MTL - Feng Mang-Chapter 260 seek death.

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Xia Hongwei's eyes instantly rose to a thick layer of mist, and his voice seemed particularly deep.

"It's you who's been in trouble for a long time.

Han Dong smiled awkwardly: "Yes, I have always been grateful to Officer Xia.

Xia Hongwei stepped forward, and the cold face was less than a centimeter away from Han Dong's face.

"Is that so? I always hate you.

Han Donggang was about to call Wang Zhongding for help, and Xia Yao helped him out.

"He didn't jump on his own, what do you blame him for?" Han Dong silently shed tears of crocodile for Xia Yao.

Xia Hongwei reprimanded Xia Yao: "Isn't it true that he jumped down by himself? So big, how could he fall if he wasn't too careless?" "Now everyone has been rescued, you say these are still What's the use? "Xia Yao was impatient.

Xia Hongwei is aggressive: "Why is it useless? Why would your kind intentions bear the consequences for his carelessness?" Han Dong kept rubbing sweat, just as an intention, so unrelenting, if you know that I am myself Jumping down, is that ok? Xia Yao shoved Xia Hongwei and said, "Aren't you looking for Yu Ming? Go and go and hurry you.

Xia Hongwei pointed to Han Dong before leaving, saying, "I will settle the bill with you for breakfast.

"Okay, hurry up!" Xia Yao slapped Xia Hongwei far away.

Han Dong and him were left.

"What are you looking for?" Han Dong asked.

Xia Yao hesitated for a long time before he said, "Well ... will you tell a fortune?" "Yeah, didn't you calculate it for you before?" "That counts if I and the other can last forever ..." Han Dong couldn't help it Teasingly: "Police Officer Xia still believes this as a policeman?" Xia Yao's face sank: "Whether it counts?" "Count, count."

"Han Dong nodded.

Xia Yao said, "Begin.

"Han Dong was slightly distressed." Well, it's better that you two come together.

"He doesn't believe this and may not cooperate.

"" But you may not be sure just by looking at you alone.

Han Dong reminded.

Xia Yao was helpless: "Okay, I'll persuade him.

"After ten minutes, the two sat in front of Han Dong.

Han Dong stared at Yuan Zong first, then turned to Xia Yao's face, with thousands of grass and mud horses passing by.

Sex life is too powerful for Nima.

why? Why does the device work well, with one enemy ten, but also TM will cook? Why did you come from a famous place, handsome and noble, and so TM? How wonderful and fierce it is for these two men to be blazing, incredibly beautiful? "Did you watch it?" Yuan Zongshen asked in a deep voice.

Han Dong just came back and said, "After watching, after watching.

""how about it? Xia Yaomei's eyes stared at Han Dong.

Han Dong solemnly replied: "The fate is destined, and the good-for-nothing.

Xia Yao was not assured, and asked, "Is it accurate?" "Han Dong hasn't spoken yet, Yuan Zong asked aside:" Can't you? " "Okay ... Xia Yao knew that he asked for nothing.

Yuan Zong shook off a sentence "do one more thing" and left with a big step.

...... Xia Hongwei here on Yu Ming, immediately changed to a person.

The assistant bought two breakfasts, but the owner only put a pair of chopsticks when packing, and Xia Hongwei asked Yu Ming to eat first.

"Eat hot, what should you do when you are done.

"Yu Ming said:" Or you eat first, you eat fast.

"" Every time has been spent eating.

Xia Hongwei was impatient.

Yu Ming had to move chopsticks first.

Han Dong looked at them not far away. Yu Ming ate for a full ten minutes, then handed the chopsticks to Xia Hongwei, and he ate it with three mouthfuls.

Han Dong couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

If you give me one tenth of tolerance for Yu Ming, I won't live in fear all day long! After breakfast, makeup was officially started.

These few plays today should be considered welfare for the children of Xixi.

One of them was the protagonist Shen Chuan, that is, the role played by Xia Yangzhuo in the toilet encounter "ghost", and the "little ghost" is the role played by Xixi.

In this play, Shen Chuan was sitting on the toilet and playing with his mobile phone. He was playing on the phone screen. A scene of him sitting on the toilet and playing with his mobile phone suddenly appeared. On the phone, there was a spooky child .

Shen Chuan took the phone away and was horrified to find that there was a child on her lap exactly like the one on the phone.

At this moment, the child turned his head and stared at him straight away, suddenly showing a weird smile.

Shen Chuan was taken aback.

... As soon as Xixi sat on Xia Yangzhuo's legs, his mouth opened cheerfully, and the powdery layer could not be covered by several layers of powder.

The members of the film crew have sweated for him. Can such a relaxed state perform thriller effects? However, as soon as Director Lu shouted, the blush on Xixi's face faded quickly, and his eyes instantly lost focus.

When his beloved idol moved his phone tremblingly, Xixi relentlessly turned his pale face and issued a weird laughter of "giggle" ... Xia Yangzhuo's extraordinary face was immediately distorted, and the magnitude of it was great. The elder brothers present were all surprised.

It is no exaggeration to say that 30% of Xia Yangzhuo's interpretations in this way are practiced on weekdays, and 70% are scary.

Many horror movies have children. The reason is that the more "human and animal harmless" things, the easier it is to cause psychological shock when they are twisted into opposites.

Just like Xixi, she smiled naively in the first second, and died in the next second. How can it not be scary? Director Lu seems to have won the treasure. After one filming, he hugged Xixi and gave up.

"Give me this child. I like him so much. How about discussing it with your relative?" Han Dong drew his lips and said, "You go to discuss, I don't have the courage.

"After that, Han Dong and Xia Yangzhuo played a show.

This shot is similar to that just now, but the protagonist Shen Chuan is sitting on the toilet and looking at the mobile phone, but this time he saw in the mobile phone that he was sitting on a man's lap, put down the mobile phone and turned back, and saw another eerie face.

And this lucky and unfortunate man is Han Dong.

Fan groups piled up into mountains outside, Xia Jiajun lined up inside, Han Dong's two legs accidentally flickered, it is estimated that these people will be abused into scum.

Having just been scared by Xixi, Xia Yangzhuo has not calmed down yet, and here comes an upgraded version of Curly Ghost. Xia Yangzhuo's degree of fright can be imagined.

He screamed out of control, fell from Han Dong's leg, and stumbled to the ground.

"Ka!" After Director Lu raised his hand to pass, the first person to collapse was not Xia Yangzhuo, but Han Dong who was a pitman.

After the filming in the morning, Han Dong didn't dare to say hello to Yu Ming, so he took Xixi to lunch.

Sisi wiped her tears while eating.

At first, Han Dong scolded him with jealousy, but later saw his heartbroken little girl, and finally held him softly to persuade him.

"Okay, he won't change his view of you just because he's a little scared.

"Xixi stopped crying.

After having lunch, Han Dong sat in the car to rest, and there was another sign of drowsiness, but he didn't dare to sleep and was afraid to go to the Xia Hongwei showdown after falling asleep, so he patted and played happily Sicily.

"Be sure to supervise me and never let me fall asleep.

Seeing me dozing off, come over right away and wake me up. Did you hear me? "Xi Xi nodded earnestly:" I heard.

"After a while, Han Dong was sleepy again. As soon as he closed his eyes, he was awakened by Xixi's small hand.

"Cheer up!" Sissi said.

Han Dong opened his eyes at once, and the sleepy tone praised Xi Xixi: "Good job!" After a while, he was sleepy again.

Sisi again dutifully went forward and knocked.

Han Dong woke up for a while and then began to doze off again and again.

Sisi called over and over again, and finally ... tired himself.

Han Dongwo was completely asleep on the sofa.

Sixi narrowed his eyes and walked to him, twisted his face and said, "Get up your spirits.

Han Dong praised with closed eyes: "Good job.

"Then I got up and walked out.

Xia Hongwei is chatting with Yu Ming.

"Your brother looks pretty normal, so why not?" Yu Ming asked.

"It is said that when he was young, he was scared by a man's metamorphosis!" "No?" Yu Ming was surprised. "Did you find that metamorphosis later?" Xia Hongwei snorted: "If I found Is it so depressed? "As he said, Han Dong suddenly closed his eyes and pushed in.

"I have good news here, and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" Asked Xia Hongwei deadly.

Yu Ming faintly had an ominous hunch.

Xia Hongwei said straightly, "Listen to the bad first.

Han Dong's expression was ashamed: "In fact, I jumped that well myself."

Xia Hongwei's face turned dark.

Seeing that he was going to do something, Yu Ming hurried up to stop.

"Wait a minute, and wait for him to finish the good news.

Xia Hongwei barely suppressed his temper.

"Say!" Han Dong grinned. "You don't have to be depressed anymore, because the pervert of the man dressed as a woman is me.

"" ... "