MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 5 Landing on the island!

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"Get up! MD is still sleeping? Didn't you hear what I said?! Hurry up and get up!" Early in the morning, the genius was slightly bright, and a rough-looking man had already entered this small space, rushing to the sleeping man. A group of people roared loudly, with a fierce look on their faces.

After being yelled at by the rude man, everyone couldn't sleep anymore. Although everyone was furious, no one dared to confront the other party!

There is no way, not to mention that everyone's hands and feet are chained and the combat power they can display is very limited, but the identity of the opponent's mage is enough to scare them in their hearts! Although I don't know what the purpose of these mages is to catch me, but the result is not much better!

But the gap in strength is there after all, even if they want to resist, they still have no chance! So they had no choice but to let them slaughter them. After all, although everyone was angry in their hearts, they hadn't lost their minds. Naturally, no one was willing to take the initiative to touch the bad luck of these wizards.

Although this kind of thinking is very negative, it is undoubtedly the best way at present. At least for the time being, there is no danger to their lives. The situation of killing is seen.

Thinking about it, those wizards are not fools, since they arrested themselves and others on purpose, then there must be some ulterior motives without accidents! It might even be necessary to use myself and others at critical moments! So at least for the time being, there is no danger to their lives.

It's better not to rush to resist and see the situation first, live as long as you can!

This is the true thought in everyone's heart. I have to say that people in that world are basically afraid of the dead! Such people are generally not in situations where there is a great chance of escape or when their own lives are threatened, they usually tolerate as much as they can, and retreat as soon as they can!

Although it is possible to live a little longer by surviving like this, but in the same way, when this kind of people encounter a real disaster, they are usually the first to be dealt with! Just like boiling a frog in warm water...

Regarding everyone's thoughts, Chen Wuming was undoubtedly the clearest! Because he is also one of the kidnapped people at the moment, so if you think about it a little bit, you can probably know what they are thinking; in fact, he was already awake when the rude man first came in, maybe because he traveled through this kind of night What happened to Tan actually happened to him, so although Chen Wuming fell asleep last night, he didn't sleep too deeply. Although Chen Wuming secretly sneered in his heart at the lucky thoughts reported by everyone But helplessly, there is no way at all.

Without him, not only because of his body as a child, but more importantly - no one to help him.

Although the saying that a person's power is always small may not be the most accurate in this magical world, it couldn't be more appropriate if it is put into Chen Wuming's current situation...

Thinking of this, Chen Wuming couldn't help but sighed lightly.

"What's the matter, little guy?" Chen Wuming's expression was naturally seen by the old man beside him, seeing that he just shook his head slightly and didn't answer his own words. As a mature man, he naturally knew what the other party was thinking. What, he also sighed at the moment, and said softly to Chen Wuming or just talking to himself, "Although it is very negative, as long as you are alive, there is always hope..."

Hearing this, Chen Wuming was shocked all over! Yes, as long as there is life, there is hope! If you die, then there is really no hope at all. It seems that your own ideas are too ambitious.

Thinking of this, Chen Wuming couldn't help but cast a grateful look at the old man. Of course, he wouldn't be an idiot to think that the other party was really just talking to himself! Obviously, the other party is trying to wake him up.

For Chen Wuming's grateful eyes, the old man didn't seem to see it, and he still just squinted there, as if he was dozing off or thinking about something, but as long as he pays attention, he can still see it. Seeing the fleeting admiration in the eyes of the old man, although it was only a short moment.

After figuring out the depression in his heart, Chen Wuming couldn't help but relax for a while. Of course, the relaxation mentioned here doesn't mean that he really relaxed about the gang of magisters who kidnapped him and others. Be vigilant, on the contrary, his vigilance has risen like never before! Because he didn't know what the other party's purpose in arresting so many people was, and he didn't dare to relax his vigilance for a moment until he had completely determined the other party's purpose!

Over there, the rude man seemed to be getting impatient, but he urged him again, cursing and yelling, while slapping those who were dozing off with the whip in his hand.

"Ah—" There was a sudden scream, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. They looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a middle-aged man curled up on the ground in pain, like a hemp shrimp. Similarly, cold sweat continued to ooze from his forehead, obviously suffering from great pain.

Then I looked at the place where he was covering his hands, uh, after a long time, it turned out that he was hit by a whip in the balls...

Chen Wuming watched this scene profusely, while feeling silent mourning for that dear friend, he also thought quite speechlessly in his heart, by the way, buddy, you must be a bit of a disaster.

Needless to say, I know that it must have hurt just now...

But having said that, Chen Wuming was resolutely evil. Speaking of which, why does he feel that the rude man and the unlucky cup man lying on the ground add up to a very weird feeling? It seems to be quite a bit of S.M's great demeanor...

Those who were also sweating profusely included the instigator of this painful situation—the rude man. At this moment, the other party was looking convulsively at the middle-aged man who was lying on the ground and kept screaming, looking at the whip in his hand, Then he threw the whip far away with a cold expression on his face, obviously thinking of this.

"MD! Don't sleep with me one by one! I haven't slept well yet! If I find out that someone is sleeping next to me, this guy will end up! Tch—" The rude man warned again in annoyance, by the way Then he pointed to the middle-aged man who was still lying on the ground and hadn't recovered from the severe pain. After spitting lightly, he muttered a few words "MD! Everyone is following a pig I can sleep in the same way!" After finishing speaking, he ignored the expressions of everyone in the small space, and then he opened the deck leading to the upper floor, turned over and climbed out.

As for the expressions of everyone, uh, not surprisingly, they all consciously used various methods to relieve their drowsiness. After all, no one wants to enjoy the feeling of pain in the egg... In other words, it is really painful to say .

alright, do not piffle any more! Chen Wuming's thoughts returned to the status quo, and he lowered his head to think. He had learned from the old man that they were locked in a warehouse under the deck of a sailboat. Don't ask the old man how he knew, after all, no matter what How can I say that he has lived for so long, if he can't even figure out this point, then his sixty years of life will be in vain!

According to the old man, since the warehouse they are in is not too big, the sailboat used to transport them is not a big one, and there is also a smell of seaweed and salty moisture in the air Look, needless to say, you can probably guess that this ship is sailing in a certain sea area!

But which side of the sea it is, and where the other party wants to transport them or even what they want them to do is unknown, but even if you think about it with your ass, you can guess that it will never be a good thing! (Nonsense! If something good happens, it will be your turn?)

And since someone came to urge him to wait for others to get up just now, needless to say, he knew that he was probably at the place. Thinking of this, Chen Wuming couldn't help being shocked, and the vigilance in his heart was immediately raised to the peak in vain at this moment!

Sure enough, within ten minutes, that rude man climbed down again, and urged the crowd to go to the deck.

After arriving on the deck, Chen Wuming was finally able to take a good look at the surrounding situation. This is a strange sea area! This was the first thought that came to Chen Wuming's mind. The reason why it was said to be weird was because the sea area on this side was shrouded in a dark sky, and there was no seabird around! It was like entering a lifeless dead sea.

In the middle of the sea area, stands a medium-sized island. Just like the feeling of this sea area, the whole island also gives people a strange and cold feeling. At this time, the sailboat is docking at the edge of the island's pier .

"What are you looking at? What are you doing in a daze?! Hurry up and go ashore!" Just as everyone was stunned for a moment, the rude man immediately urged loudly impatiently, "If you want to watch, there will be opportunities in the future Look! Get me ashore now!!" After shouting, he viciously raised the whip in his hand.

Seeing this, everyone shrank their heads in fright, not daring to delay, they all rushed down from the deck to the island, and then waited for the rude man's order, and Chen Wuming naturally couldn't continue to observe The surrounding situation has changed, and now he is walking down with other people.

Seeing that everyone was so obedient, the rude man seemed very satisfied. He raised his head proudly, and was about to reprimand him a few more words to satisfy his inner satisfaction, when suddenly there was a cold call from the deck behind him. Voice:

"Okay, Tucker, don't waste time, let's take them to the construction site quickly."

Pressing down the wide hat on top of his head, the man in black robe said indifferently. Standing behind him was the burly man who went out with him to carry out the task of arresting the labor force assigned by his superiors.

"Yes, yes, Lord Safi!" Hearing this, the rude man, who was called Tucker by the man in black, bowed his waist respectfully, and responded humbly. Said, "I'll take this group of labor to the construction site right away!"

"En." The black-robed man didn't say anything after hearing the words, and then he turned and left with the burly man beside him just to take a look at Chen Wuming and the others.

These two guys should be at the cadre level of this unknown group of evil mages, right? Looking at the two people who were gradually going away, Chen Wuming thought solemnly, from the attitude of Tucker just now, it was obvious that the status of those two people must not be low!

"What are you still doing here in a daze?! Hurry up and move forward!" After wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Tucker finally recovered from the pressure of the two adults. When he stared at himself with a strange look, he couldn't help roaring in anger, "If I delay the plans of the adults, I will take you as a question!!" The eyes felt quite uncomfortable! That kind of look is obviously despising yourself!

Being despised by them, anyone can see that this guy is obviously angry, and naturally no one will be stupid enough to touch the other party's bad luck at this time, so they hurried on their way one by one, cursing at Tucker Under the guidance of the teacher, he hurried towards the so-called construction site.

Similarly, although Chen Wuming was still very puzzled about the so-called construction site, Chen Wuming would not be an idiot to ask directly. , he still often secretly observes the surrounding environment while that Tucker is not paying attention! He didn't dare to be a little sloppy on this point, after all, this was the key to whether he could escape from birth and regain his freedom in the future! So he observed very carefully!

(PS: Although I worked hard to code, the result seems to be relatively late? Alas, there is no way, there are too many classes every day, is Nima's full every day?! Very resentful...)