MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 686 Stranger

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Lin Wanrong overjoyed and hurriedly climbed to the lookout.

At the end of the sea and sky, a small black spot appeared faintly. Although it was vague and distant, it could already distinguish the outline of the land. Inferred from the directions and distance, it should be Korea.

He was in a good mood, holding Miss Yu's hand and jumping off the lookout, and said excitedly: "Brother Shi, the Gwangju Mansion of Korea is in front. Tell the brothers to work harder, and we will land tonight!"

The news came out that the sailors and generals were shocked by their spirits, adjusted their sails, and paddled the boat fast.

Gradually, the land is getting clearer and clearer. Mountains and rivers, forest trees, slowly come into view. Dozens of humble logs are busy fishing on the sea.

"Finally arrived!" The young lady clapped her hands with a smile. Before the words fell, they heard a loud noise from the sea in the distance. Just a few hundred feet away in front of them, a water column rose into the sky, leaping half a foot high.

Shi Changsheng had rich experience in naval battles, and his face changed immediately. He hurled in front of Lin Wanrong, shook the small flag in his hand, and shouted, "Each battalion prepares, listen to my orders, and prepare to fire--"

These sailors were selected by Xu Yiqing himself, equipped with Dahua's best clippers and artillery, with a well-equipped military and well-trained command. After hearing the command of the command, thousands of soldiers quickly entered the gun position, the rudders turned, and dozens of doors The artillery aimed at the Korean waters in front.

Lin Wanrong's face was as dark as black, and the joy of approaching the landing was long gone.

The Koreans dared to shoot at Dahua sailors! The two armies were far apart, and that shot was more tentative, but also a naked provocation.

"Brother Shi, load it!" He sighed coldly.

"Loading!" Shi Changsheng made the flag wave, and thousands of soldiers moved cleanly. The iron bomb powder was filled in the blink of an eye, and the torch was in the hands, only to be ordered by the coach. Want all to sing.

The rushing waves collided on the ship's side. The sea level was dead silent, and no one dared to speak.

No one thought that the journey of Korea, which should have been easy and pleasant, should start with the roar of thousands of guns. Xiao Yuruo snuggled up beside him, grasped his hand tightly, and refused to let it go for a moment.

"Wait, please wait--"

In the middle of the line, a sea boat suddenly walked away from afar. The bow of the ship was turtle-like, and spewing yellow smoke from the turtle's mouth. As if the fog was permeating the sea.

The captain of this turtle is about ten feet wide and three feet wide, and puts iron armor on the wooden side, much smaller than the Shandong Navy's warship. There were ten feet on each side of the ship, the sails were hanging high, and the armor was covered with dense knife nets and tapered iron signs.

Standing on the bow was a Korean general in his forties. With a long face and very thick eyebrows, he shouted loudly with his hands on his mouth, and the Chinese language was stiff.

"It's a turtle ship of the Koreans!" Shi Changsheng was well-informed and hurriedly attached to Lin Wanrong's ear. "This is the invention of the Koreans. They put iron armor on the outside of wooden warships. They have a certain resistance and Light and fast. The knife nets and cones hanging on the iron armor can break the enemy's wooden boat, which is extremely sharp. The yellow smoke in the turtle's mouth is also toxic, which can make people dizzy and even comatose. This time, The turtle ship was put into service for the first time, and the results were brilliant. "

What a turtle ship! Looking at the thick yellow smoke at the bow. Lin Wanrong sneered: "Brother Shi, connect to the water dragon!"

Between words. The turtle boat was approaching. Only five or six feet away from the Miss, the Korean general on the bow proudly said, "Are you a Dahua sailor?"

The battleship of the Shandong Marine Division was covered with golden dilong flags. It was the most distinctive status symbol. The Koreans opened their eyes and asked them knowingly, it was rude.

Shi Changsheng leaped violently to answer, but was stopped by Lin Wanrong. He smiled slightly and said slowly: "It is the Dahua Marine Division! What is your name, general?"

"I am Li Shunchen, a junior sailor of the Jeollabuk-do navy in Korea," the general in Korea yelled, "you are Dahua naval divisions, but you are invading my country. What is your intention?"

"Dahua Haishi is good at breaking into the border of Korea?" Lin Wanrong repeated his voice in a somber voice, suddenly burst out laughing: "What a good way to break through the border! General Li Shunchen, are you responsible for every sentence you have said?"

"This--" Li Shunchen's face faded, as if thinking of something, and he hurriedly changed his words: "Dahua Goryeo was originally one, but you broke into my sea without a word--"

"What does it mean to say nothing?" Lin Wanrong chuckled coldly: "According to the agreement signed between King Goryeo and Dahua, the two places are integrated, and the Korean garrison is taken over by my valiant army. Who do you want to speak to? According to the law, Korea should only keep the Department of theft, the Forbidden Government, etc. to maintain law and order, and all other soldiers will be cancelled. , Yao Wu Yangwei, hindered the entry of my Dahua naval division and took the lead in firing at our army! General Li, you are brave! "

He had a somber tone, sneer again and again, and a series of geological questions made Li Shunchen parry. General Goryeo's face turned red, and he cried: "This is an unequal treaty. Why are we Koreans going to take care of Daewoo? Too much!"

"What an inequality!" He laughed long and high, his voice wore gold and rubble across the vast sea, humming in Li Shunchen's ear.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Shunchen said.

Lin Wanrong shuddered in a cold voice: "Finally, you General Li also knows the word fair. Good, if you want to find me to be fair, then please return me a fair !!"

"What's fair to you?" Koreans puzzled.

"What's fair?" Lin Wanrong slaps the table indignantly: "At the critical moment when we are in danger and the state will be in danger, Dahua people will ignore their own safety. Hundreds of thousands of children will fight in blood on your Korean land. Thousands of lives are here forever. They are not related to you. The blood and bones are still there. Have you ever given them justice? When you were scared, afraid of death, and asked me for help in Dahuadi, Why do n’t you come and say fair to me? Now that things have changed, while you enjoy the fruits of the victory of the Generals ’blood and life, you are shouting that I want to be fair-it ’s a habit to get nothing for nothing, really when my Dahua is fighting Volunteer site ?! Fair? Are you qualified to mention the word with me? "

He scolded his face for a while, and General Li's face turned red and white for a while. The cheek trembled, but didn't know how to tell.

Master Lin said more and more angry, looking at the tortoise boat that was constantly blowing smoke. He waved angrily, "Punch

What spray? Ninja Turtles? Brother Shi, Water Dragon! "

Shi Changsheng heard that he had taught the Korean people, and he didn't mention the soothing energy in his heart. He laughed loudly, went to battle with the dragon in his hands, and swept at the turtle ship.

The yellow thick smoke emitted by the turtle's mouth seemed scary, but the burning sulfur and flame nitrate were actually dissolved in the water, and the water mist leached and the yellow mist was scattered. The tortoise sighed suddenly and ceased to be angry.

Shi Changsheng was unreasonable, and swept across the river without holding a dragon. The Koreans on the ship couldn't avoid it, and he was soaked.

"What are you doing?" Li Shunchen stomped away, angrily.

Shi Changsheng sneered: "General Li dare to fire at my Dahua Marine Division. I asked you to take a bath, what else?"

Looking at Lin Wanrong's cold face, Li Shunchen was poor in words for a moment, and he was busy: "I was too far apart and didn't see clearly, and there would be a misfire!"

Dahua's warships are extremely slow, and the dragon flag on the mast is the most conspicuous sign. How can you not see clearly? Even if you ca n’t see clearly, in accordance with the practice of sailing on the sea, you must first ask out loud. The General Li made it clear that the demonstration was intentional.

"Missing?" Lin Wanrong said indifferently: "Okay, Brother Shi, let's miss a shot once again. So many shells and gunpowder are really too heavy on the ship! Let's go on, let's fight together! "

"What ?!" General Korea was stunned. There are dozens of ships in this Dahua Marine Division, and dozens of artillery on each ship. There are two less. To fight together, that's how all the guns go. Not much worse than a sea battle. Such a major event is spoken by the population, but it is like a play, I do not know what he is.

Shi Changsheng was overjoyed, and the flag was swept away. The entire Dahua naval division was instantly solemn. The dark muzzle glowed with a deep gloom and silently aimed at the sea surface.

"Shoo!" The commander yelled and set the flag down.

"Boom--" The deafening artillery sounded like a sudden thunder in the clear sky. The entire fleet was shaking, and the turtle ship Li Shunchen was floated by the waves.

Hundreds of feet away from the sea level, an endless water column rises, like a sudden upstairs, straight up to two feet, and the wide sea surface suddenly turns into a cluster of puffy rain, like a vast rolling cloud.

Dahua's artillery has been transformed by the craftsmen's hands, and it has also learned the strength of the West. How can the accuracy and power of Korea be comparable? With all these cannons buzzing, the entire sea and air buzzed, and the distant land was shaking, and the sea level instantly created a towering wave that rushed to the four sides.

The rumble of gunfire naturally shocked the garrison on Gwangju Island. A distant hurricane rushed towards the seaside, and the golden flag of the dragon was flying high, and the big "Lin" was written in the middle of the flag.

"Lin Shuai, look at it, you are a brave army brother!" Shi Changsheng cried loudly.

The water mist was gradually scattered, and the loyal generals on the shore saw the huge fleet. First, he jumped excitedly, waved the flag in his hands, and shouted in unison: "Marshal Lin, Marshal— — "

These ten thousand guns are all in play, which has a bearing on the overall situation of Korea, but it is something most people dare to do. Looking at the man in front of him, he has a faint expression, and has raised his hands and raised his feet, but has done something that others dare not do, clean and neat, but it seems like nothing is happening. Is that unusual?

Li Shunchen froze in his heart and hurriedly looked up at him: "Excuse me, your Excellency is-"

Seeing that smiley face, a flash of electric light flashed in his head, his body trembled suddenly, and he trembled, "You, you are Lin San-"

I did not expect that I am also a celebrity in Korea! Lin Wanrong laughed and laughed, "General Li, you look good!"

Li Shunchen's face was so pale that he couldn't say a word for a long time. The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, and the greatness of Lin San, he only personally realized it today. No wonder even the powerful Turkic people have changed their color. Never be wronged in the hands of such a person!

The Miss Miss slowly landed on the shore, and the loyal soldiers stationed in Korea swarmed around, encircling the bow of the ship, and the excitement shouted through the sky.

Lin Wanrong felt a little shame in his heart. Although he was named the commander of the loyal army, he met the soldiers for the first time. He saw the respectful and almost worshipful vision of the soldiers.

The place where it landed is called Mokpo Port, which belongs to the Gwangju Mansion and was also one of the main places where Dongshui grabbed the beach. In that battle, 60% of Goryeo ’s 80,000 heroes lost 60%, and there was no more fighting power, and the whole army was taken over by the loyal army.

Gwangju is located at the southernmost point of Korea, and there are several days away from Seoul, Kyoto. I heard that Marshal Dahualin came to Korea in person, and Jeolla ’s two top officials, the Governor of Gwangju Metropolitan Government House, rushed to greet him.

After a few days of sea travel, I finally landed today. After the dinner, I took Yu Ruo's hand to stroll along the seashore, and I couldn't tell how happy it was.

Looking at the sea of ​​sky, the young lady smiled and gave him a few white glances: "It was the first time you crossed the ocean, but you fired in. Go back and tell them to Qiaoqiao, and you will make them laugh."

"What's so funny? They have to know that you have tasted Korean food here, and they must be envious of it!" Lin Wanrong said hehe.

Speaking of Korean cuisine, the young lady suddenly smiled reluctantly, and the two of them couldn't explain it.

Dangling in the silent moon ~ ~ I suddenly saw a figure flickering in the distance, hiding, it seemed that he did not want to let him see it.

"General Li Shunchen, what are you doing to hide?" He called with a smile.

Li Shunchen walked out of the dark, embarrassed and said, "Please Marshal Lin forgive me! I am obliged to observe Jeonda ’s orders to protect your safety, but I was shocked to you!"

This is funny. Send a general with me to protect me? He shook his head helplessly.

This time, however, he blame the Lord Jeolla's observation. Li Shunchen was the most outstanding general in Korea, not to mention that after this war, Korea's talents withered, and this was the only one who could take it.

"General Li, what I said at the time was right and wrong." He patted Li Shunchen's shoulders and said without hesitation: "I hope you understand that there is no free lunch in the world, you must pay for it if you get it! Yes This is true of Korea, as is Dahua! "

Li Shunchen sighed helplessly, wondering what it was like in his heart.

"Well, don't talk about these disappointments! General Li, I want to hit you, a celebrity who is famous!"