MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2027 Mysterious stone monument

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"It is true that he is right, but when did Xiao Dian Dan know so many women? Are they all Xiao Xiaodan?" The pretty face is full of sorrow, and Caiyun’s heart is astonished, with her understanding of Xiao Chen. I thought that Xiao Chen was the cultivator of the madman, and it was impossible to talk about children and children.

Can see today, Caiyun feels that Xiao Chen is a bit strange, and suddenly brought so many beautiful people, which makes her somewhat unbelievable, after all, think that Xiao Chen is a single person.

"The beauty of these women is very amazing, and it is no longer under me. It seems that their relationship with Xiao Chen seems to be very good. Is it difficult for Xiao Chen's woman?" Liu Mei slightly stunned, guessing all over his heart, guessing and guessing, The colorful clouds are all scared by themselves.

Caiyun is the first beauty of Shengyang City. It is definitely the existence of the country. Caiyun is the kind of temptation to charm, and the damage to men is very huge.

And Mu Qing, in addition to some similarities between Ruoyun and Caiyun, others are gentle and docile, full of temperament, in contrast, they are equally divided, each has its own advantages.

"Xiao Dian Dan, you haven't come to the chamber for a long time." After the gods, step on the lotus step and walk forward, swaying, releasing the temptation of the mature style, the face reveals a touch of faint smile, the clouds whisper, The men in the hall, the saliva is flowing out.

Hearing the words, the light eyes glanced at the colorful clouds, and the seductive devil figure was really unbearable to take a look.

Of course, Xiao Chen can't show any hot eyes now. If he is spotted by Mu Qing and Dong Fang Xue, he will definitely be jealous.

The eyes of Feng Ningxiang and others are also looking at the colorful clouds. The eyebrows are slightly stunned. Just look at the colorful clouds, and the wind condensate the heart is a sentence: "Fairy."

"Niang, Qinger, I am going to introduce you to you. This is Caiyun, the chief auctioneer of the Chamber of Commerce. She has helped me a lot." It seems that Fengxiangxiang is not a cold on Caiyun, Xiao Chen is also rushing to introduce. stand up.

"Hello." Mu Qing and Dong Fang Xue are all polite greetings, and the pretty face is also with a smile.

In front of Xiao Chen, naturally can't you lose Xiao Chen's face? Women should guard their men in front of them.

"Mother?" At the moment of hearing the words, the pretty face suddenly slammed, and the beautiful woman looked at the wind and fragrant, and immediately smashed the enlarged eyes. The colorful clouds did not dare to meet each other: "Xiao Dian Dan Shi, she... ...she is your mother?"

Gently nodded, Xiao Chen smiled and said: "Well, it is my mother, called the wind and fragrance."

"Wow!" Surprisingly watching the wind and fragrant, my heart was amazed, the pretty face showed the color of envy, Caiyun praised: "Wind aunt, wrong, it should be called the wind sister is right, actually so young and beautiful, say out, who Believe it is your mother? I feel younger than me, the wind sister is too beautiful."

It’s said that it’s so praised by others that the wind and the heart of the fragrance are naturally a little bit of joy, but also a lot of good feelings for the colorful clouds.

"You still call me auntie, everyone who is a mother-in-law, the name of the wind sister, I can't afford it." Micro smiled, the wind condensed.

"When the mother-in-law?" The pretty face once again, Caiyun asked in amazement.

"Well, Qinger and Xueer are the wives of the dust." Tap the chin, his face showed a happy smile, and the jade fingers turned to Mu Qing and the oriental snow, and the wind condensed.

"Wife? Xiao Dian Dan, you are really a good life, actually married two beautiful women to be a wife!" Mei Yan looked at Mu Qing and Oriental Snow, first stunned, some can't believe Xiao Chen actually When I got married, I immediately showed the envy of color, and the clouds were excited.

The words of Caiyun, Xiao Chen love to listen, the face is smug and a bright smile, Xiao Chen smiled and said: "Haha, I think so."

Mu Qing and Dong Fang Xue looked at each other, and the pretty faces were slightly red, but the heart was happy.

"They are all my good friends." Looking at the blood witch, Xiao Chen then introduced.

Mei Mei sweeped away, all politely greeted and greeted, and immediately said: "Since it is Xiao Chen's mother, wife and friends, why is their cultivation just a mid-term election? Xiao Chen is an alchemy teacher. Their repairs should not be bad, what is this?"

Doubt doubts, Caiyun did not think much, but immediately took the initiative to take the wind and fragrant them to visit the Chamber of Commerce, Caiyun patient and polite introduction Chamber of Commerce all kinds of treasures, some beautiful jewelry or magic weapon jewelry, where is the ad Sunny, they like, the clouds are sent and sent.

The generosity of the colorful clouds, the maids and guards of the Chamber of Commerce are all horrified, or the first time I saw the clouds will send things to others.

Caiyun's carefulness and enthusiasm have made the wind and fragrance more satisfying. The previous ones did not catch cold, and they all disappeared at the moment.

Caiyun's strong communicative ability is also to let Xiao Chen's heart secretly admire, simple conversation, but it can make people change her opinion.

Sitting quietly and looking at Mu Qing, Xiao Chen’s face was always hung with a happy smile. Suddenly, she relaxed and felt very relaxed and relaxed.

"Seeing Qinger's happy smile, the pressure is big, and now it feels very comfortable." Micro smiled, Xiao Chen's heart secretly.

After waiting for nearly one hour in the Chamber of Commerce, Xiao Chen returned to the Bawang Temple and accompanied them to a few days later. Xiao Chen continued to practice.

Of course, the realm of alchemy can't fall naturally. It is also the same as before, the body is practicing the power of the Holy Spirit, and the avatar is absorbing the cultivation of Jinwu Amethyst.


Somewhere in the Holy Land, the mysterious land seems to be calm, but there is a faint horror in the faint space. The space is also slightly creeping from time to time. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t really notice it.

This is a deserted mountain range. No, it should be precisely a hilly area. After all, there are no tall mountains nearby, and there are some successive hills in all directions.

However, it is such a thumping hilly area, but it is filled with a faint horror, weak to almost no feeling.

Under the hills of several hills below, the space is slightly turbulent from time to time, but it also disappears very quickly, which is very strange and mysterious.

And the weak but horrible power is diffused from the turbulent spatial position.

Here is a mysterious independent space, and the turbulence of the space has been blocked by a line of law, and only in the array of law, can only sense that weak horror.

Among the mysterious independent spaces, it is a peculiar place. Only a large rock of a hundred feet is suspended in the sky, the space above is bright, and the space is dark.

The huge rock of Baizhang is like a flat square, but there are more than ten figures in the square. Everyone is filled with the atmosphere of extreme horror.

Take a closer look, it is the nine great sages who are sitting down! And the other three old people, they are the three elders who sit down.

Headed by the elders, everyone else is constantly providing power behind them!

"Breaking!" The space is silent. Above the square, the nine great sages are serious, their eyes are dignified and look at the elders, and the eyes of the elders are suddenly opened and shouted.

In the moment of hearing the words, the nine great sages and the other two elders, their faces are instantly exposed to a touch of excitement.

"Get up!" Suddenly screamed, the forces of extreme horror spurred out, and condensed on the palm of his hand, and immediately hit the rocky ground.


The power of extreme horror erupted, and the entire independent space was violently shaken, and at the moment the square of the square was also torn apart.

However, the crack was not caused by the power of terror. In the crack, it immediately rose out of a black stone with a size of several feet, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

The eyes of the nine great people and others are all concentrated on the black stone monument!

"Sure enough, like the map on the Sanctuary, this mysterious space is sealed with the ancient stone monument." When the black stone appeared, the old face showed a smile, touched the beard, and the elders smiled lightly.

"The seal array here is much weaker than the Forgotten Valley. In just two months, it is to break the seal." Looking at the mysterious black stone tablet, the nine people slowly opened their way.

"The elders, there is nothing on this stone tablet, the record on the map of the sanctuary, but there is a law on the stone tablet to open the sanctuary, but there is nothing on it." Wrinkled, the two elders asked, the old eyes died. Staring at the black stone tablet, but nothing.

Slightly smiled and waved, the elders said: "No need to worry, it will appear in a moment."

Sure enough, when the voice of the elders fell, the mysterious black stone, suddenly a strange black light, followed by a **** glow.

Seeing this strange scene, the nine great sages and others, the face is once again stunned, are some sly gods looking at the huge black stone in front of them.

The black light rises and the red light is mixed with the red light. The red light spreads slowly from top to bottom. When it passes, there are red blood characters on the stone tablets.

"The big elders, there are words on the stone tablet!" The eyes suddenly magnified, and one of the sages hurried.

Where the **** red light passes, the rows of red fonts appear on the stone tablets, and the red font gives a feeling of panic.

"What is written on it? Why can't you understand what it is?" Wrinkled, the three elders asked.

Eyes lined up in the lines of the handwriting on the stone tablet, silent for a moment, the elders smiled faintly: "This is the writings of the ancient times, you can not understand, it is normal."

"What did you say on the stone tablet?" Looking at the elders, the nine people curiously asked, and asked the voices of other people. The eyes were all concentrated on the elders.

Looking at the stone tablet, after a moment, the elders suddenly frowned, wondering: "Do you need a sanctuary box? The above said that three seals will be opened, the sanctuary will appear. So far, we have found two Sealed, where is the third seal?"