MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-Chapter 16 solve

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At the entrance of the operating room of the hospital, the three elders in the hospital criticized Zhang Xiaoshan in turn, and several neighbors who came with them were the audience. Lou Xiaoe wiped tears on the chair and cried.

Zhang Xiaoshan didn't even refute, it was indeed his own fault, accept it humbly and listen to it, and you can't lose a piece of meat, who would have thought that the effect of the speaker was so good. It seems that it can't be used anymore, and I will make a mediocre one when I go back. If someone comes to investigate, at most they can only think that his craftsmanship is good.

The door of the operating room opened, and the doctors and nurses pushed Xu Damao out. Lou Xiaoe hurried over: "Doctor, how is my Damao?"

"Severe concussion leads to brain damage, but it's not a big problem. It will be fine after a period of rest, but there may be some sequelae." The doctor said.

The three uncles saw that there was nothing serious, so they left with their neighbors. It was already eleven o’clock, and everyone had to go to work tomorrow. Zhang Xiaoshan said that he would go back to the yard and send out two buns to his family to show his gratitude, and he also asked Liu Hai Help to ask for leave.

In the ward, Zhang Xiaoshan was sitting next to Lou Xiaoe, and Xu Damao was still in a coma on the hospital bed.

"Sister Xiao'e, why don't you lie down and let me watch."

"Are you so kind?" Lou Xiao'e looked at the unconscious Xu Damao and was furious.

"Why do you ask that? Brother Da Mao and I have a good relationship, and Brother Da Mao got injured this time because of me."

"Go, go out and talk. There are other patients in this room, so they can't affect their rest."

Lou Xiaoe sat on a long row of chairs in the corridor, and Zhang Xiaoshan stood in front of her, lighting a cigarette.

Lou Xiaoe looked up at him, with regret, helplessness, and a little longing in her eyes.

Lou Xiao'e was a little confused. In the past year of marriage with Xu Damao, although Xu Damao treated her pretty well, the two really had no common language. She likes music and literature, Xu Damao is either drinking or being short-tempered all day long.

In the past six months, Xu Damao drank too much, and he would ask her why she was not pregnant. Xu Damao's parents were also yin and yang, and made her drink some bad-tasting traditional Chinese medicine. And many times when Xu Damao came back from showing movies in the countryside, she found traces of other women on Xu Damao's body. Because she couldn't conceive a child, she endured it. Xu Damao had already started beating her while drunk, and she endured it. Don't you just endure it all the time if you can't conceive a child?

The matter with Zhang Xiaoshan that night may have been released from the depression of the past six months, or maybe I am a bad woman, but the comfortable feeling with Zhang Xiaoshan has never been felt with Xu Damao.

Tears flowed down the corners of Lou Xiaoe's eyes. Zhang Xiaoshan threw away the cigarette, gently wiped away her tears, bowed his head and kissed her forehead, Lou Xiaoe wanted to escape, but finally hugged Zhang Xiaoshan, sobbing non-stop.

That night, the two of them chatted a lot, about literature, music, and feelings, and neither of them mentioned what happened that night.

In the early morning, there was a sudden commotion in the corridor of the hospital ward. Zhang Xiaoshan rubbed his sore eyes and looked at Lou Xiao'e who was also woken up on his shoulder.

Lou Xiaoe suddenly whispered in his ear: "Forget about me, I'm sorry." When he got up and went back to the ward, Zhang Xiaoshan didn't see the sparkle in Lou Xiaoe's eyes.

This scum girl, Zhang Xiaoshan cursed in his heart, went to the hospital cafeteria to order some breakfast, and sent it to Xu Damao's ward. Lou Xiaoe took the breakfast blankly, without saying a word, and continued to take care of Xu Damao.

Helpless, Zhang Xiaoshan smelled the peculiar smell in the ward, left, sat in the corridor, lit a cigarette, and sat quietly.

Lou Xiao'e came out several times in the middle, but never took a look at Zhang Xiaoshan. Alas, when an infatuated man meets a scumbag, the one who gets hurt is always the infatuated man.

It was almost noon, Xu Damao's parents came, Zhang Xiaoshan saw that someone could help Lou Xiao'e, and went back to the courtyard. Didn't realize that Lou Xiao'e looked at his back and shed tears again.

In the evening, Zhang Xiaoshan, who was catching up on sleep at home, was awakened by the sound of the old man knocking on the door. He opened the door and saw that the three old men, Director Wang of the street, and the deaf old lady were all at the door.

"Come in, everyone, what's the big commotion?" Zhang Xiaoshan said with a smile.

Several people entered the room, and the second uncle spoke first this time: "Little San, Director Wang is here to investigate what happened last night. Where's your loudspeaker?"

"Wait a minute, I'll get it right away." After a while, Zhang Xiaoshan handed the horn to Director Wang, thinking that luckily he came back during the day and synthesized a gray-quality horn first. If he handed over the white-quality horn, maybe he would Was investigated to the bottom.

Director Wang was about to speak into the speaker, when several people around him quickly distanced themselves, Director Wang said with a smile: "You guys are exaggerating, this speaker is quite beautiful."

After speaking, he yelled with the horn. It was indeed very loud in the room, but there was no big surprise, but it was a little deafening. Director Wang returned the horn to Zhang Xiaoshan.

Director Wang said with a serious expression: "Comrade Zhang Xiaoshan, you slandered your neighbors in the same hospital last night, which caused serious consequences. Our street office has decided to punish you. 1. Apologize to the slandered comrades. 2. Clean up your hospital. Week. In addition, compensate the injured Comrade Xu Damao with 10 yuan. Is there a problem?"

Zhang Xiaoshan was delighted when he heard this, and he took it lightly. Although he couldn't understand why the street office handled it like this, he still bowed: "No problem, UU Reading will implement it immediately, and resolutely correct the mistake, thank you Director Wang's criticism and love."

Director Wang nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, I'll go back to the street first, and you three stewards will take care of the rest. Goodbye, Comrade Zhang Xiaoshan."

Zhang Xiaoshan sent Director Wang and the others out with a smile on his face.

The first uncle and the deaf old lady still wanted to say something, but the second uncle and the third uncle had already accompanied Director Wang to leave.

The deaf old lady paused heavily on the ground with her cane, "Little San, look at your good deeds, Sha Zhu was sued by Xu Damao's parents this afternoon, and has already been arrested by the factory security department. If something happens to Sha Zhu, I will never end with you."

Zhang Xiaoshan smiled contemptuously: "Old lady, it was Silly Zhu who hit someone impulsively. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. You don't understand the truth. How can you deserve the respect of the residents in the yard. The stupid Zhu who was raised because of being too biased has a stinking problem. I'm going out to eat, and you two want to help me look after the house or something?"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the accusations from the deaf old lady and the uncle, closed the door and left.

Zhang Xiaoshan found a state-run restaurant on a nearby street and ordered a catty of dumplings. Except for the scary slogan on the wall: Don't beat and scold customers at will, the dumplings taste pretty good.

While eating, he thought about Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady, these two old guys with crooked buttocks, they really treat themselves as cloves, I have never received their favor, and they are not my relatives, why? Give them a face? But what happened to Xu Damao's parents, and they sued Sha Zhu, isn't this kind of fight usually settled in the yard? Forget it has nothing to do with me, I am only happy if Shazhu is unlucky.

After eating, Zhang Xiaoshan who returned to the backyard was stunned, the windows of his house were all broken...