MTL - Farmer of Shu Han-Chapter 1194 Break the perimeter

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  Chapter 1194 Breaking the perimeter

  The reason why Xiangyang and Fancheng are collectively called Xiangfan is because they are one.

  Xiangyang is in the south of the Han River, and Fancheng is in the north of the Han River. The two cities face each other across the river.

  For the Wei State in the Cao Cao era, the importance of Fancheng was even higher than that of Xiangyang.

  Because after the loss of Fancheng, facing the Southern Army, Nanyang has only the last strategic town, Wancheng.

   Moreover, it is an isolated city with no danger to defend.

   At that time, the southern army can directly bypass Xiangyang through the Han River and go north to the Central Plains.

  So in the early stage of Cao Pi's administration, there were even a small number of troops left in Xiangyang as an outpost.

   It is a move to build the Hanshui defense line with Wancheng as the core and Fancheng as the front line.

   Unfortunately, at that time, Sun Quan also did not notice the importance of Xiangyang to Jingzhou.

  After sending light soldiers to capture Xiangyang, they did not deploy heavy troops to guard in time.

  Of course, it is also possible that King Wu has the commonality of human beings:

  Things that are obtained too easily are often unwilling to cherish.

  So soon, Xiangyang was easily recaptured by Wei Jun.

   Then in the following days, as the Wei army went south from Xiangyang, they attacked Nanjun.

   King Wu finally felt the paternal love from the northern suzerain state after the absence of Xiangyang.

  Just at this time, even if Sun Quan reacted, it was impossible for Cao Wei to give him another chance:

  Southern Jingzhou without Xiangyang is like Wancheng without Fancheng.

  In the era of Cao Rui, Xiangyang's strategic position was further improved.

  Wei Ping Emperor Cao Rui clearly stated more than once that Xiangyang and Hefei are the two most important strategic support points for suppressing Wu.

  Emperor Sun Dadi, who was promoted from King Wu to Emperor Wu, dreamed of going back to Xiangyang many times.

  Every time I think of Xiangyang's gain and loss, I regret it.

  Lu Xun, who led the army to the city of Xiangyang, stood on the top of the building and looked at the city wall of Xiangyang not far away. At this time, he had almost the same mood as Emperor Sun.

  Since Liu Biao moved the Jingzhou prefecture to Xiangyang, the city walls of Xiangyang have been continuously strengthened and raised.

   Viewed from the surface of the Han River, coupled with the visual difference caused by the embankment, Xiangyang City looks extremely tall.

  Looking at the seemingly indestructible city with extremely complicated emotions, Lu Xun couldn't help but let out a long sigh:

   "From this point of view, as long as there are boat divisions, how difficult is it for the northern army to cross the Han River and go south to attack Xiangyang?"

   "If Xiangyang was not given up in the past, why worry about Nanjun now?"

   Over the years, food has been very tight in Da Wu.

   Between Xiangyang and Nanjun is the most fertile land in Jingzhou.

  But because Xiangyang is not in the hands of Da Wu, it has been abandoned for so many years.

  How not to be deplorable?

   It's just Lu Xun's words, no one dares to answer.

   Seeing that everyone seemed to have never heard the words of the great general, Zhu Ran, who was below the great general, coughed and asked:

   "General, now that we have cut off the connection between Xiangyang and the north, what should we do next?"

  50,000 troops, with warships covering the sky and sun, are enough to cut off the flow of the Han River.

  Now this huge boat division is straddling the Han River between Xiangyang and Fancheng.

   Between Fancheng and Xiangyang, there was originally a water village.

  However, after the Battle of Chibi and the Battle of Xiangfan, the Wei State Navy lost its elite.

   Can't pose too much threat to Wu's navy at all.

  If not, Cao Pi attacked Wu several times, and it would not be impossible to gather a decent navy.

  In the era of Wei Pingdi Cao Rui, he suffered repeated defeats in the west, and financial constraints made him unable to spare manpower and material resources to train the navy.

  In addition, Lu Xun came too suddenly this time, so that the poor Wei Guojun in the Xiangfan area did not have time to respond effectively.

   The Wu army, which had an absolute advantage, broke down the water village and pontoon bridge between Fancheng and Xiangyang in one day, cutting off the connection between the two cities.

  Before Wei Guo broke through the blockade of Wu Guo's water army, Xiangyang lost the support from the north.

   "According to the generals, how should we capture this city in the next step?"

  Lu Xun didn't answer Zhu Ran's words, but turned around, looked at the crowd, and asked.

  Actually, as soon as Lu Xun uttered the words of emotion just now, he himself realized that there seemed to be something wrong.

  So Zhu Ran's question was intended to save him from a siege, and Lu Xun naturally wanted to go downhill.

  The former general of the state of Wu, Zhu Huan, died of illness three years ago. His son, Zhu Yixi, inherited his father's army, and this time he followed suit.

  Zhu Yi is the first general at this time, young and energetic, seeing that the generals did not speak for a while, he directly stepped forward:

   "The top general, the last general thought that Fancheng and Xiangyang are one, and if you want to destroy Xiangyang, you must first destroy Fancheng."

   "Otherwise, if the Wei thieves use Fancheng as an outpost and gather reinforcements, it may hinder us from attacking Xiangyang."

  Hearing this, Lu Xun smiled lightly, nodded and said:

   "This is what Guan Yu did when he captured Xiangfan in the past. Guan Yu can also be regarded as a rare general, and his actions are justified."

   "Young General Zhu can see this, he really has a unique vision."

   As he spoke, Lu Xun looked around at the crowd again:

   "Anyone else have suggestions?"

   Someone mentioned:

   "General, Fancheng is not easy to attack!"

  Lu Xun continued to nod:

   "That's right. The bandits of Wei value Fancheng no less than Xiangyang, and even more than that."

  He turned around again, pointed to Xiangyang, and said:

   "Xiangyang is surrounded by water on three sides, and there are mountains in the south, which can just give full play to the advantages of the great Wu boat master."

   Then he turned around and pointed to Fancheng:

   "But if we want to capture Fancheng, I'm afraid it will be difficult. After all, we don't have the good luck that Guan Yu had back then."

  When Guan Yu attacked Xiangfan, the Han River was soaring, and the water level was several feet high.

  When the water level was at its highest, the walls of Fancheng had collapsed, and even if they hadn't collapsed, they were only a foot or two away from the water level.

  Lu Xun believed that if he had been the leader of Wu's elite navy, he would have captured Fancheng.

  Now, without the help of Shan Flood, we can only rely on pawns to go ashore to attack Fancheng. How difficult it is!

  When Lu Xun said this, he said with confidence:

   "Everyone thinks that if you want to take Xiangyang, you must take Fancheng first. This is actually not wrong."

   "But this is for the Northern Army attacking Jingzhou from north to south."

  Lu Xun pointed in the direction of Fancheng again, "Of course, if you want to approach the Central Plains from south to north like Guan Yu did, you can't avoid Fancheng."

   "But we are different." Lu Xun said, raising his voice, as if reminding the generals of the Wu army:

   "We came here this time, only wanting Xiangyang, and didn't think about crossing the Han River to go north, take down Wancheng, and march into the Central Plains."

   "So Fancheng doesn't have to be taken."

  In Lu Xun's view, Guan Yu had too much appetite and wanted to take down Fancheng, Xiangyang, and even Wancheng in one fell swoop with tens of thousands of troops, which led to insufficient troops.

  If he hadn't insisted on taking down Fancheng, and even invested heavily in besieging Fancheng, he thought that Xiangyang in the rear was in his pocket, which delayed the best time to capture Xiangyang.

  Maybe in the end the Han Kingdom can really occupy Xiangyang and face the Wei thieves across the Han River.

  At this time, the world's understanding of the interdependent relationship between Fancheng and Xiangyang is far from the deep understanding that it experienced after the Song-Yuan Xiangyang War.

   After all, Qin and Han can be regarded as a great unification. They have never experienced the confrontation between the North and the South, let alone the Battle of Xiangyang in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, so it is understandable that they have no experience.

  If not, Cao Pi would not have abandoned Xiangyang but wanted to protect Fancheng.

  Although the world at this time pays more attention to the connection between Fancheng and Xiangyang.

  However, due to the limitations of the times, they are doomed not to regard Xiangfan as a complete unity—even Lu Xun cannot surpass the times.

  In fact, Lu Xun is extremely keen to realize that relying on Xiangyang and Hanshui to build a defense line and better protect Jingzhou.

  After hearing Lu Xun's words, the generals finally understood:

   "General, are we not going to fight Fancheng?"

  Lu Xun shook his head:

   "No, I only want Xiangyang this time."

   And can't beat it.

  Even if he can win, I am afraid that he will end up in the same end as Guan Yu.

  The troops are divided and weak, and in the end they have to send back the Fancheng they have obtained.

  Lu Xun looked at Sun Lun:

   "General Sun, I will not attack Fancheng this time, but I also want to prevent Fancheng and even the Wei thieves north of the Han River from connecting to Xiangyang."

   "Can you patrol the north bank for me, so that the thieves don't have a boat to cross the Han River alone?"

  Lu Xun was the governor of Jingzhou first, and then guarded Wuchang, responsible for the affairs of the west.

   Naturally, I know a lot about the strength of the Wei bandits in the north of Jingzhou.

  When the army was the largest, from Xiangyang to Wancheng, there were basically 100,000 troops.

  But in the past few years, some of Jingzhou's troops have been withdrawn, leaving only 70,000 to 80,000 people.

  At this time, the 70,000 to 80,000 people were mobilized by their own schemes, and the troops were divided as soon as they were divided.

  North of the Han River, Caoqiao Pass should be the most important place for the Wei thieves to deploy their troops now, with 20,000 to 30,000 people—Feng Mingwen's name is worth 10,000.

  And in the south of the Han River, the heavy soldiers of the Wei thieves are now guarding the center, more than 10,000 or even 20,000.

   These two places accounted for more than half.

  The rest of Xiangyang and Fancheng, even if they were divided equally, would only have more than 15,000 defenders.

  If Wancheng also needs a small amount of troops, the defenders in Xiangyang may be even fewer.

  The Wei army, which was already in decline, divides its troops again and again at this time, which is a taboo for military strategists.

   Surrounding the isolated city of Xiangyang with more than three times as many troops, and having a boat division to take advantage of the geographical advantage, it can be said that I have the advantage.

  Hearing Lu Xun's analysis, all the generals were stunned, with excitement on their faces.

   Doesn't that mean that it is really possible to take Xiangyang by sending troops this time?

   "High regards, General!"

  At this time, the generals still don't understand that the top general has already made a decision.

  But seeing Sun Lun clasped his fists and saluted, he responded loudly:

   "The last general takes orders!"

  Only Zhu Yi, seeing that his suggestion was rejected, felt unwilling, and said again:

   "The great general, the Wei thief in Xiangfan, also has a navy army. Now he just sees that our army is strong, so he can't shrink back."

   "But if we once besiege the city and the bandits and navy, I'm afraid we will fight to the death."

   "Well said." Lu Xun looked at Zhu Yi and praised, "What General Zhu said is true."

  He pointed to the east of Xiangyang City, "Look, that is the water stronghold of the Wei thief. If we want to surround Xiangyang to death, we must first destroy their water stronghold."

  Facing the Han River in the north of Xiangyang, the city wall is less than a hundred steps away from the shore. As long as the warships approach slightly, the defenders can rely on the advantage of the city wall to suppress the warships on the river.

  The mountains to the south of Xiangyang can be used as barriers.

   There are large tidal flats on the east and west sides, and the currents are criss-crossing, making it difficult for large ships to enter.

  The water army of Wei State used Xiangyang's hundred-foot-wide moat, dug a large pool, and built a water village, leading directly to the Han River.

   "These water villages are not only where the Wei thief's water army is located, but also the periphery of Xiangyang City."

   "If you want to completely trap Xiangyang and cut off all contact with the outside world, you must first break these water villages."

   Lu Xun said, looking at the generals:

   "But I don't know which general can break these water villages for me first?"

  Zhu Yi wanted to stand up again, but Zhu Ran stood at the front, faster than him:

   "The last general asks for his life!"

  Lu Xun was overjoyed:

   "General Zhu can take the initiative to ask for orders, why should I worry? But I don't know how many troops General Zhu needs?"

  Zhu Ran replied:

   "In addition to the troops in the last general's headquarters, please send another lieutenant general to help the last general break down the thieves."

  Lu Xun smiled: "Who does General Zhu want?"

   "Ji Wen (that is, Zhu Yi) is an outstanding general and talented general. Although he is young, he is quite sharp and has an army that can help the last general.

  Lu Xun understood what he meant and nodded in agreement.

  Zhu Yi, who had always been depressed, was ecstatic at this moment:

   "The last general will surely live up to the expectations of the great general and chariot general!"

  After everyone dispersed, Zhu Yi found an opportunity to catch up with Zhu Ran, and thanked him:

   "Thank you, General Cheqi, for your support."

  Zhu Ran waved his hand and said with a smile:

   "Privately, why does Ji Wen need to do this? Your father and I also fought against Wei bandits in the past. If you don't give up, you can call me uncle."

  Zhu Yi was born in the Zhu family, one of the four surnames in Wu County.

  As for Zhu Ran, originally surnamed Shi, he was adopted by Zhu Zhi when he was young.

  The Zhu family, one of the four surnames in Wu County, is the first of the Zhu surnames in Jiangdong.

  Although Zhu Zhi is from Danyang County, the Zhu Clan in Danyang is also a branch of the Zhu Clan in Wu County, and is inextricably related to this sect.

  So to be honest, although Zhu Yi and Zhu Ran are from different counties, they are both members of the Zhu clan.

  At this time, although Zhu Yi had trilogy, they were all left by his father Zhu Huan.

  He himself is just a rookie in the army.

  But Zhu Ran is already a general of chariots and cavalry.

  Zhu Ran's remark is obviously to support Zhu Yi.

  Is there any reason for Zhu Yi not to follow?

   "Yes, Uncle."

  Zhu Ran nodded in relief after hearing the words.

  The two walked on the boat for a while, and then came to the bow, standing side by side, looking towards the water village to the east of Xiangyang City.

  Zhu Ran asked:

   "Just now in front of the Supreme General, Ji Wen was quite enthusiastic and had many suggestions."

   "I don't know now, but if you have a plan, tell me, so that I can get rid of the thief as soon as possible."

  Zhu Yi was full of energy at this time, and said:

   "Uncle, didn't the great general say that the defenders of Xiangyang City are no more than 15,000 people at most."

   As he spoke, he pointed to the Wei Jun water village, "The fifteen thousand people naturally include these water troops."

   "In my opinion, the number of sailors in this water village is as many as 5,000, and as few as 2,000 to 3,000. There can be no more."

   "With our current strength, are we still afraid of these thousands of people?"

   Zhu Ran shook his head:

   "It's not impossible to attack by force, but Xiangyang City is a fortified city. We can reduce the casualties of the soldiers, so that we can attack the city with more force later."

   "So, it is the best to break it by calculation."

  Zhu Yi said "Oh", nodded and said:

   "What uncle said is true, but I didn't think carefully."

  He stared at the water village for a while, and then spoke again:

   "This bandit's Shuihan is leaning against Xiangyang City. If we attack by force, we have to guard against the bandit army on the Xiangyang City Wall, which will indeed increase casualties."

   "If you want to make the defenders on the city unable to support, unless..."

   "Unless what?"

   "Unless we raid the camp at night."

   "Raid the camp at night?"

  Zhu Yi nodded:

   "That's right, pick out elite soldiers and attack the camp at night. The thieves see that our army is powerful, and they only think that we will raise our troops and attack."

   "They definitely didn't expect that we would sneak attack at night with such a great advantage."

  Zhu Yi turned his head and looked at Zhu Ran, "The sooner this matter is the better. The thieves were overwhelmed by our army and retreated into the camp. Now is the time to be terrified."

   "If they wait for them to react and take precautions, it may not be so easy."

  When Zhu Ran heard this, his eyes flashed brightly:

   "What Ji Wen said is very reasonable. But for the attack on the camp, we need to find a brave general..."

   "I wish to lead the army personally, and I hope my uncle will fulfill it!"

  (end of this chapter)