MTL - Feminist God-Chapter 16 If you don't marry, you will be forced to marry

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  Chapter 16 If you don’t marry, you will be forced to marry

  The three of them walked out of the dormitory one after another. The whistles of countless girls on the road left the school gate and entered a small restaurant not far from the university.

   This restaurant is very popular. At first glance, most of them are girls wearing shorts and suspenders. At this time, Lin Qing's perception of the situation is completely overturned.

  If it were the earth, the vast majority of people sitting here should be big men with bare chests and backs, but after the reversal, women's clothes began to be exposed, while men's clothes should be relatively conservative

   "What do you want to drink?" Liang Qingshi ordered four dishes, and when he asked, he felt the fiery eyes of the girls around him and quickly tightened his collar.

   "You yoghurt, sweet and sour."

  Liang Qingshi nodded, told the waiter to write it down, and after a while, he turned to look at Lin Qing and asked, "Aren't you going to drink?"

   "A bottle of beer, if not enough." Lin Qing said.

   It has been verified that this body can't drink liquor, but he thinks that beer should be fine. If you drink too much of that thing, your stomach will just feel a little swollen.

  Suddenly, everyone in the store looked at him with different eyes.

   "What's the matter?" Lin Qing was at a loss. Isn't a bottle of beer normal? Is it true that boys are not allowed to drink in the feminist world?

   "Do as he says!" After Liang Qingshi asked the waiter beside him to write it down, he leaned his head towards Lin Qing and said in a low voice, "Drink less for a while. It's very dangerous for boys to drink alcohol."

  Lin Qing couldn't understand this. Drinking alcohol is dangerous. Is it bleeding or what?

Wang De leaned against the corner and explained: "It's just that after being drunk, I don't remember anything, and it's easy for women to take advantage of it. They look serious, but they are actually bad inside, and they are full of thoughts. Those things between us men, if we are drunk, it is an opportunity for women to act recklessly?"

   "That's right, a lot of unruly men lay down on the road and fell asleep after being drunk at night shows, and then their bodies were picked up by a group of women, and the women ruined them without knowing it." Liang Qingshi added.

  Lin Qing nodded, according to the world after the subversion of the concept, it is indeed the case when you think about it carefully, but why do you always feel that men are taking advantage of it?

"It's more than that, don't think that after waking up and finding that you are in a strange place, this matter is over, because you don't know when those women who pick up corpses will come to your door with your own children to destroy you There are many men who have suffered such losses, and are forced to keep in touch with those bad women secretly outside..." Wang De said this, and looked around the restaurant secretly, as if he was the one in his mouth. Same as the victim.


  Lin Qing is speechless, this is the first time I have heard that it is so dangerous for a boy, especially a handsome boy like himself, to get drunk outside.

  It’s okay if she’s a beautiful woman with good figure and appearance, but if she’s threatened by a group of girls with freckles and big yellow teeth, or girls who pick their feet

   Oh, what's the point of being alive!

  Lin Qing felt terrified when he thought about it.

   "That's why we men should quickly find a good woman to marry after graduation, and then wait for the wife to give birth to a child and stay at home to teach his wife and daughter." Liang Qingshi is full of expectations for his future.

   "Wife and daughter?"

  This vocabulary is not difficult to understand, it is similar to husband and son, but the gender has changed a bit.

  Lin Qing shook his head and put aside this absurd idea. He has a wild temper and will never be bound by a woman and a child.

   "Why, Lin Qing, don't you marry a wife and raise a daughter after you get married?" Wang De asked curiously but solemnly.


  Lin Qing's eyes widened.

  He has always been habitually not thinking about the issue of getting married, but now that Wang De said this, his heart that had been restless for a long time with a group of wives and concubines immediately became half cold.

  This world is full of marriages between men and women, but how could Lin Qing, a man with a normal concept, be willing to marry someone with that kind of uselessness?

   And the most unbearable thing is that the child has to follow the maternal instinct.

   "If you don't marry, you will never marry in this life." Lin Qing made a decision immediately.

  Whoever loves to marry will marry, anyway, he, a big man, will never marry.

   "After the age of 35, if you are not married, you will be forced to marry by a woman," Liang Qingshi also said.


  Lin Qing was confused when he heard that, if he made up his mind that he would never marry any woman, could the country still enforce it? !

   "It is so"

  Liang Qingshi and Wang De gave Lin Qing a popularization of the policy on men.

   Not long after, when the two of them talked dryly and each took a sip of white water from the paper cup to moisten their throats, Lin Qing made a conclusion with an ugly expression.

No matter who the man is, he must get married before the age of 35. If he is not married, the Ministry of Households in the three provinces and six ministries will force the wording to force him to marry. The rules similar to the ancient draft will be adopted, and there will be thousands or even tens of thousands of female bachelors. In the lottery, no matter who is drawn, the man will marry whoever, even if he doesn't want to, it's useless, because this is the law, no man will be wasted, this is the origin of forced marriage!

  Even if the woman does not want to, it is legal for the woman to force a husband-wife relationship.

  Lin Qing's heart suddenly fell to the bottom of the millet, feeling that the whole world is suffering. It turns out that the feminist world is not as good as he imagined. Either marry or be forced to marry, in short, you have to choose one.

If he gets married, Lin Qing feels that he will live a very aggrieved life. This is the bottom line he has always insisted on and will never waver, but if he does not marry, he will be forced to marry, and the people who are forced to marry are all bachelors. God knows what crooked melons and cracked dates those bachelors are.

"Don't worry, you are only 19 years old now, and you are still far away from that time. Maybe someday you will have the intention of getting married, and you are so handsome, so you don't have to worry about not being able to find Princess Charming!" Liang Qingshi She comforted her, but suddenly seeing Lin Qing's face getting more ugly, she quickly changed her words: "Actually, a strong man will not be forced to marry, as long as he has the strength, he can ignore some laws!"

  Lin Qing's complexion is now more attractive. The path of a strong man is difficult for any man in this world, but it is easy for Lin Qing, because he has experience and insights that others do not have.

  A strong man, as the name suggests, is a man who is very strong in a certain field. If Lin Qing wants to neither marry nor be forced to marry, he can only start from this aspect.

   Either join the army or go into business. The answer is already obvious. As for what kind of star in the entertainment industry, even if he is a king and queen, he looks very strong, but in the end he is still an actor, not a strong man at all.

   "Let's talk about the future later."

Lin Qing gave a far-fetched smile, she clearly had the answer but her heart was still wavering, she just wanted to find a few beautiful wives in this world, live a carefree life without shame Goddesses with impeccable looks and figures like Xiaoye and Yang Youran will do.

  However, Lin Qing knows that it is necessary for him to start his own business sooner or later, and he also has to engage in his old business in order to shine in this world and become a strong man. What he lacks is only an opportunity, a painful blow, so that he can completely wake up!

  (end of this chapter)