MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 11 1 swearing to the dog

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"In the case of so many security guards, the security department is still more and more lazy! The security department is getting more and more lazy! It is also time to beat and beat!" Su Qing finished, pay attention To Xiao Chen’s expression: “What happened? You are not willing to be the Minister of Security?”

"Cough, no, I just think that I am going to be the minister. I am afraid that many people will not accept it?" Xiao Chen was a difficult color, but his heart was happy. This security minister is the head of the security chief!

"Not satisfied?"

"Yeah, I only came to the company for two days. It’s just your bodyguard. Now I am airborne to the security department as the minister. Can the security department be able to take it? If others don’t say it, Liu’s supervisor will definitely not accept it!” Said sinisterly.

Su Qing thought for a moment, the fingers of the jade, gently tapping the table a few times, the sound is flat and overbearing: "Whoever refuses, can leave the company!"

Xiao Chen smiled, and he succeeded in killing and holding the power.

"Xiao Chen, the security department's business, although you let go, I will unconditionally support you!" Su Qingzhan reveals the side of his strong woman, and before the two judges!

Xiao Chen looked at some unfamiliar Su Qing in front of her eyes. She couldn’t help but stunned. Yes, if she didn’t have a few means, how could she create such a big company? !

You must know that the shopping mall is like a battlefield. This is a place where the weak meat is strong and eaten.

This woman, although not so cold, does not look so overbearing, but it is not a simple character!

A few thoughts turned, Xiao Chen smiled: "Well, since you have even given the sword to Shangfang, then I can't say anything without resigning... Su, I have picked up this job!"

"Oh, I am a little curious now. The security department will become what you are under the leadership of this special soldier king... I am looking forward to it!" Su Qing also said with a chuckle.

Xiao Chen shrugged: "I said, I am not a special soldier, I am just a pig..."

"In any case, I believe in your ability!" Su Qing finished, his eyes touched the eavesdropper on the table, and the voice sank: "What about the eavesdropper?"

Xiao Chen picked up the bug and raised his eyes: "I think there are two kinds of situations. One is a master who sneaked into your office. He escaped surveillance and patrol security."

"What about the other?"

"Internal people do it!"

"What? The company's people?!" Su Qing's face changed slightly.

Xiao Chen nodded: "Yes, people inside the company are familiar with everything..."

"Is this supposed to be impossible?"

"Nothing is impossible." Xiao Chen shook his head: "Things of the bugs, don't rumor for the time being, lest you be scared of snakes, you just haven't happened anything."

"it is good!"

"Including Qin Lan!"

"Lan sister?" Su Qing squinted: "Do you suspect her?"

"Besides you, I suspect anyone in the company... and she is the most frequent person in and out of your office, so the suspicion is bigger!"

"No, it can't be Lan sister!"

"Su total, we don't mean anything about it now. It may not be possible. It's not that you have the final say, nor is it that I have the final say. I will check it out!" Xiao Chen said seriously.

Su Qing silenced for a few seconds and slowly nodded: "Well, you can check, be sure to check it out!"

"I will!"

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen deeply and picked up the phone on the table: "Hey, Lan sister, come to my office."

Soon, the door knocked and Qin Lan came in from the outside: "Su, what are you looking for?"

"Lan sister, I just discussed with Xiao Chen, and he is also the head of the security department! The Ministry of Personnel has not said hello, you personally follow up on this matter, I will go to the laboratory."

Qin Lan looked at Xiao Chen with some surprises and nodded: "Good!"

After the trio briefly talked a few words, Xiao Chen and Qin Lan left the president's office.

"Well, Xiao Chen, the next day, the company became the middle-level leader, this speed is faster than the rocket!" As soon as he went out, Qin Lan said with a smile.

"Oh, generally! But even if I became a middle-level leader, then Lan sister is still my leader, as usual, I can sneak into my rules!" Xiao Chen smirked.

Qin Lanbai had a look at Xiao Chen: "There is no point in the shape, what do you think all day long in your mind!"

"I want to think, think about money, think about women!" Xiao Chen said very honestly.

"Right, wealth, color? Hehe, the guy who is not right, how can you not think about how to build a new socialist society?"

Xiao Chen grinned: "I still have to build the security department first. As for building such a big socialist society, I will not be able to worry about it for a while..."

"Oh, I am not going to be poor with you. I will tell you in detail about the situation of the Security Department... I thought that it would take you a while to get promoted. I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Xiao Chen glanced at it and looked at Qin Lan: "What do you mean?"

"I told the General Manager about the situation of the Security Department before, but she has not found a suitable candidate... Then you appeared. We both discussed it and arranged you to the Security Department! I intend to let you be there first. Staying for a while, I know more about it. I didn’t expect her to let you go so soon."

Xiao Chen is speechless, Nima, it turned out that this is not a temporary decision, but it has been premeditated! Regardless of the eavesdropper, the Minister of Security has to fall on his head?

"What's wrong? Look at your expression, it seems that you are not very happy?"

"No, I am an official fan, can be an official can not be happy!" Xiao Chen sighed, thoughts turned: "Lan sister, do you know why Su is so quick to let me be a minister?"

Qin Lan shook her head: "I don't know, I am also curious, is there something wrong?"

"There was a thief who entered the president's office last night." When Xiao Chen said this, his eyes stared at Qin Lan and wanted to find something.

"The thief?" Qin Lan showed a shocking color: "What have you lost?"

"Nothing was lost, so Su did not intend to call the police." Xiao Chen regained his gaze, and he did not find anything unusual from Qin Lan's face.

"Oh, no wonder Su always wants to open the knife to the security department!" Qin Lan stunned, and then coldly said: "The company has so many security guards, even let the thieves touch the office, they should be expelled!"

"Oh, if they are all fired, then I am not changing the commander of the light pole? In fact, the problem of the security department is not so serious, except for the individual black sheep, the whole is OK..."

When Qin Lan heard this, she looked at Xiao Chen like a smile: "The black sheep? What are you going to do?"

"The new official took up three fires, I must have burned it. As for who can burn it, huh, huh, it depends on who is bad luck!" Xiao Chen grinned and stood up: "Lan sister, I can't wait to go." Burning fire."

"Well, then let's go. After I have communicated with the personnel department, I will go to the security department to find you."

"Good." Xiao Chen nodded and turned and left.

Qin Lan looked at Xiao Chen's back, revealing a touch of smile: "Yesterday just occupied Liu Dakui's office, and today he said that he became a black sheep! Oh, Liu Dakui, who has always been overbearing, met this guy, too It’s a **** disease in eight lifetimes!”

However, when she thought of Xiao Chen’s office in the president’s office, the smile converges a few points and slowly narrows her eyes.

Xiao Chen went out of the assistant's office. When she saw that Su Qing was not next door, she called her and agreed with her about the thief, lest she say that she missed her mouth!

Also, he intends to use this reason to go to the security department to burn the first fire of the new official!

After the phone call, Xiao Chen walked to the security department with a minor tone, but his heart was quite ridiculous. He would be the minister of the security department.

However, as long as it can help Su Qing solve the trouble, let alone the Secretary of Security, is a small broken security guard, he did not say anything!

Standing at the door of the security department again, but the mood is different from yesterday. He was ‘people under the roof’ yesterday, but today it’s ‘my place, I am the master’. This is totally different!

"Morning brother, you are here!"

When Xiao Chen was still feeling that the life of this dog day was ridiculous, the door of the security department opened and Ding Li came out from it.

"Well, Ding Li, why are you going?" Xiao Chen saw Ding Li, showing a smile.

"I am going to work."

"Oh, then go." Xiao Chen nodded and thought of something: "Hey, Ding Li, is the security department not a two-shift group? Should you take a break today?"

Ding Li’s face was stiff and stiff, and he smiled a little reluctantly: “Oh, today’s group is not enough, I will come to play a substitute.”

“Replacement?” Xiao Chen frowned and looked at Ding Li: “Is it arranged by Liu Dakui?”

"Well, it’s Liu..."

I haven't waited for Ding Li to finish Liu Dakui's voice came from inside: "Ding Li, why don't you go to work on duty, what is the ink at the door? Never go, be careful that Laozi will deduct your salary!"

"Liu supervisor, I will go right away!" Ding Li was busy with a voice, then whispered: "Morning brother, I will go to work first, wait for the class to finish talking, I will invite you to dinner at noon!"

"Value wool, what you should do, do it well! You shouldn't do the work you do, don't do it!" Xiao Chen grabbed Ding Li who was going to take him and dragged him into the office of the security department.

"Morning brother, what are you doing?" Ding Li's face was a little white, worried.

Xiao Chen turned his head and asked: "Ding Li, yesterday, you said that I am a big brother, is it counted?"

"Of course!"

"Well, since you recognize me as a big brother, then I am a big brother, certainly not letting people bully you!" Xiao Chen finished, looking at Liu Dakui who is playing games in front of the computer: "Liu Dakui, you forgot What did I say yesterday?"

Liu Dakui raised his head and looked at Xiao Chen with his eyes obliquely: "What did you say?"

"I said that he will be covered by me in the future, I don't want anyone to bully him again!" Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, which of your eyes saw me bullying him? Why, want to be his head?" Liu Dakui sneered at his face: "Kid, don't forget, you are just the bodyguard of Su, our security department. Things, it’s not up to you to gesticulate!"

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!