginning."

"Senior, how long have you been here?" Qu Zhengping asked.

"Three months!" Yan Tianyu said.

"It is said that the average survival time of monks in Liangjieshan now is 13 days. Like the seniors, their abilities must be outstanding," Qu Zhengping asked: "There should be a lot of spirit beasts killed by seniors, right? ?"

"Every monk who comes to Liangjie Mountain, whether voluntarily or forcedly, will have your idea at the beginning, that is to kill spirit beasts," Yan Tianyu said.

"But I tell you, this kind of thinking is of no use here. After you people come, there is only one thing that needs to be considered, and that is how to live!" Yan Tianyu said.

"So, what experience do you have, senior?" Qu Zhengping asked.

"Although I really want to talk about some experience, in fact, in the past few months, my only experience is that if you want to live here, you can only watch your fate," Yan Tianyu said: "Even the strongest immortal emperors have fallen. Like people like us, who would dare to say that he can live forever."

"We also heard about the fall of the fairy emperor," Qu Zhengping said, "but we don't know the specific details."

"You don't need to know. When you personally participate in the battle, you will know how the Emperor Jinglie died," Yan Tianyu said.

"It turned out to be Immortal Emperor Jing Lie," Qin Zhen's voice rang in Ye Tian's ear.

"The Immortal Emperor Jinglie is the last immortal emperor of the Xianhan Dynasty. In the unification war nine thousand years ago, I was the first to surrender to Xianqin, and he has always retained the personality of the immortal emperor, although his strength is not Strong, but if he lives to the present, the seniority among these immortal emperors is relatively deep. I didn't expect that he died in these two mountains." Qin Zhen said with a sigh.