MTL - Fatal Shot-Chapter 1262 Destroy, Super BOSS!

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"Thousands of miles!"

The players participating in the competition all hold the "last strike" mind, and the people who never sleep in the city are naturally no exceptions.

And compared to others, they have to say that they have an important advantage.

That is, the talent of a thousand miles with the epic equipment, can see the "critical" position of the target.

"Now the position is on the left side of the shoulder, this one position!"

In the view of the wind, on the shoulder of the x-10000 on the ground, a striking red cross shape appeared.

This is the battlefield command system of the pastoral team. The overlapping views are provided, which enables the owner of the city that never sleeps to know the location indicated by the other party for the first time.

Because of the talents of a thousand miles, people who never sleep in the city can aim at the "critical" fire attack of the boss in the first time, and naturally there will be a big chance of comparison compared with other guilds.

Of course, if it is only a thousand miles, this is not enough.

Because, a thousand miles of talent, can lock in the most "fatal" position.

Because the body of the x-10000 is too large, the important position of the body is naturally very much. It is absolutely impossible to destroy one or two and let it be "killed."

Moreover, after the current most deadly location is destroyed, the next "most deadly" position will appear.

"I have analyzed that it should have more than a dozen core positions. The first is the chest area 1 ... the probability is 75.3% ... the head of the 9th area, the probability is 65.7% ..."

Therefore, the digital cat, which is proficient in mechs, and has mastered the design style and concept of all Terminator units in the previous battles, is also a very important role for the master mechanics who are skilled in memory and analysis!

"It's structurally similar to t-950 with more than 56.6%, modified from 10 to the left side of the waist... about 32.3% similar to d-660..."

The digital cat constantly thinks about it, and according to the internal structure analysis of the x-10000 on the battlefield, which is exposed by various attacks, it corrects its judgment position in the shared vision.

But did not participate in the attack on the x-10000.

Because the two high-level mechs of the city that never sleeped have been destroyed in the battle of **-10000 in the recent battle, and the quasi-boss Raytheon, which has not made a big effort, has already emptied all the missiles and ammunition.

Now the digital cat, the combat power has actually fallen from the "super player" to the average player.

It may even be the bottom of the game.

After all, there are only less than two hundred players left, and the ones that survived are really top-notch in addition to some luck.

It may be worse than the wind, but it will never be inferior to people like a thousand miles and bullet marks.

"I recommend focusing on its head position 1..."

However, with this head, the digital cat's contribution to the Everlasting City team is still far beyond the majority of players present.


The wind fell and the person had fallen to the ground.

Moreover, it also returned to a metal building about 200 meters away from the battlefield x-10000.

Not only him, but the entire city that never sleeps has moved here.

Because, once the super boss is destroyed, then the next is definitely a battle between players.

People who never sleep in the city naturally need to gather together, and they also need to occupy a suitable "position."


The wind is not used at this time is "windrunner-iv type".

It is the "article of the eye of the **** of death" suspended in the black gas formed by a large number of life protozoa, which is completely condensed by the black solitude.

Only this kind of solace weapon can guarantee the efficiency of robbing the "last blow".

However, because it is in the arena, but also for a mechanical unit.

In fact, it is hard to say whether this "last blow" will contribute to the bonus.

Therefore, the wind is actually not too strong in the heart, anyway, with his previous actions, it is very likely to get the x-10000 points reward!

Of course, you can grab it, or try your best to grab it!

"No. 3 was destroyed... The 7th position was destroyed... The deadly area was transferred to the 5th position..."

On the battlefield, facing the x-10000, which no longer fights back, the remaining players broke out their output capabilities without reservation.

Although the number is far less than before, the firepower generated is even more fierce than it was at five or six hundred.

Even some melee players who had been shooting with distant weapons because they couldn't compete with the x-10000 were rushing to the x-10000 position that fell to the ground after determining that the x-10000 had no counterattack capability. Melee attack!

Obviously, there are still quite a few people who have "reserved" before.

"Boom, boom!"

The "targets" that were jointly marked by thousands of miles and digital cats were destroyed one after another.

However, the wind that floated on the top of the head and the sniper sniper stunned, but it was delayed.

Even his eyes are completely, no longer rely on the field of vision, but completely rely on the mental field to perceive the cover of various skills and attack light, completely unable to see the state of the x-10000!

“The key points have shifted to the 9th position on the top of the head, less than one percent of the deviation from the mark!”

In the sound of the thunderous guns, the sound of a thousand miles sounded again.

"This is the time!"

Suddenly, the wind slammed open his eyes and looked over the head of the x-10000.


At the same time, the "secret sniper rifle" on the top of the head shook violently, and a black sniper bullet comparable to a small cannonball, drawn a straight trajectory on the battlefield, straight on the top of the x-10000, which was in his A bright cross-shaped red mark appears in the field of view.

Unlike the rest, the x-10000's overhead position is not attacked much.

Because the head of the simulated human machine is not stronger than the other position itself, and because the neck is relatively narrow and fragile, the head is more likely to be detached from the body.

In addition, the player's own head is absolutely essential, and will habitually greet the head of the mechanical unit when attacking.

Therefore, the important core of the simulation robot is hardly designed on the head, so at this time the head of the x-10000, under various attacks, is still largely preserved intact!

However, the wind fell, but he chose to shoot with resoluteness. He used his chance of attacking only a few sniper rifles because of the energy of the solitude.

Because, he has a feeling in his heart.

The head of the x-10000 is the last key point of it, that is, the key point that can destroy it!

This kind of feeling is difficult to explain, not the feeling made by the system, but the instinct of a top-notch sniper rifle.

It's like a top athlete, feeling the moment before the foot leaves the pedal, or the moment before kicking the ball!

The wind fell in love with this feeling and launched an attack.

In fact, not only did he launch an attack.


At the same time he was almost at the same time, his powerful mental field perception, suddenly felt a strong energy fluctuations in the position of the super boss head.

In an instant, a large amount of water energy condenses into an energy ice layer, which wraps the entire head of the x-10000.


These ice layers are scattered to make the spirits feel like the cold cold, spreading rapidly into the inside, accompanied by the intense low temperature of the energy fluctuations and the extrusion force of the ice layer, and even the alloy armor of the x-10000 surface. Cracks appear.

Players who can achieve this level, now on the battlefield, I am afraid that only the female star players of the Moonlight Guild will have the s-class "ice blood" talent of the first beauty Yan Yan dance.


Not only Yan Yan dances.

Among the teams of the Yuehuang Association, the past uses the epic energy converter in the hand to manipulate a life-like flame dragon-shaped skill.

The same skill in the air to tear apart other players, flew toward the x-10000 head position!

"Hey, hey!"

In addition, the "eight-armed gods" mech that has almost emptied the ammunition on the body, the four thick arms of the left and right sides are aggregated together to form two huge muzzles, from which two of them are similar. Micro-missiles generally have a whistling warhead!


In the sky, the black gold original force armor with death roaring, also slammed a full width of ten meters, with a powerful sharp edge of the original force, straight toward the x-10000 head Hit it!

Obviously, the Yuehuang Guild and the Tianxia Group are equally capable of analyzing, or have determined from certain channels that this is the last "critical"!

All launched a powerful blow, competing for this last possible bonus!


For some reason, their attacks are even faster than the wind.

Even Yan Bianwu actually secretly cast the energy particles of his skills to the head position in advance, and even the spirit of the field was not able to detect in advance.

If the sniper rifle is used normally, even if it is a super-strong wind, it will not be able to grab the front hit and grab the blow.

However, the wind is now using the normal sniper rifle, but the artifact "you can sniper rifle"!

As the "eye of the secluded god" that does not rely on the physical bullets at all, the sniper bullets formed by the purely cracking solitude are almost completely worn at the same time as the wind and the shot. Through the red dots marked by thousands of miles!

Even more, it’s a step faster than the Yan Han dance, which has been prepared for a long time to display its epic suit skills!


"Boom, boom!"

Then, the two miniature penetrating missiles of the armored armor, the roaring energy fire dragons of the past, all followed, the head of the x-10000 was first exploded, and then turned into a sea of ​​fire. .

["Destroy x-10000 (class 80 super boss), earn points: 4249500, current ranking: 3!"]

The next moment, the flames reflected in the pupils seemed to be burning, and the system prompts in the field of vision.