MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 40

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The ear is a soothing melody, a series of notes jumping, rising, falling, swaying a burst of embarrassment, can not help but let the heart beat.

Yang An Yu’s heart trembled a little, and his eyes were full of Yi Chen’s words in front of him.

Yi Chenyan's eyebrows are slightly lowered. His expression is focused and gentle, moving his lips, and the low-pitched voice has become more flavorful after years of baptism and precipitation.

The song gradually became high-inspired, and the original soft and lyrical tunes suddenly became heated. Yi Chenyan sang high notes, and the lyrics all expressed love and heart. With the voice of Yi Chenyan, Yang Anyu gradually forgot about the surrounding. Everything, immersed in the beautiful song.

At the end of the song, Yi Chen said that his finger was lifted, and the last one was picked up. Yang Anyu, who was so intoxicated, stunned, and this time he came back to God, and he applauded.

"Good... nice! Yi Chenyan, you are so powerful!" Yang Anyu shouted loudly. Because his heart was too excited, he was poor at the moment.

Yan Yang’s face is obsessed with obsessive appearance. Yi Chen said that he has not laughed. He hasn’t sang for a long time. Although he practiced a few times before, he just had a little nervousness. Actually, he didn’t sing very well, but in front of this. "Brain powder" is still very strong.

"Yi Chenyan, this is your new song? When did you start writing songs?" Yang Anyu was curious.

"Previous time." Yi Chen said simply, when he found out that he liked Yang Anyu, he thought about writing a song for Yang Anyu.

After all, Yi Chenyan entered the entertainment circle as a singer. He once loved music so much, but it happened too much. Some words he said could not be said, and he was afraid of saying something wrong. When he was eager to convey his heart. When he still wants to sing.

"This song also asked Ziqian to help a little." Yi Chenyan said another sentence.

Wen Yan, Yang Anyu suddenly thought of something, he blinked: "So a while ago, Shawn brother always called, is it because of this?"

"Yeah." Yi Chen said nod. It turned out that Yang Anyu was quite concerned about him and Jiang Ziqian.

Yang Anyu smiled and relieved.

"Don't ask what the name of this song is?"

Yi Chen said, there is some helplessness in the heart, he has sang a love song for him alone, but sometimes Yang Anyu is so slow.

Yang Anyu said: "What is it called?"

"Hands stretched out." Yi Chenyan smirked a smile.

"Oh." Yang An Yu's hand stretched out, his heart jumped faster and faster, he wanted to guess, but did not dare to guess.

The song that Yi Chenyan sang just now is more like a beautiful love story. From the initial confusion and hesitation, to the sudden heartbeat, finally fell into deep love, is... is the song written by Yi Chenyan for him. ?

After grabbing Yang Anyu’s hand, Yi Chenyan’s fingers slowly swam in his palm, and he planned to write it out.

Yang Anyu also feels carefully, thousands, words, 10,000...

Suddenly, Yi Chenyan stopped.

He looked up and confronted Yang Anyu. The plain and unblemished eyes were gradually replaced by another emotion. Unlike him who was usually in the camera, Yi Chenyan at the moment is no longer an actor. He does not need disguise or He needs a first class acting, he is real.

His eyes became soft and tender, and Yi Chenyan’s eyes seemed to condense the deep feelings and promises of this life. He wrote while he whispered: "Feather, a thousand words."


In an instant, Yang An Yu’s heart was shocked.

Seeing that Yang Anyu was completely stunned, there was no smile on his face. Yi Chenyan scraped his nose: "How? Is this name not good?"

"If... if I am not Yang Anyu?" Yang Anyu suddenly frowned, still have a knot.

Yi Chenyan is a smile: "You are you, no matter what your name is, what is your identity, I like you, only this one."

When the voice did not fall, Yang Anyu plunged into his arms and firmly held Yi Chenyan.

Yang Anyu, who has always been optimistic and laughs, has a layer of shallow water mist in his eyes. His eyes are full of tears, and his voice is also sobbing: "Yi Chenyan, thank you, thank you, thank you very much. you!"

Yi Chenyan’s heart moved, bowed his head and kissed Yang Anyu, gently sucking his soft lips, then the tongue slid straight into it and kissed deeply.

The tongue and the tongue were closely intertwined. Yi Chenyan decisively picked up Yang Anyu and came to the bedroom and pressed him to the bed.

Yi Chen banned - for many years, this kind of thing is difficult to stop once it started, he untied Yang An Yu's shirt, along the neck of Yang An Yu's white squat, Yi Chenyan successively dropped a fine and gentle kiss, then Yang An Feather - a beautiful clavicle gently biting.

And Yang Anyu clung to Yi Chenyan, he can clearly feel the warm and heavy nose of Yi Chenyan, messy spray between his neck, Yi Chenyan's body seems to have a fire, himself The place where he kissed began to get hot, and Yang Anyu became hot and itchy, and he couldn't help but writh.

At this point, I have already endured it very hard, but Yang Anyu is still moving under her body. Yi Chenyan’s breathing is heavier. Suddenly, she sucked the small red particles on the chest of Yang Anyu.

"Uh huh..." Yang Anyu couldn't help but scream, and it was a very embarrassing thing. He was the first experience, but as long as the other party is Yi Chenyan, it doesn't matter.

"Oh, don't be afraid."

Yi Chenyan appease, then use the tongue to circle on it, 舔-get the play, "bullying" finished the one on the left, Yi Chenyan turned the target to another, until the two poor little things were He was red and swollen, and he bent his lips and corners with satisfaction.

Yang An Yu's trousers faded. Yi Chenyan's big palm hangs on his smooth and fleshy buttocks. He also licks Yang Anyu's earlobe. His voice is slightly dumb: "Yang Anyu, remember what you owed me before?"

"What... what?"

Yang Anyu's nose fluttered and trembled, and his breathing became more and more messy. Just as Yi Chenyan’s squatting and sucking made him very comfortable, his eyelashes fluttered innocently, and his eyes were full of misty fog.

"You said that you have to compensate me." Yi Chenyan said, blowing hot air against his neck.

Before Yang Anyu filmed, Yi Chenyan gave a lot of help and guidance. Yang Anyu was always grateful, especially in "The Pirates of Heart", he also called the "premature-state" of this predecessor.

Yi Chenyan did not want Yang Anyu to invite him to eat ducks. At this moment, he only wanted to eat...

Up to now, Yang Anyu certainly knows what Yi Chenyan is about to do, and his body is hot. His low "hmm" sounded.

After receiving a response, Yi Chenyan carefully probed into a finger behind Yang Anyu. The foreign body invaded and did not adapt, and let Yang Anyu scream and scream out. Yi Chenyan quickly kissed him again, and his lips and teeth entangled. Soothing Yang Anyu, while the fingers flipped inside, stirred, gradually joined the second, third, let Yang Anyu relax and adapt.

Yi Chenyan is quite patient and his movements are so soft that the little things in front of Yang Anyu are slowly tilted up. Seeing him almost, Yi Chenyan arrived at the entrance, and then went in a little.

It was only Yi Chenyan who went in a little bit. Yang Anyu’s face was white, and the small head in front of him just hanged down. He also screamed out: “Pain! Hey, hurt...”

See Yang An Yu's brows close, very painful look, Yi Chenyan did not dare to move easily, and began to touch and kiss Yang Anyu, soft as drizzle, each movement is full of love and pity.

After a long while, Yang Anyu's painful feeling gradually disappeared. Instead, it was a kind of crisp and numb-like eagerness. Therefore, Yang Anyu blushes and takes the initiative to say: "You, can... can."

For a long time, Yi Chenyan’s forehead had already oozing a thin layer of hot sweat. After listening to this, he naturally had a waist and buried himself all.

In an instant, Yang Anyu could not help but call it out.

Despite the pain, Yi Chenyan was slowly twirling and rubbing, and Yang Anyu had an unusually fulfilling satisfaction. This kind of comfort is very different from when I was kissed. Yang An Yu shuddered and groaned, as if every pore in the body was opened, full of pleasure.

"Call me ‘陈言’.” Yi Chenyan suddenly opened his mouth and stopped the action of the impact.

The emptiness made Yang Anyu stunned and his brain was confused: "Well?"

"Call me ‘Chen Yan’, Xiao Yu.”

Yi Chenyan said again, in the daytime, Yang Anyu felt like the general was calling him. He heard the age of sixteen or seven when he was eight years old, and heard the present, but the voice in his ear is more gentle and true. The heat underneath is also connected to each other's minds.

"I... I like you very much!" Yang Anyu's hand slowly climbed onto Yi Chenyan's cheek, "Chen... Chen Yan..."

Immediately, responding to him was a stronger shock than before. Yang Anyu screamed, and unknowingly shed physical tears. During the vigorous collision, he was shaking all the people, and he could only use his legs to hang around Yi Chenyan’s waist.

Yi Chenyan was wrapped in the warmth and warmth of Yang Anyu. This sweet taste made him deeply fall, and his strength is getting bigger and bigger. It seems to be tireless, and this night is still very long...

The next day, it was clear that it was already three days old, but Yang Anyu was still in the bed. He was the same as the scattered frame. The waist was a little bit moving, and it was sore, which always reminded him of the various things that last night.

"I finally woke up?"

The voice of Yi Chenyan came, Yang Anyu immediately saw him and immediately got into the bed. Last night, he was the first time, but he cried and cried. Later, he was still entangled in Yi Chenyan, and he did it several times. Just think about it and be ashamed and shameful!

Seeing that he was wrapped in the quilt, Yi Chen said with a helpless smile, then sat down at the bed: "Is it painful last night?"

When Yang Anyu heard it, he slowly explored his head, and he was very embarrassed.

"Then I will light it next time." Yi Chenyan said, touched his head, Yang An Yu's hair is very soft and slippery, feeling comfortable and peace of mind.

"If you tap it..." Yang Anyu shook his head, but did not continue.

"Hmm?" Yi Chen said that he could not understand.

"Chen Yan, you help me up." Yang An Yu, now can call his name like this, I feel so happy.

Wen Yan, Yi Chen said with a smile, then raised Yang An Yu, and then let him lean on his shoulder.

"Chen Yan, although it will hurt..." Yang Anyu lowered his voice and got together in the ear of Yi Chenyan. "But it is still hard to use."

Yi Chenyan heard it, and he was picked up by him. He couldn’t help but lick his nose: "Yang Anyu, how are you so cute!"

Yang Anyu also laughed and said: "Yi Chenyan, how are you so handsome! The eyes look good, the nose looks good, the mouth... oh yeah!"

Then the next second, I was blocked by Yi Chenyan.

"Wang Wang!"

On the first floor lobby, Xiao Keji Coco called, he was hungry, but the host seems to be playing in the bed!

Did not eat breakfast, Yang Anyu directly ate lunch, or sitting on the bed, was fed by Yi Chenyan.

Since they had had such intimate body exchanges, Yang Anyu squatted for a while and slowly adapted to it. Instead, he began to enjoy the service of Yi Yingdi.

"Chen Yan, "Super Group x", I have heard about it." Suddenly, Yang Anyu mentioned the movie, "a good opportunity, you really don't play?"

Yi Chenyan still shook his head: "It doesn't matter, there are other opportunities in the future."

Yi Chenyan grew up in a single-parent family. Apart from a few relatives, apathy and coolness is his nature. He is also rational and mature than his peers. After entering the circle, the star route was not smooth in the past few years, and there were always a group of fans who really liked them. The mother also gave him too much support and expectation, so he worked hard and worked hard to shine. I want to be better.

Yi Chenyan felt that this would be worthy of the fans' favorite. When he got the movie, he also fulfilled his mother's last wish. Later, frequent filming and work became the habit of Yi Chenyan, and no one could stop him.

"I... I probably guessed the reason, Chen Yan, I don't want you because of me -"

Yi Chenyan interrupted Yang Anyu's words: "Xiao Yu, I can't bear you."

In the past, Yi Chenyan’s life was almost always work, but now there are more important people.

A warm current suddenly flowed into the depths of my heart, and Yang Anyu stunned and no longer advised him.

This evening, Yang Anyu took the initiative to call her brother Yang Lan to "surrender".

"Brother, I am here on the side of Chen."

"Hey, I have already guessed it." Yang Lan snorted. "It seems that you get along well, you have changed your mouth."

"Well, our relationship has taken a big step!" Yang Anyu nodded with a smile, and curiously said, "Brother, you don't often poke, you always sneak into the Nosy's house at night? Now how? What?"

"Stolen?" Yang Yan's face shook. "I am a bright visit, it is a matter of business."

"Oh, let's talk about business in the big night, Yang is always happy." Yang An Yu was a good person. Anyway, Yang Lan said that no one would believe it.

Yang Lan’s stagnation is a bit uncomfortable: “You said that your relationship with Yi Chen’s guy has taken a big step? It’s hard that he’s already slashed and eaten...”

After the discordant content, Yang Lan did not want to say anything.

"Yeah." Yang An Yu's response should be retorted. "Brother, Chen Yan is really good to me. Do you have any misunderstanding about him?"

"Kill the father's hatred."

Yang Lan casually said, but Yang An Yu was shocked: "What... What? Yang... My father is not because he is sick..."

"Xiao Yu, don't be excited, it's just a joke." Yang Lan quickly appeased, "We still don't mention Yi Chen's words."

He also knows that since Yang An Yu has changed, Yi Chenyan’s attitude towards this younger brother has also changed greatly. Although many things are not reported by Tang Guo, he has a way to know.

Since Yang Anyu’s debut, a lot of things have happened. Yang Lanming clearly understands it in his eyes. He also knows that Yi Chenyan’s this time is really moving.

Can Yi Chenyan still have such a deep and gentle side? In the past, Yang Lan could never believe it.

"Xiao Yu, you are now in a rising period of popularity, you have to grasp every opportunity, "Challenge firsttime" is still half of this season, you have to perform well."

"Well, I will."

Yang Anyu hung up the phone, but there was more thought in his heart.

Regarding the father Yang Peng, will Yang Lan make a joke about this kind of thing? He must have concealed something. Will Yang Peng’s death be related to Yi Chenyan?

Looking away, sitting on the sofa to tease - with the small cocoa Yi Chenyan, Yang An Yu smiled and walked over: "Chen Yan, let's play chess."

Yi Chen said: "Now?"

"Well, you didn't often play chess with my dad before."

Yi Chenyan’s twilight change seems to have something to say, but he nodded.

Later, when Yi Chen said that he was focused on playing chess, Yang Anyu moved his mind and thought that his feelings for Yang Peng were very deep. How could it be?

"Do you have something to worry about?" I saw that Yang Anyu was not right, Yi Chenyan asked.

In fact, he has a lot of things to ask, can see this situation, for a time they are certainly not willing to say, Yang An Yu condensed the god: "Chen Yan, my brother seems to have not liked you very much."

"He hates me."

Yang Anyu: "..."

This is a straightforward statement.

"Not only him, but also many people hate me." Yi Chen said faintly, his eyes are also calm, not shocked. "They have various reasons, I am not so good, it is impossible for everyone to like me. ”

"Really." Yang Anyu said as he held the hand of Yi Chenyan. "But I will always like you."

Soon, it was time to record the sixth issue of "Challenge firsttime." When members were grouped today, Yang Anyu and Tang Wei were assigned together.

This is the first time he has formed a two-person combination with Tang Yu. Yang Anyu secretly smiles, I am afraid that this task will be more difficult.