MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-Chapter 15 trumpet

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In the evening, as soon as Zhang Xiaoshan entered the courtyard, he was stopped by Yan Fugui.

"Little San, I heard that you and Yu Li are getting along well. I'm a good matchmaker." Yan Fugui said with a smile.

"Continue. Third Master, I'll listen." Zhang Xiaoshan is very upset with Third Master now, who has become the gatekeeper of the courtyard, and wants to take advantage of whoever brings things back.

Yan Fugui looked at Zhang Xiaoshan a little impatiently, so he said bluntly: "Little San, what do you think of your promise to me? The third master needs it urgently."

"Third Master, we both know what happened on the blind date. If you are really willing to ask for it, I will bring you some when I go home a few years ago."

"Little San, don't hold grudges against the Third Master. There is nothing the Third Master can do. I can support a large family with my salary alone. The solution is that the little money is not enough for him. It is not counting, he will starve to death. Forget about it, Third Master I won't mention it anymore." Yan Fugui said shyly.

"Kang Liang, your words are enough. No matter how you thought about it at the beginning, you introduced me to a good marriage. I remember your kindness. I will definitely send you home after the Chinese New Year. , you are busy, I’m a little tired today, so I’ll go back first.” Zhang Xiaoshan suddenly felt that Yan Fugui was a real person, and he really supported a family with his own 27 yuan. , is too calculated.

Yan Fugui returned home with a smile, and said to the third mother and four children: "Little San agreed, this person can be handed over. Don't hate him, no matter how you say it, it's our family's fault."

"Old man, what you said makes sense. I won't mention this matter. I'll help you find a wife after the limelight passes." The third mother is also very relieved. The recent rumors on the street have made her dare not go out.

The three younger ones didn't speak, but Yan Jiecheng still hated him, not only hated Zhang Xiaoshan, but also hated his parents. People in the unit were gossiping, and he was not included in the list of temporary workers before the Chinese New Year. He opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only bury this hatred in his heart.

Jia Zhangshi looked at the courtyard through the window, and found that she couldn't see clearly, so she asked Stickong to watch for her. Now she waits for Zhang Xiaoshan here every day, and scolds when she sees it.

"Grandma, he's back."

Mrs. Jia Zhang ran out in a hurry, and couldn't see clearly at night, so she cursed at the person who came by: "You goddamn, why are you still alive, old..." She saw the person opposite clearly.

Liu Guangtian was stunned by the scolding, who the **** did he provoke?

When Zhang Xiaoshan saw Jia Zhang's face disappear from the window of Jia's house, he knew what she was going to do, and ran back to the backyard pushing the cart. I thought to myself that this is not a problem, no one can stand being disgusted like this every day.

Lying on the bed, Zhang Xiaoshan was trying to think of a way, when he suddenly remembered that I was not good at cursing people, but it would be great if I made a loud voice.

Zhang Xiaoshan came to Liu Haizhong's house, the family was having dinner, it was quite new to see Zhang Xiaoshan coming, this was the first time Zhang Xiaoshan came to the house after living in the courtyard.

"Second uncle, I'm eating. I want to buy some iron sheets from you."

"Why do you want that thing? Why don't you sit down and eat something?"

Zhang Xiaoshan took a look. There was a plate of scrambled eggs and a plate of cabbage in front of Liu Haizhong and the second aunt. The two sons were only pickles and corn bread. He thought he could blame the son for not giving you a pension when he grew up. He was good to the eldest son, but that was a supercilious look. Wolf, he went out of town to become his son-in-law, but it has nothing to do with Zhang Xiaoshan.

"Second uncle, I've eaten it. Don't you want to make a trumpet? I'll just buy a 1-meter-by-1-meter iron sheet, and you always ask for a price." Zhang Xiaoshan was helpless, and only Liu Haizhong and Yi Zhonghai were the 20 families in the courtyard. If there is one at home, Yi Zhonghai is offended to death, so he can only choose Liu Haizhong.

Liu Haizhong didn't think about what Zhang Xiaoshan was going to do as a speaker, but he didn't care, he offered a high price of 2 yuan, and Zhang Xiaoshan bought it without saying a word. Liu Guangtian helped cut it out, and Zhang Xiaoshan secretly gave him 50 cents. Liu Guangtian was so moved that he almost cried.

After Zhang Xiaoshan left, Liu Haizhong said: "What's the use of this little three as a trumpet?" The wife and two sons didn't speak, and they couldn't figure it out.

Zhang Xiaoshan made two small speakers first, and almost scratched his hands due to his poor craftsmanship, and put them in the synthetic grid:

Panel: [Shoddy Tin Horn] + [Shoddy Tin Horn]


[Exquisite tin horn]

[Quality]: Gray (Note: Item quality is divided into: gray, white, green, blue, purple, gold, black)

[Description]: A very delicate speaker with a certain amplification function.

[Consumption] 1 ability point (29 points remaining).

Zhang Xiaoshan put it to his mouth and yelled into the trumpet: "Silly Zhu wants to beat Qin Huairu."

The effect was not very good, the sound was quite loud, but it had no deterrent effect. Zhang Xiaoshan had long forgotten that he was afraid that he would be shaken, so he stuffed cotton in his ears.

Most people in the yard heard it, but only a few families in the backyard heard it clearly, and felt that Zhang Xiaoshan was ill.

Xu Damao's house was diagonally opposite Zhang Xiaoshan's house, and Zhang Xiaoshan was yelling at his house, both Xu Damao and Lou Xiao'e heard it, and laughed haha.

Silly Zhu was eating with He Yushui, and both of them heard Zhang Xiaoshan shouting, but they couldn't hear clearly and didn't respond.

Zhang Xiaoshan synthesized again, after two synthesis.

Panel: [advanced iron horn]

[Quality]: White (Note: Item quality is divided into: gray, white, green, blue, purple, gold, black)

[Description]: The horn with special materials added by applying the acoustic principle has a strong sound amplification function.

[Consumption] 2 ability points (remaining 26 points).

Looking at the exquisite trumpet in his hand, Zhang Xiaoshan felt a sense of accomplishment, picked it up and experimented: "Silly Zhu wants to hammer Qin Huairu."

He felt that the windows vibrated, and the loud sound spread throughout the courtyard, and could be heard in several courtyards next door, which was about the same level as the sound of the broadcasting speakers in the rolling mill.

Zhang Xiaoshan also tied a red ribbon to the trumpet, took the trumpet and went out, ready to fight.

As soon as he went out, he found that the backyard was full of people, and everyone laughed at him.

Silly Zhu took a stick, and the uncle and a few people were pulling him. Silly Zhu shouted: "You bastard, I will fight with you today. UU Reading"

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi wiped away their tears one by one, and cursed at the other, while Bang Jian also stood beside him with a stick.

The deaf old lady was also supported by Yi Zhonghai's wife, leaning on a cane, cursing: "Nonsense."

Liu Haizhong stood up first, "Little San, what are you yelling? It's so shocking that my heart is pounding, there must be a meeting."

Zhang Xiaoshan was stunned when he saw this scene. It was difficult to deal with this matter, so he said: "To be honest, he was raped." Another voice came from the speaker.

"Haha, yes, are you not allowed to tell the truth?"

"I said, why does Silly Zhu always go to Qin Huairu's side?"

"Exchanging a few lunch boxes for a woman is worth the trade."

The people in the courtyard were overjoyed, chattering in unison, and for some reason they threw off the restraints of others, rushed over with sticks, and hit them with one stick.

"Stop." Zhang Xiaoshan yelled, retreating to avoid the oncoming sticks, and the people who were too loud panicked.

"Ah," followed by a scream from the side, and Xu Damao fell to the ground, bleeding profusely. Silly Zhu was deflected by Zhang Xiaoshan's loud voice, and hit Xu Damao's head just in time to watch the excitement.

"Help me, Da Mao, what's wrong with you?" Lou Xiao'e knelt beside Xu Da Mao and cried loudly.

The uncle said, "Stop the bleeding first, send Xu Damao to the hospital right away, and talk about other things when we come back."

The people in the courtyard hurriedly got Xu Damao onto the cart and sent him to the hospital, Zhang Xiaoshan also hurriedly followed.

The deaf old lady turned to the silly Zhu who was squatting on the ground: "Zhu Zi, I hope Xu Damao is okay, how about you..."

"It's all Zhang Xiaoshan's fault, what are you shouting about?" He Yushui was dying of anger at the side.

Silly eyes were filled with confusion.