MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-v6 Chapter 109 The warehouse is becoming a prison

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At the intersection of the dimly lit street, two men and a woman in a Toyota Corolla were dripping.

"Haha, what a guy, the credit this time is at least a second-class collective credit. I didn't escape. Liu Guodong was extremely happy when he saw the pistols of the two killers through the telescope.

"Go away and show Miss Ben

Huang Xinyi pushed Liu Dong away, snatched the binoculars and looked over, talking non-stop: "Hee hee, these two guys are gangsters, I didn't expect the master to give us such a big credit just once. , Alas, if he is not so hardworking, I really...

In the middle of speaking, Huang Xinyi didn't know what to think of, and suddenly stopped talking.

This is so anxious to Liu Guodong, as a peer who gets along day and night, he has long fallen in love with Huang Xinyi, the ice and snow bright junior sister. If the junior sister also likes his philandering master, should he silently bless, or should he deceive the master and destroy the ancestors? ?

Liu Guodong was broken, and quickly asked: "What are you really? Junior sister, you have to think clearly, the master already has three... no, four confidante."

Peng, Huang Xinyi directly gave Liu Guo a brain collapse, and said with a small mouth: "Fool, what are you thinking about? I don't like master's big carrots. What I mean is, I really want him to be my friend." sister."

Huang Xinyi also fell in love with Liu Guo, a big guy. He has the affection of getting along day and night, and is a comrade in life and death. In addition, the three views are one, and the family is right. It is normal for two young people to like each other. It's just these two, one is a fool who doesn't know how to confess, and the other is a young lady with a thin skin, and the two of them are sticky all day long just not to pierce the window paper.

"Haha, hello fool, hello brother-in-law, as long as you don't like master, sister, I'll be relieved." Liu Dong smiled like a fool.

"As punishment for misunderstanding me, you'll have a week's breakfast." Huang Xinyi said coquettishly.

"Hey, no problem, it's fine for the rest of my life."

Seeing this scene, Cui Shixin pouted at the side. He was quite disgusted with the relationship between men and women. Well, as a senior programmer and computer game expert, talking about girlfriends will only affect his hand speed.

After joking for a while, Huang Xinyi asked: "By the way, why isn't the master in place yet? Such a great contribution is right in front of me. I can't wait."

"Yes, if the master hadn't strictly ordered us to act at will, I don't need to do anything about these two rotten fish and shrimps. I can clean them up by myself." Liu Guodong raised his casserole-sized fist.

Huang Xinyi said with a smile: "Hehe, I believe this, brother, your fighting level is the best in the district.

Hearing that these two were still singing along, Cui Shixin was tired and crooked, and couldn't help but retort: ​​"You two should calm down for a while! The master said that these people are professional killers who have killed people and seen blood. Now they I have a gun in my hand, and I only have a baton, if I really do it, there is a high probability that the three of us will eat the dinner."


"Bah, dead otaku!"

At the same time, Zhang Xiaoshan drove Chang'an Haval between Liulin Road and Huangpu Branch, wandering around the pharmacy for a while, and wandering around the shopping mall for a while. It usually took half an hour to let Zhang Xiaoshan go. for an hour.

He was so delayed, but the second killer who was following him was in a hurry. While driving, the second phone called the fifth and sixth who had been in ambush for a long time. .

At this time, Zhang Xiaoshan was also worried, and he wanted to get rid of these killers as soon as possible so that he could go home to accompany his wife, but who knew that something unexpected happened.

In the original plan, first, Zhang Xiaoshan was responsible for visiting the garden with the second child, and the three apprentices were responsible for finding the remaining two killers. Then, Zhang Xiaoshan entered the Wumart Supermarket on Liulin Road. While the second child was waiting outside, Zhang Shan slipped away. Go out of the back door of the supermarket, join the three apprentices, and kill the two killers together, and finally go back to the supermarket door to kill the second killer.

This question of priority must not go wrong. If this guy’s other two killers have some special agreement when the second child is solved, and they are scared away, it must be a disaster. These two killers have two black stars and two weapons. A handful.

As for the second child, when he was in the ancient town of Quzhou, Zhang Shan discovered that he was a smart person, and such a smart person would spare his life (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 109 The Warehouse Is Almost a Prison

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, seldom impulsively make a move to kill the net, which is much easier than facing two stunned youths who don't care.

But when Zhang Xiaoshan was wandering in the shopping center of Modu Plaza, he was stopped by two women.

The enemy's road is narrow!

And aren't these two rivals? How did they get together?

The woman among them had deep resentment in her eyes, and said quietly: "Shan, what a coincidence, the beautiful wives and concubines who are not at home with you, I didn't expect you to be interested in studying women's underwear?"


Zhang Xiaoshan's old face was slightly red, and he hurriedly put down the small mask in his hand. This is purely a misunderstanding, who made the position of the lady's underwear so good that he could see every move of the killer's **** in the parking lot through the window Woolen cloth.

"Daisy, who is this?" Another womanly beauty said.

Dai Qian rolled her eyes, grabbed the woman's little hand and said, "Xin, have you ever heard of a policeman who beat Director Ye up?"


After hearing Dai Qian's introduction, Tang Xin was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Zhang Xiaoshan with dissatisfaction, but soon put on a smile again, and stretched out his hand to Zhang Xiaoshan, "Hello, Officer Zhang, my name is Tang Xin, I've heard of your name a long time ago, and there are many people who still swallow their voices after making Dong Ye feel ashamed

"Hi, bye."

How can Zhang Xiaoshan have a job to fight with this woman, and after a light grip, he is ready to leave.

"Xiaoshan, don't go."

Dai Qian stopped Zhang Xiaoshan and looked at it with a smile, "It's better to meet by chance, it's better to have a light meal together."

Zhang Xiaoshan is not a fresh meat, he is really interested in Dai Qianzhong's old aunt, and said calmly: "Aunt Dai, you don't understand what our relationship is, besides, I warned you, if you dare to act again Demon, be careful and I will take you away."

"Hehe, okay, you take me away now, I wish for it." Dai Qian grabbed Zhang Xiaoshan's arm with a smile.

What the hell, it's still up to me.

Zhang Xiaoshan was very speechless, but the business was important, and he really didn't have time to deal with this difficult woman, wouldn't it just cut off your money, so why not let him go?

"That's what you said. I'm going to arrest some gun-wielding gangsters. If you're not afraid of death, you can come with me." Zhang Xiaoshan threw Dai Qian away and strode out of the shopping mall.

Bandits with guns?

You are lying to ghosts, this is the city of magic, the safest city in the world, cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents, now you want to dump yourself, how is it possible? Dai Qian pondered for a second or two, then looked at Tang Xin and said, "I want Officer Zhang to catch the thief, so let's go first."

"Daisy, I'm also involved. We just happen to be together. I've never seen how the police catch a thief." How could Tang easily let Dai Qian go.

Recently, Ye Jinyan didn't know if it was Laohu anymore, and he was focusing on the bank account with no money. As Ye Jinyan's right-hand man, Tang Xin of course tried his best to stop him. She knew how much she had in Ye Yan's heart, if she could persuade Ye Jinyan, the only one who could persuade Ye Jinyan was her deadly enemy, Dai Qian.

Today Tang Xin met Dai Qian. Dai Qian, she will go wherever. As for Zhang Xiaoshan's nonsense, Tang Xin didn't believe even a single punctuation mark.

(The rest will be answered in the morning.)

At the deaf old lady's house, Lou Xiao'e, who was chatting with the deaf old lady, saw Silly Zhu, who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit with light on his head, come in.

"Xiao Goose is here. The old lady asked me to cook a meal. You sit down first, and you will be ready soon." Silly Zhu was talking, and seeing that the goose didn't notice the leather shoes he must wear on a blind date, he raised his foot in the Lou Xiao'e waved in front of her.

Lou Xiao'e noticed it, looked at it, and thought, is this a joke?

Thinking of what Liu Lin said, although Lou Xiao'e felt uncomfortable seeing Shazhu, she didn't talk to Shazhu, she just nodded.

I thought to just eat a meal and save some money, and I will end the previous kindness, and will not come again. Just now when the deaf old lady chatted, she always brought the topic to Silly Zhu, which made Lou Xiaoe realize that the family has already given her Engaged, stopped talking.

When Lou Xiao'e said that she was engaged, the deaf old lady's frightening eyes almost made (this chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 109 The Warehouse Is Almost a Prison

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Lou Xiao'e was so frightened that she ran away, but her kind eyes were still there.

After a while, the meal was ready, two meats and one vegetarian, Lou Xiao'e could see that with the current conditions of the deaf old lady, this was a hemorrhage.

Suddenly Silly Zhu also sat down, looking directly at Lou Xiao'e with that wretched look in his eyes, Lou Xiao'e felt very sick.

Ever since he knew that Sha Zhu was treating his younger sister for being a widow, Lou Xiao'e hated this man very much, and he couldn't bear the disgust of the old man.

"Grandma, I have something to do today, so I won't eat, and I'm leaving first." Lou Xiao'e stood up and was about to reach out for money from his pocket.

"You can't go." The deaf old man shouted in a hurry.

Lou Xiao'e was so frightened that she had never been so afraid of this old lady, her eyes, her tone of voice.

I can't stay any longer, I have to leave immediately, how strange things look today.

"Just stay with grandma for a while and just have a meal, okay?" The deaf old lady realized that she was a little anxious and changed her tone just now.

"No, I really do." Lou Xiao'e was a little scared this time.

"No, I have to eat this meal today." The deaf old lady was kind now, and even winked at Shazhu.

"That's right, it didn't take long to have a meal." Silly Zhu stopped Lou Xiao'e vaguely, and pressed down on Lou Xiao'e's shoulder with one hand.

Lou Xiao'e was terrified when he saw the two people in front of him, and was about to call someone.

Cui Dake was very smart, before Da Zhuang and the three of them saw anything, he immediately saw something was wrong when he saw the silly pillar blocking Lou Xiao'e.

"Come on, give me **** from that man." Cui Dake shouted.

A few people kicked in the door, Da Zhuang and the three of them faced Sha Zhu directly and outputted a meal.

Cui Da knew his fighting power, so he stood in front of Lou Xiao'e, not forgetting to shout: "Sister-in-law, don't be afraid, I'm here."

This credit is even greater than that of the three of them.

"Da Zhuang has to fight so much that he can't even recognize his mother." Cui Dake is very good at commanding people)

Shazhu is known as the **** of war, but his opponents are only Xu Damao and Liu Guangtian and his ilk. Da Zhuang and the others are professional fighters.

"What are you doing, what are you doing, killing, killing..." The deaf old lady didn't dare to go forward, so she could only call out.

The residents who had heard the movement earlier all ran over, and one of them pulled away Da Zhuang, who was beating someone, and the three of them.

Liu Lin and Yu Li also came out, Yan Jiecheng drank Mihu and was still drinking, no one would **** it from him now, and drank violently.

"What are you doing? You three are not from our court, so I will send you to the inspection office." Liu Haizhong played with an official accent.

Xu Damao was so happy on the side, and he was happy to see Sha Zhu being unlucky.

But it's Lou Xiao again, now Lou Xiao'e is in a good mood every day, being as charming as a peach by Liu Linrun.

Xu Da suddenly had another idea. He was forced to divorce by the deaf old lady before, but now the old lady smells worse than dog shit, but no one can stop him.

"Grandpa, they are my man's brothers. They came to protect me today. Just now, Shazhu was going to be a hooligan to me and beat him up." Lou Xiao'e was very self-conscious. Thinking of Liu Lin's protection, his heart felt sweet,

"Fart, my eldest grandson is not playing hooligans, I testify, this **** is talking nonsense. You can't believe what she says, a lady from the Ziben family. The deaf old lady is really shameless, thinking that she can't be so busy, Lou Xiao'e is completely useless here, Now is the time for compensation.

"I'm watching outside. My sister-in-law is about to cry. This old woman is famous for being a liar, and no one in the street knows it. Cui Dake also shouted.

"Look at her disgusting appearance. I don't even treat her like a hooligan with a pig. A chicken that can't lay eggs." Silly Zhu raised his right hand and pointed to Lou Xiao'e.

Although Lou Xiao'e knew that she could give birth, she was disgusted by the words. After being pointed at for so long, she burst into tears.

Seeing Lou Xiao'e's aggrieved expression, Liu Lin coughed heavily, facing Cui Dake who was looking over, he also raised his right hand, and slashed with his hand.

It's not that Liu Lin doesn't rush forward to fight, but who has seen which boss (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 109 The Warehouse Is Almost a Prison

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The boards are made by themselves, and the people below do it, just watch from the side.

Cui Dake understood, did he break his right hand? He understood, it wasn't murder, he really ran the inspection office, with Liu Lin's ability, he must be fine, it's all thanks to him. Said something in Da Zhuang's ear)

Da Zhuang suddenly rushed to Sha Zhu's side, and the other two and Cui Dake surrounded them, and the residents of the courtyard house didn't understand what was going on.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" ShaZhu yelled in pain, and saw ShaZhu right hand turn 180 degrees and turn in a circle."

The people in the courtyard looked dumbfounded. They usually punch and kick when they fight. Who has seen this before?

"It's called the inspector, it's called the inspector." Liu Haizhong's voice became thinner.

Chapter 109 The Warehouse Is Almost a Prison

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