MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 363 The face of the person I saw at that time... (beginning

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"It's too ugly, Jeff." Putting down his right hand, Chen Wuming said indifferently, "I don't remember, I taught you such an ugly posture."

He didn't even have the interest to resist a little bit, and saw that not far in front of him, Jeref, who was spurting blood, fell powerlessly towards the abyss below.

And not far from the two of them, Achill, who was panting heavily, stood in the void with a condensed expression.

Just now, he used several double-sword swastikas and even three-sword swastikas to attack, but as the other party said, let alone defeat him, he didn't even hurt him at all! The third king of the underworld had just used it and before he had time to show his might, he had already smashed it into pieces with a random blow...

And Jeff, because he wants to know the meaning of his existence, wants to know the real script—when he is told that his existence has no meaning and function at all, when he knows that he is just acting as a role in the teacher's script. When he realized that everything he was cursed was just because of the needs of the script, it was all the ridiculous things that had been arranged in the script written by the teacher, he resorted to his own strength. The strongest magic, and then thousands of monsters came to this world, and together with their strongest magic power, they sent the final blow to that man...

However, with just one blow from the man, all the monsters collapsed and dissipated in an instant—Jerf, the strongest and most evil black mage in the legend, was instantly defeated by humans and magic without any resistance—

"Hehe, it's really ridiculous..." Letting his body fall down weakly, he coughed up a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and Zeref muttered bitterly to himself, "I never thought that I would end up in this way." ...was it just a doll in the first place, heh, heh, so that’s how it is, from the very beginning.”

"I'm just a puppet controlled by your script, teacher..." His eyes gradually returned to black, and the magic power on Jeff's body gradually disappeared. "For the needs of the script..."

The cursed body became ordinary, and the power of immortality finally dissipated from the body.

After more than 400 years, the breath of life that belongs to human beings finally reappeared in Jeff, although, when it reappeared, it had already begun to pass away...

But it’s okay, maybe just disappearing like this is the best choice for me, at least this way...

There is no need to helplessly take the precious life of others...

Eyes closed in relief, hands hanging down weakly, with a sense of relief and relief, and with a wish that lasted for more than four hundred years, Jeff fell straight into the abyss like this...

"Is that so, is that so, you are indeed me!" After calming his breath again, Aqier stared at Chen Wuming in the distance with burning eyes.

"I know myself too well. Although what you have done seems unbelievable, if you think about it carefully, if you change the angle, if it is me, then I will definitely do the same thing as you things!" Ignoring Jeff's fiasco, and also not being affected by the previous series of failures, Achill said in a deep voice, "There is no reason, if you have to give any reason—"

"Then that's how we were—"

The black pupils were full of seriousness, and a soft murmur spread across the sky.

"I only care about what I care about most, I only care about what is important to me...everything else is meaningless, we are originally such a person..."

Achill raised his head high, looking up at the sky that was completely covered by darkness.

"Whether it's selfish or extreme, those who deny themselves are failures, and those who admit themselves are strong!"

Achill whispered in a very serious voice: "There is no such thing as absolute right and wrong in this world! We are all just sticking to our own truth~! I am me, no matter what happens, we will not One iota of change, no matter what happens, no matter what painful circumstances we encounter, we're always who we are, we're the same, even if it makes the whole world an enemy of—"

"This, is me! Or this is us..." At the end, the two looked deeply at each other, and said in unison, "Chen-no-name!"

"In this case, let's see who is the last one! Who is the right one—" With a press of his left hand, Angel in his arms was turned away by himself, and Aqier went straight to the man. Flying in the direction of lightning "Death's law—"

The magic power of black and white in both hands is condensed crazily! A large devil totem magic circle instantly appeared in front of him—

"Extreme Abyss Reincarnation—"

"Huh?" He frowned slightly, and saw a circle of black ripples enclosing himself from the top of his head to his feet in the space.

Seeing this, Chen Wuming couldn't help showing a faint mockery on his face.

"Just disappear in this abyssal black hole where no magic can be used—" The opened hands snapped together! The circle formed by black ripples has suddenly shrunk and fused toward the center—

"No stars, no stars, no day, no night—" Black and white magic power crazily overflowed from the gap between the hands, and a circle of silent black holes had already shrunk crazily around Chen Wuming's center! With a low drink rolling in his throat, the fingers of his closed hands crossed and squeezed tightly! Achill's eyes sparkled and he shouted in a deep voice—

"Endless black hole!"

"Om—" There was a vibrating clear sound, the black world, the world that was already covered by darkness without any light, suddenly seemed to be darker and deeper by three points, and the world was silent...

Chen Wuming's figure was instantly engulfed by the black hole and disappeared—

"That's all you need, Achill."

The sound came out, and then there was a crisp sound of glass shattering and cracking. Chen Wuming walked out of the dark black hole of the abyss step by step. The abyss black hole formed by the law of the **** of death was completely blown away with a simple wave of the hand!

In the indifferent eyes, there is only a deep indifference to everything except what he cares about.

"I traveled through, four hundred years ago, from the original world to this magical world, and came to the ancient world more than four hundred years ago, on this day." Raising my left hand, in the white palm, two The small silver wind chimes lay quietly in the palm of her hand, and they were exactly the pair of wind chimes pinned to Angel's waist.

A trace of nostalgia and reminiscence flashed in his eyes, carefully dragging the wind chime in his palm, Chen Wuming recalled softly: "It was also on this day, I met her here..."

"Similarly, it was also on this day that she left me forever, Ling—" He squeezed the wind chime tightly in his palm, Chen Wuming's eyes filled with deep sadness and pain, "It's still in this place—"

"She disappeared because of me. In order to achieve my magic, she was willing to use herself as a sacrifice to activate my magic. At the cost of her own existence, she disappeared before my eyes with a smile." Consciously wet his face again, Chen Wuming tightly clenched the wind chime in his hand, "Just because I said, I want to have the power that the world can't surpass!"

"I was weak when I first came to this world, no, hehe, it should be said that I am weak and pitiful...In that era when magic developed to its peak and prosperity, in that cruel era of great magic! I don't know any magic I am weaker than anyone else..."

"However, when I was most afraid and confused, she appeared, with a pure and innocent smiling face, as if like an angel that illuminates people's hearts, with a warm and refreshing fragrance and breeze, as well as bringing people out of nightmares. Awakened by the clear and crisp wind chime, appeared in front of me with a smile..."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Chen Wuming couldn't help stretching out his hand, with tears on his face, his eyes full of nostalgia and fascination for the good memories: "I don't have any dislike for the weak and weak, and I don't have any The impatience, some, just deep into the soul, kindness and concern, I still remember that smile—”

The look in his eyes returned from memory to reality, and Chen Wuming said in a deep voice: "I will never forget it! It was her who pulled me out of the abyss of despair—"

"However, it is because of my weakness that she will leave me forever!" Chen Wuming shouted emotionally, "It is because of my weakness! She left me forever!" Only then disappeared from my side! In order to fulfill my wish, I smiled and died in front of me—”

"Laughing and dying in front of me!"

Chen Wuming shouted crazily with all his might! The sound spread throughout the whole world, and the fluctuations of terrifying magic power erupting from his body violently stirred up the whole world!

The sky is tearing, the air is trembling, the earth is shaking, the ocean is roaring, and the lightless world is soaked like a sea of ​​ink. Everything in this world is under this "absolute" power that is above everything, and it is madly sending out pain. wailing!

A power that no one can contend with, even a **** can be killed by his hands! This is the power that is stronger than everything—the power that has no upper limit and can never be surpassed by others!

Absolutely unsurpassable power—

"Do you know, since then, I have never lost to anyone." Chen Wuming seemed to be saying to Achill with his clenched fists slowly loosened with an indescribably deep sadness on his body. , as if she was just whispering to herself, "Because my strength is what she bought with her life..."

"But in the same way, I also lost to myself." Looking up, Chen Wuming looked directly at Aqier, "Ling died, but I can't save her... powerless, completely powerless—in order to save her, I Created the forbidden magic r system that can revive the dead! Also created the myth of light that can recombine souls and thoughts to form a special spirit called "Fairy Spirit"—photon reconstruction! Even I have also created various great magical abilities that can travel back to the past, the future, and any time and space at will! I hope I can return to the world before Suzu died—”

"However, these have all failed!" Clenching her fists tightly, raising her head, Chen Wuming said wordlessly, "She died to activate my 'only'! Her magic, my 'only', was fully awakened by her death, and all traces of her existence also completely disappeared... completely disappeared in this world, without leaving any trace..."

"Even if you go back through time and space, it's just a world without bells, a meaningless world—do you know this pain, Aqier?" Looking at Aqier, Chen Wuming's eyes were full of emptiness and seriousness—

"That kind of pain that can't find the one you love, seems to tear away all your hopes."

"You know what, Achill—"

(ps: Nine thousand three's favorite, quack quack, continue to ask for a collection of 10,000 hits! Thank you -)
