MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-v6 Chapter 102 accident three

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, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the film and television journey starting from the courtyard!

As soon as it was dawn in the morning, Lou Xiao'e and Fatty left the yard one after another and came to a small park nearby. The snow is white, and there are crystal snowflakes hanging on the branches, shining in the morning light. Liu Lin kicked a tree, and Lou Xiao'e, who was covered in snowflakes, was chasing and stuffing snow into Liu Lin's neck, and met his eyes when he was fighting. After a light kiss, Liu Lin took out the envelope and put it in Lou Xiao'e's hand. "Sister Xiao'e, I wish you a Happy New Year in advance." Liu Lin looked into Lou Xiao'e's eyes affectionately. "Lin Zi, I also wish you a happy new year in advance." Kissing Liu Lin's face, he took out a small cloth bag and handed it to Liu Lin. "Go to work quickly, see you after the New Year, I'm going home to see my parents too." Holding back the tears that were about to shed, Lou Xiao'e left quickly. Liu Lin opened the little heavy cloth bag, almost blinding his dog's eyes, six small yellow croakers. Now the price of gold in Pigeon Market is 3 yuan per gram, 50 grams for one small yellow croaker, and 900 yuan for six pieces. Now Liu Lin doesn't have to worry about it. Liu Lin suddenly felt a little sorry for Lou Xiao'e, he couldn't give her a good marriage, this feeling was too heavy. Hahahahaha, Liu Lin, who was still scolding himself as a scumbag just now, returned to his true self after walking out of the park, singing all the way to the rolling mill. "I'm making money, I'm making money, I don't know how to spend it..." Tomorrow is a holiday, and the rolling mill started to pay wages in advance this morning. Liu Lin, who was in the queue, was shaking with excitement all over his body. "This kid is showing off. You can have money at 27 yuan and 5 yuan, and you don't know how to spend it." Silly Zhuzheng and Widow Qin Didi Gugu, who were not far from Liu Lin, were in the back row. "Hmm! It's incomparable to a chef like you." Widow Qin responded casually, thinking that she hadn't heard of Liu Lin's promotion of a title and a salary increase. Could it be a secret, hehe, it would be fine if it increased, young one, my sister and I With some tricks, he still didn't help her out. "Liu Lin, 15 yuan and 20 cents." The accountant who paid the salary shouted. Because I went to Liu Lin to see a doctor, I liked this fat man who loves to smile, so I persuaded him a few words: "Dr. Liu, you have taken too much leave this month, and deducted 12 yuan and 30 cents. Young people put more effort into their work, and this money is more expensive than interns. It’s still low. How can any girl fall in love with you in the future.” “Thank you sister, I have something to do at home this month, please pay attention next time.” Liu Lin smiled and thanked the accountant for her kindness, took the money, signed and left . "Huh? It's less than my salary. Isn't it useless to let him take advantage of it?" Widow Qin looked at Liu Lin who was going away with contempt. "This idiot lives in our courtyard. He's sloppy every day. He has an ass. He sleeps in the house all day long. That's how he sleeps out of his fat body." Silly Zhu proudly received a salary of 37.5 yuan shouted. Haha, the workers next to me laughed. Liu Lin doesn't know whether it's because he always sleeps in the small world or what. His hearing and eyesight have improved, his face has become younger, and his body has also become better. However, his weight has increased. Now he is 175 My height will soon be 200 catties. Silly Zhu's mocking sound in the distance was heard clearly by Liu Lin. Liu Lin raised his fist, even the uncle-to-be, I will arrange for you later. On the way to a cafeteria, Liu Lin stood by the side of the road and pretended to be waiting for someone. Sha Zhu and Widow Qin looked at him contemptuously, said hello, and passed by, completely unaware that the wages in their pockets had already been sucked. In a small world, hehe, the absorption distance of 5 meters is enough. Of course Liu Lin will not be a thief, he still has a bottom line in his heart, and he will not use the money, and then give it back to the stick, which is considered silly Zhu's heart, he is not in the yard all day yelling that he likes sticks, when Does your son see it? When I came to the clinic, I first paid my respects to my colleagues, and then went to Director Wang to flatter me and left 5 yuan, saying that it was a gift money for the grandchildren of Director Wang’s family. One of the two sons of Director Wang’s family The daughter is older than Liu Lin. Director Wang smiled and approved Liu Lin's fake. Liu Lin left the factory and went straight to Pigeon City. The Pigeon City in the imperial capital is because of the supplies. The bosses organized themselves spontaneously, and exchanged their surplus supplies for each other, or directly spent money, after all, here. There are some things that are rarely seen in the market that can be found here, of course you need to have money. The government also agrees with this, after all, most people have been here. There are more than a dozen large and small pigeon markets in the imperial capital, some of which are only open at night, and some of which may be opened during the day because the organizers are more capable. Liu Lin put on a mask and a hat, came to the Pigeon Market in Qianmen, and started walking around the alley. The business here is very disciplined. After all, only with the rules can this place prosper. That is courting death, these days. Buying and selling are very quiet, bargaining is also lowered the voice, basically pretending or something, many people are covered with a broken burlap bag on the head and dig two holes, Liu Lin is very happy to see. I found a person who sold bills, sold 6 small yellow croakers, and got 600 yuan and a stack of bills, and then I did all kinds of shopping. Finally got all the presents together, first took the bus to Hongxing Commune to give Director Li some new year gifts, and kissed a few flattering words. I found Cui Dake again, encouraged him, left some money for him, and asked him to deliver the goods to the rented warehouse at 5 pm. Back in the imperial capital, today's shopping malls and supply and marketing cooperatives are full of people, and the day after tomorrow is the New Year's Eve. The streets are full of laughter and laughter, and there are parades singing songs and shouting slogans. The streets and alleys are full of red flags, as if It also dispels the cold of winter. Liu Linzheng was watching with interest, when suddenly a young girl not far in front of him glared at him, and gave him a soft "Pooh" sound, it was Ran Qiuye, I can't get used to this problem. Liu Lin walked up to Ran Qiuye with a smile, took out a handful of white rabbit toffee, grabbed her hand and stuffed it in, and gave each of the two girls who were obviously with her a handful of toffee. He didn't speak, and moved exaggeratedly loudly to the ground, "ah bah". Raising his eyebrows provocatively, he turned around and disappeared into the crowd. Only then did Ran Qiuye come back to his senses, and angrily raised his small fist and punched the air a few times. It was still Ran Qiuye's classmate in the movie theater, unwrapping candy wrappers and eating candies while laughing tremblingly. "You still said you didn't know each other, and you said it's okay. You hid it so deeply, Qiuye! Big white rabbit toffee is not cheap, so let's go out with these three handfuls for a catty." The classmate calmed down and said, "Today, I will take advantage of you." , don’t forget to thank brother-in-law for me.” “Well, thank brother-in-law for me too.” Another student who was confused about the situation said. "Wow, I'm so mad. Next time, strangle him." The usually quiet Ran Qiuye couldn't maintain her ladylike demeanor this time. Liu Lin didn't see what happened to those little sisters, but it was fun to think about it. After receiving the supplies with Cui Dake in the afternoon, we found a restaurant to have a meal, and then went to Li Weimin's house to give gifts in the evening. He Yushui took the pillow and looked at it: "This should belong to Jia Zhang, what's the problem?" Cui Dake looked at the two people in the room who were not paying attention, tore off one side of the pillow, and took out a pile of money from it Come on, let's say there are 5 or 6 hundred at least. Both of them were surprised, and they looked at each other. He Yushui saw that Cui Dake wanted to swallow the money, so he showed the majesty of his sister-in-law. She still thought it was quite fresh. "I will give it to the Jia family in front of the people in the courtyard. You are short of money, so tell your sister-in-law that she can give it to you, but the money cannot be moved. Have you seen their end?" He Yushui said sternly Well, Liu Lin now asks her to be the housekeeper and gives her a lot of money. Besides, she is very smart, so the money will cause a lot of troubles and cannot be taken. Cui Dake began to call people from door to door, Liu Haizhong hosted, and there was another meeting. The residents of the courtyard house were very happy, and they could watch the free show again. Everyone thought that the show just now could last for ten years, and hoped that it would be more exciting in the future. The three stewards sat on the main seat, and Xu Damao, on behalf of the whole courtyard, welcomed Cui Dake to rent He Yushui's house and became a new resident of the courtyard. Then Liu Haizhong took the pillow and took out the money to show everyone. The third master took it and counted it, and he was a little stuttering: "This money should be the money hidden by the Jia Zhang family. It is 621 yuan and 30 cents in total." The courtyard was in an uproar. In their eyes, the poorest family in the courtyard had so much money, so Qin Huairu should have hidden a lot. They all secretly hated Yi Zhonghai. He had presided over three donation meetings for Jia's family, and ended up becoming a poor man who donated money to the rich. You donate more. Soon the meeting became a meeting to denounce the Jia family and Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai's wife and the deaf old lady, who were crying, heard the residents in the courtyard outside cursing directly at Yi Zhonghai's family. The deaf old lady is finished, she has no fabricated identity, and the childless old lady is not as good as an ordinary old lady. People in the compound are now pointing at her nose and scolding, that's okay. The rest of my life will be able to rely on that little food supply. Suddenly her eyes lit up, and she remembered that she hadn't seen Lou Xiao'e for a long time. She felt that Lou Xiao'e was stupid. Zhu finds a wife, and from now on, with Lou Xiao'e's money, he can eat big fat meat again. The meeting of the whole hospital finally decided to hand over the money to Bang Geng for safekeeping. Everyone witnessed that Bang Geng signed and pressed his fingerprints, and happily took the money away. Sticky feels that a happy life is coming. He can eat small cakes, roast duck and eat out every day. As for his mother and his grandma, they had long been forgotten by Stick. Under the dim street lights, Liu Lin took his barbecue grill and waited for He Yushui at the entrance of the alley, with a cigarette in his mouth, flickering. Looking at Liu Lin who looked like an oil painting in front of him, thinking of everything he had done for himself, and thinking of this man who always teased him badly, He Yushui knew that no matter what happened in the future, he would never leave him again. Gently holding his arm, the two slowly disappeared into the distant twilight. People are fascinated by the peaceful and comfortable life. In Lou Xiao'e's small yard, Liu Lin is lying sweetly on the recliner and dreaming sweet dreams: the beautiful and charming Ding Qiunan is gently rubbing Liu Lin's legs, and the kind and generous Lou Xiao'e is on the table Calculating his family's property, He Yushui from Xiaojiabiyu is cooking delicious food in the kitchen, and Ran Qiuye, who is beautiful and intelligent, is teaching a few children homework..."Papapapa" Liu Lin felt someone beating him in his sleep, and opened his eyes to see the left hand in front of him. Lou Xiao'e with a waist and a ruler in his right hand. "Fatty man, I told you to watch the grilled fish, but you fell asleep, and saw that it was all roasted into charcoal. I will reward you a few more times, and let you sleep." Lou Xiao'e got angry and wanted to hit him again. "I murdered my husband, Xiao Goose, I was wrong, it hurts so much." The fat man trembled and hurriedly got up and begged for mercy. "Forget it, I'll punish you again tonight, don't go to bed five times today." Lou Xiao'e pointed at the fat man fiercely: "Hurry up and bake again, my mother is still waiting to eat." Lou Xiao'e always feels that women's intuition Something is wrong with Liu Lin, now as long as the two of them are together, he will squeeze the fat man severely, so that he has no energy to think about other women. "Ah, my wife is going to die. My small body can't hold it." Liu Lin was really scared. He came seven or eight times on Saturday and seven or eight times on Sunday. The two women seemed to be competing. After fighting for a while, Lou Xiao'e, who was eating grilled fish, remembered something and said: "This morning, the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai's wife went to my parents to find me and asked me to stay with her for a while. I didn’t agree, I see that their faces are very bad.” “Hehe, there was a big show in the courtyard yesterday…” Liu Lin started talking It’s really evil people have evil rewards, what they did Still a human? Fortunately, I didn't agree today, I'm too calculating. "Lou Xiao'e patted her chest in fear. "But Yu Shui is really pitiful, how can there be such a brother, I have the opportunity to go to school to see her, I used to have a good chat with her and Qin Huairu in the courtyard. "The kind-hearted Lou Xiao'e wanted to help that poor girl." Up to you. "Liu Lin said perfunctorily, thinking that the dead old woman is still playing tricks on his wife, and it seems that he will continue to clean up. At noon on Monday, Liu Lin found Cui Dake, who was bragging at the coal station, and told him that next Thursday, the 25th Gather at the warehouse in the afternoon and go to the machine repair factory. When passing by Qianmen Street, I saw Banggen with a chicken in his left hand and a bag of pastries in his right hand, followed by a few children, stepping into the department store with crabs. Liu Lin watched The stick that has made a fortune, haha, I can't help but be happy when I think of the excitement after Jia Zhang's Qin Huairu's detention ends and returns to the courtyard. The whole courtyard meeting decided that the three children of the Jia family will be taken care of by Yi Zhonghai's wife first, and Yi Zhonghai My wife is still full of lawsuits, so I just cook and wash clothes. I look at the two little girls who don't go to school, and I don't pay much attention to the sticks who go out to play every day. The sticks have been shaking these days, and they can't play truant. In class, it is either a restaurant or a shopping mall all day long. I have taken in a few children from the street as younger brothers, and now I am called Brother Geng. A few days ago, the big drama of the courtyard meeting was spread in the nearby streets, and several protagonists became celebrities. Geng is also pointed at by people all day long. The ten-year-old Bang Geng has super self-esteem. In order to save face, he takes his younger brother home every day to buy things. Looking at the envious eyes of the residents in the courtyard, the stick swells Well, I heard from my younger brother that the banquet is very crowded, so I decided to go to the restaurant to invite a cook to hold a banquet in the yard, and invite the children in the street to have a banquet.