MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 1260 The real super BOSS means!

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"Not good, these mechanical squid can help the x-10000 to locate!"

With a good-minded player, Ma wants to understand why. Three-inch world

The black and white missile destroyed the x-10000's detection system and interfered with its signal transmission, but the communication between the mechanical squid and the x-10000 could not be blocked.

Although the x-10000's own detection system is seriously disturbed, these command-level mechanical squid can act as its locator, and the tentacles that can move the Terminator with these mechanical squid, once entangled Players can't get rid of it in a short time.

Then, the x-10000 "orbital laser cannon" will follow!

"Hey, hey, hey!"

In the scene of the battle, the red light column appeared in the next moment, and the white light of death followed.

It must be said that this kind of weapon similar to the "laser cannon" is completely a weapon that should exist in the ground war.

Ordinary players will be vaporized in an instant if they are directly killed. Even if a mechanical squid is blocked in front, it will be penetrated by both at most a few tenths of a second.

It’s a heavy armor with a shield. It’s also the same underground!

The only better one is probably the original force field's attack on this kind of energy nature, but it has a certain resistance.

In the case of opening the Force Field, a full-armed heavy armored player can hold on for about three seconds!

However, this is not a big deal.

Because even the rest of these players, not everyone has mastered the Force field, only a small part can resist.

What's more, it can be resisted. In just three seconds, it is not enough to get rid of the entanglement of mechanical squid, and as long as you don't get rid of it, it is still a death.

In addition, the number of mechanical squid is too much, almost equal to the remaining players in the battlefield.

In this way, the situation that has just been turned over has an inverted trend in an instant!


A black spear burning with a purple flame fell from the sky to the ground, and a mechanical squid running towards it was penetrated and nailed to the ground.

"Zizi, nourish..."

The large number of tentacles of this mechanical squid fluttered in the claws, but it was impossible to reach the wind falling to the ground, not to mention the entanglement.


Covering a more intense black air, suddenly his face moved.

"Are you also discovering it? Interestingly, these mechanical squid pass the positioning message, using the same special communication signal as the x-1000."

The sound of the digital cat is transmitted from the command channel.


The wind-faller shrouded in the black air, the Skywalker i-shaped in the form of "light whip", which destroyed the mechanical squid tentacles in a few strokes.


Then, like a knife, the head of the mechanical squid was opened, and the special communicator between him and -1000 received a signal fluctuation.

Then, with the sight of the wind, you can clearly see the semi-transparent structure of the mechanical squid, a drop of liquid silver metal with only the size of the water droplets!

"Sure enough!"

The wind road looked up and looked at the x-10000, which was constantly launching a red column around it.

Now, I am glad that I did not bring the -1000 directly. This super bss terminator, or indeed, has this type of communication. Then, it is possible to use this communication method to usurp the command of -1000.

Now, because the -1000 did not enter the Machinery City, it did not happen.

"I am going, this super mechanical bss actually has such a hand. However, this is fun, I said super bss how easy to solve!"

"The situation is not good, I have paid such a big price, I will not solve this last bss!"

The scene of the war, the situation of re-turning, so that those who do not care about the players watching the game is relished.

And there are people who are on the battlefield, the players in the guild are naturally the ones that have already been put down and can't help but re-raise.

"So such a powerful attack, why did the bss not use this trick before?"

There are some players who are puzzled by the actions of the x-10000.

"First, this kind of attack, but it needs to be abandoned as the cost of the Thunder. Although it seems powerful, but the energy consumed is absolutely massive, even the super bss will certainly not last long. After all, these machines on the field The energy of the unit is also required to be unlocked by spending points!"

"It's like the player's skill is the same as the normal attack. If you use the skill one by one, once you're not blue, you're only stunned. And, this is almost a single attack, and the actual gain is not high.

"It is also the current number of remaining players that show the power. When there are a large number of people, the continuous physical attack of the Thunder giant whip is more energy-saving."

"In addition, the reason why the super bss used only the Thunder giant whip and the magma ball was obviously because of the mechanical procedure, there was a setting that did not cause too much damage to the site, so the x-10000 did not actively destroy a building during the battle. ""

"But now, this kind of railgun attack is already running through dozens of buildings and equipment inside."

"Because the energy protection and detection system is completely destroyed, the x-10000 program puts the self-protection into a higher level of "no damage" and will start this combat mode!"

Watching the players, naturally, there are also masters.

Failure to awaken the Force to qualify for the competition does not mean that the players are not as good as the players.

"Boom, bang, bang, bang..."

Although the x-10000 lost two main types of attacks, the movement of a large body with a height of 100 meters has become unstable.

However, in the case of the "positioning" of the mechanical squid, the players lost their weight again.

The frequency of white light generated by the battlefield, even before the Moonlight Guild used the "grey dragon" to destroy the x-10000 energy shield system, it was even higher.

You know, the number of people at that time is almost half that, and the speed of the dead is even higher.

This is enough to illustrate the difficult situation faced by the participating players!

"Attack, attack!"

"Don't keep it, throw all the massively skilled, highly destructive special ammunition!"

"Destroy the physical protection of its key structures and create conditions for the super weapons of the city that never sleeps."

However, in this case, the public channel has instead screamed in all kinds of voices.

In the first two kinds of super weapons, the "grey dragon" of the Moonlight Guild can be released directly. Only someone needs to be involved in the attack of bss, so that it can't block the first time.

The "Black and White Split Missile" of the Tianxia Group needs to be attacked by the Moonlight Guild before it can successfully resolve the shield.

As for the "super electromagnetic bomb" of the city that never sleeps, the conditions are undoubtedly the most demanding, and the player needs to cause enough damage to the body surface of the x-10000 to be able to exert sufficient effects.

Therefore, the players must seize the crazy "positioning attack" of the super bss this round!

However, from the first two types of weapons, the effect is more excellent.

At least, they also have enough expectations for the super-electromagnetic bomb that never sleeps in the city, and they are also the driving force for death.