MTL - First Law-Chapter 20 friend

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Sharaf's experience is legendary. He was born in the Frostwolf Wolfe. After serving in the army of the Orc Legion, he established Wolfe's private armed force to provide convenience for merchants.

But the business is not easy, the orcs have no shortage of powerful fighters, after three years of operation, Sharaf had to leave his hometown, originally followed a human businessman to the human race to set up a mercenary group, but in the wasteland Clearly this is simply a slave trader.

He had to run away, and of course he killed the merchant himself and took all the money.

After that, he traveled in the wilderness, took in the wandering Wolfe, robbed the human business group, and transformed Wolff slaves into his own army.

When his tribe reached 500 people, Sharaf's temper stabilized, and he began to look for a stronghold in the wasteland where Wolff could live.

At a glance, he valued Iron Town, which was still the site of a human merchant at that time.

Wolfe's shrewdness was at its peak. He began to let Wolfe operate in a small area outside Steel Town, find some human beings as slave traders, and pretend to arrest these Wolffs. In this way, Sharaf's troops entered easily. Iron Town.

That night, they rebelled against the slaves. When the sun rose the next day, the uniform Wolfe soldiers rushed into the sleeping human merchant's bed, cut the other's throat with a machete, and obtained the status of Iron Town. Control.

Afterwards, he actively recruited Wolfe, and introduced Wolfe who had retired from Wolfe Forest. Finally, he had an armed group of 1,000 people and firmly controlled the steel mills and mines in the steel town.

Afterwards, he actively recruited craftsmen, expanded his business, and became the most dominant lord in the southwest of the wilderness.

Karen was amazed at the first sight of Sharaf, a big man with a scar on his cheek, like a battle-hardened veteran.

Underneath is a pure white snow wolf, reflecting snowflake-like light spots in the sun.

Sharaf held the scimitar at his waist, with a poison ring that fired hidden weapons on his finger, and looked at Karen like a judge.

Very ordinary, like a caveman, the only thing that caught his attention was the four pupils, deep and revealing the unknown, like a necromancer.



The two called out each other's name in unison, and then laughed together, but the smiles were all guarded. Karen was afraid of Bayern's wolf cavalry team behind him, while Sharaf was afraid of Griffin behind Karen.

One Taifen warrior is enough to deal with ten hungry wolves.

"I've prepared good wine." Karen opened the door curtain, revealing a table of things, bananas, pineapple, sweet fruit, and of course the most important thing is the red wine in the middle that looks like a virgin's blood.

"Where's Louis?" Sharaf asked directly.

"He's fine." Karen pointed to the middle of the hut, "I've always been very polite to my friends."

Sharaf frowned slightly. He felt that all the creatures in front of him regarded him as an enemy, but he was not afraid. Few people in the wasteland dared to do anything to him, the "hungry wolf" Saraf.

After jumping off the snow wolf, his face immediately became gloomy when he entered the hut. Louis, who was always handsome, was hanging on the beam like a dead pig at this moment, his handsome face was swollen like a pig.


Sharaf drew out the scimitar directly, "Karen, are you looking for death?"

The scimitar has a breathtaking coldness, and only the steel town can produce such an advanced scimitar, Karen simply smiled, "This is already the result of my blocking, you don't know, this group of piggies I care too much about the territory, and I heard that this group of people trespassed on the territory and wanted to kill them all, so I managed to keep Louis alive, of course, the premise is that I have to suffer some flesh and blood."

"You mean, everyone else is dead?" Sharaf asked gloomily.

Karen still smiled calmly, "I can't help it, I've done my best, you know, Pig always cares about the territory."


Sharaf wanted to chop Karen's head off. Pigs are the most despicable race, how could they care about the territory? This is obviously a lie, but Sharaf suppressed his anger. In the upper left corner of the room, a skeleton The solution was being prepared, and streams of cold air were evaporating from the solution, like some kind of weird toxin.

On the other side, a Lich is playing with flames, especially in the corner, the crippled skeleton seems to be drawing a blueprint for a trap.

He knew that this was Karen's territory, so he had to be careful. Of course, the most important thing was that Louis was fine, and the other followers didn't care as much as he imagined.

The reason why she was angry was because Karen didn't take him seriously.

"Karen, Louis has never set foot in the wilderness. They are very disciplined. If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, my Wolfe Legion will not let it go."

"I know he's very well-behaved, but times have changed and Luis came into Harsha, I think they know they're wrong."

"Hasha Village? Karen, isn't that your territory?" Sharaf called out gloomyly.

"Your Excellency Sharaf, I think you have misunderstood. This is indeed the site of Gold Glitter Town. They surrendered to Glitter Gold Town this morning. Gold Glitter Town has salt mines. We need a mine for swamps in the southwest. Exit." Karen sat down first and poured two glasses of red wine, "Louis told me he didn't know, I thought you were hiding it, Mr. Sharaf, and now it seems that you don't know either?"

"I don't know at all." Sharaf has already understood the cause and effect of the whole incident. Karen quickly occupied Harsha Village in order to snipe at this business group. The sale of steel in Gold Flash Town is all about revenge.

He looked Karen up and down. He never thought that this human being was so fat. Few people in the wasteland dared to challenge him. This is a newcomer in the wasteland, and he has not yet experienced the anger of the "hungry wolf" , he plans to teach this human a lesson.

Looking at the Frostwolf subordinates behind him, he wanted to let the Wolfe Legion flood the town.

"Your Excellency Sharaf, if I were you, I would not rashly offend a necromancer. You know, they often have magical curses." Karen shook the red wine, and something weird happened, and the red wine was shaking It becomes less and less, and finally disappears completely, "Do you know what this is?"

Sharaf was stunned, he felt that the Necromancer was threatening him here.

"Natural disasters, the smallest natural disasters, but enough to easily evaporate a small town." Karen licked the wine glass, pouted and bubbles popped out one by one, bobobobo, turned into bubbles and dissipated, "how Wonderful, it only takes a little bit, I think even ten thousand frost wolves will disappear like this."


"Don't be angry, I said that we are allies. Since you entered here, I have assumed that you are my friend, so I will not rashly use these taboo methods. It is not good for anyone. I don't think you will send a business group to offend My territory, you are a great person, and I have enough respect for you, I hope we can sit down, eat something, chat for a while, after all, we are neighbors." Karen peeled a banana and handed it , "I don't want to make a mess, you know I'm a wanted criminal, there are not many places to accommodate me."

Sharaf stared at the human in front of him. He was thinking about whether the words that came out of Karen's mouth were true. Natural disasters, this word is like a forbidden curse. It is not a joke that one person can easily wipe out an army.

Sharaf, who had served in the Legion, clearly knew the horror of the forbidden curse. As long as a kingdom had a titled Archmage, it would be almost invincible.

He had to weigh it carefully, after all, Wolfe was gathered with great difficulty.

If he loses everything because of someone who is not worth it, then he must get out of the wasteland in desperation.


Sharaf murmured softly. In his impression, this profession is related to the supernatural curse and plague. One person can easily destroy a city-state or half a kingdom.

This is a man who cannot be offended.

He made a decision in his heart, and at the same time, a smile appeared on his face. He took the banana from Karen's hand and pressed it into his mouth. "The food is good, it must be from the Sea Clan."

Karen nodded and said with a smile, "But such good things won't be available soon."


"Steel Town restricts our steel purchases. UU Reading I think someone is secretly playing tricks to destroy our friendship. There is a salt mine in Flash Gold Town, and it also has a direct sea outlet. How could Mr. Sharaf do that? I can’t see it, there are rumors outside that you are helping those Forbes.”

"Nonsense!" Sharaf slapped the table and stood up. "How can those cunning Forbes win my friendship? I'll find out who is doing it right away. Karen, you mean there are salt mines?"

"Of course, in the underground of Gold Shining Town, I have always wanted to chat with His Excellency Sharaf. I plan to exchange half of the salt in Gold Shining Town for steel at half the market price, but I have never had a chance."

"Half? You mean half of the market?" Sharaf understands the meaning of this sentence, which means that he can still earn half of the profit after getting the salt from Karen, and this is only in the wasteland. Orcs that can be resold through business groups will quadruple their profits.

No one is against money, and neither is Sharaf.

"Of course, I think friends should help each other."

Sharaf stood up directly, "Karen, you are truly the most sincere friend. I can assure you now that you can order steel from Steel Town at will. In order to witness our friendship, you will enjoy 90% of the price of your order."

Churchill on the one side admired secretly, this diplomacy is a bit awesome, even at half the price, Gold Shining Town is still a big profit, anyway, the sea is unlimited.

Now not only has Banana's worries been resolved, but it has also won a temporary ally for Gold Shining Town.

He is now worried about Spring Town. With Sharaf's temperament, he probably will immediately stop cooperating with Forbes.

"For friendship!"

"For friendship!"


The two wine glasses collided with each other, making a crisp sound.