MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 309 Yukino's vision

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In the middle of the night, Fairy Tail stayed at the hotel. In a dark room, Yukino slowly opened her slightly heavy eyes.

"This is..." He looked around suspiciously, and the faint moonlight shone in from the outside, making the room not so dark.

She frowned and tried her best to think back, as if she wanted to recall the scene before she fell into a coma, but after working hard for a long time, Xue Nai discovered that her memory seemed to only stay in the time when she was still in the Saber-toothed Tiger Hotel, and then it was gone.

As for what happened after that, she couldn't think of it at all. She probably fainted at that time. Thinking of this, Xue Nao's slightly pale face couldn't help being stained with a touch of rosy, and a sweet intoxicated smile was outlined at the corner of her mouth. She remembered that she passed out in the arms of Dream Longing in the end .

Recalling that time, when the other party snatched herself back from the hands of the young lady Minerba in an instant, and then gently embraced her in her arms, Yukino's face couldn't help but become more rosy and intoxicated. In the end, the other party was indifferent and forceful, casually The scene of easily blowing away the eldest lady who was recognized as the strongest and wisest in the guild, and at the same time shocked her,! He also engraved this scene deeply in his heart...

That is insurmountable strength...

It seemed that it was at that time that I, who was overly excited, finally fainted in the arms of Master Aqier because of the heavy injury, exhausted physically and mentally.

I was carried back by the vision I admired the most. Thinking of this, Xue Nai couldn't help being dazzled for a while.

"In other words, this is the Fairy Tail hotel room?" Thinking of the words Lord Aqier said before she fell into a coma, Xue Nai's heart was trembling and excited, but the Lord himself said that he wanted to accept her. The guild where the adults belong~...

"you're awake?"

The sudden sound startled the excited Xue Nai. Hearing the sound, she saw a woman with beautiful blond hair rubbing her eyes and sat up from the bed. It turned out that the other party fell asleep lying on the bed just now , so Yukino didn't see it.

Although the visibility of the room was not high even with the moonlight shining through the window, Yukino still recognized the other party at a glance. It was the woman named Lucy from the Fairy Tail Guild, and Yukino silently added, Same star wizard.

"I'm so sorry Yukino-chan, I volunteered to take care of you, but I accidentally fell asleep..." After reaching out to turn on the magic light in the room, he stared at him without speaking (actually In a daze), Lucy sticks out her tongue embarrassingly, and she can see that she is a little guilty~ In other words, if Yukino accidentally moved the quilt when she was excited, she might not be able to wake up~~~

"By the way, are you all right now? How do you feel?" Lucy suddenly remembered something, immediately slapped her head, stood up, and hastily fiddled with and checked Yukino's body in a daze. He also said with a little bit of blame in his mouth, "You really are, why are you so desperate, you actually forcibly use the three doors at the same time regardless of your own tolerance limit! Fortunately, Mr. Achill's magical ghost magic can help you treat it well It’s over, otherwise it’s up to you whether you’ve woken up or not.” The concern was beyond words.

Hearing this, Xue Nai only felt a warm current flowing through her heart, which was a different feeling she had never experienced in Saber Toothed Tiger, and the tip of her nose couldn't help but feel a little sore for a while. Especially when she heard that the injuries on her body were healed by the longing Master Aqier himself, Yukino's heart trembled twice again.

"Thank you, Miss Lucy." With sore eyes and warm heart, Yukino suppressed the urge to cry aloud, sniffled, then looked at Lucy and said gratefully, "Really, thank you very much—" "

After speaking, he seemed to want to stand up and bow to Lucy, but was frightened by Lucy, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and quickly held her down.

Are you kidding me? Although Mr. Achill healed your injury for you, your body is still very weak. Now you should just lie on the bed and recuperate peacefully. Thinking of this, after wiping the cold sweat off her head, she let out a sigh of relief, and Lucy couldn't help giving Xue Nai a slightly reproachful look.

Seeing this, Xue Nai lowered her head in embarrassment, her ears were rosy, and she cursed herself for causing trouble to others again.

However, I made a decision in my heart...

"Why are you thanking me~ Companions should help each other." Hearing this, Lucy quickly waved her hand and said, "How can there be a guildmate who puts his family aside and doesn't care about it?"

"Family...companion, what..." Eye sockets were a little wet unconsciously, and she took a deep breath again, accumulating mist in the eye sockets so that it would not fall, Xue Nai murmured, "People like me, Are you worthy of being your family members and that adult's companion..." His eyes were full of weakness, fear and confusion, full of fear and longing for future life, like a fragile doll, making people Looking at it, I can't help feeling the faint heartache of wanting to hold him in my arms.

In fact, that's exactly what Lucy did. She stretched out her hands, and gently took the fragile girl in front of her into her arms, embracing the girl's slightly stiff and trembling petite body. Lucy patted Yukino's back, comforting her softly. Said: "Don't worry, from the moment Mr. Aqier brought you back from the saber-toothed tiger, you are already our family and partner~ Don't worry, Xue Nai, if there is anything you can't solve by yourself in the future, All of us will help you! Because Fairy Tail is such a group..."

Speaking of this, Lucy lifted the quilt, then lightly opened the corner of Xue Nai's clothes, lightly touched her snow-white and smooth left belly soft flesh, and said with a slightly sly smile: "Look! After the meeting between the president and Archie With Mr. Er’s permission, I’ve already stamped your family’s crest for you! You won’t blame me for changing your guild crest without your consent, Yukino-chan~” After finishing speaking, she pretended to be pitiful Xi, blinking his eyes, said in a weak tone on purpose.

Xue Nai stared down at her exposed snow-white abdomen in a daze, and looked at the position where the saber-toothed tiger coat of arms was originally engraved, only to see that the coat of arms of the saber-toothed tiger had disappeared at that position, replaced by , it is a pure white Fairy Tail exclusive heraldry totem...

"..." Biting her lips, she lowered her head deeply, but no matter how hard she tried to suppress it, clear tears dripped down her face from Yukino's chin, and wet her hands.

"Is there any pain, Yukino-chan?" Facing Yukino's silent crying, Lucy seemed very flustered, neither continued to hold her nor pushed her away, and said eagerly at a loss, "Wait a minute! Get Mr Archer at once!"

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly stood up and was about to run out, but was grabbed by Xue Nai who was crying silently, and Lucy looked back suspiciously.

Wiping the tears on her face with her left hand, Yukino shook her drooping head slightly, and took Lucy's hand with her right hand to let her sit back on the bed. Yukino finally raised her drooping head, with a heart-warming expression on her face. With a soft smile: "I'm fine...just, a little too excited..."

"Are you really all right?" Lucy asked again worriedly, and finally heaved a sigh of relief after getting a nod from the other party, patted her plump **** and exhaled, "It's okay~ just now It really scared me to death!~ I thought something was wrong with your body, as long as it’s fine, it’s fine..."

Her heart was completely wrapped in a warm feeling, her face revealed a firm expression, she grabbed Lucy's right hand with one hand, under the eyes of the other party who didn't know why, Yukino stretched out her hand with difficulty, and then took the two golden stars that she carried close to her body. The spirit key was carefully placed into Lucy's open palm.

"Eh? What are you doing, Yukino-chan?" Seeing this, Lucy said in a daze, "Isn't this your important Protoss key? Oh, I understand! You want me to heal your wounds I will keep the Protoss keys for you temporarily during the period, right?! Then don’t worry! I will definitely keep these Protoss keys for you! I’ll give them to you when you’re fully recovered—” Lucy’s expression was stunned , Then he patted his chest and said vowingly.

Hearing this, Xue Nai nodded first, and then shook her head slightly. Just when Lucy was puzzled by this, Fang just stared into Lucy's eyes and said solemnly: "It's not a temporary custody. Ah, I want to entrust these two zodiac keys to you, Miss Lucy!"

"What?!" Hearing this, Lucy was startled at first, and then hurriedly waved her hands and refused, "No, no, no, no! How can I ask for your important key?! This is absolutely not possible—this is your very important battle partner! "

"It is precisely because of this that I want to hand them over to you, Miss Lucy." With a trace of reluctance in her eyes, Xue Nai still said firmly, "Miss Lucy, you are a person favored by the gods. For Ms. Lucy, I think they will be happier in your hands~! Compared to me, a useless master, only you, Ms. Lucy, can show the brilliance they should have—” However, Yukino Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lucy's next action—

I saw Lucy holding the two Protoss keys in her palm, and then, under Xue Nai's astonished gaze, she grabbed Xue Nai's hand and directly clasped the Protoss key in her palm!

"Although it is every star spirit wizard's dream to collect all twelve zodiac keys, I..." pressed the key into Xue Nai's palm with one hand, and pressed the other hand on Xue Nai's shoulder , raised her head, and Lucy said seriously and resolutely, "How can you cut off the bond between other people and the protoss casually! And I can feel, Yukino-chan, the kind of importance you attach to the protoss in your heart! You are so I value and care about my protoss partner, how can I be so determined to cut off the connection between you and your partner—”

"Miss Lucy..." Xue Nai stared blankly at Lucy's serious and pretty face close at hand, her vision was once again blurred by tears.

"And, Yukino, you are now a part of the big family of our Fairy Tail guild~! You are an important family member and partner!" Stretching out her hand to stroke the soft hair on the top of Yukino's head, Lucy smiled lightly, "Excuse me, How can I take away something important from my family..."

"Miss Lucy—" Hearing this, she couldn't hold back the throbbing in her heart anymore, completely infected by Lucy's smile, Yukino threw herself into Lucy's arms with tears pouring down her face—

Hugging her tightly, her face was deeply buried in Lucy's arms, and Yukino was sobbing with trembling shoulders.

"Don't worry, this, fairy-tail is your home..." Lu Xi gently hugged Yukino in her arms, and patted her trembling shoulders with her left hand. Lucy smiled softly and said, "Words about important things~www. .com~ We will also protect it with you.”

"An ancient legend, the twelve signs of the zodiac, the gate to change the world—" In the hotel room, Achill lay on a big soft bed, under the faint yellow light, holding a thick book that had just been closed. A thick ancient book, with a slight frown unconsciously, Achill muttered to himself, "What do you mean..."

"Forget it, don't worry about it, anyway, you'll know later." The frowning brows relaxed, and with a flash of light in Aqier's hand, he took the book in his hand that was collected in the largest library of Kulokas today. One of the dozens of ancient books that described the legends and biographies of the protoss mages was taken back into the dressing room, and after rubbing his slightly tired head from reading the books for most of the night, Aqier looked down. Next to Mira and little Angel, who were falling asleep with their arms around their waists, there was a hint of warmth in their eyes. After turning off the faint magic lamp at the head of the bed, Aqier lay on the bed and stretched out his hands to lighten the lights on both sides. The two bodies were gently pulled into his arms.

Among them, little Angel put her thumb into her mouth and made a cute sucking sound. On her head, a certain white fluffy ball huddled together and curled up into a small ball also hid in her hair and gave out and small Angel's near-identical small grunts...

night, already deep.