MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 636 Chase

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   Chapter 636 Chase

   The knock on the door was very fast. It felt more like a knock on the door than a knock on the door. Is this the rhythm of breaking in?

   At the door of this quiet private room, it really looks very strange.

  Jia Peicheng's expression changed, he sent a voice transmission to Lian Yi:

   "We must have been discovered."

The tone of    is very determined.

   Being discovered by anyone is not a good thing.

  Jia Peicheng knew in his heart that this place was a tiger's den and they had no friends.

  I didn't see anyone outside, but this hurried knock on the door was not good.

  Lian means that a little green light from the fingertips flew and fell on the door. The green pattern on it suddenly appeared, surging for a moment, separated from both sides, and the outside scene was imprinted in front of the two of them.

   One person, black robe and black hat, but with a unique face of the oyster clan, Lian Yi can't mistake it!

   "It's the Oyster Clan!" Jia Peicheng was shocked, unable to figure out why the Oyster Clan discovered them so quickly.

   When he heard the knock on the door, he was mostly on guard against the Beginning Demon Clan. As a result, the Beginning Demon Clan didn't make any movement yet, but the Oyster Clan chased here?

   You must know that this is the Demon City of the Beginning Demon Clan. The Oyster Clan are not the masters of this Demon City. They actually intercepted them like this.

  Lian Yi squinted slightly when he saw this Oyster Clan, and his mind was like flowers and willows, and he recalled everything from the time he met the Oyster Clan to the present.

   She felt that she did not have any major omissions in what she did, and even if she was found, it would not be so fast!

   So, what went wrong?

  Lianyi's eyes narrowed slightly, and her face changed with light and shadow. She remembered the weird black things that belonged to the Oyster Clan on her body.

   Xu is, there is something strange about this black thing, that is why the Oyster Clan can track her so quickly.

   She didn't bother about the door anymore, she raised her hand, and the black robe she had taken off before was put back on again.

   Jia Peicheng glanced at Lian Yi: "Let's run."

   This private room is facing the street. Although the door is closed, there are formations set up by the demons. However, since Lian Yi can silently tamper with the formations, he should have no problem with his silent broken window.

  Lian Yi went to the window and waved to Jia Peicheng.

   A little green light came out silently through the window again, directly over everything, and pointed at the other two black-robed oysters who were hiding in the dark.

   "Someone is guarding it. It seems that this battle is inevitable."

  If she can run, she wants to run even if she wants to. At this time, she knows that there are some secrets of the demon clan in front of her that she wants to explore, so naturally she will not be looking for trouble.

  Unfortunately, it may backfire.

  The three oyster tribes just surround the private room where they are, and they are horns of each other. This is a must for them!

  Lian Yi rubbed his face, condensed a water mirror, kneaded and kneaded on his face, and said to Jia Peicheng, "Your face can't be used anymore, hurry up and change it."

   These "father and son" faces were used by them in the city. If they didn't even go out of the city, they would fight with the Oyster Clan in the city, and others saw their faces, then it would not be suitable to use them in the city.

   She also pointed to the use of the "father and son" faces, using the identity of father and son, to walk freely in the city, so that they could inquire about the situation of the magic city and the demon king.

   Naturally, he is reluctant to be seen through now.

   kneaded and kneaded his hands on his face. At this moment, there was a hint of flirtatiousness between his brows and eyes, and he turned into a female demon cultivator, and his cultivation level climbed to the extreme.

The    battle may be unavoidable, but even when it starts, she tries her best to go out to fight.

  Jia Peicheng was stunned for a moment, and then he started fiddling with his face without hesitation!

   The belief in Lianyi is more and more deeply ingrained in his bones.

   After a while, the two of them were done.

  Lian Yi gathered his black robe, hooked and twitched his fingers, and scolded lightly, "Go!"

  Suddenly, the green pattern on the door and the wall reappeared, like a tide, thousands poured in and receded to Lianyi's fingertips.

   The two of them had already jumped out of the window and flew away.

  The door of the private room was "knocked" open instantly.

The door slammed hard against the wall, causing a loud bang.

   Not only that, but at the same time, in several private rooms around the restaurant, several black mists penetrated.

   Those black mists fell to the ground and caught fire, and in an instant, the entire private room on this floor was in chaos.

   Countless people in black robes rushed out from the windows and doors.

  The chaos became a pot of porridge.

   That's it, it just bought a moment of freedom for Lian Yi and Jia Peicheng.

  As the noise started, the two oysters below quickly and accurately intercepted the two of them.

   It's just that they really set up a net of heaven and earth, but the two people in front of them are obviously not fuel-efficient lamps.

   Especially the nun!

  Under the black robe, two black mists were violently shot out and charged towards the two oysters!

  From the perspective of the two oysters, they saw two evil tigers with green faces and fangs suddenly emerge from the black fog, as if they were about to rush out of demonic energy, rushing towards them and tearing them apart.

   One of the people guarding outside the window was the head of the three, the one who used the Oyster Clan secret technique to find the traces of Lian Yi and Jia Peicheng.

  It knew in its heart that this witch did all this just because she wanted to escape.

It was already full of hatred in its heart, so how could it make her wish? At this moment, it even ignored the tiger's head that was already in front of her, and the foot of the person flickered, and she was ready to completely ignore the person behind her, who was already like an arrow from a string. Pounce!

  I didn't even think that I was so powerful that I could block the three Oyster Clan all at once.

  Especially at the moment of the fight just now, I felt that the three oysters were different.

   However, it was somewhat unexpected that one of them could react so quickly and chase after her.

   She doesn't have to look back, she just feels that every inch of her body is warning!

  Behind her, the cold, dark aura almost spread to her heels.

   I felt a sense of crisis in my heart.

  Instinctively, she fell low and passed the palm of the Oyster Clan!

Her face has changed, her hand is raised again, and another cloud of black mist blocked the oyster clan. The oysters are surrounded by them.

  The Oyster Clan was held by their hands and feet for a while, but their faces were disapproving, as if they had a plan in mind.

   In front of these black mists circling, it was unmoved by its teeth and claws.

  It didn't say a word, and swung out with one palm, and in that palm, there were countless tiny, insect-like things swung out.

If someone takes a closer look, they will find that these things are wet and sticky. After being swung out, they are directly attached to the chaotic lines formed by the black mist. After a while, the chaotic lines are broken several times. root.

   But at this moment, the Oyster Clan's rather indifferent expression changed.

   A moment of hesitation flashed on his pale face due to the use of secret techniques, and then, very quickly, his eyes were bright, and he actually looked more and more sinister.

   Since then, it seems that its mood has fluctuated again, and even in this gloom, there is a flash of inevitable victory.

   It was the black fog that couldn't stop the Oyster Clan, and it also bought precious time for Lian Yi and Jia Peicheng.

   At this moment, as fast as lightning, he rushed out of the city.

   The change in the city came unexpectedly.

  The originally peaceful magic city, like a silver bottle, suddenly fell into turmoil.

   Fighting is not terrible, they fight every day, but the cultivation base is so high, although the speed of the battle is very rare.

There is no shortage of bright-minded people everywhere. This level means that whether it is the two black-clothed demon cultivators who escaped from the city, or the three oyster clan who chased and intercepted in the city, and then followed the two demon cultivators out of the city, It all explained that these five, with their high cultivation bases, seemed to have reached the pinnacle of the lower third heaven.

   How to describe this feeling, it is like the feeling of seeing five monks with perfect spiritual transformation suddenly fighting in the street in an ordinary city in the Guangmei Star Region!

   For a time, people were panicking, and it was like a great enemy in the magic city.

They couldn't figure out how the Shimo clan could have such a high-ranking clan suddenly appear in the city, and, although it was only a flash, there were also people who saw the faces of the two demons, which were clearly two very unfamiliar faces. !

   is not only unfamiliar, but also fights with the high-ranking people of the Oyster Clan!

   At this level, everything has been done. What happened?

   Could it be that it will be like the previous immortal and demon war, and the Shimo clan and the oyster clan will also start a war?

   Now, you can have whatever you want!

   In addition to fear, the Shimo family is more angry.

   In their view, neither the Immortals nor the Oysters are their opponents.

   The Xianmin clan, that is the defeated general.

   Didn't you see that the Wuji Tianzun didn't show up?

  Teng Xianlianyi?

  Teng Xian Lianyi is quite terrifying, however, no matter what, she is also a lonely one, even if she brought the group of people from Guangmei Star Region, can it be compared to the power of their Beginning Demon Clan?

   They are afraid that she is not bad, but when there are so many people, they are not afraid, and they believe that in front of their invincible Primordial Demon Yuan Zun, the vine fairy is as small as an ant.

  The oysters are even more eloquent. If they hadn't been kind enough to open the door to the fairyland and welcome them in, they would still be floating pitifully in the void of the universe.

Everything from the   Oyster Clan was given by their Primordial Demon Clan, and if they dared to attack their reborn parents, they should be taught a good lesson.

   Little did they know that when their minds were different, the Demon King's mansion, the eyes of the Demon King suddenly opened, something seemed to flash through very quickly in the dark and gloomy eyes.

   Then, it silently turned into a plume of black smoke, chasing the two waves of men and horses away.

   Naturally, she didn't know the connection at this time. When she led the Oyster Clan away and wanted to find an open space, when she completely understood the purpose of the three Oyster Clan chasing her, she attracted another magic resistance.

   It’s really that the plan can’t keep up with the changes.

   is very hasty.

  Lianyi and Jia Peicheng rushed all the way to the mountain of Buyan.

  In the mountains, the place is large, the terrain is complex, and the wood fairy is full of spiritual energy. For Lianyi, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

   On the way to the attack, Lian Yi did not forget to remind Jia Peicheng.

   "...There are three people here, and there are no other chasing troops. These three Oyster Clan seem to be just immortals, but their aura is unfathomable and unfathomable, and they may be from above."

   is to escape, and even his consciousness soars, and he can clearly see the situation behind him.

   Thinking of the nobleman of the Oyster Tribe who was killed before, thinking of the macaroni card and the strange black thing that I still don't know what it is, Lian Yi thinks that she is guessing, and nine times out of ten she is right.

   It is amazing that people from the Middle Third Heaven or the Upper Third Heaven come at such a fast speed.

   In addition, even if the cultivation base is suppressed, the means are not comparable to the oysters of the lower third heaven, and Lian Yi naturally attaches importance to it.

   She glanced at Jia Peicheng, her eyes filled with murderous intent.

  Since everyone has come, don't take this opportunity to kill, wait for the next time, and wait for such an opportunity, but it may not come.

   Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are, not to mention, these are not mosquitoes, these are the golden knots that are more powerful than the golden knots!

   They are all enemies anyway, and if you get rid of one, you will be one.

  Jia Peicheng sighed, nodding towards Lian Yi while flying.

   He knew clearly in his heart that he was still facing three Oyster Clan, but it was not the same as the previous one.

   That time, he was not prepared, but Fuji Xian clearly expected it and was fully prepared.

  Jia Peicheng is not stupid. When he was working on the law, he only cared about killing the enemy, and he would know it after thinking about it.

   That time, it was their side who made preparations, taking advantage of the ignorance and contempt of the other Oyster Clan, to hit the other side by surprise, and finally sacrificed their lives.

   But this time, the enemy is more than ten times stronger.

   This point can be seen from the brief fight between Lianyi and the Nai tribe just now.

  Lian Yi had a solemn face, and scolded coldly: "Come on!"

   Those three oyster clans are really powerful, and their speed is already very fast, and they can suddenly increase their speed.

   They can, and so can she.

  Suddenly, the smoke lingered under his feet, the whole person suddenly accelerated, and he had already crossed a large distance from Jia Peicheng.

   Jia Peicheng moved with his feet, daring not to be the slightest negligence.

  In the mountains, the trees are dense and mottled, and they have always been calm and peaceful. This morning, they were suddenly shocked by countless birds, obviously indicating that this kind of calm is about to be broken.

   Lianyi headed and rushed into the dense forest, but behind him, there was a looming green line pulling him.

The end of the    line is naturally Jia Peicheng.

  The enemy is attacking, they should not be separated.

   So among the trees and flowers, Jia Peicheng was led by Lianyi and wandered like crazy!

  If it wasn't for his good foundation, and he wasn't a flamboyant man, he would have been bruised and swollen by the leaves and branches he encountered during the shuttle.

  I thought Lianyi's speed was already reaching the limit before he reached the Mountain of Wuyan. He followed it very hard and tried his best.

  Unexpectedly, when he arrived in this forest, he would be completely unable to keep up with him.

   Fortunately, Lian Yi saw his dilemma and pulled him.

   He was traveling through the mountains and forests at high speed, but there seemed to be a strange sound behind him.

  Jia Peicheng glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw from behind, black things flying densely, covering the sky and the sun.

  The moist, sticky smell is coming!

   (end of this chapter)