MTL - First Evolution-v15 Chapter 32 He and Brother Yun form CP

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Under such circumstances, Fang Linyan's "abducted" believers from the adventure world have become an important way to supplement the high-end believers of the gods! And it is irreplaceable in a short time! Obviously, then of course it became a favorite.

Thinking of this, Fang Linyan felt a little complacent, and said cheerfully, "Okay!"

After negotiating with Yinuo, Fang Linyan came to the altar, and said to the four and a half dragon elders who had all been resurrected without hesitation:

"Now the soul liquid in the soul bowl has exceeded 100%, I ask you to fulfill your promise to revive one of my companions first."

The elders of the four and a half dragonmen glanced at each other, but the irritable Sanchez said, "Your Excellency, I think the resurrection of the Flame King is the most reasonable choice."

Fang Linyan took a deep look at him and said:

"Really? It's a pity that I don't want you to think, I want me to think! I have mobilized so much power and expended so much painstaking effort, it is not for nothing to do good deeds and resurrect the King of Flame for you!"

Sanchez looked at Fang Linyan with a sneer, and actually raised the dragon claw staff in his hand, and began to chant dragon language magic on his own. Suddenly, a crimson light shot out from his eyes, shining on the on the statue of the Lord of Fire in the center.

Seeing this, Silva's expression changed drastically, and he said loudly: No! But at this time, Nemania and Alberto followed suit. They raised their weapons and began to chant dragon language magic. Crimson rays of light shot out from their eyes, and they began to try to dissolve the statue of the Flame King in the center.

Seeing that the other three had done so, Silva could only give Fang Linyan an apologetic look, and then joined the ceremony.

The elders of the four and a half dragon people are all immortal at this time, and their bodies at this time are also equivalent to puppet bodies. The main body is in another plane, and the altar can exist forever if the altar is not destroyed, so they act so recklessly.

After seeing this scene, the rest of the people were shocked. Unexpectedly, these **** seemed to want to kill and then play to achieve a fait accompli. Only Fang Linyan was very calm. After all, the Dragon Ball ceremony was not held casually. Passed the certification of the space!

Sanchez wants to play tricks with himself, hehe, then he has to pass the level of the S space first! Sure enough, a message popped up on Fang Linyan's retina in the next second:

"Hunter CD8492116, the act of resurrecting the King of Flames is being carried out in the Dragon Ball ceremony. This act will consume 110% of the current soul fluid. Do you want to execute this option?"

Fang Linyan immediately responded immediately:

"No! This is a private violation of the regulations by the elders of the four great dragons after awakening. Even though I clearly object, I still have to insist on this operation."

About two seconds later, the elders of the Four Great Dragonoids also felt that something was wrong, because they realized that they could not absorb the soul liquid at all! That would be equivalent to wasting one's soul power in vain.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic voice sounded in their ears: "You have violated the contract and must be punished!"

Just hearing this voice, the elders of the four and a half dragons couldn't help but collapsed on the ground, a trembling feeling in their souls directly made them unable to control their bodies at all!

Noah's space is ruthless to its own fighters, and it does not hold back when it is wiped out, let alone these creatures from different planes who just reached a contract?

Immediately afterwards, the elders of the four and a half dragon people let out a shrill roar at the same time, and blood and tears flowed from their eyes, nostrils, and ears.

Even the statue of the King of Flame in the center was also affected, and something like blood and tears flowed from the eyes.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present could hear a majestic voice: "The half-dragon elder Silva violated the contract and deducted thirty-seven years from his life!"

"Alberto, the half-dragon elder, Nemania violated the contract and deducted fifty-six years of his life!" "Santos, the half-dragon elder, violated the contract and deducted one hundred and seventeen years of his life!"

"Dragon leader

Lord Bakar Demon Flame instigated his subordinates to violate the contract, deducting 117 years of life! ""If there is another violation of the contract, it will be wiped out!"

"Because of the half-dragon side, one minute and seventeen seconds were wasted in the current ceremony. Therefore, an additional 20 years of lifespan will be deducted from the four half-dragon elders. If the ceremony is finally successfully completed, then 20 years The lifespan is returned, if the ceremony fails in the end, then twenty years of lifespan will be deducted forever!"

Although the lifespan of half-dragon people is much longer than that of human beings, Alberto, the youngest of the four elders, is also "advanced" at the age of 91, and his remaining life is only 200 years. A one-year lifespan is already miserable enough. If the ceremony fails, the lifespan will be close to eighty years, which is only a small half of the remaining life.

Of course, Santos was even more unlucky. He was directly deducted more than half of his life limit. It was really how arrogant he was before, and how honest he is now...

What Fang Linyan and the others didn't expect was that there was actually the instigation of the King of Flame behind this incident, but the space S was really aware of the details, and didn't tolerate it at all, and gave it a ruthless attack.

Undoubtedly, at this time, the countdown above the three major portals started again. The shortest is only two minutes to attack again. The one who is anxious is the elders of the four and a half dragons. If this ceremony is not completed, an additional twenty years will be deducted Life!

The three of Santos were embarrassed for a while, and only Silva had clearly expressed his opposition before, so he was able to talk to Fang Linyan, so he immediately said:

"Your Excellency, there is no need to mention the past. We have also been severely punished. We still have the same interests now, don't we?"

Fang Linyan nodded and said:

"You're right, so hurry up and revive my companion Crespo first."

After finishing speaking, Fang Linyan directly reported Crespo's space warrior number, and then confirmed it.

As for why Crespo should be resurrected first, it was decided after a brief discussion among the team. The reason is very simple:

Crespo, as another shield-wielding profession, is able to fight head-on in such a large team battle, and his survivability is obviously much stronger. On the contrary, Vulture Lipper's strengths are detection and assassination, which is obvious in this situation. Crespo's immediate combat power is stronger and more helpful to the team.

At this time, the elders of the four and a half dragons no longer dared to make any fools, and simply held the resurrection ceremony.

This ceremony is similar to the previous one, a red light shot out from their eyes at the same time, but they gathered on the bowl of soul in the center of the altar, and immediately saw the red light quickly gather together, and then aimed at the bowl of soul Soak it in.

A large amount of soul liquid evaporated quickly, emitting a large number of crimson light spots, and then gathered above the soul bowl, and a body began to take shape rapidly. Fang Linyan also got a reminder at this time, asking him if he wanted to consume An extra 3% soul liquid, so that the revived teammate can reach the best state immediately.

Fang Linyan decisively chose No: Are you kidding me? Now that Athena and Hyacinthus are both here, it will only take a few minutes to restore Crespo. Why waste an extra 3% of the soul fluid? There are always people who want to harm Yueguan!

Soon, Crespo appeared on the altar. As soon as he appeared, he seemed to be in a nightmare, clutching his throat forcefully, and then struggling desperately, his feet kept stomping on the ground , with cold sweat all over his head, he should have died of suffocation.

Fortunately, Flander had already come over at this time, emitting a piece of green light to quickly soothe his mania. After about ten seconds, Crespo's movements finally calmed down, and his chest began to heave slowly. The whole person began to relax slowly, and then directly let out a slight snoring sound, and fell into a deep sleep.

The one resurrected by the altar was Crespo ten seconds before his death. It seems that he had experienced a lot of torture at that time, and his whole body had fallen into deep exhaustion. In the end, he probably died of suffocation. The sin he suffered should be the greatest. .

At this time, the three portals also continued to send troops. Fortunately, there were many enemies who came this time, but their strength was obvious.

It looks weaker—it should be because the three major lord creatures were spawned last time, and it was deliberately buffered, so the pressure on the three portals is not too great.

Fang Linyan even noticed that the elders of the four and a half dragons were also uncharacteristically directly thrown into the battlefield at this time, attacking with all their strength, which was completely different from the previous appearance of lazily guarding the altar—it can be called full of vitality up!

These four guys are originally immortal. To be specific, the damage caused by all enemies to them will be forcibly reduced to 1 point, and their own recovery effect will exceed 30 points per second, but the negative effects will be food.

However, they are high-level creatures themselves, and they still have the blood of dragon people, and their resistance is amazing, so they can be immune to some negative states, and then some negative states last only half or even a third of the time...

Therefore, if you go all out, the combat power can be said to be quite amazing, especially Santos, the dragon claw sweep + flame breath, all are range attacks, and the dragon claw sweep can also cause fire damage. He is really good at relying on numbers Win the nemesis of the undead!

After Brewer devoured the corpse of the hapless little female dragon, Fang Linyan also turned into a ruthless supervisor, urging it to join the battlefield. Obviously, this guy was quite reluctant, so he directly started to grind foreign workers without even using his skills.

However, high-level races like Goron obviously have a very obvious strategic role. The addition of Brewer directly made the orc morale pouring out of the fang portal quite frustrating. There are even a large number of orc shamans who saw Goron appear , and returned to the portal to express that he did not want to wade into this muddy water.

At this time, a very unexpected thing happened to Fang Linyan. Xia Houlan actually found her on her own initiative, and it seemed that she had something to say.

At this time, Xia Houlan's head was covered with a white cloth, and her left arm was also cut. She seemed to be close to full strength, but her personal ability was limited, and the injury was serious. After Fang Linyan witnessed it, he was also grateful and said:

"Brother Xia puts so much effort into my little brother's affairs, I am really grateful." Xia Houlan said angrily:

"My surname is Xiahou, my name is Lan! Not Xia!"

Because the relationship between the two is advancing by leaps and bounds, and their compatibility is perfect, reaching the level of a life-and-death friendship, so Fang Linyan said directly and sincerely:

"Okay, Brother Xia."

Xia Houlan rolled her eyes, and said:

"It's too long-winded if I don't talk to you. Did Zilong give you a token before, and give it to me for a while."

Fang Linyan was stunned, and then he realized what he was talking about. It should be the golden plot equipment: the tip of the thunder spear.

If it was someone else, Fang Linyan might still hesitate a bit, but the relationship between Xia Houlan and himself is really iron, not to mention that he and Zhao Yun are still fellow countrymen + friends?

Therefore, Fang Linyan also believed that he would not swallow his treasures, so he took out the things boldly and put them in his hands, and taunted him by the way:

"What's the matter? If you can't beat the enemy, do you want Zilong's stuff to strengthen your courage?"

Xia Houlan sneered and turned around and left, but Fang Linyan was dumbfounded in the next second, because a prompt came from his retina:

"Hunter CD8492116, your friend Xia Houlan obtained the tip of the thunder spear, because there is a trace of Zhao Yun's soul inside it, so he successfully achieved the fetter: Changshan Twin Heroes!"

"During the duration of this fetter, Xia Houlan's defensive ability and leadership ability will be greatly increased, triggering her passive skill: military judge."

"When one's own friendly forces show negative behaviors such as passive avoidance, fleeing, cowardice, etc., Xia Houlan will directly launch an execution attack on them, which can kill them with one blow!"

"Next, according to the situation of the friendly army, there is a high probability that negative behaviors will be eradicated, UU Reading morale will increase, attack power will increase, etc. positive effects, and there will be a small probability that morale will completely collapse, and the negative effects of soldiers turning against each other will occur."

"During the duration of the bond, Xia Houlan can also get the special halo of the white horse righteous servant: swift as the wind."

"Allies covered by this aura will gain an additional 25% movement speed bonus, and will continue to

The dodge rate during movement is increased to 33%, and the attack power during continuous movement is increased by 33%. "

As soon as this reminder appeared, Fang Linyan was shocked. He really didn't expect Xia Houlan to have such a hand! How could he still form a CP with Brother Yun?

After Xia Houlan obtained the epic enhancement, the soldiers under his command also immediately obtained the corresponding bonus. Regarding the characteristics of the special aura of the white horse righteous servant he has now obtained, Fang Linyan and Evelina temporarily discussed it. After a while, it was decided to transfer a special force to Xia Houlan's command.