MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 4 Strong physique

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"Forget the past, look to the future!" This sentence of the soul of the soul makes Xiao Chen completely relieved. Now he can be said to be born again, his eyes are full of fortitude and determination, the ancient blood of God has completely washed his body, the body The rogue is the ancient **** blood! Has a strong body.

"Now I have already opened up the meridians of the whole body, and I have the destruction of the Holy Spirit and the ancient chaos swordsmanship that the predecessors of the tyrants have taught me. It is no longer necessary to cultivate the Xuan-level exercises of the Xiao family." Xiao Chen said Self-speaking, the first time the corner of the mouth appeared evil laughter.

The methods and laws of the Tianyue Continent are divided into four levels, namely: Heaven, Earth, Xuan and Huang, and the heavens are the highest. Of course, there are still decisions and gods above the heavens. Even the holy sacred, but the sacred decision, the sacred decision, the holy sacred in the heavens and the mainland is very rare, almost can not be said, there must be a fairy, and the domineering of the dust is the highest existence - the holy !

After looking at the fairy sect who had been killed, Xiao Chen said: "Now Xiandao has been perished. I am still leaving here as soon as possible. I am not going back to the Xiao family. Now I have such a powerful practice, the world. Big, I am afraid that there is no place for me to live in? Master, you rest in peace, I must find out who is the person who killed the Taoist sect, I will give you revenge!"

Xiao Chen wanted to bury everyone in Xiandaozong, but thought that there might be someone coming in, it would be troublesome, so decisively decided to leave, suffering from twelve years of suffering, has made Xiao Chen grow into a thoughtful, cautious The steady man is gone.

as expected! When Xiao Chen just left the time of a fragrant incense, there was a monk who came to Xiandaozong. The scene that saw the horrible sorrow of Xiandaozong was shocked!

An hour of time, the news spread a horrible speed throughout the Fengyuecheng, and even the city around Fengyuecheng also knew the news that Xiandaozong was destroyed. This news sensationalized all the monks around Fengyuecheng.

When I heard this news, the most shocking thing was Xiao Chen’s father, Xiao Changfeng, because Xiao Chen had only two places to go. One was Xiao Jia, the other was Xian Daozong, and the time in Xiandao Zong was later than in Xiao’s time. There are still many, so when I heard that Xian Daozong was destroyed, Xiao Changfeng sent a disciplinary Xiaojia disciple out to look for it. The anxious Xiao Changfeng completely disagreed with the two elders.

Although the Xiao family was presided over by two elders, Xiao Changfeng’s cultivation has reached the middle of the valley. It is higher than the cultivation of the two elders. The two elders are elders, so Xiao Changfeng, who is the owner, is in the weekdays. Also listen to the opinions of the elders.

But now the situation is completely different. Xiao Chen is the only son of Xiao Changfeng. Xiao Chen died of his mother since childhood, so Xiao Changfeng especially loves Xiao Chen. Now Xiao Chen is unclear, Xiao Changfeng is anxious and angry, even the two elders. I dare not provoke, I really provoke Xiao Changfeng, and the consequences are not easy to clean up.

"I really can't believe that Xiandaozong was destroyed. Here is the westernmost side of the mainland. What kind of people will Xiandao Zong provoke? Actually, the whole fairy sect is a corpse, too scary." One went out to find Xiao Chen. The Xiaojia disciple said, his face was a little scared.

"This kind of powerful guy, it seems that this waste young master is also a lot of fierce, it is a waste, thinking that joining Xiandaozong can cultivate the real yuan? It is ridiculous, this is good, life is lost."

"Really, then for the first time in many years, I was so angry that I was so anxious to see my family. I don't understand, a waste son, what's good?"

"That is, it is better to die, so as not to lose the face of our Xiao family. This time, the Yang family returned. The people in the whole Fengyue City are laughing at our Xiaojiaba Yang family! The Wang family is more and more arrogant and wants to swallow. The sale of our Xiao family, this time the Yang family retired, the Wang family is to blame us Xiao family is waste!"

"Forget it, we still find a place to rest for a while, too lazy to find, anyway, it is better to die! Xiao family does not need waste!"

There is no one in Xiao’s disciples who wants Xiao Chen to live. Although they are ordered to come out, they are looking for a place to rest and go lazy.


Xiao Chen, who left Xiandaozong, has already arrived in a deep forest and old forest. There are very few people here, the forest vines are complicated, and the atmosphere of the air is filled with air.

Xiao Chen found a hidden place, at the foot of a mountain, just like a cave, like a beast is holding a blood bowl waiting for the prey to go in, the atmosphere is a bit gloomy.

However, Xiao Chen, who often walks on the mountain path at night, is not afraid. His eyes are like cat eyes, and he can see everything in the dark.

Entering the cave, Xiao Chen casually found an empty space to sit down, close his eyes and begin to recall those memories in his mind.

"The destructive sacred and the ancient chaotic swords that the predecessors gave to me did not know which level of practice and law, but it sounded very powerful!" Xiao Chen said to himself, except that he knows the world. In addition to the four levels of the Xuanhuang practice and the law, I have never heard of the fairy, the gods, the gods and the like.

Xiao Chen never cultivated the real yuan, so it can be said that there is no real yuan, the baby inside the storage ring, he can not view it for a while, after all, you need to inject it into it.

"Right, the predecessor said, my body has been washed, I should not need to build a foundation, but also said that my physical condition is hundreds of times stronger than before, I do not know whether it is true, or try I’m optimistic!” Xiao Chen groaned, recalling the words of the tyrant.

Speaking, Xiao Chen picked up a stone of the size of a fist, and then slammed it up with a punch. The stone smashed.

"Sure enough, the big stone of the fist was broken by me, and I didn't feel anything at all!" Xiao Chen was shocked. Some of them were stunned. Before you changed it, don't say it was a stone. The fist hit the wood. The pain.

Feeling that I became stronger, Xiao Chen’s heart was ecstatic, and it was a stone that was several times larger. He found that he could easily lift it with one hand, and it was a fist, and the result was the same. The stone shattered. !

Xiao Chen couldn't believe it. He only saw it. He had such a terrible physique. It was like a natural power. He was shocked to see his strong fist. Xiao Chen’s childish face showed a bright smile. It was a smile full of joy.

"I am getting stronger! I am getting stronger! Although I have not cultivated the real yuan, but I really become stronger." The feeling of becoming stronger makes Xiao Chen's incomparable joy, the innocent and pure teenager feels strong for the first time. Joy.