MTL - First Evolution-v15 Chapter 26 Activate the Thunder Gun Tip!

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High Priest Ino said:

"Okay, but who do you want to use it on? The remnant soul of a lich? Every lich is a polymath with extremely high intelligence. Even the minotaur's labyrinth can trap two or three of them at most. It's only seconds."

"Druul must be the target of your fire, so you can only release the emerald dragon. But such a huge creature, the tauren prince probably can't handle it, and the maze technique will probably fail directly."

The corner of Fang Linyan's mouth twitched and said:

"Then how about using it for Elder Ivo?" Ino said:

"This is fine, but the wood elf's intelligence is still not low. I'm not sure how long I can trap him."

Having said that, Yinuo paused:

"There is one more thing. The goddess has just recovered, and her divine power is limited. This is the last time I will use the maze technique today, so I hope you will think about whether to use it."

Fang Linyan frowned suddenly. The maze technique is really very useful when dealing with those guys who are full of one-sided minds.

Just like a violent giant bear that appeared in the fang portal before, it has an invincible terrorist attack power, and there are a large number of infected bear monsters around it as minions! Under the aura of the raging giant bear's leader of the herd, the infected furbolg was extremely fast, and its strength almost soared by a third.

And the furious bear can surprise the enemy in the fighters and chaos created by the infected furbolg! Can rely on super explosive power to create amazing damage in just a few seconds.

The goat was targeted by the violent bear before, thanks to the timely rescue of Max next to him, and the fact that the goat called out a centaur tyrant to **** him, so it was considered escaped. Even so, both Max and the goat Everyone has used the comprehensive recovery potion, which shows the horror of its explosive power.

If the combat power of the berserk bear is 5 points, and the combat power of the infected furbolg is also 5 points, then the combined combat power of the two is not 10 points, but 25 points, which is a geometric multiple!

At this time, Ino used a maze technique to pull the violent giant bear in. The bear was immediately dumbfounded. To be honest, it is a monster with a brain full of muscles, and it almost completely relies on instinct. , so the maze technique has played a huge role.

By the time the berserk giant bear was released, all those furbolgs who were helpless and lost their halo support were all dead. What followed was the brutal gang fight, the difficulty of killing was reduced by two or three times, and Fang Linyan passed this level without any risk.

Yinuo's reminder at this time is undoubtedly implying to Fang Linyan that if a skill is used correctly, it can get twice the result with half the effort!

Fortunately, at this time, Yacintos stood up and said:

"Leave that emerald dragon to me. I lost a lot of strength in this battle, but I gained great potential for development. If I can tame this emerald dragon, then it will be perfect."

"This time I will do it myself, and at the same time, I will use Shannyf's strength as an assistant. But after I do it, I need to tame this emerald dragon with all my strength. It will take at least 20 minutes. During this period, I can't provide any help."

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"This has already exceeded my expectations, so let me tell you about the battle plan!"


A few minutes later, at the bow and arrow portal, at least a hundred elves wearing green leaves and green oil paint on their faces rushed out of the portal.

Their forearms are extraordinarily thick, like Popeye, so it can be seen that their upper limbs are extremely strong, and there are moss-like things growing on the wrists, elbows, waist and other joints.

This thing is called wood moss, it is a kind of magical symbiosis, and the wood elf is also named after it. This thing has a comprehensive increase in strength, agility, etc., and can stop bleeding and heal the host at critical moments, so Wood elves also cherish this kind of parasite very much, and usually take good care of it,

Immediately afterwards, the light shone, and an emerald dragon appeared above the bow and arrow portal, and at the same time let out a hoarse cry of excitement.

Compared with the rest of the Dragon Clan, this guy

But it looks quite petite, because its body length is only two meters to three meters long, and if the tail is added, it can be at most half a meter longer, and its whole body is covered with light green scales, and these The scales are arranged very finely, and the largest ones will not exceed the size of a fingernail.

If you take a second look, you can see that the jade texture of the scale material is very strong, and even the first feeling when the line of sight touches it is moist.

In fact, according to the records, the biggest difference between the emerald dragon and the green dragon is the feedback from the scales. First of all, there is an obvious difference in size between the two:

The scales of a green dragon are at least the size of a plate, and the texture is more like green bark.

The scales of the emerald dragon are as fine and dense as snake scales, and the texture is obviously close to jade, or the color of the glaze.

In addition, the breath of the green dragon is toxin damage. To put it simply, it is like a cloud of highly concentrated poisonous mist rushing directly to the face at high speed.

The emerald dragon's breath, in addition to continuous toxin damage, will also make the wounds of the hit enemy appear crystallized. Dig it out, otherwise the wound will be difficult to heal.

Therefore, there is another rumor that the emerald dragon is actually an evolved version of the green dragon, and this is the basis for it.

As soon as such a vengeful little female dragon appeared, she was about to flap her wings, when she saw earth and rocks splashing underground, and the ground trembled slightly, she stretched out two giant palms, one left and one right, Slowly and quickly, he clamped it in the palm of his hand.

The wood elves next to them were shocked, and they shot arrows and cast spells to attack the two giant palms. Unfortunately, the results were ineffective. If you look carefully, you can find that the main body of the two giant palms is composed of densely packed tree roots. The intersecting gaps between the roots Between and around are dense soil! So don't say that bows and arrows and spells are useless, I am afraid that only the attack of huge monsters can shake it.

Obviously, this is Yacintos' direct shot! Only a **** like him, who has brought the kingdom of God down to the earth, can carry out such a direct attack, which even the goddess Athena can't do.

Youdao is for laymen to watch the excitement, and for experts to watch the doorway, Fang Linyan and others are concerned about Yacintos' grasp of the timing shown in this blow.

The target of its attack is not a dead thing, but a vibrant emerald dragon. Its own wings are in full condition, it has extremely high intelligence, and its mobility is so strong that it can spread its wings and soar in the sky.

However, such a powerful, vigorous, and flexible creature, under such an understatement of Yacintos's grasping and grabbing, has no room to resist and struggle. It can only stretch its neck and let out a wail in vain.

This is out-and-out suppression! Although the emerald dragon is already a high-level creature, it is still powerless in front of a higher-level creature like a god.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of vines and roots popped out from these two giant palms, tightly entangled the Jade Dragon like a rice dumpling, and flung it towards a tree of war in the distance with a flick of both hands. Then it was caught by the two long arms stretched out by the tree of war, and then it was thrown towards the rear like a relay.

Then the two giant palms froze, maintaining the previous throwing motion for two or three seconds, and then the "crash" collapsed, turning into soil, roots and branches all over the ground.

Such a situation suddenly appeared, and the strongest combat power + spirit totem of their side was captured alive in an instant, which undoubtedly did a great damage to the morale of the remaining wood elves, and they were obviously polarized next:

Some of them were very angry, and under the leadership of Elder Ivo, they rushed towards the direction where the emerald dragon was captured, determined to save their faith desperately.

The other small group's morale collapsed completely, and they huddled near the portal, looking around in horror.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan felt relieved. Obviously, after a series of bad news, good news finally came. They obviously underestimated the status of the emerald dragon Izlanis in the Wood Elf group. :

Once something happened to her, the entire wood elf group who came here would be greatly affected by it.

There were even obvious divisions within the ethnic group.

There is no doubt that Yacintos's full-strength shot this time hit the vital point of the entire wood elf group like hitting a snake with seven inches. It can be said that this time the threat of the elf portal was abolished by more than half!

In this way, Fang Linyan focused all his attention on the fang portal, and the next step is the key to this battle!

If this perverted Gron: Breuer can be dealt with quickly, there is basically a 80% chance of successfully passing the level.

However, if the delay here is too long, Breuer grows too fast, or even spends too much time here, then the next step will be very difficult.

In front of the fang portal, a huge ray of light suddenly appeared, and when the ray dissipated, a four-meter-tall humanoid monster was half-kneeling on the ground, with a clear halo around its body .

This humanoid monster looks like a strong gorilla without hair. Its neck is short and thick, and it highlights obvious lumpy muscles. It looks like it is made of steel, and it can feel that it is full of terrifying explosive power!

Its skin is extremely tough and thick, with circles of strange brown-black spiral patterns naturally formed on it, which can absorb the free spiritual energy in the world by itself, and then generate powerful power. If you look carefully, you may even feel that the spiral patterns are wriggling on their own It seems that there is a rock shell formed by absorbing the power of the earth at the joints and vital points, protecting its body like armor.

If you look carefully, you can also find a short horn growing on Brewer's head, which is said to be the source of his power! There are also five very hidden pits around the short horn, and a short horn is also hidden in each pit.

At the peak of Brewer's power, there are six short horns on his head, each of which represents a power he has mastered!

They are earth, flame, wind, water, thunder, and darkness. In order to reach a new world through the portal, Brewer forcibly suppressed the power in his body and reduced his own strength. Therefore, if it is reflected in the appearance, only stay A short horn.

This short horn is khaki, representing the most basic power of Brewer, and also the most basic power of all Grons, that is the earth!

Many races also call Gron the "son of the earth", because every Gron is born from the soil, and as long as his feet are on the ground, he will not feel tired, and the speed of recovery from injuries will also increase. double the increase.

At this moment, beside Brewer's khaki short horn, there is already a light blue dot. This is the second short horn he will generate after evolution: the horn of flowing water. Once this horn grows, it will It means that it has regained control of the power of the water flow, and the power of the water flow contains several healing spells.

This shows that Brewer is not a monster who is so violent that his brain only has muscles. On the contrary, he has a clear understanding of his situation!

The circle of light around Breuer disappeared quickly. UU Reading indicated that it had officially entered this world. Fang Linyan didn't hesitate any longer. Activated, at this time, the following prompt appeared in front of Fang Linyan's eyes:

"Hunter CD8492116, you are trying to use the golden plot item: Thunder Spear Point, and then a series of judgments will be made before this item will take effect."

"The distance between the planes (negative passive special effect) is being judged...the judgment has not passed, and the meteorite gun head has successfully established contact with Zhao Yun."

"The judgment of hurting others and self is being judged...the judgment has passed, and the user has been deducted the corresponding life value."

"Doubts and doubts are being judged... the judgment is passed, but Zhao Yun still doesn't fully trust the user."

"The judgment of what not to do.... The judgment has failed, Zhao Yun feels that the opponent in front of him is very suitable for him."

"Xian Juan is judging...the judgment has failed."

"The murderous soldier is being judged... the judgment is passed! The user's critical strike rate will be increased by 3% in the next period of time."

"The tip of the thunder spear makes

Use success! "

Fang Linyan never thought that before he used the tip of the Thunder Spear, he would trigger so many negative effects. This thing is really like the existence of the Seven Injuries Fist. It hurts yourself first, and then hurts the enemy!

Fortunately, the above-mentioned series of prompts were quickly completed within half a second. Once the prompt of successful use appeared, Fang Linyan shot out a brilliance from his waist, aiming at Brewer and flying towards it.

When Fang Linyan made this movement, Brewer didn't even look this way, because in his eyes Fang Linyan was just an ant—have you noticed what a little ant would do?