MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 626 About to give birth

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When the woman heard his voice, she trembled slightly, and hurriedly covered her voice. "I don't guess, I will die if I guess!"

In my spare time, I don't know how many romance novels I read, I can't bear what I say! Lin Wanrong heard her crisp and numb, and with a little effort in her hand, she caught her tenderness.

Xiao Yushuang turned around and fluttered his eyes wide, staring blankly at him. This difference is more than five months. He lost weight a lot, his face was tanned, but his body became stronger and stronger. The familiar grin at the corner of his mouth was his unique and ever-changing movable type signboard.

"Bad guy!" Miss II wept and slammed into his arms, embracing him with all her strength, crying.

Lin Wanrong's heart was sore, and she patted her tender shoulder gently, and said softly, "Don't cry, don't cry, am I not coming back ?!"

He didn't mention it. For this speech, Xiao Yushuang fluttered in his arms, and wailed loudly like a trembling pear flower, sobbing constantly: "You, you bad guy, come back and do something, don't you want us?"

Looking at her broken heart, Lin Wanrong patted her little face in pain and said softly in her ear: "Who says I don't want you? You are my heart, you are My liver, you are three-quarters of me. Can I leave my careful liver? It would be better to kill me! "

With a sigh, Miss Er hurriedly dug Qiao's face into his arms, with red ears and the equator: "You are not ashamed to speak. I don't believe it. You can say it again if you have the skill!"

Lin Wanrong laughed loudly: "It's enough to say it again. I want to call for ten or a hundred lives. Until you get tired of it! Be careful of the liver, Yu Shuang, be careful of the liver-"

Shameless, he recognized second. No one dare to recognize the first! Lao Gao heard goose bumps falling off the side. Miss Er shook her face and hurriedly covered his mouth: "It's awkward! Shout these two today. Continue tomorrow!"

"Yes, yes, continue tomorrow!" Looking at Miss Er with a smile on his face, he was even more cheerful. Touched and scratched in her little hand: "Miss Er. Who said I don't want you anymore? God. It's such a cruel thing. Don't start in front of me. I just faint in pain!"

"Fun!" Xiao Yushuang smiled cheerfully. Then he hummed again. The small mouth muttered highly, "You have been here for so long. I haven't been here for three months, and everyone is so anxious to go crazy. Sister Fairy is even more ready to go and look for you, yes The princess stopped her! She said that you were fighting in the front line. It was hard and dangerous, and told us not to disturb you and distract you! Sister Ning secretly said. Bacheng is what you know outside the plug. , Forget us all! Huh. Don't write a word for a few months. You say. What is this not abandoning us ?! "

Those months were the moment when he went deep into the grassland and was seriously injured. How could he send a letter! Just listening to Miss Erjiao. He felt a joy. Always be missed by loved ones. This is the greatest happiness in my life! It's just that Ninger's girl's nose is too sensitive, across this mountain of water. She could smell some clues. It's really admirable!

See him not talking for a long time. The second lady was startled. Eyes widened: "You. Did you really get to know--"

Lin Wanrong hahagan laughed twice: "This matter is complicated! In fact, those few months. Mainly because the war was too tight, I didn't have the time to write a letter! How could I not want you? Isn't that my life? You see, this battle is over. Do n’t I rush back day and night? In order to hurry. From last night to now, I have n’t touched a grain of rice! ”

You did not eat rice, you swallowed only five meat buns! Lao Ga snickered while listening.

Yu Shuang suddenly panicked: "Why didn't you say that earlier ?! Hurry. Hurry up, Huan Er, bring the cakes to the bad guys, and bring her sister from Hangzhou to Dilongjing yesterday! And high command territory!"

Ms. Er is very handy in using people. In the past six months, she has really grown up a lot. Maybe it won't be long before she can solve the problem for the young lady.

Lin Wanrong took her hand and smiled, "Miss Er, have you walked the dog recently?"

Xiao Yushuang blushed. Shame and joy: "Of course walk the dog. Otherwise, what to bite you ?! Look--"

With a little finger, she saw two green eyes at the door of the tent. Scarlet tongue was hot. Shaking his head and shaking his brain, the huge body was indescribably brave.

"General Zhenyuan ?!" Lin Wanrong was so frightened that he woke up behind Miss Er, her old face was scared!

Yu Shuang giggled. That coquettish appearance looked back to the former Jinling Xiao House. Lin Wanrong looked at her, his mind was bursting. The second lady seemed to feel his state of mind, held his hand tightly, and looked at him with a gentle smile, her eyes as gentle as water.

Seeing him back, Shide, Xiao Feng and others surrounded him with excitement, "Sange Sange" cried. Hee hee hee. When Huaner fetched the cake, Yu Shuang himself took a piece and stuffed it into his mouth. The familiar and sweet taste came, and his tongue was flowing. His eyes widened suddenly: "Who is this?"

Ms. Er proudly said, "This is what Qiaoqiao taught me. She said that these pastries are your favorite food. I have learned it for a long time. Now I make it every day, just waiting for you to come back! Delicious ?"

"It's delicious, it's delicious! Brother Gao, you eat too much. My wife's pastry is unparalleled in the world!"

Miss Er twisted him silently, lowered her head and smiled happily. Lao Gao grimaced twice, this pastry made more sugar than noodles! Your kid is distressed by his wife, but do n’t come to harm me!

Gobbled a few gulps and ate so much that he suddenly remembered something and looked up: "Why didn't you see the young lady?"

Yu Shuang put his forefinger on his lips and said gently, "Sister came back from Hangzhou late last night. She was very tired. She is resting in the backyard now!"

Lin Wanrong's eyes widened: "Hangzhou? What does she do in Hangzhou?"

"It is the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce that wants to talk with our family about the place of business. Be sure to go there in person-"

"What?" Lin Wanrong stood up, angrily: "What business? These boys owe it again? Didn't pack them up last time ?!"

The last time I went to Hangzhou, it was almost a year ago. At that time, he was still an unknown little soldier. Although he beat and scolded himself, it was just that the young lady silently did not know how much burden he was carrying! Broken Bridge, Sudi, Lingyin Temple, Marriage Sign, Cut Red Line. Xu Wei, Su Qingli, Tao Dongcheng, Tao Wanying, too many unforgettable things, unforgettable people, one scene after another.

I went to Hangzhou again this time, but it was the young lady who was on her way alone. She was a weak woman, lonely and lonely, and she was not bullied! If she suffers a little bit of grievance, Lao Tzu cut this bird chamber of commerce!

Look at his indignation. Yu Shuang hurriedly hurled him and laughed, "Where did you think about this time? This time, people from Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce begged to see my sister. They took the initiative to underwrite our perfume and soap cloth business. The exclusive business was broken, and everyone was too late to sister-in-law! You're going to stab people again, but you just drive the silver out of the door! "

That was so careless, and saved Lao Tzu and Brother Gao to serve people with morality! He hesitated a few times, looking at Yu Shuang, his lips opened. Stop talking. Miss Er seemed to be a bug in his stomach, and laughed, "Would you like to go to see my sister ?!"

He nodded hurriedly, and Yu Shuang said softly, "Go ahead, just look out the window. Don't wake her up!"

Miss Er is still enlightened, he answered with joy. Hurry to the house.

This new house was built on the ruins, but the internal structure is the same as the old house. Go to your room first. The bedding tables and chairs are brand new. Although it has not been occupied for a long time, it is still clean and spotless.

Xiao Yuruo's room was right opposite him, and it was beyond familiar. He tiptoed to the window, and his heart suddenly jumped. Hold your breath and listen with your ears against the window paper. The room was quiet, there was no sound, and the young lady seemed to be asleep.

From Hangzhou to the capital, such a long distance. She must be very tired, let her rest for a while.

He shook his head, sighed slightly, and was about to pull away, but heard a soft voice inside: "Is it Yushuang?"

Exhausted and exhausted in this voice, but without laziness, Lin Wanrong stayed for a while, and the young lady hasn't slept yet?

"You little girl, why didn't you look up outside the city today?" The young lady smiled and said, "Come in and talk!"

The door leaf opened slightly.

A beautiful woman, dressed in pink pajamas, with a slight eyebrow on her bed, her eyebrows picturesque, her eyes down, the embroidery needles in her hand are rapidly moving back and forth.

The bed was full of clothes, from the inside to the outside, in all colors and styles. All men were wearing lichens, there were more than a dozen sets, but they were the same person. The pins on the dress were neat and neat, showing her delicate workmanship. The Xiao family was famous for commoners, and the craftsmanship of the young lady was even more outstanding.

"Wait for me for a while, this one will be done right away!" She stared at the clothes in her hands, not even lifting her head, her tired and thin cheeks became colder and colder, and there was a thrilling beauty in the warm dawn .

Did not hear Yu Shuang's speech, the young lady shook her head with a smile and rushed for two more shots. Suddenly, her movements on her hands slowed down, but her figure was slightly stagnant.

There was one more breath in the room, a breath that was different!

The needle in her hand was immediately messy, breathing for a while, hurriedly, raising her head in panic, looking at the familiar smiling face close at hand.

He was dark and thin, but he smiled so badly!

The young lady gasped for a few moments, and her **** suddenly rolled up and down. She tried to restrain the wandering mood, the jade hands trembled, and the embroidery needles in her hands fluttered. The voice was shaking with calmness: "You, are you back?"

Lin Wanrong slowly sat in front of her bed and smiled and took the clothes in her hand: "When making clothes, you must never sew your sleeves to your legs. Didn't your wife tell you this?

"Ah!" Exclaimed the young lady, and hurriedly lowered her head to pull the messy threads.

Lin Wanrong lowered her head and kissed gently: "This is the best-looking clothes in the world!"

Xiao Yuruo stagnates, suddenly digs into his arms, trembling like electricity, she sobbed and sobbed silently. He punched him with one punch. Although not saying a word. That tears. But it's a string. Dripping down.

Her bed was neatly piled with clothes, and her wrists and ankles were embroidered with bright red ropes. Like a beautifully bow. Lin Wanrong touched one by one. Feeling choked, she sniffed her hair. Softly: "These clothes. Why haven't you sent them to me ?!"

The young lady snatched the clothes from his hands and shed tears, "It's not for you to make land. What is it for you?"

"Isn't it for me?" Lin Wanrong pointed at the red line on the corner of the sleeve and grinned, "It's all covered with bamboo. I have long eyes! A forest on the left. A Xiao on the right. A red rope What? What does this mean? Ah ... I see. It must be the surname of Xiao Di who likes the surname of woodland. But the surname of woodland. He is not a thing! He can't escape forever! Does that mean that? "

"Who likes you ?!" Xiao Yu Ruo Qiao blushed. He hummed and turned his head, then suddenly turned back quickly, and hammered quickly in his chest.

Lin Wanrong grinned. Holding her hand gently, "You made so many clothes for me. Why haven't you sent them? You know, I'm on the front line. It takes half a month to wear a piece of clothes!"

The young lady snorted. Humming: "Come less to coax me. You are the most in need of clothes. Every half a month, Qiaoqiao Ninger will send you piles of lichens, and now I am afraid that they can be covered with quilts!"

He blinked. Weird Road: "Why do you make me clothes?"

Xiao Yuru smiled shyly. Gently raise the sleeve angle: "Look!"

Lin Wan glanced glorously. Young lady's clothes at the wrists and ankles. It was also the bamboo red line, left and right. See clearly.

"This clothes. Make one for you. Just make one for me! I'll string this red thread and wait for you to come back. Let you put it on. See how it can circle you a few times!"

"What if I don't come back?"

"You won't come back? Then I'll be a lifetime. See when it can connect to the grassland!"

Lin Wanrong laughed and hugged her silently. Trembling with heart.

The young lady held his hand, and suddenly smiled joyfully: "Do you know? I went to Hangzhou a few days ago!"

"Hear Miss 2!" He grinned. "Did you go to Sudi, West Lake, and Lingyin Temple? This time, you don't need to ask for a visa!"

"Those places. What am I going to do alone ?!" The young lady suddenly turned her head away. There was a blush on his face. Rou clutched his palm. He snorted angrily: "I only went to eat a bunch of sugar gourds!"

Lin Wanrong blinked. Suddenly a long smile: "I see, I see! We asked for a visa in Hangzhou. If you wish, you should go with two people! Haha. Don't you say, I really forgot this! When we are busy with these things at hand, we will return to Hangzhou together. Bring that marriage sign. Go to the bodhisattva! The signing can be solved by myself, even the bodhisattva admire me, hehe!

Xiao Yuruo's face was fat, and he gave him a shameless glance. Hold his hands firmly.

"I went to Hangzhou and came back to Jinling by the way. My mother ’s spirit was a bit embarrassed. She was also worried about your safety, and asked me to look at you carefully and not allow you to mess with flowers anymore!"

Ashamed. Ashamed, Madam learned! He lowered his head in shame.

"I also went to Qixia Temple and visited a monk with a spiritual practice! She kept asking you about your recent situation! I wonder if you remember her?"

Lay? With hair practice? He froze for a while: "You mean Miss Wanying? She hasn't shaved yet ?!"

The young lady said, "Well, a wonderful young woman ~ ~ You want her to shave that way? I heard that Qixia Temple does n’t accept female disciples, so she has n’t shaved all the time! Think about how you bullied others like that, She talked to her now, but she didn't hate you at all, and still remembered your recent situation! "

"Residence of the Buddhist scriptures. It is broad-minded!" He nodded solemnly and smiled: "But I bullied her at first, but it was all for the young lady. Why is it now my land?"

Yu Ruo snorted and twisted on his arm a few times. Sourness: "Women bullied by you are all there! I'm too lazy to care about you now!"

He grinned, reached her ears, and said lightly, "Would you like to let me bully you forever?"

"I don't want to!" The young lady snorted softly, and her ears turned red instantly: "I've been too short in my life, and I want you to bully me for life!"

Lin Wanrong was so touched that she was about to reach out and hug her, but saw Miss Er rushing in and breathed out of breath: "It's not good, it's not good, the princess is going to give birth!"