MTL - Feminist God-Chapter 17 Amazing part-time job ideas

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  Chapter 17 Surprising part-time job ideas

  After a while, the waiter delivered all four dishes and drinks ordered by Liang Qingshi one after another, as well as a bottle of beer that Lin Qing specially requested.

   There was no politeness, and several people started to pick up their chopsticks. Liang Qingshi and Wang De chewed carefully, very elegantly, while Qin Qing took a sip of wine and meat, which seemed to be very satisfying.

   It's just that not long after they ate, there were obviously more customers in the store. Because this location is very close to the university, most of the people who came here were students from Beijing University.

   From time to time, a few pairs of long white legs will pass by one side with a gust of fragrant wind.

   Soon the three of Lin Qing became a beautiful sight in the small restaurant, and there were always people who casually glanced at this side and commented with the girls at the same table

   "The three boys over there are so handsome!"

   "One of them is the most handsome"

   "Which one?"

   "The drinker!"

   "It's a pity, if only I could drink with him."

   "You're so filthy, on the first day of school I was thinking of getting the boys drunk and taking them to the hotel!"

  Lin Qing's head was full of black lines. Although the voice was very small, he could hear everything clearly.

  He and Wang De deliberately changed positions, and after facing the door, the comments from other girls were much smaller. Maybe they knew about Lin Qing's explicit words and changed their conversations about family and country affairs

  Lin Qing didn't care about those, because he used to come here like this, and even molested his little sister on the spot with a few colleagues.

  Thinking about it now, it is like a dream in Nanke, which is clearly real, but unattainable.

Because the person has changed into a young and handsome body, and has even traveled to the Andromeda galaxy on the other side of the starry sky, which is about 2.2 million light-years away from the earth. What kind of concept is this, which is equivalent to the speed of light at 2.2 million It takes years to reach the earth, and the distance of one light-year is equivalent to the sum of the distance of a fighter jet flying at full speed for 130,000 years. In short, in this life, I don’t want to go back and see the old 18-line young model mistress in the entertainment industry.

  The ages of several people are almost the same, and they all live in the same dormitory. In addition, they eat together, and they obviously have a lot of acquaintance.

At this time, Liang Qingshi put down the chopsticks in his hand, and wiped the oil stains on the corners of his mouth with a paper towel, which attracted the sound of girls swallowing saliva nearby, he asked Lin Qing, "Do you have a grudge against Jiang Yang, so you threatened him? "

  Wang De pricked up his ears at a word, a little absent-minded.

   "I just can't understand his princely disease that everyone looks down on." Lin Qing didn't hide anything about this.

Liang Qingshi nodded after hearing this. Jiang Yang has a prince's disease. He always felt superior to others after entering the dormitory. He extended his right hand generously before, but Jiang Yang didn't even extend his hand, because this incident made him feel superior. Embarrassing in front of parents.

   "There is nothing wrong with that attitude when someone is rich. They can't be the same as us ordinary people." Wang De said.

   "Can rich people be superior to others?" Liang Qingshi retorted.

   "Yes, you will do the same when you have money, and look at the cosmetics Jiang Yang uses, they are all expensive."


  Boys just love to care about every detail. Didn't this start from talking about Jiang Yang's problem, and in a few words it turned into a confrontation between Liang Qingshi and Wang De.

  Lin Qing frowned and sighed, feeling really tired. I met this kind of roommate on the first day of school, and it didn't take long for me to start forming cliques like those little girls in the previous life.

  There are four people in the dormitory, roughly divided into two camps

  Jiang Yang is superior to others, Wang De seems to have a character of worshiping money from his expression and words, and intends to get close to Jiang Yang, while Liang Qingshi has a cheerful personality even though he is a girl, and he can't understand Jiang Yang's prince disease.

"Okay, let's change the subject. With Lin Aotian here, Jiangyang's prince will die after he gets sick. I plan to take a part-time job. What kind of part-time job do you think is better?" Lin Qing deliberately changed the subject, he didn't want to talk to him Because of a topic, two sissy roommates on the same table of mine started to stage a radical battle in front of many women regardless of the occasion.

And the part-time job has also been carefully considered by Lin Qing, because college students have plenty of time, many people are doing part-time jobs, but compared to other people, the reason for doing part-time jobs is just to buy cosmetics for pocket money, while Lin Qing is for Earn computer money and mobile phone money.

  After asking such a question, Liang Qingshi and Wang De immediately recovered from the secret struggle, and looked at each other apologetically.

  Wang De thought for a while, and said to Lin Qing: "Moving bricks, my cousin from afar is moving bricks at the construction site in the capital. I heard from her that she can move several trucks of bricks a day and earn a lot of money!"


Looking at Wang De's swearing expression, Lin Qing was speechless. In his last life, he was an IT elite who wore a suit and tie. brick.

   Thanks to Wang De for saying it, don’t you think it’s a bit funny? !

  Leaving aside these things for the time being, how many car bricks would it take to earn a computer? !

   One hundred cars of bricks? A thousand carts of bricks?

   "Brother Yue helped someone take care of the child. When the child fell asleep, he could still use his computer to read romance novels on male channels, or play games that can develop love!"


  Lin Qing's hands trembled slightly and drooped under the table.

   It took him a long time to resist the urge to push these two sissies to the ground and beat them up!

   "Forget it, I'll find a shampoo salon to wash people's hair." Lin Qing paused every word, clearly showing a restrained expression.

  In short, the ideas of the two people in front of them are amazing, one is going to the construction site to move bricks, and the other is going to give it to Brother Zeng Yue

He is very afraid of those muscular women who are like wolves and tigers on the construction site. God knows if those people will not be able to hold back for a while after seeing his face, and collectively do something illegal to him. I feel extremely aggrieved when I get married, let alone helping others with their children and cleaning housework, I don't even think about it.

   "This is good. I don't feel tired washing people's hair. When I don't have customers, I can still read romance novels written by the domineering female president!" Liang Qingshi also thought that it would be good for Lin Qing to find such a part-time job, so he immediately agreed.

  Lin Qing really wanted to slap him to death, and he was a ghost.

  He has read a few romance novels before, but they are all kinds of disgusting. It is even more impulsive to send blades to the author than the second-year novels of the Invincible King and the Supreme Emperor!

  With a general direction in mind, Lin Qing felt a lot more relaxed. Although the matter of getting married in the future has not been resolved, at least he will take the first step soon to make his future life more fulfilling.

  During the conversation, the three of Lin Qing had already eaten most of their food, and three young and beautiful girls walked in while talking and smiling, which also attracted Lin Qing's attention.

  Since he was sitting facing the door and was eating food with his head down, the first thing he saw were a few pairs of small beautiful feet wrapped in sandals, and then a pair of round and slender beautiful legs.

  Lin Qing raised his head and looked carefully, only to see three girls who were about his own age. Each of them was considered to be of good looks, and their clothes were revealing. They were so cool in this scorching summer.

Thanks to Wu Hui for the reward, and also Xiaoxiaoxinrou, Kun (the author doesn’t know that word), Don’t be Erjiu, pass by with a smile, Mengxin, Xuansheng, this love is not for sale, the young master is not good again, Master Hu The years are quiet, chasing poems, full of skin, ruthless, nostalgic, indifferent to the world, black and white do not match, Baosheng uses dreams,. , Autumn Wind Yirenzui, Luwo, Dragon God, No Regrets, Linglong Xianjun, Mo, Little Bookworm, Dixin, Xinkeliang, Abusive Good People, King Under the Night, Dream, Simple Fame, The World Forgets Me, Cannot Reject , Qingteng, Zp, Demon God, Light and Black, Brother Wen, Guangming, Village Chief, Stars, Rain

   There are too many people, there is a word limit for the author's words, thank you for your support!




  (end of this chapter)