MTL - Finding Glowing Beauty in Books-Chapter 64 Extra

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When Lanning woke up, she felt a little sinking.

She looked over and looked at the Confucian language, lying on her side, her right hand on her heart, and circled her in her arms. He was a little tight, and Laning was a little breathless. She tried to push him, and the hand of Confucianism did not move.

He seems to sleep very hard, breathing evenly and spitting on her side neck, itchy.

Lan Ning rubbed his lips and went to sleep.

When the two people rushed to the wedding scene yesterday, the wedding banquet had begun for more than 40 minutes. Fortunately, the guests did not leave, and they were still enjoying their meal.

The ceremonies saw that they finally came, and they were moved to tears. So everyone was half-eaten at the wedding banquet, listening to the wedding march and witnessing the bride and groom entering the venue.

The whole process of Lan Ning remembers the most clear one, that is, the ceremonial sentence is a long-awaited warning: "Now the young people, if you don't have a good sense of direction, don't learn to be romantic."


After the ceremony, everyone went on to eat, and the bridegroom and the bride were kicked aside by the parents of both sides, and a separate criticism education was conducted.

Lan Ning thinks that if a marriage is like this, it is no one.

When she was finished, she was already hungry. She wanted to eat something about her stomach. When she arrived, she came over: "We will help you for half a game. The rest of the wine can only be respected by yourself."

Lan Ning did not respond, and he was stuffed with a bottle of white wine and a wine glass. Nineteen intimately told them that the wine was filled with water, but now Confucianism is more concerned with other questions: "We are late, how did you explain to the guests?"

Nineteen said: "Oh, I told them that the groom lost their way when they took the bride. They all understood."

Confucian language: "..."

Lan Ning thought of it and couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" The Confucian language came from the ear with a deep sleepy sound, and unexpectedly hooked people.

The voice of Confucianism is really sexy. She had felt it deeply last night.

She turned her head and turned to his half-squinting eyes. Lazy eyes, a careless and irritating her nerves.

The right hand of the Confucian language was slightly tightened, bringing her closer to herself: "What are you laughing at, huh?"

When he spoke, his lips almost wiped from her skin, and Lanning felt that his face was like a fire.

The Confucian language looked at her face and quickly dyed a layer of red. She smiled at the corner of her mouth and kissed her on the face.

Lan Ning is very embarrassed now, although they did the most intimate thing in the world last night, but now it is daytime, her mind is not so embarrassing, very sober.

"You..." She just opened her mouth and tried to push the hand of Confucianism away. The other person couldn't help but press her under her body and kissed her lips.

Laning struggled for a moment, and finally escaped his kiss, and looked at him with anger and shame: "What do you say during the day!"

The Confucian language smiled and said: "If you see you, you want to vent, stay up all night."

Lan Ning: "........................"

Men really think about the lower body! They have no reason at all! The word "beast" is not the word of her... not to mention that he has not yet dressed!

Lan Ning's inner barrage is already roaring, but she is harder than rhetoric in her strength, not to mention the day after yesterday's toss, she has no strength at all.

The Confucian language looked at her, her eyes with a hunger: "I was very careful yesterday, and only once, should it matter?"

Lan Ning: "........."

There is a little laugh in the eyebrows of Confucianism, just like in the hook. Leading her: "Don't you want to hear me sing the prestige?"


When I only said one word, I was blocked by the Confucian language.

Lan Ning refused at first and foremost, but it was completely less than a few minutes. The Confucian language is very good, and every time he holds him and is occupied by him, he feels particularly secure.

"Teacher, your performance is really not like a place. Male..." Lan Ning gasped after a long time of intimacy.

Ruan Confucius looked at her and warned: "You will call me a teacher later, and I will sing a prestige to you."

Lan Ning: "..."

I don't know who is singing!

Although it is tossed enough, but it is good for the National Day holiday, do not have to go to work, which means that you can bed.

When Confucianism went on for breakfast, Lan Ning stayed in bed and continued to rest. She took the mobile phone on the side and bought a t-shirt with the words "Wei Feng Tang" on the Internet.

The t-shirt was delivered the next day. After receiving the express delivery, Laning couldn’t wait to hand it to the Confucian language: "Hey, your favorite prestige, change it quickly."

Confucian language: "..."

I don't really understand what manufacturers who make this dress think.

He stood in the living room and untied the shirt buttons one by one and took off. I took the t-shirt from Lan Ning’s hand and put it on my body. She smiled at her: "Is it good?"

Lan Ning: "..."

She licked some dry lips and nodded her praise: "It's good for your temperament."

When the Confucian language is laughed and not spoken, Lan Ning is a little excited. "Let's go down to the supermarket. After that, don't you ask for a wedding vacation to get a honeymoon. Let's see if there is anything to buy."

"What do you want to buy? Is the supermarket responsible for a visa or a passport?"

"...then you can't go?"

Ruan Confucius pulled up her hand and went downstairs to the president of the cold noodles.

Since I have to go to the supermarket, the Confucian language has just driven the car to Starlight Department Store. Lan Ning sat in the co-pilot and laughed: "You have the courage to wear this t-shirt to visit Starlight Department Store."

She had wanted to pull him downstairs, but I didn't expect him to let it go.

Ruan Confucian Yuguang took aim at her and said: "Many people in the same community know me downstairs, but no one in Starlight Department Store knows me."

Lan Ning: "..."

Still the teacher is very thoughtful.

After arriving at the Starlight Department Store, Lan Ning went to the dessert hall downstairs for a walk. Of course, there is no objection to Confucianism. In fact, he used to come here to eat alone.

It’s just that Yu’s dessert restaurant needs to line up in peacetime. Now it’s just a national holiday, it’s full of people.

Lan Ning lined up for a while and asked him with some concern: "Will it be our turn to sell it?"

The expression of Confucianism is also somewhat dignified: "It is possible that I should come early next time."

"Ah, I am so envious of Yu’s wife, I can eat it at any time."

Ruan Confucius looked at her and said: "Don't you know that Yu's wife is a dessert teacher? She can do it herself when she wants to eat. When I think about it, I am also very envious of Yu."

Lan Ning: "..."

Even if Yu did not marry a wife who would make a dessert, he wouldn’t have to eat it!

After the two people moved to the front position for a short distance, a strange male voice suddenly exploded in the ear: "Ah, you are a lucky teacher!"

Lan Ning was nervous for a while, and she finished, she forgot that the teacher was also a TV person! There are always a few people in the national audience who don’t look at Mo Zhen and look at him!

The Confucian language lowered his head slightly and denied it in a serious way: "You have mistaken people. I don't know any lucky teachers."

"Impossible, you are a lucky teacher!" The male voice touched the phone from the pocket of the jeans and unlocked the screen. "Your photo used on my desktop will not admit it!"


Lan Ning looked at his mobile phone, and the desktop was really a fortunate teacher. It was a photo of the reporter at the press conference of "The Player" and a little handsome.

... I didn't expect that the teacher also had a day to become the background of others' desktops.

Ruan Confucius pulled up her hand and walked out of the team: "We will buy it again tomorrow."

"Uh-huh..." She quickly left the dessert hall with the Confucian language and looked around in the department store. "If you buy a mask first, let's wear it."

Confucian language: "..."

So when he said that he would wear a mask on the press conference, who would strongly oppose it?

Lan Ning really found a counter. He bought a mask. After wearing Confucianism, Lan Ning couldn’t straighten his waist. "This dress is equipped with a mask. It’s absolutely perfect. Hahahahahaha ordinary civil servant. life."

It’s just a metamorphosis, hahahaha.

Confucian language: "..."

They bought a bunch of ingredients and snacks at the supermarket, and with the strange look of the cashier, they left in a hurry.

In the evening, the Confucian language bathed in the bathroom, and Lanning sat in front of the computer and brushed Weibo. She did not expect that the teacher of Fortunately had a hot search.

"In the dessert shop of Starlight Department Store, I met a fortunate teacher! From the clothes on his body, the teacher’s life after marriage is very good. 233333 [Picture]"

Lan Ning: "..."

She saw this Weibo with a little search, and the forwarding volume was tens of thousands...

Terrible. :)

The most hateful thing is that she also saw some big v that helped.

Nineteen 哉 v: Hahahahaha has a bad weather #You finally sang the prestige to give others listen #

Then Mu Bai forwarded his Weibo: "Are you sad or sad →_→"

Then, Yunguang teacher also inserted a foot: "Cry in the group and ask him to sing him and not sing. Now he is singing to his wife. [Smile] Cauliflower, can I ask for a recording version? "

Lan Ning: "..."

The literary circle is some of these people... Daqing is going to die!

When she was still thinking about it, the Confucian language came out of the bathroom after a shower. He only casually put a towel on his body and walked to Lan Ning: "What are you looking at?"

Lan Ning turned the computer screen to him: "Teacher, you have made a bunch of bad friends."

The Confucian language quickly swept a few eyes on the screen and turned off the computer: "It's not early, sleep."

Lan Ning now becomes alert when he hears two words of sleep. This person can be so arrogant during the day, let alone the evening!

She replied, quickly climbed onto the bed and covered herself with a quilt.

The Confucian language followed her to the bed and dialed her black hair with her hand. Lan Ning was shaking all over her body: "Sleep and sleep, do something manually!"

Thinking about Confucianism, she asked her, "Is that mouth open?"

... I want to know what kind of mouthpiece he said!

Lan Ning still squats with a quilt: "How often do you do it too fast!"

Confucianism said: "No, young men and women, after the lifting of the ban, * will be stronger, you should understand."

Lan Ning: "..."

She does not admit that she understands.

But she hasn't had time to say anything, and she speaks Confucianism to her.

For the rest of my life, please also sing the prestige. :)

"The book has its own Yan Ruyu"