MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-Chapter 14 Buy a gift for Yuli

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On the weekend of the second day, Zhang Xiaoshan woke up a little late, remembering what happened last night, he was so sad, the cute little boy was put to sleep by an old woman who was two years older.

Sneakingly came to the pool and began to wash, Qin Huairu came over: "Little San, you got up late today." As he spoke, he brushed the hair by his ear.

"Yeah!" Zhang Xiaoshan ignored her movements, she was too unprofessional, what kind of dance should she do to attract herself.

"Little San, my sister's family can't open the pot recently, you..." Qin Huairu was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

Silly Zhu rushed over: "Sister Qin, I'll help you if it's okay. Don't talk to him, he has no sympathy at all."

Qin Huairu was a little dazed, thinking that you are almost out of money, silly Zhu, so don't make trouble. Recently, Sha Zhu can't even get a single lunch box back. The new chef of a canteen was bullied by Sha Zhu in the early years, so all the dirty work is Sha Zhu's, and he has no share in the leftovers.

Yi Zhonghai was already thinking of a way to transfer Sha Zhu to the third workshop. Sha Zhu continued to stay in the cafeteria and was always pushed out and bullied like this. According to his temperament, Yi Zhonghai was afraid that he would really cause big trouble one day.

Qin Huairu had no choice but to deal with Silly Zhu first. Zhang Xiaoshan was overjoyed, there is a big blood cow next to him, don't come looking for me, he will go back to the house after a while.

Zhang Xiaoshan dressed up and went to pick up Yu Li on his bicycle. In the morning, the two of them went to practice the car meeting first, and then went to have lunch.

After eating roast duck in Quanjude, Zhang Xiaoshan took Yu Li to the department store.

"What? Buy me a bicycle?" Yu Li's eyes widened, and she looked at Zhang Xiaoshan in disbelief. A bicycle can cost more than one hundred and dozens of yuan, and bicycle tickets are also difficult to obtain.

"You are my partner, what is it to buy you a bicycle?" Zhang Xiaoshan laughed.

Zhang Xiaoshan bought the bicycle ticket from Pigeon City for 105 yuan, but he almost didn't get it. There is a price but no market. Fortunately, the money came easily and easily, sometimes Zhang Xiaoshan wanted Banggen and Jia Zhang to come to his house a few more times.

So, there is no pressure at all to buy a bicycle for Yu Li. However, Yu Li didn't know the situation. When she heard that Zhang Xiaoshan wanted to buy her a bicycle, she was extremely surprised and even more moved. Her heart was filled with happiness. It was like buying a sports car for her girlfriend decades later.

Last time, Zhang Xiaoshan bought Yu Li a coat and leather shoes, which made Yu Li very happy. Clothes in this era are not cheap, otherwise there would be no saying that it took three years to sew and mend, and cloth and cotton are in short supply.

"I don't want it!" Although Yu Li wanted to own a bicycle, the bicycle was too expensive. She hadn't married Zhang Xiaoshan yet, and she would have to live after getting married, so she should save it.

Zhang Xiaoshan took Yu Li's hand and entered the department store. Being held by Zhang Xiaoshan, Yu Li blushed, but did not break free.

Although the supply and marketing cooperative also sells bicycles, but not many, and this department store has more bicycles. Not long after, Zhang Xiaoshan took Yu Li to the place where bicycles were sold.

I saw that there were two rows of bicycles, one for men and the other for women. Forever, Phoenix and Feige three brands.

"Which one do you like?" Zhang Xiaoshan asked Yu Li. Looking at the women's bicycles, Yu Li liked them all, but the price made her daunted. The cheapest one cost 167 yuan, and the most expensive one was 198 yuan.

Seeing that Yu Li didn't speak, Zhang Xiaoshan was also helpless. "Then I'll choose one for you." Zhang Xiaoshan said to Li. Then, Zhang Xiaoshan chose a Flying Pigeon brand, priced at 177.80 yuan.

After choosing, Zhang Xiaoshan directly took out the money and a bicycle ticket, and the staff looked at Yu Li enviously.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaoshan bought and bought it, Yu Li didn't say anything. Although she is reluctant to part with the money, Yu Li is very happy to have a bicycle. When Yu Li pushed her bicycle out of the department store, she was very fond of the bicycle.

"Let's go, let's get the license plate and smash the steel seal first." Yu Li felt very good riding the newly bought bicycle, which was much better than riding Zhang Xiaoshan's bicycle.

In less than an hour, the newly purchased bicycle was branded and stamped. In addition to smashing the stamp on the card, you have to pay three yuan a year. And smashing the steel seal also requires money. It is one yuan and three cents now, and it will only get higher and higher in the future.

"Okay, it's convenient to go anywhere if you have a bicycle." Zhang Xiaoshan said with a smile. Just because of buying this bicycle, Yu Li complained that Zhang Xiaoshan spent money randomly, but she didn't want to.

The two then went to the movies, had dinner, and parted near Yu Li's house. Taking advantage of Zhang Xiaoshan's inattention, Yu Li kissed Zhang Xiaoshan on the cheek lightly and rode back home.

This made Zhang Xiaoshan very happy. In the past two days, he always encountered female hooligans. The happy Zhang Xiaoshan shouted, "Let's have a ride again."

When Yu Li rode her bicycle home, her parents and sister were shocked. And the neighbors around Yu's house also ran over.

"Sister, did you borrow this bicycle?" Yu Haitang didn't take her eyes off of Yu Li's bicycle. The more I look at it, the more I like Yu Haitang.

"This is a newly purchased bicycle, right? Who would borrow the newly purchased bicycle?" Everyone looked at Yu Li curiously, even Yu Li's parents didn't have a bicycle yet. There are twenty families in this yard, and there is only one bicycle.

"Xiao San bought it for me." Yu Li said, Yu Li also has vanity, and she is showing off. Yu Li is very satisfied with her boyfriend. He has a good job, a good person, and treats her well.

How many people are there in the imperial capital who bought bicycles for their girlfriends before they got married?

"Yu Li's boyfriend bought it for her?"

"Why doesn't my daughter have such a boyfriend!"

"Buy a bicycle for your girlfriend before you get married, UU reading this..."

Everyone was astonished.

At this time, Yu Li's vanity was also satisfied. Yu Li's parents were all smiling from ear to ear, and they were very satisfied with Zhang Xiaoshan in their hearts.

Many envious and jealous eyes fell on Yu Li. Even Yu Haitang is also very sour, her sister picks up the rags so well.

This was the first time Yu Haitang saw someone buying a bicycle for his girlfriend, and he had never heard of it before. Now, Yu Haitang is a little jealous of her sister, thinking that He Yushui is blind?

"You haven't eaten yet, go home and eat first." Yu's father said to Li.

"Sister, please lend me your bicycle for a ride." Yu Haitang took Yu Li's hand, rubbing it softly.

"Can you ride a bicycle?" Yu Li smiled. In fact, Yu Li was reluctant to lend her bicycle to someone else to ride her, but she couldn't be too stingy when her own sister asked.

"It's just that you taught me!" Yu Haitang said with a smile, now that Yu Li has a bicycle, it is also convenient for Yu Haitang to learn how to ride a bicycle. Then, Yu Li parked the bicycle in front of the house and locked it. Some spectators went home, but others stayed away from home.

Yu Li also brought home half a roast duck. "Sister, did you and Xiao San go to eat roast duck again today?" Yu Haitang's eyes lit up when he saw the roast duck.

Although she is not yet married to Zhang Xiaoshan, Yu Li is also a little unhappy when her sister calls her date mistress.

"When Xiaosan's parents come to propose marriage, you should quickly get the certificate." Yu's mother said to Li.

Yu Li thought for a while, then nodded shyly, the light shone on Yu Li's face, and her smile was like a flower at this moment...