MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 323 wind chimes

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"Heh, I thought I could avoid a fight, but it turns out that it seems that I still need to play." Ibrahimovic, the blue Pegasus, scratched his hair in distress, took up his seat, and looked at the The saber-toothed tiger Rufus, who was already wearing a top hat and standing with his hands behind his back, couldn't help but sighed more and more distressed, "And the opponent is that saber-toothed tiger Rufus..."

"Okay, don't complain, you don't need to be afraid of your opponent, you just need to think of other people to prove that you are a man's fragrance~! It's so fragrant~~" There are words that don't make sense in his mouth, and he doesn't even think about it all the time. The one who forgot to put on his disgusting poses was undoubtedly Ye Ye, and behind him were Xiang and Lian, who were also posing in what they thought were the most handsome poses.

"Godfather ~ Ibrahimovic! The teacher taught us very well—" the two said, "We must always believe in ourselves and our companions! So, please do your best—"

"Well, I will! I will never disappoint the expectations of the teacher and everyone—" Ibrahimovic bowed 90 degrees very seriously.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the lessons after the competition." Seeing that the audience in the field seemed impatient, Jenny hurriedly urged, "Hurry up, Ibrahimovic! Remember to be sure." Come on~" After finishing speaking, he still gave him a wink and encouraged him.

"Finally, are you going to play..." He raised his hand and pressed the top hat on his head. The hem of his clothes fluttered wantonly in the wind, and he snapped his fingers with his right hand. With the crisp sound of the fingers, countless shapes The piece of paper immediately appeared out of thin air and danced around his body~

The face under the hat made it impossible to see his expression at the moment, but Rufus whispered indifferently in a voice that could not hear the slightest emotional fluctuation: "Then, let me ask you, are you ready to die?" Woolen cloth-"

"Ibrahimovic from the Blue Pegasus..." Through the gap in the hat, Rufus stared straight at Ibrahimovic who had already stepped onto the stage with indifferent eyes, "Since you dare to stand on the stage to block our demon sword The revenge of the tigers, then you have to be prepared, you may be affected by the flames of our revenge at any time and be prepared to burn yourself—"

"Is that so? That's really scary. In order to avenge that lord, he willingly turned into a Demon Sword Tiger." He glanced back at the area of ​​Fairy Tail, and then stared at the road exuding a terrifying aura in front of him again. On Fass, although he was very nervous, Ibrahimovic still replied firmly, "But unfortunately, everyone has placed high hopes on me, so I am sorry, even if I know that it is impossible to defeat you, I will want-"

"Show off your own strength!" The figure suddenly accelerated, and the magic power in Ibrahimovic's hands quickly rushed towards the opposite Rufus. In front of the modeling, quickly close the distance and then affect and interfere with you! I think even you, the performance and reaction of the next memory modeling will not be able to keep up with the rhythm at all!" This is still in the first day of his secret competition, I learned it from Acier who instantly killed Rufus several times~

After seeing Aqier's method to deal with Rufus's mysterious memory modeling magic, Ibrahimovic secretly kept this trick in his heart~! Simply put, the trick is, as long as your speed of attack is faster than the speed of the opponent's modeling—

Although Ibrahimovic thinks that he can't be absolutely powerful like Mr. Achier, he can completely suppress the speed of Rufus' memory modeling just by relying on his own simple speed! But he also has his own improvement method~ that is, after shortening the distance and disrupting the opponent's magic rhythm, by avoiding the first blow to remember the modeling magic, and then taking advantage of the gap to launch his own magic attack! In this case, the opponent's memory modeling speed will not be able to keep up at all—

After all, in his opinion, the speed at which he can cast magic is just a step behind Rufus~

But what is the saying? Ideas are always good...

"It seems that I always feel underestimated by others." Putting down his left hand that was pressing on the hat, Rufus stared at the figure of Ibrahimovic who was getting closer and closer, and a sneer full of disdain was drawn at the corner of his mouth, "Although I probably guessed what you were thinking, but what I want to say is—"

"Are you contemptuous of our strongest saber-toothed tiger..." Ibrahimovic, who had already rushed over, punched his figure without dodging, watching the opponent's fist from his chest unhindered. Passing through, staring at the other party's figure that was temporarily stagnant due to astonishment, Rufus' body appeared behind Ibrahimovic without any warning, gently pressed his left hand on Ibrahimovic's shoulder, raised his head, indifferently In his eyes, an uncontrollable intense anger burst out, and Rufus whispered coldly, "It's still..." Countless pieces of modeling paper instantly wrapped himself and Ibrahimovic.

"It's a little too much for your strength—"

"Memory modeling..."

"What?!" Ibrahimovic's pupils shrank suddenly!

"The eternal sleeping ice-"

"Hua Kacha La Peng—" A large piece of ice suddenly bloomed in the field with the wrapped memory paper as the center! Almost in the blink of an eye, a huge iceberg made entirely of azure blue ice cubes rose into the sky like a tower in the center—

And at the very top of the tall ice spire, Rufus, who was dressed in fluttering clothes, stood quietly with his top hat on...

"Want to sing softly under the crimson moon..." Without even looking at the blue Tianma Ibrahimovic who was completely frozen in the iceberg under his feet, Rufus raised his chin lightly, using words that seemed to be explaining, but also seemed to be He murmured in his own low voice, "However, but don't forget to be aware that you will die..." There was an incomparably staring coldness in his eyes—

In the field, there was silence~,! Looking at the absolute difference in strength that could be judged almost instantly, the entire audience couldn't help but fell into a brief stupefaction~

Although I have always known that the members of the Saber-Toothed Tigers are very powerful, but after experiencing the fact that all the Saber-toothed Tigers were wiped out by one person, everyone knew that it was because the person who wiped them all out was too strong. For mighty sake! But they still unconsciously lowered their overall feeling and evaluation of Saber-toothed Tiger in their hearts, just like they slowly lowered their evaluation of Fairy Tail...

And in this eerie silence, there is only Rufus standing tall on the tip of the ice in a victorious posture! In his own whisper, whispering the power of the strongest saber-toothed tiger—

"Ibrahimovic!!" Naturally, the blue Pegasus who was worried about his partner's situation was the first to react, and Xiang and Lian immediately rushed forward with a change of expression.

"Dangdangdang! The game is over~ The Ibrahimovic player of the blue pegasus has lost his combat power! Today's Damo Dou Yanwu duel match in the second round! The winner came with momentum and anger! ~The strongest saber-toothed tiger Lufa S—”

"Roar—" Until then, everyone completely recovered from the short-term stunned just now! For a moment, the audience was full of excited and excited cheers—

"Hmph, is this right? This is the majesty we should have in the name of being the strongest!" The cyan who lifted the unconscious Ibrahimovic from the field below with anger and worry quickly left the field. Pegasus retracted from the two of them, and Minieba immediately fixed her eyes on Achill in the Fairy Tail area, the flames of anger and hatred flickering in her eyes suddenly became more and more intertwined, "You will see, this is strongly suppressed. The strength blessed by the belief of hatred..."

"Don't you really care, Achill?" In the Fairy Tail area, Mira turned her eyes away from the playing field below, and smiled at Achill who was sitting next to her holding Angel.

"It seems that they hate you very much~ Brother Wuming." Erza also said with a smile.

"It's natural, no matter what, Achill is the culprit who wiped them all out~" Le Qi raised her head and said with a nonchalant smile while playing with a small bracelet on her wrist. And even if it is hatred, anyway, no matter what, they are 'absolutely'! It is impossible to beat Achill~! So there is no need to care about it at all~~" Don't forget the word "absolutely" The accent was accentuated, and Erza and Mila also smiled slightly when they heard the words, obviously agreeing with this.

"Indeed." He lifted up the little Angel in his arms, and watched the little guy giggling happily in his Aqiel didn't even look at the playing field below, that was still the same. After raising his arms high to show off his strength to the audience, Lufus glanced at him, and said lightly, "No matter how much you jump around, an ant will always be an ant."

"So, we don't need to waste energy on that level of stuff..."

"If you're bored, just watch them continue jumping around like this." Leaning back on the chair, he raised the little guy he held high in his hand to his eyes, and looked at Angel's flawless eyes that were shining brightly and purely. Looking at the clear figure reflected in those black eyes like his own, Aqier couldn't help but speak, and said with a faint smile, "You say so, little Anqi..."

"Yeah?" The little guy tilted his head, raised the hair on his head twice in doubt~ Then he opened his hands and hugged Achill's head, which was close at hand, and narrowed his crescent-like eyes , Angel gently rubbed Aqier's forehead with her tender face happily, and there were shallow, small and cute dimples on her face.

"Giggle~" The little guy's clear laughter, like a silver bell, spread far, far away with the sound of the wind...

Accompanying it, there are two small silver wind chimes hanging on the small waist and bumping lightly~