MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 291 The youngest contestant's "gorgeous" debut~

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"Although, Mr. Achill won the first place in the chariot race strongly and scored 10 points, but the game is not over yet! And we should be thankful that Mr. Achill, besides pulling the Mr. Naz reached the finish line together, and did not destroy the chariot as everyone imagined, so the chariot competition is still going on!" After the shock, Chabati squeezed the microphone and said with a dry smile, "Of course, The top two teams of Chariot Racing have already come out, they are the strongest team of Fairy Tail and Team A of Fairy Tail! The two teams got 10 points and 8 points respectively! Well, if calculated in this way, the current overall leaderboard The top two were once again dominated by Fairy Tail's two teams!"

Hearing this, there was naturally an uproar in the arena, but everyone was not surprised for a long time this time, and soon calmed down again. After all, the chariot race is not over yet, that is to say, except for the goblin led by Lord True Death The strongest team in Tail can definitely sit on the first throne, but Team A of Fairy Tail is not so stable~ It can be said that as long as the following guild teams reach the finish line and get the corresponding points, then the second guild team The position is easily surpassed again.

Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that they will regain it again later.

And the fact is that it is developing in this direction. The audience in the field finally took their eyes away from Achill. When they watched the next game again, the ranking after the third chariot race was quickly determined. up.

It can be said that both the third place winner and the last place winner were beyond everyone's expectations. There is no one else, because he is known as the most popular sword-biting tiger in the competition——Stinke, one of the double dragons! Actually abstained directly in the chariot race~? ! The reason is actually because of the extremely painful motion sickness~... well, this seems to be a common feature of all dragon slayers, and the transportation is sick~ so I can understand it.

But the other one is more astonishing, because after Achill took the first two places, the third person to reach the finish line is actually a drunk man with four hounds? ! And this seemingly unreliable, but actually powerful man is also recognized by the audience at the scene! It is the absolute trump card of the four-headed hound - the S-class wizard known as the Drunken Eagle! Drunken Master Parkas! !

"This man, did he actually play this time? Trouble." Looking at the drunken man who raised his arms and shouted in the field, Elusa couldn't help but slightly frowned.

"What's the matter, Erza?" Seeing this, he returned to the spectator stand in a daze, and Natsu, who finally came to his senses, couldn't help asking strangely, "Is there any problem with that guy?"

"There is no problem, no, or it can be said that there is a big problem!" Shaking her head slightly, Elusa frowned and recalled, "It's just that I have contacted it a few times when I was entrusting, in short, it is a very difficult one." man."

"Troublesome? Could it be that you are stronger than Erza..." Hearing this, Gray next to him said in surprise.

"That's not true." Erza shook her head. Seeing that Gray and Natsu were about to breathe a sigh of relief, Erza suddenly said surprisingly, "Strictly speaking, it should be equal! At least When I fought against him before, I was not absolutely sure that I could beat him—"

"Are you kidding! Just the kind of drunk guy?!" Not only Natsu and Gray, but also Lucy and several other members of Fairy Tail were shocked and surprised.

"But what I said was a long time ago. As for how powerful he is now, I don't know. After all, seven years have passed." Erza didn't feel how shocking her words were, and continued He said to himself, "But I think, at least it should be much stronger than before, oh, I remembered, Brother Wuming once fought against him!"

"Nani?! That guy actually fought against a monster like Achill—" Naz and the others were completely shocked, all of them were stunned, with Pacus from below and the one sitting beside him resting their eyes. Achill swept over.

"It still happened after the Tower of Paradise ended." Frowning and thinking about it carefully, Elusa thumped her hands and said, "I remember that it seemed that the nameless brother had just recovered the magic power consumed by the Battle of Paradise, and ran to the next door by himself. The town drank, and ended up arguing with him for some unknown reason, and then we started fighting~"

Hearing this, several people also remembered that at that time, because Achill's body and magic power had just recovered, Erza, Le Qi, and Mira didn't allow him to drink at all, and then remembered that it seemed that he So I sneaked out and went to other towns~ Of course, in the end, I was still caught and returned. . . Did such an incident happen in a place they didn't know about?

"Then what about the final result, who won?" Gray asked the question everyone was most concerned about, and the others also looked at Erza with interest.

"Needless to say this! Of course it's the nameless brother who wins!" Erza said with her chest raised like a proud little cock, "When I went with Le Qijiang and the others, I happened to see that guy Pacus was killed by the nameless brother. Brother, give me a kick~"

"Sweat... this can be imagined..." Hearing this, everyone was sweating profusely.

During the time they were chatting, the first round of the duel in the arena below had already begun, with the Black Snake with the Crow's Tail facing Toby with the Snake's Scale. , the palace castle in the center of Kulocas City, and a secret dialogue between two people is also going on at this time—

"Are you all ready, Mr. Alcadios, I'm already looking forward to it, the one who is marked as an S-level magician, the adopted daughter of the **** of death, and the youngest contestant in the history of the Great Devil Fight! What kind of strength does he have—" The short man, the current king of the Fiore Kingdom, looked at the distant arena with great interest, and said, "I really look forward to the performance of that little guy later~ Is he called Angel? You Who is the opponent arranged for her, Sir Arucadios."

"Return to Your Majesty, according to your Majesty's request, the S-class mage I arranged is Pacas with four hounds." Alucadios bowed slightly.

"Pacas? Are you talking about that Pacas?" Hearing this, the short king looked very surprised.

"That's right, because Your Majesty said that you want to detect the strength of the adopted daughter of the God of Death to the maximum extent, so this subordinate believes that among the S-level mages participating in the competition, Pacus is undoubtedly the most suitable A smile of unknown meaning appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Alucadios said in a deep voice, "According to the information obtained by Weichen's careful investigation last night, Pacus has suffered in the hands of that person. Well, I think his words should be the most suitable candidate for probing the strength of the adopted daughter of the true death god."

"Well, you did a good job, Mr. Alucadios." Nodding in satisfaction, the king turned his sights to the arena in the distance again, and said with a smile, "Then, let us look forward to it next." Well, the strength of that little guy, I hope it can bring enough surprises..."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Bending down and bowing his head deeply, the smile on the corner of Alucadios' mouth became darker.

Last night, after checking all the relevant information about Achill, he succeeded in persuading his majesty the king immediately, making him have a strong interest in Angel's strength! The reason is to prepare for the next plan—be prepared to sweep away obstacles!

Be the underbelly of the real death, Angel. On the information flashed in his mind, Angel's cute smiling face, Alucadios sneered in his heart and said to himself, for that plan, I have to use you as the breakthrough point, if you want to blame, blame the real **** of death who is too Be strong! Since we have no choice but to use you as a tool to stop him...

The plan is beautiful, but the reality~ will it really be what he wants?

Or, does he really understand what kind of powerful power is contained in Angel's small body~

Watching the battle zone of Fairy Tail, Achill opened his eyes that had been closed all the time, and a hint of ridicule could not help but emerge from the corner of his mouth.

His indifferent gaze swept across the field, and at this moment, the guild team list for the second round of the duel match rang in his ears.

"Okay, I just watched the first duel match between Crow's Tail and Snake Scale, and now, it's time for the second match! Well, I saw it! It's up to the four heads Pacas from the Hound vs. Fairy Tail Team A's-"

"Oh—" Hearing this, with a wine gourd in his hand, Pakas staggered up to the arena below, and following his appearance, the entire audience burst into eager excitement Cheers! One can imagine how popular he is!

"By the way, who is my opponent, huh?" He slumped down in the field that had been completely repaired, and stretched his waist greatly. Pakas looked towards the rostrum with his chin propped on one hand, with a lazy expression on his face. , Asked evilly, "Why are you silent? Reporter, tell me quickly~ Who is my opponent from Fairy Tail Team A~?! Is it the beautiful Miss Erza? Hehe, it doesn't look like it , so who is it~ But except for Erza, no one else seems to be comparable, haha..."

While speaking, with laziness and evil eyes, he slowly swept over Erza in the Fairy Tail viewing area, and Pakas couldn't help laughing loudly and evilly: "Or, don't tell me! You know and After the strength gap between me, that person was too scared to go on stage~~ Hahaha, I really laughed to death—" After speaking, he laughed unscrupulously.

"This guy..." Natsu had bulging veins on his head, glaring at Pacas, who was rolling on the ground with a smile in his eyes, and said through gritted teeth, "Look at how pleasing he is!! By the way, who is the one from our team who is fighting him? Why? People haven't pronounced their names—" After finishing speaking, the members of Fairy Tail turned their heads and looked at the rostrum.

Not only them, but even the audience watching the game all looked curiously at the rostrum.

"Damo Dou Yanwu, the second day, the second match of the duel part..." Feeling the pressure of the eyes from all around, Chabati's forehead was filled with cold sweat, his hands holding the list trembled violently, and even his head The newly changed wig slipped off without knowing it. Finally, taking a deep breath, Chabati gritted his teeth and shouted loudly into the loudspeaker microphone in front of him, "Pacas the four-headed hound! Fight Fairy Tail!" Team A's—"

"Dama Dou Yanbu is the youngest contestant since its inception! The adopted daughter of Mr. Achiel, the true death god, has won the most beautiful flower in bloom in Kulokas in recent days! Known as the holy flower—"


As soon as the voice fell, the field fell into a deathly silence. About ten seconds later...

"Wow—" A huge uproar that almost lifted the entire arena resounded instantly—

"Ah?! Actually going to play—"

"No way-"

"Is the organizer crazy?! They actually let such a cute kid play!!"

"And the opponent is still that Pacus! That famous S-rank mage—"

"But we all seem to have forgotten one thing... If I remember correctly..."

"In the information bulletin board before, the strength of this little guy in Fairy Tail..."

"The mark is also S-class!!"

"Ignorance." The disdain flashed in his eyes, Aqier stood up, and then slowly walked to Ersha's side, looking at the other's arms, there was a sleep bubble on the tip of his nose, as if he had just wandered around The little guy who woke up had a hint of doting in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand and gently hugged the little guy who was rubbing his eyes, yawning, and looking around in confusion, into his arms, and then patted the little guy's head.

"Hey, The little guy seems to have just discovered who is holding him, and he can't help giggling and showing a sweet smile to Achill, with two cute little smiles on the corners of his mouth. Small dimples.

"It's time for you to play, Angel." With his hand, he straightened the limp and lifeless moon-white hair on the little guy's head, and then gently pinched Angel's little face, Archie Er faintly smiled and said, "Now, it depends on your performance!"

"Yeah? Hmm!" First he tilted his head to look at the arena below, and then he looked at Aqier who was hugging him and chuckling, the little guy immediately nodded his head vigorously! Then he broke free from Aqier's soft embrace with hands and feet, and while showing a big smile at Aqier again, he kicked lightly with his little foot, and lightly tapped Aqier's chest, and then he was stunned by everyone in the audience. under the watchful eye...

Angel wobbled and wobbled, twirling in the air, claws and claws, and slowly flew over to the arena below, and then—

"Hey~" The center of gravity was unstable, and Angel was lying on the ground in a five-body throwing position~ two small hands, and raised one of her favorite plush **** forward...

(ps: The second chapter is here! Ask for a recommendation! Hoho—)