MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2041 One enemy four

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The black wind commander originally wanted to ask for help, but at a crucial time, his mind was already a blank of fear, and there was no time to ask for help from the turbid wind.

Even if it is for help, the turbid wind will not be able to arrive in time. This is not, it has been blocked by blood.

It is easy to get rid of a strong man in the early days of the Holy Emperor. From this point, everyone knows how terrible the power of Xiao Chen is.

The corpse of the black wind slowly accelerated the fall. At this moment, the audience was surprised by the silence. The eyes of everyone were watching the black winds in horror. The fierce battle was now abruptly stopped.

Such a terrible powerhouse is just a few tricks, and it is killed by Xiao Chen!

"Hey, look! The black wind was killed by the Lord!"

"The black wind did not have the power to fight back!"

"The main reason is that the speed of the Lord's lord is too horrible! Even the black wind can't catch it!"

"Xiao Chen's younger brother easily gave the Emperor of the Holy Emperor... killing..." The pretty face is already covered with pale, and Lin Biao’s horrified sacredness is just a blink of an eye, Xiao Chen’s The strength has gone far beyond her.

"The black wind commander was killed by Xiao Chen!"

"How is this possible! How can Xiao Chen have such terrible power?"

The army of the Surabaya Temple, first silent, and finally blasted the pot, shouting in horror.

On the side of Xiao Chen, the Temple of the Soul and the army of the Soulless Temple and the Beidou Temple are just the opposite, the cheers of excitement.

In large-scale battles, first kill one of the other emperors, which is undoubtedly a boost to the people who have made it, and ignited the blood of everyone!

"There are people who think that I am bullied, even if I try to shoot." Sen cold eyes swept to the enemy's holy emperor, Xiao Chen faintly sneered, his face with a touch of arrogance.

Seeing Xiao Chen’s arrogant gesture, the face of the turbid wind is extremely sullen, the flesh is violently twitching, and the teeth are angered: “It’s just smug!”

The cold eyes glanced at the turbid wind, Xiao Chen completely ignored it, and there was **** to deal with him. The turbid wind had no chance to shoot, and Xiao Chen was quite confident in the **** strength.

Taking advantage of the current surge in the army, Xiao Chen immediately shouted: "All efforts, they dare to come, let them know what is coming or not!

"Yes! The Lord of the Temple!" The army underneath, suddenly turned to a shouting shouting, the sound of the sky, the mighty.

When the mind is moving, a body condenses out, the strength of the wood property in the body is motivated, and the arm is gently waved. At high altitude, hundreds of huge **** trees appear out of thin air. Xiao Chen’s body immediately sways to the top of the tree and manipulates God. The tree is madly killing.

"Is it the Shushui Temple? Today, Xiao Chen is happy, let my good friend come to entertain you!" Xiao Chen's avatar smiled coldly, his eyes flashing with smoldering murder.

The huge **** tree appeared out of thin air, and suddenly the people in the Surabaya Temple were scared and scared. The courage was small and the heart collapsed.


With a big hand, a huge branch of the **** tree bursts out like lightning. There are hundreds of them, each of which contains the power of terror. The harsh sound of the sound is so scary that the enemy The army was frightened.

"The sacred tree of the lord of the lord is also becoming more and more terrible with the improvement of the main hall of the sacred temple! The people who come to them more, if they are repaired not on the lord of the lord, they are only coming. I was sent to death." Shaking his head slightly, no sorrowful darkness, is quite jealous of Xiao Chen and Shenshu.




Hundreds of huge branches, like a dragon, with majestic momentum, wherever they pass, the screams of heartbreaking trepidation are trembled, a large number of guards are slaughtered, and a body is falling from the sky, blood and rain, The thick **** smell is diffused in the air, which makes people feel vomiting.

However, this kind of **** atmosphere, as well as the crazy killing, is to make the army of Xiao Chen's army extremely excited, killing the enemy is killing the red eyes.

"The Lord of the Waters, you want to kill the monster!" On the sky, the turbid wind screamed and screamed, and I am afraid that their army will be wiped out.

Looking at his own people being madly slaughtered, the Lord of the Waters is more anxious than anyone else, but there is no way. The owner of the Beidou Temple is fully capable of defeating the opponent in a short period of time. Even if he can defeat the owner of the Beidou Temple, I am afraid that the Lord of the Waters It was also the end of a serious injury.

When the heart was in a hurry, the eyes of the fire almost looked at other people. The owner of the Lishui Temple yelled: "Liu Kan, these wastes are used by you, you can find a way to kill the monster!"

"Yes! Lord!" The four strong men in the early days of the Holy Emperor responded with respect and respect, and immediately burst into the lightning tree.

"Hey! Is it so easy?" The corner of the mouth sneered a sneer, Xiao Chensen cold, the bloodthirsty gaze is also swept to the four holy emperors.

A flash of shadow, Xiao Chen has suddenly appeared in front of the four people, intercepting their way.

"If you want to kill my **** tree, you must first pass me." The light face reveals a dangerous smile, Xiao Chen faint.

The four people stopped in horror and looked at Xiao Chen in horror. The scene of the previous black wind was killed in the mind, and the heart was taboo.

"What are you still doing? Don't do it!" The high altitude once again turned to the roar of the Lord Fury.

"You can have four together." Smiled slightly, hooked the hook, Xiao Chen snarled.

It was said that the faces of the four men were suddenly gloomy and Xiao Xiao was so small that they provoked their anger. The four men looked at each other and seemed to decide to join hands.

"Xiao Chen, don't be too arrogant!" The hidden face violently twitched, Liu Kan screamed, and the murderous murderous erupted.


The four people almost simultaneously urged the power, the power of terror erupted, the space violently vibrated, and the power of the four strong emperors was absolutely scary.

Hooked the hook, Xiao Chen sneered sneer: "Come on, don't mother-in-law."


The four people blinked and went to Xiao Chen's surroundings. The body shape just appeared, and it was immediately plunged away, without any stagnation.



Liu Kan four people launched a mad attack, the so-called double fist is difficult to rival four hands, but now it is eight hands, but Xiao Chen is resisted by the speed of his own horror, a series of thunderous explosions and violent power surges sweeping , raging the void.

However, to let Liu Kan be frightened by the four people, all the attacks seem to have no effect, but their fists and feet are accompanied by a tingling sensation, and even a little numb.

"What is going on? Xiao Chen's physical strength is so tyrannical!" The heart was secretly scared, and Liu Kan could not believe it.

"The fist of this **** is so hard." Another strong man of the Holy Emperor stunned.

"Xiao Chen's physical strength is terrible, and the speed is above us. You must not let him beat us one by one! Immediately combine strength to deal with him, you give me strength!" The face is extremely gloomy, and Liu Kan shouted.

Only by combining their strengths will it be possible to defeat Xiao Chen, which is their only way!

The other three are all acting according to the words, decisively give up the hand-to-hand combat, without hesitation, immediately inject their own power into Liukan!

"Smart, powerful power is likely to defeat me!" The face was a bit surprised, Xiao Chen faintly sneered, but did not stop.

"Xiao Chen's younger brother, come help!" Underneath, suddenly turned to Lin Shuer's anxious shouts.

Hearing his words, he looked down and found that more than a dozen Shengjun strongmen, such as Lin Biaoer, were working together to deal with a holy emperor. Now they are unable to support.

"They have more strong people in the Holy Emperor. If they don't kill them, even if the gods kill more people, they will not be able to protect their safety in the end. They must kill these extra masters." The heart is secretive, Xiao Chenyi Waving, a condensed body, it is a lightning-like burst.

Xiao Chen burst into the air and suddenly frightened that the Emperor of the Holy Emperor was horrified and violent. It seemed to be very self-aware. Even if he was a avatar, he did not dare to fight against Xiao Chen.

"Good opportunity!!" Xiao Chen looked down, and when he condensed his avatar, Liu Kan in the distance, quickly sacrificed the top of the spirit, and his heart screamed: "Heavenly gods! Seven soul chasing souls !"

"call out!"


Liu Kan's big hand waved, the horror energy that condensed the power of four people burst into the air, and the momentum was magnificent. When it passed, the dark space violently vibrated.

"Hey!" A slight cold scream, squinting at the horror energy from the blast, Xiao Chen's body shape, is strangely disappeared.

Xiao Chen is not going to touch it hard, nor is it necessary! Can avoid Xiao Chen and do not bother to consume their own strength.

"What?" Xiao Chen's strange disappeared, Liu Kan's face suddenly changed.

"I didn't say that I must resist your attack." Xiao Chensen's cold voice, strangely sounded behind Liu Kan.

At the moment of hearing the words, Liu Kan shuddered and his eyes were instantly enlarged, full of fear!



Xiao Chen didn't hesitate, but it was a decisive attack. A fierce bombardment slammed up, and the power of overbearing horror shocked Liu Kang's mouth and spit blood. The body shape turned into a black line and flew out. There was a recess in the whole. Come.

The power of a punch is already seriously hurting Liu Can!

"Bastard!" The other three were frightened, but also instantly gnawed their teeth and launched an attack.

However, when their attack is about to approach and hit Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen’s figure disappears once again, unable to sense the breath, just like the human world evaporates.

"Your strength is indeed not weak, but the opponent is me!" The figure once again appeared strangely. It was already on the left side of a holy emperor. Xiao Chen’s fist with overbearing power still slammed out.



Silent and uninteresting, strange attacks, unbeatable, slamming, and another strong emperor was seriously injured by Xiao Chen.



The physiques disappeared one after another, making it impossible to catch, unable to lock, blinking, and the other two emperors were also seriously injured by Xiao Chen.

Fully relying on the speed of its own horror, occupy the most powerful advantage!