MTL - Fierce Silk Flower-Chapter 34 Rich

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Zi Anran took the initiative to take the shot, which is something that others have not expected.

They thought that Ji Enran alone, how can they not dare to mess.

Who knows... he is a madman!

The person who saw the second floor finally gave up and jumped out. Ji Anran smiled and his tone was even more mad.

"I thought you were going to hide for a lifetime. I was afraid of anything. I didn't have an expired green spray this time~"

It’s not only the group that was attacked by Ji Anran, but the faces of other people have also changed.

Of course you won't bring it. It's enough to use it once! You want to reinvent it, we are not willing to be fooled!

"Ji Enran, this is what you are looking for!"

A man who had been pitted again picked up a huge hollow concrete pipe and tried to flatten the season.

Ji Anran hides while archery.

"I am jealous of your death, you still have reason?"

Ji Anran’s mouth was so powerful that he said a few words and brought out the anger of the people.


One of the people who were still observing in the dark fell, and did not seem to understand when Ji Anran, who had just been entangled in the team, discovered him.

In addition to the first team that was forced out by Ji Enran, everyone else was hiding in the dark. On the one hand, they want to find opportunities to start with Ji Anran; on the other hand, they also want to take the opportunity to eat black.

Although there was a person hiding in the dark, but no team stood up.

"Captain, the black market only opened at night. In addition to Ji Anran's revenge with us, there is no one else. I am sure that I am not mistaken." The person in charge of the investigation reported.

The captain nodded and still couldn't understand.

"You pay attention to the ground and see if there are any soil abilities hidden nearby."

"I also noticed that I only found one of the nearby soil abilities. It was in a certain team of revenge. Ji Anran is really single-handed. Is he not afraid of death?"

The captain’s expression was dignified: “This is where I can’t figure it out. Is there any secret weapon in the bag of arrows that he carries?”

The team that was forced out by Ji Enran was not bad, but he didn’t get it in the hands of Ji Dajun.

His predictive ability is really too strong and fast. His back seems to have long eyes, and others can escape. He prejudged the opponent's next move and then sent him back to the West. The hot, decisive look made the heart tremble.

Looking at the bodies on the ground, Ji Anran sighed with a sigh: "It’s too uncooperative. If you have a good life, why don’t you save it?”


A good life, how do you not give up killing!

Still, the man hidden in the dark like a tortoise cursed Ji Enran in his heart, and he wished to rush to push the season.

But they know that there are many people ambushing here. If you shoot at the same time, Ji Anran will not be able to cope unless it is a thousand hands Guanyin.

But they are not willing, there is always a loss of fighting. Obviously, you can watch other people go to the first time to kill the season, why do they have to lose their hands? If they have more people to die, are they not going to be removed by these unscrupulous people?

These different teams have never been together.

Ji Anran pulled out the bow and arrow and took back the bow and arrow.

"For a moment, uh..."

He thought that he wouldn't be too lazy to carry a backpack without a crystal nucleus. Then he looked at the body on the ground and remembered sadly that he could pack a spoil without a backpack. There is not much space left in the bow and arrow bag. He wants to install too much.

Ji Anran continued to pull the arrow, and the people in the dark became eager to move.

Ji Anran is a little white face by arrows. Do you really want him to return the arrow... but he doesn't want to marry others.

Seeing that Ji Anran’s arrow was about to be pulled out, a team in the dark couldn’t help but shoot.

"Brothers, let's take a shot together and solve the problem with Ji Anran first! I only avenge the dead brothers, don't take any supplies. Go!"

A strong man snarled and took the initiative.

Then... other teams that are hiding are not paying attention to him.

"Stupid big, it's not easy for you to live by muscle until now!"

Ji Anran laughed out of breath, but still jumped very flexibly and escaped the flame.

Although Ji Anran smiled on his face, he did not drag on the water. He quickly ended up with other people, leaving only the last strong man.

The strong man knows that his death is near, and he is sorrowful and angry: "You have been hiding from the hand, and if you die in the hands of Ji Anran, you are also looking for it!"

Ji Anran ended up with an arrow and his speed was as fast as the wind.

Fool, I will not come out at this time. Can't live to the end, no one knows, but first jump out of the 90% support but the last fight!

After the two battles, these people also know that Ji Anran is not only a garbage accident.

"This is fast, he should be a speed versatile."

A captain’s eyes were lit up. “I said that Ji Anran would not stupidly run out to die. It turned out that he was a speed actor who decided that he could run away and dare to take the risk!”

After Ji Anran broke through one by one and killed a small team, the remaining three teams in the dark were finally unable to hold back and they came out.

Anyway, the remaining teams are not much, and Ji Anran has only one person. Even if they didn't catch Ji Anran in the end, they would kill the other two teams and they would have a good harvest!

The crowds of the ghosts began to fight and the situation became very chaotic.


In the box of the pub, he was stunned by a pair of love scenes, burying his head and drinking.

"Long delay, what's wrong with you?" The friend looked surprised.

After the wine glasses were put down, the expression became more and more ugly.

Because it is a soundproofed box room, Yan Yan said it directly.

"Enron just came to me to help, I thought I could give him any help. The result... He said that I affected him to fish, let me go to find friends to drink and chat, don't let people think that I will suddenly spoil. ”

The friend heard the words very unsmilingly. He patted his thigh hard and laughed out of breath.

"Long delay, you have today! Hahaha..."

Yan Yan unceremoniously smashed someone's foot, and someone smiled more joyfully.


Several teams and Ji Anran have their own plans, and the fight is very chaotic.

They also don't have a main attack. Anyway, they don't see their teammates. As long as you remove other people, it is enough to win the team of your own team.

Whether it is Ji Anran or other team members, if you can't run away on your own, leave your life here!

The melee lasted for more than half an hour, and the season when the bow and arrow were exhausted was run. At this time, only two teams were still alive.

They fight each other while chasing Ji Anran.

Ji Anran did not intend to escape, pretending to be entangled in the pursuit of soldiers, copying a piece of wood nearby and fighting with others, wolfly avoiding various abilities.

Until the two teams fighting behind the game, the winner came over to help attack the season, Ji Anran finally revealed the final card.

"You..." You are not a speedy!

The eyes were wide, the mouth was slightly open, and it fell straight on the ground.

The sudden appearance of the wind blade instantly fell into the chests of several survivors, and they quickly lost their breath.

Ji Anran found a suitcase in the nearby room. He searched one by one and then dragged the supplies back.

When he went back, he was relatively low-key and chose to go where it is not easy to ambush. He is a little tired, and today he doesn't want to fight again.

However, the road to the residential building is not calm, only people who are hiding are willing to take the shot.

After Ji Anran cleaned up a few miscellaneous fish, he returned to the residential building smoothly.

“Great harvest! This year is a big fat year!”

Ji Anran is eager to count the crystal nucleus and some attack weapons and other materials, and the mood is simply not to be more beautiful.

Because there is more than one team in the ambush, these people do not have a crystal nucleus in order not to be killed. The shorter the time of engagement, the faster the person who dies, the more material left.

"Oh, unfortunately, during the day, I was worried that someone would pass by to see my abilities, and I would dare to use the wind blade at the end. Otherwise I really want to kill them directly, so I will definitely get more."

But... the feeling of getting rich is really cool, la la la~


On the fourth day of the fair, the people at the fair have become less. Because almost everything that can be exchanged at the trade fair has been exchanged, there is not much left.

The black market is also booming at this time.

The black market is more likely to get high-order crystal nucleus and some rare materials, of course, the price will not be cheap. Some people who want to make more money deliberately keep the nucleus waiting for the black market to replace. If you want to find resources, it is better to go to the black market.

At this time, Wei Yanhua, Gao Xun and other small partners have also come here, gathered in the rented rooms.

"Enron, you are here."

Yan Yan wiped the sofa, pulled up Ji Anran's little hand, and took the season to sit on the sofa.

As for the delay... Of course, I sat down with the season.

When Ji Anran sat down, he took back his hand and his eyes were complicated. He said helplessly: "Hey, we have broken up. You gayly pull my hand, it’s too embarrassing."

Gao Xun stunned: "What is the break up? What time?"

"I broke up with him before the end of the world, and there has been no compound." Ji Anran looked calm.

Gao Xun's horrified face: "What do you say?! Didn't you still sleep together on your way to the base?"

"Have you heard of guns and friends?" Ji Anran did not change his face.

The hand that held the teacup was tightened and his face was dark.

Wei Yanhua, who knows the inside story, smiled.

Well, I slept on a bed, but I didn’t have a bullet that I had never been to!