MTL - Finding Glowing Beauty in Books-Chapter 34 Start reading

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When the Confucian language was spoken, the dinner table was quiet for a moment, and then I heard Qufu happy and said: "Really?"

"Yeah." The Confucian language just nodded.

Lan Ning's chopsticks sneaked in the bowl and looked at him happily. "It's not so good, it's too much trouble for the teacher."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of raising your hand."

Lan Ning looked at him with a sigh of relief, and his heartbell was overwhelming. Fortunately, the teacher’s enthusiasm is so abnormal, there must be any conspiracy!

Qufu didn't think much about her. She only knew that she didn't have to be screwed abroad by her parents. She happily thanked the Confucian language: "Thank you for your teacher! The parents' meeting is at 3:00 pm on Friday, about five o'clock. Can end!"


Lan Ning still looked at him suspiciously: "Teacher, is it really okay? If it is not convenient, don't be reluctant."

"Nothing is inconvenient, my time is very free."

"But parents will... don't feel a little embarrassed?"

"No, anyway, I will go to the parent's parent meeting in the future. I will be an internship."

Lan Ning: "..."

Teacher, you think about it in the long run, but you don't even have objects.

Qufu saw this matter and he was finalized. He ran to the dish with pleasure: "I will treat you today, you can eat it casually, you are welcome."

Lan Ning: "..."

I don't know if it is too hungry after exercise, or the taste of the string is really good. Laning eats a little more this night and stays up until midnight.

When I got up the next day, the whole person was stupid, and the whole face was written with insufficient sleep. Why do I have to go to work today, she can only put the hair band on the hood and yawn to wash.

I don't know why, the bus and subway on Monday are always the most crowded, and the work is the most. The printing field informed her that she would be able to send a new batch of ring linings this week. Lan Ning asked the colleague in charge of this piece to deliver 10,000 pieces directly to the home of Xingxin’s teacher.

Of course, the address is not written by the previous one, but the new address.

On the other hand, the magazine has been on the market for some time, and the editorial department has received many feedback forms from readers. The "Prayer" of the blue sky was praised by many readers. Of course, as she expected, some readers thought that he was deliberately imitating his fortunes.

The feedback from the magazine official is almost the same. The editor-in-chief discussed this issue with Lan Ning. He believes that the potential of the blue sky is still very large, but it is deeply affected by the fortunes. If he writes more works, he should be able to get rid of his fortunes. The shadow, self-contained.

Lan Ning took a lot of time on Wednesday. I wanted to discuss this with him. But after opening the little penguin that had been quiet for a long time, the opening became a reminder: "Good afternoon, I have been writing carefully recently. Draft?"

Blue sky wash: QAQ

Cauliflower: What does this expression mean? You want to say that you have not been healthy recently, so you didn't write it?

The blue sky is washed: edited, the teacher said that the group must follow the group rules.

Cauliflower: What are their group rules?

Blue sky wash: drag draft Q.Q

Laning, huh, really.

Cauliflower: So you are planning to draft, right? :)

Blue sky wash: QAQ

Blue sky: Can I drag one day?

Cauliflower: ......... Why don't you go back directly?

The sky is like a wash: because there are so many big ones in that group! I can learn a lot with them!

Cauliflower: Well, drag the 18th style:)

Blue sky wash: ... edited, do you not love me QAQ

Cauliflower: Yes [goodbye]

Blue sky: I really only dragged QAQ for a day and still risked being sung by the wind. QAQ

Lan Ning: "..."

She was about to reply, and the lucky head leaped up, and Lan Ning slammed it.

Fortunately, the ring lining was delivered and came over and stamped.

Lan Ning: "..."

Every time she arrived at the teacher, she felt that she was a slave from the editor.

Cauliflower: I know, teacher o(n_n)o~

After work, she went straight to the home of Confucianism. When she entered the door, she was shocked by the ring of a large box in the living room.

"This one……"

The Confucian language smiled at her: "Is the 10,000 ring lining you said, about sixty or seventy pounds, not much."

Lan Ning: "..."

"I have already found out the seal, and there is ink on the table. You are free."

Lan Ning went to the table and took the teeth and picked up the seal. The pit you dug yourself, you have to fill it out!

She quietly began to stamp one page at a time in the living room, and the Confucian language began to cook in the kitchen. Lan Ning looked up at him and smiled and said: "Teacher, if I want to cook, you can cover it."

"I agree with you to cook, but the chapter still needs you to cover it."

Lan Ning squinted at the corner of his mouth, but the movement on his hand did not stop: "Do you really want to come over and sign a few names?"

"not going to."

He said that he was stunned, and Lanning snorted and screamed. After she printed dozens of copies, she felt that the Confucian language was probably right, the seal was not much longer than the signature, and in order to ensure that the name pattern was clear, she had to be particularly careful, but also to consider the uniform force, otherwise A piece of deep and shallow is not good to print.

... 10,000 copies, when will she be printed?

After the Confucian language finished the meal, she finally got a halftime break. Although the seal is not fast, it is at least a lot easier than signing.

Half of the meal was eaten, and the phone of Confucianism rang. He took it and looked at it. He connected the call: "Two uncles."

Upon hearing this title, Lanning looked up and looked at him subconsciously. Second uncle? Is that uncle who sent him a luxury villa?

"What? I know, I am coming now."

After speaking the Confucian language, the look changed obviously. Lan Ning did not eat any more. He looked at him with a little worry: "What happened?"

Confucianism, while picking up the coat hanging at the door, said to her: "My father is in hospital, I have to go and see."

"Hospital?" Lan Ning followed him. "What is the disease, is it serious?"

"Listen to the second uncle that the situation has stabilized. He has not let the second uncle tell me before." Confucianism put on his coat and looked back at her. "You..."

"Ah, let me go with you, maybe I can help you!"

When I thought about Confucianism, I nodded and said, "Okay."

Lan Ning picked up the bag on the sofa and went out with him. In the car, she did not forget to comfort him: "Do not worry, the elderly will inevitably have some sickness. Since your uncle said that it has stabilized, it should be no problem. "

"Yeah." Although the rhetoric was spoken, the brow was still slightly stunned.

Lan Ning looked at him for a while and asked: "Does your father live alone?"

Confucianism said: "Well, he lives close to the second uncle, and there is clean."

"Oh, this way." Lan Ning nodded and said nothing.

After arriving at the Central Hospital, she went directly to the inpatient department with the Confucian language. When Confucianism went to the ward and knocked on the door, he pushed the door and went inside.

There were only his father and two uncles in the room. When the second uncle saw him, he stood up from the bedside: "You are coming..." He said nothing after he said it in the words of Confucianism. Lan Ning, "Is this?"

"Ah, I am a friend of the teacher." Lan Ning smiled at him.

The uncle's nephew moved a bit, and the corner of his mouth smirked: "Hello."


"Since you are here, I will go back first." The second uncle sighed a few words with his father on the hospital bed and turned and left. Lan Ning's gaze still stays on him. The mind is that the merchant who came out of the door is not the same. There is no copper smell on his body, but it is a book of books.

"Dad, are you okay?" The Confucian language went to the sick chuang and looked at his pale-skinned father.

My father said: "I am fine, it is all old problems, let your second uncle tell you, he does not listen."

"what did the doctor say?"

"I said that I need to be in a state of rest. I can leave the hospital after a few days of observation." My father said, his eyes fell on Lan Ning. "Compared to this, don't you introduce this lady first?"

"Ah, my uncle is good, my name is Lan Ning." Lan Ning bowed politely to his father. He had to say that the temperament of the father is very similar to that of the Confucian language. Even the tone of the speech is equally elegant. Also polite.

However, she believes that the uncle is definitely more lovely than the Confucian language, and absolutely no shame and thicker skin.

My father nodded to her. "Hello, I am the father of Confucianism. I am embarrassed to let you run for a moment."

"Where, uncle, your body is fine."

My father smiled and asked her: "Do you eat together at this time?"

Lan Ning: "..."

She wants to take back the previous words, maybe the teacher's personality is genetic and his father may not.

"She is the editor of my new book. It is a matter of dealing with new books with me." Confucianism.

"It turns out that." My father was slightly decapitated, but still looked at Lan Ning with a smile. "But it's rare to see you with friends."

This sentence Lan Ning is very much in favor, with the teacher's character, it is really not easy to make a friend.

The expression of Confucianism has not changed. I still looked at his father like that: "It’s not too late now. Since you are not serious, I will not bother you to rest."

Lan Ning in the back stunned, wait, so I have to go back? These two fathers and sons are too weak!

"Let's go." The Confucian language turned and took Lan Ning out. Lan Ning turned back and said to the father of the sick chuang: "Uncle, then let's go first, come see you tomorrow."

"Okay." The father looked at her and smiled at her.

Lan Ning was dragged out of the ward. She broke the hand of Confucianism, and her tone sounded dissatisfied: "Why are you leaving like this, and don't spend much time with your father?"

"You didn't hear him say that the doctor let him rest?"

"...well, you are reasonable anyway."

The Confucian language looked at her over the side and slowly smiled at the corner of his mouth. "Are you not hungry? I haven't finished eating dinner yet."

"It's a bit hungry..."

"Then go back to dinner, and then go to the seal after eating."


"I hope you can be more efficient. Don't pile up the box in my living room."

Lan Ning: "..."

Well, the uncle's character can't be worse than him. It's hard to find someone worse than him in the world.